Giáo án Tiếng anh 8 Unit 12: LIFE ON OTHER PLANETS mới nhất

Period: 95


Lesson1 :Getting Started

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: Bythe end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:

-pronounce correctly the words ending in -ful and -less in isolation and in context

-use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Life on other planets’

-use may and might correctly

2. Skills: Speaking,listening,reading

3. Attitude:Sswill be active while practising doing exercises

II. Teaching aids.

Textbook ,workbook, a CD & a cassette player

III. Teaching procedures

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm- up

- Ask Ss to describe the picture ( Who, where , what ….. ? )

- Asking some questions

- Set the sense

- Lead to the new lesson

(old Lesson )

* Chatting:

What can you see in the picture?

What do you think ofthe alien?


2. Presentation

- Elicit some new words from the P and situations , realias

- Read many times in chorus

-Checking vocab:Slap the board

- Call some individuals

I. Vocabulary

+ planet (n)

+ crew (n)

+ terrorist (n)

+ alien (n)



Where are Duong and Nhi?

What are they doing?

What might they be talking about?


-Now have Ss listen to the conversation without reading the text to see if their predictions were correct .follow up with the same questions

-Play the recording once or twice .

-share their answers with a partner before discussing as a class

- Call some Ss to give the answer

- Then,( Group-work )

- Ask some groups to present their work before the class

-T provide the keys

-Have Ss work in pair to match the words with the picture .then check their answers Explain that UFO is an acronym , which standsforunidentified flying objects . Afterwards, have Ss repeat the words chorally .

-Correct their pronunciation if necessary .Check their understanding if necessary.

- Have Ss work independently to fill the words /phases in the blanks ,then check with a partner .Elicits Ss’ answers.

II. Practice .

1Listen and read

a .T( )true (T) false (F)

Key:1.F 2.T


b. Read the conversation again and answerthe questions

Key:1. James Kirk is the captain of the spaceship.

2. They went to Nibiru planet

3. It happen in 2259.

4. It’s the name of the spaceship that the crew travels on.

5. He wants to destroy Earth

c. Can you find the sentences in reported speech in the conversation ? Underline them.

Key: 1. That’s funny , Trang also asked me what I thought would happen to Earth in the future

2. I said I didn’tknow but that Earth might be run by aliens !

2. Use the words /phases in the box to label the picture. Then listen and repeat

Key: 1aliens2. Spacebuggy

3. UFO4.weightless5. Galaxy

6. Spaceship7. solar system8.planet

3. Use the words /phases in 2 to fill the blanks

Key:1. Aliens2.UFO3. Spacebuggy4. planet; planet

5, system7. Galaxy8 .Spaceship

4. Production

-Divide the class into 6 groups

-Have Ss play the Game

-members of the groups take turns to present

T Listen and feedback

(SS to play the game.)

5. Homework

- Learn by heart all the new words.

- Prepare for next lesson

* Do homework at home

Period: 96


Lesson2 : A Closer Look 1

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: Bythe end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to get acquainted with the topic life on other planet.

2. Skills: Speaking,listening,reading

3. Attitude:Sswill be active while practising doing exercises

II. Teaching aids.

Textbook ,workbook, a CD & a cassette player

III. Teaching procedures

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm- up

- Have Ss play game “ spider-web of words ”

- Ask ss to write the name of any planets that they know. Which groups write more and faster is winner

- Read 3 times in chorus

- Lead to the new lesson

Ảnh đính kèm

Cue letters: M, V, J, S

Suggested answer: Mercury/ Mars , Venus , Saturn, Jupiter

2. Presentation

- Now have Ss open the books and work independently

- share their answers with a partner .

- Have Ss work in pairs, read the passage and checktheir answers in 1

- Then check Ss answer as a class. Give the meanings of the words if necessary.

- Have Ss work individually to fill in the blanks withoutrereading the passage

- comparetheir answers in pairs.

