Giáo án Công nghệ 7 UNIT 5: FESTIVALS IN VIET NAM mới nhất



Lesson 1: Getting started

I- Objectives:

- By the end of this lesson, Sts will be presented the vocabulary related to the topic ‘Festivals in Viet Nam’ and reviewed some conjunctions.

- Vocabulary: royal court music, human chess, boat races, wrestling, family reunion….

- Skills: 4 skills.

II- Teaching aids:

- Sts’ books, text books, a projector + cabins.

III- Teaching Procedure:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson.

T’s and Sts’activities


1. Warm up:

* Activity 1:

- Sts work in two groups of five.

- Group A writes what Vietnamese people should do and group B writes what Vietnamese people shouldn’t do during the Tet Festival. The game stops when time is up. The group with higher marks wins.

- Lead in new lesson.

2. Presentation:

* Activity 2: Introduce the dialogue:

- Look at the picture on page 48

- Introduce Duong and Peter.

- Ask Sts to pridict the questions.

- Play the recording

- Ask Sts to listen and read.

- Ask Sts to check their guesses.

* Activity 3:

- Stsread the dialogue and underline thewords they don’t know.

- Sts discuss any unfamiliar words from the text or match.

- T may explain some words Sts don’t know.

3. Practice:

* Activity 4:

- Play the recording and Sts work independently.

- Play the recording once or twice more to help Sts with comprehension (may pause the recording if necessary), then share the answers before dicussing as a class.

* Activity 5:

- Sts answer the questions without looking at the conversation, then open the book and check their answers.

* Activity 6:

- Have Sts look at the dialogue again and underline the phrases.

- Have Sts use the context to try to explain.

* Activity 7:

- Sts work in pairs to role-play, practising the phrases in C.

- Call on some pairs to perform to the class.

* Activity 8:

- Have Sts work in pairs, matching the words with the pictures, then check their answers.

- Sts repeat the words chorally –> T corrects their pronunciation.

- Ask for translation to check their understanding.

* Activity 9:

- Sts work individually and share answers with a partner.

- Check Sts’ answers.

4. Production:

* Activity 10:

- Sts work in pairs, matching the descriptions of festivals with their names.

- Check Sts’ answers.

5. Homework:

- Read the dialogue again

- Learn new words

- Prepare for unit 5 - Lesson 2 (A closer look 1)

 Ảnh đính kèm

- Today we are going to learn about some festivals in Viet Nam.

* Introduce the dialogue:

- Where are Duong and Peter?

- What are they doing?

- What might they be talking about?

I. New words:

- royal court music (n): nhã nhạc cung đình

- human chess (n):cờ người

- boat races (n):đua thuyền

- wrestling (n):đấu vật

- family reunion (n):đoàn tụ gia đình

II. Practice:

1. Listen and read: (1-P.49)

a. Tick T/F:

* Key:

1. T4. F

2. T5. T

3. F

b. Answer the questions:

* Key:

1. In April. They can see a grand opening ceremony, ao dai fashion show, Dem Phuong Dong or oriental night show, royal court music performances… and sporting activities.

2. Duong’s family prepares a five-fruit tray and make jam and chung cakes.

3. Because there are so many interesting things to see and enjoy, it would take too long to describe them.

4. In Bac Ninh, on 12th of the first lunar month.

5. Because it’s near Ha Noi, it takes place right after Tet holiday and is full of tradition events.

c. Find the following in the conversation. Explain their meaning:

* Key:

1. Used as suggestion or to give advice.

2. (It/That) sounds + adj: used to give your first impression of what you hear.

3. To stress that it is worth spending time or money doing some thing.

4. To show surprise and to check that something is really OK to do.

d. Make short conversations:

Ảnh đính kèm 

2. Label the pictures: (2-P.49)

* Key:

a. ceremonyd. procession

b. anniversarye. carnival

c. reunionf. performance

3. Match the words with the pictures: (3-P.49):

* Key:

1. d4. b

2. a5. e

3. c

4.Match the festivals with their description:


* Key:

1. c4. d

2. b5. a

3. e



Lesson 2: A closer look 1

I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ stress correctly multi-syllble words with –ion and –ian endings.

