Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Chữa bài kiểm tra số 1 mới nhất


Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 33


I. Objectives:

- To correct the test number 1. Give comments to encourage the students to study hard. Discuss the ways to improve the test score.

II. Teaching aids:

- Testing papers.

III. Procedure:

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

A. Remark on the tests:

-The number of the tests: 7A1:

+Exellent tests:

+Good test


+Under average:

-The number of the tests: 7A2:

+Exellent tests:

+Good test


+Under average:

-In general, all Ss have achieved the basic knowledge.

-There are many exellent and good tests.

- Some Ss' skill of doing general test is not good.

-The teacher shows some best and worst tests to correct before class:

B. Key

Question I:

1. A.

2. D

3. B

4. C

5. C

Question II:

6. C

7. C

8. C

9. A

10. C

Question III: Match the verbs in A with the phrases in B

11. d

12. a

13. e

14. b

15. c

Question IV:

16. They feel satisfied and proud.

17. Your / Our family has fun and closer.

18. Because they have to work and take of their families.

19. Your/ Our familycan make and donate gift blankets for the old homeless people on holidays.

20. Yes, it is.

V: Listen: You will some information about a place called Sea world. Listen and complete questions 21-25. You will hear the information twice.

21. March     22. Centre       23. 2.15      24. toys and books    25. £4.25

VI: Writing: Imagine that you are a doctor. Write an e-mail to respond your patient who is putting on weight. Give him/ her your advice.

- Write an e-mail

- Give advice to help patient with He/She health’s problem.

- Spelling

B. The ways to overcome:

-The teacher should help Ss more by concentrating on practice skills such as: listening and reading skills.

-Especially, teacher should check their homework and orally more often.

C. Homework:

- Review all knowledge from the three units.

- Prepare unit 4.