- give the correct answers .

- Teacher can explainthat to form adjectives , we can add suffixes – “ ful or less”to a noun or a verb

3. Practice:

-Ask Ss to work in pairs to formswords with the ending –ful or –less

- Ask Ss to add some words that are formed in this way if time allows

- Ask Ss to work in pairs to write a sentence about the topic of space for each words

I. Vocabulary

1. Use the names of the planets in the box to label the diagram of the solar system.

2. Now scan the passageand check your answers.

Key:A .Mercury B. VenusC. Mars

D. JupiterE. SaturnF. Neptune

3. Write the names of the planets that match the Roman Gods

Key: 1 Neptune2 Saturn3 Mars4Jupiter5 Venus

4a .Addsuffixes– ful or –lessto the words in the box. Note that some words can use eithersuffix

Suggested answers


resourceful / resource less


b. Now use the topic of space to make a sentence for each new word. Compare your sentences with a partner

( Ss’ answers )

. Pronunciation.

- Guide Ss how to pronounce and distinguish the sounds

- Give examples and explain

- Have Ss practice in chorus

4. Production:

- Ask Ss to do Exto distinguish the sounds

- Have Ss practice

- call some individuals

II. Pronunciation .

Stress in words ending in – ful and less

5, Put the stress in the correct place in the words then listen and check

Audio script :




6.Read the following sentences and mark the stressed syllable on the words in italics .Then listen and repeat

Audio script:1. Her speech on the environment was ‘meaningful

2. My teacher is so ‘helpfulwhen we don’t understand something

3. I was ‘helpless to stop the dog biting me

4. This dictionary is so ‘useful

5. There is ‘plentifulwater for life on earth

5. Homework

-Learn by heart all the new words and how to put stress on the words.

- Do exercises of part A in WB

-Prepare for next lesson

* do at home


Period: 97


Lesson 3: A Closer look 2


1. Knowledge: Bythe end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to get acquainted with the topic life on other planet.

2. Skills: Speaking, writing

3. Attitude:Ssmust have good co-operation in working .

II. Teaching aids.

Textbook ,workbook,

III. Teaching procedures

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm- up

- Have Ss play game NET WORDS

- Get Ss recall somewords related to the topic.

- Listen and repeatmany times these words

Ảnh đính kèm

2. Presentation:

-Ask Ss about the rules of changing statements from direct into reportedspeech that they learnt in the previous unit. Tellthem that in this lesson they are going tolearnaboutreportedquestion .

- Give examples

-Explain other uses ofMAY / MIGHT

- Give the form


- Have Ss work in pairs in do theexercise

- Call someone to present their answers.

- Cross –correct

- Provide the keys

- Ask Ss to write down on their notebooks

II.Grammar: Review

A. May andMight :

1,Use may/might to fill in each of the blank

Key:1.may/might2 may/might3 may/might4.may5 .may/might6 may7 .may/might8. May

B. Reported speech : questions

2.Nick claimed that he had seen a UFO. Read the interview between a reported and Nick ,and finish the following sentences

Key:1 .what2.had seen ;had landed3.what4.had been going

5 .had looked6.had been; had looked like7 had seen8.had hidden

3.Circle the correct word in italics to complete each sentence

Let work individually and check their answers with a classmate . Then check the answers as a class.


4.Read other question by the interview .rewrite them as reported questions


1 The interviewer asked if he went for a walk every day

2.He asked how Nick had left when he had seen the alien

3.He asked what the alien had looked like

4. He asked why Nick hadn’t taken a photo of the alien

5.The interviewer asked how long the UFO had stayed there

6. The interviewer asked if Nick had seen any UFOs since then

4. Further Practice

- Have Ss work in groups of three for 5 to 10 minutes .Go around to see if Ss need help .

- Ask Ss to workin groups of four.

- Call some groups to present their answers

- Cross –correct

- T feed-back

* Further Practice .