+ use the lexical items related to the topic ‘Festival in Viet Nam’.

- Vocab: festival words ……….

- Skills: 4 skills.

II- Teaching aids:

- Sts’ books, text books, a projector + cabins.

III- Teaching Procedure:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson.

T’s and Sts’activities


1. Warm up:

* Activity 1: Call out:

- Have Sts play a game and work in two groups of four.

- Ask group A to call out some nouns related to festivals and group B to call out some verbs.

- Remark and lead in new lesson.

2. Presentation:

* Activity 2: Teach vocab:

- Stsread the exercise and underline thewords they don’t know.

- Sts discuss any unfamiliar words.

- T may explain some wordsSts don’t know.

- Sts match and share their answers with a partner (may ask for translation to check their understanding.)

3. Practice:

* Activity 3:

- Sts work in pairs to match verbs with nouns, then swap their answers with another pair to check.

- Check Sts’ answers.

* Activity 4:

- Sts read the rules in the ‘Remember!’ box and give examples.

* Activity 5:

- Sts look at the word list and sum up.

* Activity 6:

- Play the recording and ask Sts to listen and repeat the words, paying attention to the stress on the syllable immidiately before the ending –ion or– ian.

* Activity 7:

- Play the recording and ask Sts to listen and stress the words.

-Sts compare the answers in pairs.

- T checks.

4. Production:

* Activity 8:

- Sts work individually to mark the stress patterns.

- Sts read out the sentences and some Sts practise in front of the class.

- Correct Sts’ pronunciation.

- Sts listen and repeat the sentences while listening to the recording.

5. Homework:

- Learn new words, do exercises in workbook (A– P.36)

- Prepare for unit 5- Lesson 3 (A closer look 2)

* Call out:

- Nouns: show, royal court music, human chess...

- Verbs: worship, make jam, commemorate…..



1. Match the words to their meanings: (1-P.50)

1. c4. b

2. e5. d

3. a

2. Complete the sentences: (2-P.50)

* Key:

1. commemorate4. ritual

2. worship5. performance

3. preserve

3. Match the nouns with each verb: (3-P.50)

* Key:

1. WATCH….a ceremony, a show

2. HAVE….(all can fit)

3. WORSHIP….a god, a herro

4. PERFORM….a ritual, a ceremony, a show


* Stress of words ending in –ion and – ian:

- With the words ending in the suffix –ion or

–ian, stress the syllable immidiately before the suffix.

4. (4-P.40)

a. Find out the features of the words:

* Key:

- They are all words with more than two syllables.

- They end with the suffix –ion or –ian.

b. Listen and repeat the words:

* Key:










5. Listen and stress the words below: (5-P.50)

* Key:

1. pro'cession5. poli'tician

2. com'panion6. mu'sician

3. pro'duction7. his'torian

4. compe'tition8. lib'rarian

6. Read and mark (') the stressed syllable:(6-P.50)

* Key:

1. com'panions4. his'torians

2. partici'pation5. tra'dition

3. at'tention



Lesson 3: A closer look 2

I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ write compound sentences using conjunctions: and, but, or, yet, so and conjunctive adverbs: however, nevertheless, moreover, therefore, otherwise.

+ use subordinators: because, if, when, while, although, even though to write complex sentences.

- Vocab: Festival words ……….

- Grammar: compound and complex sentences

- Skills: 4 skills.

II- Teaching aids:

- Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector.

III- Teaching Procedure:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson.

B. Fifteen- minute test

I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differrently from the others.

