Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 9: Festivals around the world mới nhất

Week :

Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 69


Lesson 1: Getting started – The Festival Project

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss can use the lexical items related to the topic “ Festivals around the world” and read for specific information about an unusual festival.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector, cassette players, disc…

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up.

- Play games: Solve the crossword below.

- Review the previous unit before Ss open their books by asking them to solve a crossword puzzle.

2. Activities.

T uses some techniques to present some new words.

Checking the understanding by making sentences with the new words.

1-a: Ss work independently. Allow them to share answers before discussing as a class. T then checks their answers, and gives explanation if necessary.

b- Ss read the conversation again to do this exercise. Ask for Ss’ answers as well as the explanation for their choices.

2. Tell Ss that in the box are some festivals. Ss do this activity in pairs.

T plays the recording for Ss to listen, check and repeat their answers. Make sure that Ss pronounce correctly the name of the festivals.

3. Explain to Ss that festivals are held for different reasons.

Ask Ss if they know the meaning of these words.

Seasonal (aj) relate to or happening a during a period in the year.

Religious (aj) connected with religion or with a particular religion.

Superstitious (aj) based on the belief that particular events happen in a way that cannot be explained by reason or science.

4. Ss work with classmate and compare their answers. T reminds them to follow the model conversation in the box.

5. Organize a competition game for this activity.

3. Homework

-Learn new words and phrases

Prepare A closer look 1.

T shows keys on the projector.

New words

fascinating (aj)hấp dẫn

amazing(aj) đáng ngạc nhiên

religious(aj) thuộc tôn giáo

firework (n) pháo hoa

make a camp (v) cắm trại

1. Getting started

a. Answer the following questions.

1. No, she didn’t because she said “ Oh really?” to show her surprise.

2. People light candles and display/ let off fireworks.

3. It’s La Tomatina

4. Because to celebrate the festival people go to the desert, make a camp, and have a party.

5. They should write up reports and hand them in to the teacher.

b. Tick (v) T (true) or F (false).

1. T     2. T     3. F      4. T

2. Write the festivals in the box under the pictures. Then listen and repeat.

1. Water festival       2. Cannes Film Festival

3. Ghost Day            4. Tet

5. Rock in Rio           6. Christmas

7. Halloween             8. Easter

3. Match the festivals below with the reasons they are held.


Religious:Halloween, Ghost Day

Music /ArtsRock in Rio, Cannes Film Festival

Seasonal: Tet, Water Festival

Religious: Christmas, Easter

4. Compare your answers with a partner.


A: I think Rock in Rio and the Cannes Film Festival are music or arts festivals.

B: I agree.

A: Which do you think are seasonal festival?

B: I think Christmas and Easter. How about you?

A: I think Halloween and Ghost day.

5. Can you add more festivals to the groups in 3?



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 70


Lesson 2: A closer look 1

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss can use adverbial phrases correctly and appropriately. The lexical items related to the topic “Festivals around the world”. Pronounce two-syllable words with correct stress in isolation and in context..

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector, cassette player, disc…

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up.

- T asks Ss some questions about festivals in their home village.

2. Activities.


T uses some techniques to present some new words.

Checking the understanding by making sentences with the new words.

1. a. Ss work individually to complete the table and compare their answers with a partner.

T plays the recording for Ss to check their answers.

b. Have them read all the sentences and guess the part of speech of the word to be filled in each blank.

T comments on and confirms the correct answers.

2. Ss work in groups, Ss do the activity. They choose one activity and take turn to lengthen their sentences by adding the activities.


3. T explains the rules:

T can give some examples to illustrate.

Ss listen and repeat the words.

Have Ss read out the words first. Then play the recording.

5. Ss do this exercise individually first then compare their answers with a partner.

3. Homework

-Learn new words and phrases

Prepare A closer look 2.

Ss answer:

I- Vocabulary

celebratory (aj) mang tính kỷ niệm

parade(n) cuộc diễu hành

carnival (n)ngày hội

joyful(aj) vui mừng

adopt(v) kế tục

pumpkin(n) quả bí ngô


a. Can you complete the table below with appropriate verbs, nouns and adjectives?

Listen and check your answers.


1. celebration

2. festive

3. parade

4. culture

5. performance

b. Now complete the following sentences with the words from the table.


1. festival                2. celebrate

3. celebrations         4. culture

5. parade                6. performers

2. In groups, choose a festival. Take turns to say the festival.


A; I am going to Rio Carnival to watch performers dance.

B: I am going to Rio Carnival to watch performers dance, and musicians play samba music.

Look out!

In two-syllable words the mark’ represents the stress syllable.

- Most nouns and adjs have two syllables: Stress falls on the first syllable.

- Most verbs have two syllables: Stress falls on the second syllable.

Exceptions: the sound / ə /, / i /,…. hardly falling on.


Stress on 1st syllable: gather, picture, artist,

lovely, famous

Stress on 2nd syllable: relax, enjoy, hotel, describe, rename.