5. Work in groups of three . once is Nick and the others are Nick’s friends .Ask and answers questions about what Nick saw . then report the friend’ questions and Nick’ answers to the whole class.

5. Homework

-Learn by heart all the new words.

- Do exercises of part B in WB

-Prepare for next lesson

Period: 98


Lesson 4: Communication


1. Knowledge: Bythe end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to talk about lifes on other planets.

2. Skills: Speaking

3. Attitude:Ssmust have good co-operation in working .

II. Teaching aids.

Textbook ,workbook,

III. Teaching procedures

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Teacher’s& Students’ activities


1.Warm up

- Have Ss play game “ spider-web of words ”

- Read 3 times in chorus

- Set the sense .

- Lead to the new lesson

2. Presentation

- Elicit some new words from pictures and situations

- Read aloud many times in chorus

- Checking vocab: matching game

- Call some individuals

 Ảnh đính kèm


Appropriate (adj): phù hợp

Powerful(adj): đầy sức mạnh

Nasa(National Aeronautics and Space Administration): cơ quan hàng không và vũ trụ Mỹ



-Have Ss play game/ do expage

-Have Ss work in pairs

- Cross -check

- Ask Ss to work in groups of four

- Call some groups to represent their works .

- Give the answers

- Feedback

II. Practice


I’m not sure if I agree with….

I totally agree with

I partly agree with….

-  I disagree with Nhi because the inhabitants there may be able to live in high temperatures. They may have bodies which can resist heat. Or they may have a special machine to cool down the atmosphere of the place where they live.

-I disagree with Due because inhabitants there may be able to extract liquid from underground to survive. Their bodies may be adapted to the environment there. They may not need oxygen but hydrogen or nitrogen to breathe.

-  I disagree with Anh. Any planet can be powerful. Any inhabitant is proud of his/her own planet.

4. Production

- Have Ss work in groups

or individually

- Have Ss play GAMES

- Call some Ss/ groups to represent beforethe class

- Feedback

( Ss’ own answers )

5. Homework

-Learn by heart all the new words.

- Do exercises of part C in WB

-Prepare for next lesson ( find the

meaning of the new words in the

next lesson )

Period :99


Lesson 5: SKILLS 1

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: Bythe end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:

- Read for general and specific information about life on other planets.

- Talk about life on other planets

2. Skills: Reading,speaking

3. Attitude:Ssmust have good co-operation in working

II. Teaching aids.

Textbook ,workbook,

III. Teaching procedures

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm- up : Chatting

- Have Ss about life on other planets they’ve known.

- Set the sense (1a)

- Lead to the new lesson

A. Earth (Trái đất)

B. Mars (sao Hỏa)

-Totally different.

2. Pre- reading:

- Elicit some new words ( pictures , realias , situations ….)

- Have Ss read many times in chorus

- Call some individuals

* Checking vocab: Slap the board and remember

1. Vocabulary







3. While- reading:

- Guide Ssthe way how to do Ex

- Give examples

- Ask Ss to practicein pairs and groups

- Call some Ss to the black-board

- Cross –check

- Provide the correct answers

2. Reading .


1. poisonous


3. experiences

4. traces

5. surface

6. climate

7. accommodation

-Review briefly the other usages the structures or grammar

-Give examples

-Give the form

Ex 3:

1.C2. B3. A


1. It’s also called the Red Planet.

2. The lowest temperature is – 87 degree Celcius and the highest maybe a bit higher than zero.

3. Because 95% of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide.

4. A day onMars is a bitn longer.

5. It’s twice as long as a year on earth.

- Have Sspair- work & group-work

-cross- check

- Provide the keys

- Feedback

3. Speaking :


S1:What kind of food do you eat?

S2: Well, we eat things like rice, bread,cooked meat . And you?


4 . Post- reading:

- Divide the class into 4 groups

- Have Ss play games

- T observe

- Feedback

5. Homework

- Learn by heart all the new words.