1. A. school

B. church

C. children

D. watch

2. A. habit

B. hour

C. honest

D. honor

3. A. washed

B. handed

C. laughed

D. helped

4. A. lunar

B. mark

C. arrange

D. sugar

5. A. proud

B. should

C. sound

D. count

II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

6. You should avoid ............ too much TV. It’s not good for your eyes.

A. seeingB. lookingC. watchingD. viewing

7. Would you please____________ write on the test books?

A. don'tB. not toC. notD. to not

8. The old man asked her to move because he__________ in that chair.

A. used to sitB. was used to sitC. used to sittingD. was used to sitting

9. Your mother and I are looking forward_______ you.

A. of seeingB. for seeingC. to seeD. to seeing

10. Viet plays the guitar .............. than Tuan does.

A. more goodlyB. more wellC. betterD. gooder

11. Some large cities have to find measures to protect them from air .......

A. rubbishB. garbageC. wastesD. pollution

12. The countryside is ............ than the city.

A. peacefulB. most peacefulC. more peacefulD. peacefuler

13. Getting ........... early each morning is hard, especially in winter.

A. inB. upC. onD. with

14. We ............. to Hanoi with our family by car last week.

A. goB. will goC. wentD. gone

15. ............ does the Hung Kings Temple Festival take place?

A. WhereB. WhichC. How oftenD. Both A and C

16. He ............. cross the street when the lights is green for pedestrians.

A. shouldB. shouldn’tC. oughtD. oughtn’t

17. You shouldn’t be late ............ school.

A. onB. inC. atD. for

18. Vietnamese people often ............. children lucky money at Tet.

A. takeB. giveC. bringD. have

19. ........ can I buy some milk? - At the supermarket.

A. WhichB. WhoC. WhereD. How

20. Would you pass me ........... salt, please?

A. a. B. anC. theD. x

Key and marks

0,5 điểm cho mỗi câu đúng

I. Pick out the word whose underlined part is pronounced differrently from the others.

1. A2. A3.BD. B5. B

II. Choose the best answer to complete the sentences.

6. C7. B8. D9. D10. C

11. D12. C13. B14. C15.D

16. A17. D18. B19. C20. C

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:

* Activity 1: Network:

- Remind Sts of conjunctions

2. Presentation:

* Activity 2:

- Help Sts review simple sentences and compound sentences and give the differences between them.

- Ask Sts to give some examples.

3. Practice:

* Activity 3:

- Ask Sts to work in pairs

- Let them answer before checking with the whole class.

* Activity 4:

- Sts work individuallyand check with another student.

- T gives correction as a class.

* Activity 5:

- Sts look at the rules in the ‘Look out!’ box.

- T tells them the use of punctuation in formal language when we rite a compound sentence using conjunctive adverbs.

* Activity 6:

- Sts read The grammar box carefully.

- Go through the grammar point with the class to make sure everybody understands.

- Explain the meaning of subordinators.

* Activity 7:

- Sts work individually to match the clause

- Sts compare their answers with a partner.

- T corrects as a class.

* Activity 8:

- Sts work individually to add the subordinators.

- Sts discuss the reasons for using each subordinator.

4. Production:

* Activity 9:

- Sts work in pairs to complete the sentences.

- Sts swap their sentences with other pairs.

- Sts read out their answers.

- T checks them with the whole class.

5. Homework:

Learn grammar, do exercises in workbook


- Prepare for unit 5- Lesson 4 (Communication)

Ảnh đính kèm

I. Grammar:

* Review simple sentences and compound sentences:

- A simple sentence is one independent clause. Notice that a sentence that has two verbs as in the sentence or two nouns as in is still a simple sentence because it has only one clause.


I enjoy playing tennis and look forward to it every weekend.

My mother and I go shopping every Sunday.

- A compound sentence is two or more independent clauses joined together. Each clause is of equal importance and could stand alone. They can be joined with conjunctions or conjunctive adverbs.


I like spring, but I don’t like spring rain.

II. Practice:

1. Write S for simple sentences and C for compound sentences: (1-P.51)

* Key:

1. S4. S

2. C5. S

3. C

2. Connect each pair of sentences with an appropriate conjunction: (2-P.51)

* Key:

1. so4. or

2. and5. yet

3. but

3. Connect each pair of sentences with an appropriate conjunction adverb: (3-P.51)

* Key:

1. however/nevertheless 4. othewise

2. therefore5. however/nevertheless

3. moreover

* The grammar box:

Complex sentences:

1. A complex sentence includes one independent clause, and one (or more) dependent clause. The dependent clause can go before or after the independent clause.