4. Circle the word with a different stress pattern from the others. Then listen and check.


1. balloon       2. complete      3. prepare

4. alone          5. tidy

5. Read the following sentences and mark

“’” the stressed syllable in the underlined words.

1. ‘project

2. ‘dancers

3. a‘ttend

4. ‘answer

5. ‘music


Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 71


Lesson 3: A closer look 2

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss can review H/ Wh questions and use adverbial phrases.

Do exercises.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector, cassette player, disc….

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up.

Chatting: T chats with Ss about festivals in the pictures.

Ask Ss to look at the pictures and think ofthe information they want to get about the festival.

2. Activities


1. Adverbial phrases:

- T explains and gives examples:

+Adverbial phrases made with nouns:

Eg: every year, every day, last year….

+ +Adverbial phrases made with prepositions:

Eg: in 2013, in a small town, with beautiful plants.

+Adverbial phrases made with to- infinitive:

Eg: to enjoy the party, to have more friends.

2. Tell Ss that they are going to read information about the Cannes Film Festival and complete the table.

3. Think about a festival you know in VietNam.

4. Ss do exercise individually, and then compare their answers with a classmate.

Check Ss’ answers and confirm the correct ones.

5. Ss do this activity in pairs. Check Ss’ answers and have them role play the conversation.

6. Ss work independently, writing down the questions.

T can call on some Ss to write their answers on the boards.

Other Ss give comments and T give corrections.

7.Ss work in groups. One student thinks of any festival he/she likes. Other Ss ask questions about the festival to find out what festival it is. Remember to use H/Wh-questions and adverbial phrases.

3. Homework

- Do exercise part A, B workbook

Prepare: Communication


Look out! An adverbial phrase gives extra information about the time, place, manner, etc. of an action. Adverbial phrases are made with nouns, prepositions or infinitives. They can be used to answer different questions.

Type/ question:

When "time

Where " place

How often " frequency

Why " reason

How " manner

What " thing

2. Now look at the webpage. Complete the table about the festival.



A film festival


By film star,


In a city in France



How often?

Every year


In a very serious way


To win the Palme Do’r

4. Join the questions to the types of answers.

Key: who " person

Why " reason

Which " whole sentence


5. Phuong is doing an interview for VTV.

6. Now make questions for the underlined parts.


1.Where did you buy this T- shirt?

2. How often do you go to the music festival?

3. Why did your friends save money?

4. When did you go to the Flower Festival in Da Lat?

7. Games.


A: Where is the festival held?

B: In the USA and some other countries in the world.

C: When do people celebrate it?…………



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 72


Lesson 4: Communication

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to ask and answer questions about festivals.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector, cassette player, disc…

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

-T asks Ss to tell some festivals in their home village.

- Make some questions about festivals.

2. Activities

- Pre- teach vocabulary.

- First, teacher uses some techniques to present new words. Then have Ss read the new vocabulary after the teacher.

Check the understanding: Make sentences with the new words.

1.Ss look at the picture and discuss the questions in pairs.

2. Play the recording. Ss listen carefully and check their answer to 1. Then T gives the correct answers

3. Ss work in pairs to decide if the statements are true or false.

4. Ss work in pairs. Imagine that one of them is a student from the US and the other is from Phu Yen, Viet Nam. Explain that the only the Ss from Viet Nam read the information on page 35.

T calls some pairs to act out the conversations in class.

3. Homework

- Do exercise part C workbook

Prepare: Skills 1

I- Extra vocabulary.

thanksgiving:(n) lễ tạ ơn chúa

stuffing:(n) lông vũ, gối ôm

feast: (n)bữa tiệc

gravy:(n)nước sốt thịt

cranberry:(n) quả man việt quất

II- Practice

1: Look at the animal below. Discuss the following questions with a partner.


a. A turkey

b. It’s one of the traditional foods of important festival.

c. Thanksgiving

2. Now listen and check your answers.

3. In pairs, write true (T) or false (F) for the following sentence.


1. F ( It’s also held in Canada)

2. F ( It’s celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November and in Canada it’s celebrated on the second Monday of October.

3. T

4. F ( Children also take part in food preparation.)

5. T

6. F ( Some people like to go for a walk or takes naps)

7. F

4. Work in pairs. Imagine that one of them is a student from the US and the other is from Phu Yen, Viet Nam.

Ask and answer about Thanksgiving and Hoi Mua, a harvest festival in Phu Yen.



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 73


Lesson 5: Skills 1

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read for specific information about an unusual festival. Help Ss to read quickly ( scanning).

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector, cassette player, disc…

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

- In pairs, look at the picture below. They are all from the La Tomatina festival in Spain. Put them in the order you think they happen at the festival.

- Present some new words.

2. Activities.


2. Ss read the text quickly and check the answers.

3. Ss read the text again and answer the questions:

Ss can underline parts of the text that help them with the answers.