- Do exercises of part D in WB

-Prepare for next lesson ( find the

meaning of the new words in the

next lesson )



Lesson 6 :SKILLS 2


1. Knowledge: Bythe end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:

- Listen for specific information aboutlife on other planets.

- Describe an alien.

2. Skills: Reading,speaking

3. Attitude:Ssmust have good co-operation in working .

II. Teaching aids.

Textbook ,workbook, a CD & a cassette player

III. Teaching procedures

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities


1.Warm- up

- Have Ss play game “ spider-web of words ”

- Read 3 times in chorus

- Set the sense( ex 1)

1.They show the aliens in other planets. I don’t think they really exist.
2.No, I don’t.

3.I will hide.

- Lead to the new lesson

I. Vocabulary.

 Ảnh đính kèm


-review briefly the other usages of …………….

-Give examples

-Explain and give the form

1. Listening



2.Much bigger

3.More powerful

4.Lotsof hair

5.Thick skin

6.Four eyes




10. Rock


- Guide Ssthe way how to do Exercises

- Give examples

- Ask Ss to practice

- Cross –check

- Call some Ss to the black-board

- Provide the correct answers

- Ask Ss to write down the answers on their notebooks


1.2. NG3. T4. F5. F6.F


He might have 2 eves.

He may beeat rock.

His skin may be green and thick.

His hair may be a lot.

He may wear spacesuit.

He may be similar to us in that he can feel happy and fearful.

He may be different from humans in that he can’t speak.

4 . Post- listening:

- Divide the class into 4 groups

- Have Ss practiceingroup

- Present their works

- T observe

- Feedback

5. Homework

-Learn by heart all the new words.

- Do exercises of part E in WB

-Prepare for next lesson ( find the

meaning of the new words in the

next lesson )



Lesson 7 : Looking back & Project

I. Objectives:

1. Knowledge: Bythe end of the lesson ,students will be ablbe to:

-Look back what they have learnt in Unit 12 through the exercises in the book

2. Skills: -Revise unit 12 with vocabulary , grammar

-Recycle the language from the previous

-Consolidate and apply what they have learnt in Unit 12

3. Attitude:Ssmust have good co-operation in working .

II. Teaching aids.

Textbook ,workbook,

III. Teaching procedures

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities


I. Warm up:

- Have Ss play game “ Matching” to recall some new words

- Read 3 times in chorus

- Checking remembering by games

- Guide how to play

- Observe

- Feedback


-Review briefly the other usages ofthe grammar

-Give examples

- re-explain the uses and the form

I. Vocabulary



2. space buggy

3. weightless

4. solar system

5. planet

6. spaceship

7.flying sauce

8. galaxy








3. Practice

- Have Ss do Ex( pair work &


-cross- check

- call some individuals

-Provide the keys

-Have Ss play some Games

-Call some ones to present


II. Grammar:


1.if2. had been3. who4. Had been5. how6. ate7. what


1.He asked me how I would react if I saw an alien.

2.The teacher asked me which planet was most suitable for human life.

3.My friend asked me when humans had first landed on the moon.

4.She asked me what the difference between a planet and a star was.

5.They asked if there ws water on Mars


1.The teacher asked the students what the essential conditionsfor human life were.

2.Samuel asked the scientist if human had been able to communicate with people on other planets

3.Nick asked the journalist if the Roswell UFO incident had taken place in the U.S in June 1947.

4.Vanessa asked her uncle Who the witness in the Roswell UFO incident had been.

5. The son asked his father when human would be able to travel from one planet to another more easily.

6. Diane asked her mother why people couldn’tmove to Mars immediately.

IV . Production.

- Divide the class into 6 groups

- Have Sswork in groups to…….

- Call some groups to present their products

- T observe

- Feedback

IV: Project.

V. Homework

- Learn by heart all the new words.

-Prepare for next lesson

Do at home