2. A dependent clause begins with a subordinator such as when, while, because, although/even though, or if.

Eg: While the elephants are racing, people cheer to encourage them.

4. Match the dependent clauses with the independent ones to make complex sentences:


* Key:

1. b4. f

2. d5. a

3. e6. c

5. Fill each blank with one suitable subordinator:(5-P.52)

* Key:

1. Because4. while

2. If5. when

3. when6. Although/Even though

6. Complete the sentences below: (6-P.52)

* Suggested answers:

1. ……….., I have never been there.

2. ……….., we shouldn’t miss it.

3. ………..., you should visit Giong Temple.

4. ……….., they take a lot of photos.

5. ……….., they can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the area.



Lesson 4: Communication

I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ use the lexical items related to ‘festivals in Viet Nam.’

+ know more about a Khmer festival.

- Vocab: bamboo archway, green rice flakes, coconut, clasped hands, floating lanterns.

- Skills: 4 skills.

II- Teaching aids:

- Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector.

III- Teaching Procedure:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson.

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:

* Activity 1: Chatting

- Sts tell some festivals in Viet Nam.

- Lead in the new lesson.

2. Presentation:

* Activity 2:

- Go through the Extra voca.

+ using pictures or realia

3. Practice:

* Activity 3:

- Sts look at the pictures and answer the questions.

- Play the recording and let Sts check their guesses.

* Activity 4:

- Sts work in pairs, making full questions based on the given question words and giving as many answers as possible.

1. Where is the festival held?

2. When is the festival held?

3. Who do the people worship at the festival?

4-6. What activities do people do at the festival?

- Play the recordingagain for Sts to answer.

- Check the answers with the whole class.

4. Production:

* Activity 5:

- Sts decide which festival to talk about and assign roles. (Sts could also invent a festival)

- Sts work in groups to role-play in front of the whole class.

* Activity 6:

- Sts work in groups to answer the questions:

1. What kind of singing are the people in the pictures performing?

2. When do they perform these songs?

3. Can you sing any of these?

5. Homework:

* Activity 7:

- Sts work in groups.

- Sts read instructions in the book.

- Sts do some research outside of the class

- Sts plan their presentation:

+ present the information

+ perform the song

* Chatting:

- Tell some festivals in Viet Nam.

- In this lesson we are going to listen to an interview with a Khmer about a Khmer Festival.

What questions might the interview ask?

I. Extra vocab:

- bamboo archway (n): cổng vòm

- green rice flakes (n): cốm

- coconut (n):dừa

- clasped hands (n):chắp tay

- floating lanterns (n):đèn lồng nổi

II. Practice:

1. Look at the pictures and discuss the questions, then write the right words under the pictures:


* Key:

a-1. bamboo archway5. pia cake

2. green rice flakes6. clasped hands

3. potatoes7. lanterns

4. coconuts8. dragon boat race

b- Ooc bom boc festival.

2. Listen and answer the questions: (3-P.53)

* Key:

1. Soc Trang

2. 14th, 15thevening of the 10th lunar month

3. Moon God

4. have a worshipping ceremony

5. float paper lanterns

6. hold dragon boat races

3. Role-play in groups to do an interview about a local festival: (4-P.53)

 Ảnh đính kèm


“Talent show”

1. Chau van singing, xoan singing, quan ho singing and don ca tai tu singing.

2. - Chau van is often performed in competitions or riligious ceremonies in the north of Viet Nam.

- Xoan is often performed in the Hung King Temple Festival or in other festivals in Phu Tho Province.

- Quan ho is often performed in the Lim festival, Bac Ninh Province and local festivals.

- Don ca tai tu is often performed in the south of Viet Nam, normally in weddings, birthday anniversaries.

- Sts talk about the song and perform it.

Sts have to:

+ choose a song that is often performed in a festival.

+ search for information about the song.

+ present the information to the whole class.

+ peform the song.

+ vote for the best performance.



Lesson 5: Skill 1

I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ read for specific information about festivals.

+ talk about festivals.

- Vocab: festival words……….

- Skill: speaking and reading.

