Giáo án Tiếng anh 8 END –TERM TEST mới nhất

Period 104 END –TERM TEST

I. Objectives:

- To test students’ kowledge about language materials and stuctures they have learnt from Unit 7 to Unit 12

- To evaluate students’ reading and writing skills.

- vocabulary from Unit 7 to Unit 12

- structures

Passive forms. Would /Do you mind …………?

Tenses:present perfect,present simple ,past progressive

adjectives followed by to infinitive, Present and past participles.

forms of the verb, past progressive with when or while.

reported speech,Comparative adjectives

Commands and advice in reported speech

-Skills:listening, reading and writing

II.Teaching aids:

Test papers,CD and cassette player

III. Teaching procedures:

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Test questions:

Đề của Phòng GD&ĐT Lập Thạch

C- Consolidation

Collect the ss’ test papers

D -Homework

-Review all stuctures you’ve learnt.



I. Objectives:

-To correct students’ tests.

-Help students (Ss) to know their mistakes and correct at the same time, they can remember the vocabularies and grammar they’ve learnt.

Student know exactly their weak point and strong point of the knowledge.

- Students know their result.

- vocabulary from Unit 7 to Unit 12

- structures :Passive forms. Would /Do you mind …………?

Tenses:present perfect,present simple ,past progressive

adjectives followed by to infinitive, Present and past participles.

forms of the verb, past progressive with when or while.

reported speech,Comparative adjectives

- Skills : listening , reading and writing

II.Teaching aids:

Lesson plan, key for the test,sts’ test papers, CD and cassette player

III. Teaching procedure:

A. Class organization:


-Checking attendance: 8A1:......./.......8A2:......./.......8A3:......./.......

B. New lesson:

Teacher’s and Students’ activities


1. Warm up:

Ask sts some questions about their test

Sts: answer.

2. Presentation

Repay the test papers to ss

Present the popular errors

3. Practice

- Help ss correct mistakes and explain

4. Consolidation

Focus on the main points of the lesson

5. Homework.

Guide ss to study at home


How did you do the test for the second term?

Do you think you did it well?

Which question did you do best?

Which question was difficult for you?

* the popular errors

-Listening skills

-Tenses:present perfect, past progressive, Present and past participles.

Writing: reported speech and passivevoice.

Correct the test

Key:0.4pt per a correct anwer

1Gill2Australia3. 234.SE235. 2073346

6A7 C8 B9 C10C

11C12 A13 A14 B15 A 16A17 D18 A19 A20D

21B 22 D23 C24 B25 C 26C27 D28 B29A30D

31B32D33 D34 B35 A

36.New devices have been invented to help people live longer life by scientists.

37.Because of his sickness/being sick, Peter didn’t go to school yesterday .

38.In spite of his broken leg/ having a broken leg, the man tried to save his wife .

39.If I knew the anwer , I would/could tell you.

40.Johnny told his mother (that) he didn’t know how to do that exercise .

Passive forms.

Would /Do you mind …………?

Tenses:present perfect,present simple ,past progressive

adjectives followed by to infinitive

Present and past participles.

forms of the verb, past progressive with when or while.

reported speech,Comparative adjectives

Revise all the words and structures from Unit 1 to Unit 12