4. Ss work in groups and read the newspaper headlines.

They discuss what is unusual about the festivals.

Have some Ss present their group’s ideas.

5-6. Tell Ss that the table includes information about the two festivals in 4. Ss work in groups and prepare a short presentation about the festival they like.

3. Homework

- Do exercise part D workbook

- Prepare: Skills 2

I. New words.

greasy (aj)vấy mỡ, dính mỡ

pole(n) cái cột

cannon(n) súng

jet (n) vòi phun nước

chaos(n) sự lôn xộn

goggle (v) gương mắt, trợn tròn mắt

2. Now quickly read the texts below and check your answers.

Key: C – D – A - B

3. Answer the following questions.

1. It is celebrated on the last Wednesday every August.

2. He stayed up late

3. They placed a ham on top of greasy pole.

4. They had to wear goggles to protect their eyes.

5. It was a jet from water cannon.

6. It was red with rivers of tomato juice.


4. Work in groups and read the newspaper headlines.

5. Choose one festival to teach your group about. .

Suggestion questions:

1. What do they often do at Season festival?

2. Where do they organize activities?

3. When does the festival take place?




Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 74


Lesson 6: Skills 2

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen to get specific information about a music festival.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up.

- Look at the pictures below.

What kind of festival do you think it is?

Share your ideas with a partner.

2. Activities.


2. Ss read the statements in exercise 2 and guess if they are true or false. Write the guesses on the board.

- Play the recording one or two times. Ask Ss to listen carefully and check their guesses.

3. T plays the recording again.

Ss answer the questions.

Have Ss compare their answers in pairs before giving T the answers.


4. Think of a festival they attended and make notes about it.

- What was the festival?

- Who celebrated it?

- Where was it held?

- When was it held?

- How was it held?

- Why was it held?

5. Ss write a paragraph individually based on the notes they have made.

T can ask one or two Ss to write the paragraph on the board. Other Ss and teacher comment on the paragraphs.

3. Homework

- Do exercise workbook

- Prepare: Looking back


It is a music festival.

I- Listening.

2. Listen to Nick talk about a music festival he attended. Tick (V) T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences.

1. F ( one of the most famous festivals)

2. T

3. F ( They stayed in a tent)

4. F ( He’s Nick’s father’s favorite singer)

3. Now listen and answer the questions.

1. It takes place every June.

2. They are music bands.

3. He interested the audience with the hit song.

4. They also went to the Bohemian Woods.

5. They enjoyed a mixed of good music from around the world.

II- Writing

4. Think about a festival you attended. Make notes about it below.


-answer Suggestions.

It was a cock fighting festival.

It was held in the common house’s yard in my village.

It was held on January 15th ( Lunar New Year)


5. Write a paragraph about the festival you attended use the notes above.

Ss can start like this.

Last week I attended a festival. It was called “ Harvest festival” It was held by farmers in my village.




Planning date:

Teaching date:

Period 75


Lesson 7: looking back + Project

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss can cover the whole unit: Grammar, vocabularies and structures. Ss apply them to do exercises.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up.

- Cain game:

T divides the class into two teams and calls on some representatives to go to the board.

2. Activities


1. Ss do this activity individually then compare their answer with a partner. T asks Ss to go to the black board to write the answers.

2. Ss do this activity individually then compare their answer with a partner.


3. Ss do this exercise individually. Check their answers. Accept all the answers if they make sense.

4. Ss make up their own sentences with the adverbial phrases in the box.

Have two Ss write their sentences on the board. T goes around and observes and take notes of Ss’ mistakes.

Other Ss comment on the sentences on the board.

5. Ss work in pairs to role-play. They ask and answer about their favorite festival. Ask some pairs to act out the role-play.

Other Ss comment and vote for the best conversation.


1- Ss work in groups.

3. Homework

Get to know about some festivals

- Prepare for: Unit 10.

Start like this:



1. Rearrange the letters to make reasons for holding festival. Then match them to the pictures of the festivals.

1. religious ( Christmas)

2. music ( Glastonbury)

3. superstitious ( Day of the Dead)

4. seasonal ( Thanksgiving)

2. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets.


1. cultural

2. parade

3. celebratory

4. festive

5. performance

6. celebration

II- Grammar

3. Complete each question with a suitable H/Wh- question word. More than one question word may be accepted.


1. What

2. Where

3. How

4. Which

5. Where/ When / How / Why

6. When

4. Make your own sentences with the adverbial phrases from the box.

1. My father went to Ho Chi Minh city last week.





III- Communication

5. Role-play in pairs. Student A is a reporter. Student B is a secondary school student. Continue the conversation below.

Reporter: I’m a reporter from Culture Magazine. Can I ask you some questions about your favorite festivals?

Student: Yes, of course. I like……….best.

Reporter: Where’s the festival held?

Finish! Now I can…

Talk about the festival….