II- Teaching aids:

- Sts’ books, text books, workbook

III- Teaching Procedure:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson.

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:

* Activity 1: Chatting

- Ask sts to kool at some pictures about festivals in Viet Nam and answer the questions.

- Lead in the lesson.

2. Pre-reading:

* Activity 2:Present the passage:

- Ask Sts to predict what they are going to read. (read about festivals)

- Stsread the text and underline thewords they don’t know.

- Sts discuss any unfamiliar words from the text.

- T may explain some words Sts don’t know.

- Sts skim the passage and check their answers in 1.

3. While- reading:

* Activity 3:

- Sts scan the passages to find the words.

- Sts underline or circle the words they find.

- T helps Sts work out the meanings of these words from the context.

- Check with the whole class.

- Elicit the answers from Sts.

* Activity 4:

- Sts read the passage again and do the task.

- Sts note where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions.

- Sts compare their answers with a partner.

- T checks the answers.

4. Post- reading:

* Activity 5:

- Sts work in pairs, choosing one of the two places Huong Pagoda or Hung King Temple to go to.

- Ask Sts to give areason for their choice.

- Ask Sts to think about what to take with them.

- Sts may add any other items they think necessary and give reasons.

* Activity 6:

- Sts report their decisions to the class and decide which location is more popular (remember to give reasons for their choice)

5. Homework:

- Learn new words, do exercises in workbook (C1,2 - P.40)

- Prepare for unit 5- Lesson 6 (Skill 2)

* Chatting:

- What are the people doing in each picture?

- Who do people worship at the Hung King Temple Festival?

- Who do people worship at the Huong Pagoda Festival?


1. Answer the questions: (1,2-P.54)

- People worship Hung King (who are the founders and also the first emperors of the nation) at the Hung King Temple Festival?

- People worship Buddha at the Huong Pagoda Festival?


2. Find words in the passage that have similar meaning to these words or phrases: (3-P.54)

* Key:

1. emperors4. from overseas

2. features5. hiking

3. joyful6. scenery

3. Read and answer the questions: (4-P.54)

* Key:

1. The Hung King Temple Festival takes place from the 8th to 11th day of the third lunar month.

2. Incense, specialites such as chung cakes, day cakes and five-fruit trays.

3. Because there are many joyful activities including bamboo swings, lion dances, wrestling and xoan singing performances.

4. People join a procession and make offerings of incense, flowers, fruit and candles.

5. Sts’ own answers.


4. Discuss the questions: (5-P.54)

a. Your teacher is organising a trip. You have to choose Huong Pagoda or Hung King Temple:

1. Which place do you prefer to go to? Explain your choice?

* Eg:

I prefer to go to Huong Pagoda because I really want to travel a long Yen Stream by boat. How about you?

2. What things should you take with you? Why?

* Eg:

I think we should take a bottle of water because we’ll need it when we’re climbing the mountain.

b. Report your decisions to the class:


Lesson 6: Skill 2

I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ listen to get specific information about a festival.

+ write about a festival they like or have been to.

- Vocab: festival words……….

- Skills: listening and writing.

II- Teaching aids:

- Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector.

III- Teaching Procedure:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson.

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:

* Activity 1: network:

- Sts tell some heroes in VN.

- Lead in the Listening task (We are going to listen to a passage about a Vietnamese hero)

2. Pre- listening:

* Activity 2:

- Sts work in pairs, describing the picture and then answer the questions.

3. While- listening:

* Activity 3:

- Sts read the questions carefully and try to predict the answers based on what they know (remind them to pay attention to key words in the options)

- Play the recording once and Sts circle the right answers

- T checks their answers with the whole class.

* Activity 4:

- Sts underline key words in the questions.

- T plays the recording and Sts write the answers.

- Play the recording again and Sts check the answers.

- Some Sts read out their answers to the class

4. Post- listening:

* Activity 5:

- Sts work in groups to brainstorm ideas and write their notes.

- T moves around and helps Sts.

* Activity 6:

- Have Sts refer back to the reading passages in Skill 1 for useful language and ideas.

