Giáo án Tiếng anh 8 END -TERM TEST mới nhất

Period 53 END -TERM TEST

I. Objectives:

- To test students’ kowledge about language materials and stuctures they have learnt from Unit 1 to Unit 6

- To evaluate students’ reading and writing skills.

- vocabulary from Unit 1 to Unit 6

- structuressimple present tense,present progressive and present perfect tense

enough… to,prepositions, forms of verbs

past simple, “used to”

Comparative adjectives

Commands and advice in reported speech

- Skills: listening, speaking,reading and writing

II.Teaching aids:

Test papers, CD and cassette

III. Teaching procedures:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson.

Test questions:


I. Objectives:

-To correct students’ tests.

-Help students (Ss) to know their mistakes and correct at the same time, they can remember the vocabularies and grammar they’ve learnt.

Student know exactly their weak point and strong point of the knowledge.

- Students know their result.

- vocabulary from Unit 1 to Unit 6

- structuressimple present tense,present progressive and present perfect tense

enough… to,prepositions, forms of verbs

past simple , “used to”

Comparative adjectives

Commands and advice in reported speech

-Skills: listening, speaking,reading and writing

II.Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, key for the test, SS’ Test papers, CD and cassette

III. Teaching procedures:

A.Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B.New lesson.

Teacher’s /Students’ activities


1. Warm up:

T: How did you do the test for the first term?

Do you think you did it well?

Which question did you do best?

Which question was difficult for you?

Sts: answer.

2. Presentation

Repay the test papers to ss

Present the popular errors

3. Practice

- Help ss correct mistakes and explain

4. Consolidation

Focus on the main points of the lesson

5. Homework.

Guide ss to study at home


-Prepare for lesson 1 of Unit 7 in textbook.