- Sts work individually to write a first draft

* Activity 7:

- Display some articles on the board.

- Other Sts and T give comments.


- Do exercises in workbook (E1->2 - P.43)

- Prepare for unit 5-Lesson 7 (Looking back-Project)

* Network:

 Ảnh đính kèm


1. Answer the questions: (1-P.55)

- He is a mythical hero.

- He defended the country from foreign invaders.

                   Ảnh đính kèm

2. Listen and circle the correct answers: (2-P.55)

* Key:

1. B

2. A

3. C

3. Listen again and write answers to the questions: (3-P.55)

1. He is a mythical hero, who grew from a three-year-old child into a giant overnight.

2. The preparations begin one month before the festival.

3. A religious ceremony.

4. There is a cheo performance.

5. This festival shows the love for our motherland and the preservation of our cultural heritage.


4. Discuss the festival in Viet Nam that you like best: (4-P.55)

 Ảnh đính kèm

5. Write an article about this festival: (5-P.55)

- Correct the mistakes.




Lesson 7: Looking back and Project

I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Sts will be able to:

+ revise all the target knowledge in unit 5.

+ do a project “Talen show”.

- Vocab: festivals……….

- Skills: 4 skills.

II- Teaching aids:

- Sts’ books, text books, cabins and projector.

III- Teaching Procedure:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson:

Sts’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:

* Activity 1:

- Sts write the right words.

2. Presentation:

* Activity 2:

- Sts review simple and compound sentences

- Sts talk about complex sentences and give the similarities and the diffrences between compounds and complex sentences

- Sts give some examples.

3. Practice:

* Activity 3:

- Sts work individually, then compare their answers with a partner

- T checks the answers.

- Sts write the answers on the board.

* Activity 4: For 3 and 4

- Sts work individually first.

- Check their answers with a partner.

- Discuss the answersas a class.

- T and other Sts give feedback.

* Activity 5:

- Sts work individually or in groups to sort the words and phrases for the two festivals.

- Check their answers as a class.


* Activity 6:

- Sts work in pairs to interview each other about the three activities that they like best and give reasons (give as many reasons as possible)

* Activity 7:

- Sts give their presentation and performance before the class.

- The whole class can vote for the best.

* Activity 8:

- Sts complete the self-assessment

5. Homework:

Learn vocab & grammar – Unit 5

- Prepare for the test

* Jumbled words:

1. icnesen = incense

2. ofernfigs = offerings

3. pary = pray

4. lnerants = lantern

5. csrwod = crowds

6. cehergin = cheering

1. Grammar:

* Review simple and compound sentences:

* Complex sentences:

1. A complex sentence includes one independent clause, and one (or more) dependent clause. The dependent clause can go before or after the independent clause.

2. A dependent clause begins with a subordinator such as when, while, because, although/even though, or if.

2. Practice:

1. Complete the sentences with the words from the box: (2-P.56)

* Key:

1. ethnic5. ancient

2. commemorate6. procession

3. respect7. perform

4. ritual8. performances

2. Write sentences with the following expressions: (3-P.56)

* Key:

1. If4. While

2. Even though5. When

3. Because

3. Complete the following wordwebs: (4-P.56)

* Suggested answers:

1. When the Lim festival begins, people come to see the quan ho singing performance.

2. Because we have many festivals in January, we call it the month of fun and joy.

3. If you go to the Hue festival, you can enjoy an ao dai fashion show.

4. Even though/Although sticky rice is very tasty, it’s hard to eat it every day.

5. While/When we are boiling chung cakes, we often listen to uor grandparents’ stories.

4. Complete the sentences: (5-P.56)

New Year Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival

family reunion


visiting relatives

lion dance

firework displays

floating lanterns


welcome-the-moon party

the first-footer

Hang Nga and Cuoi stories

5. Find out which festival your partner prefer:


* Ex:

A: I like the firework displays best because they

look beautiful.

B: I enjoy being the first-footer on New Year’s

Day because I can get lucky money.


* Project:

“Talen show”

- Sts talk about the song and perform it.

* Finished!

- Discuss what difficulties remain and what areas have mastered.
