Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 12: An overcrowded world mới nhất


Date of planning:

Date of teaching:


Unit 12: An Overcrowded world

Lesson 1: Getting started

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss can use the words to describe overcrowded places, words about the effects of overcrowding.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector, CD

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss and T’s activities


1. Warm up.

Write the word ‘population’ on the board. Make sure Ss know the meaning of this word by either giving the equivalent Vietnamese word or writing:

There are 5 million people in Ha Noi.

→ Ha Noi has a population of 5 million.

Ask Ss if they know the population of any area in the country or in the world. Once the Ss have done it, add the prefix “over” and elicit the meaning of this newly-formed word from Ss.

2. Activities.


Elicit the new words

- Set the scene: Ask Ss to look at the title of the text and the pictures and ask them prediction question about what they are going to read. The questions may be:

·What is the conversation about?

·What do you think Brazil is like?

·Do you think Phuong likes Brazil?

·What can you find about Rio/Brazil in this conversation?

Ss guess the answers.


Play the recording. Ss listen and read. Ask Ss if their predictions are correct.

1a. Ss work independently. Ask them to read the sentences and decide if they are true or false. Ss compare answers with a partner. Have Ss correct the false sentences. T writes the correct answers on the board.

b. Ask Ss to read the explanations in the exercise and try to find the words without checking the text. Then ask Ss to refer to the dialogue again for the correct words. Correct the answers as a class.

2. Make sure Ss know the meaning of the words in the box. Then Ss work independently to label the pictures. Have them compare their answers with a partner.

Play the recording and have Ss repeat the words. T gives correction if necessary.


3. Ss complete the exercise independently. T calls some Ss to share their sentences with the class. T can choose some good sentences and write them on the board for other Ss to learn from. Encourage Ss to make as many sentences as possible.

4. In groups, ask Ss to think of the problems and make a list of them.

If Ss have difficulty, suggest that they look for problems in their daily life at their own classes, schools, homes, areas or any other places they know for the answers.

5. Call each goup to report their list to the class. T may help write the problems on the board. Ask the class if they agree or not. Encourage them to give an explanation to their answers. Then move on to the next group and do the same.

3. Homework

-Learn new words and phrases

Prepare for A closer look 1

I. New words

Overcrowded (adj): đông nghịt

Overpopulation (n): dân số quá đông

Slum (n): Khu nhà ổ chuột

Peaceful (adj): thanh bình

Crime (n): tội phạm

Commit crime: phạm tội

Healthcare (n): chăm sóc sức khỏe

Wealthy (adj): giàu có

Diverse (adj): đa dạng, khác

Lawful (adj): hợp pháp, đúng pháp luật > < Unlawful

Spacious (adj): rộng rãi

II. Activities

Activity 1a

1. T     2. T      3. F

4. T          5. F

Activity 1b

1. deverse     2. wealthy

3. major      4. slums      5. crime

Activity 2

1. a       2. c        3. b

4. e          5. d



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 97


Lesson 2: A Closer Look 1

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss can: use the lexical items related to the topic of an overcrowded world.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector, CD

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss and T’s activities


1. Warm up.


Ask Ss if they can remember any new words they learn in Getting Started. Categorize them as positive (peaceful, wealthy…) and negative (poor, slums…). Move on to this lesson which focuses on some problem as a result of overpopulation.

2. Activities.


Elicit the new words


1. Ss listen to the recording and number the words. Ss listen again and repeat the words.

T checks the understanding of the words bay asking questions like: ‘Do you think our school has enough space?’; ‘What causes disease?’

2. Ss work individually. T checks the answer as a class. Encourage Ss to explain why they choose that word for the sentence.

3. T can give an example of causes and effects. Write the example on the board and ask Ss which one is the effect.

Ss work independently or in pairs. When they have finished, let them exchange their answers with a partner/another pair. T then gives correct answer. T may ask Ss to explain why.

4. In groups, Ss discuss to fine out which problems each place may have. T collects Ss’ answers and write them on the board. Then the whole class look at the problems and discuss for agreement/disagreement.


Word stress

5. Ss listen and mark the stressed syllables. T corrects the answers. Have Ss listen again and repeat the words.


Look out!

Write two pair of the word’supply’ and ‘question’ on the board, denoting one is a verb and one is a noun. Ask some Ss to read them. Ask other Ss to listen and see if they can find the difference in pronunciation of the two words.

Key: su’pply (n), su’pply (v); ‘question (n), ‘question (v)

6. Have Ss listen and repeat the words.

3. Homework

-Learn new words and phrases

Prepare for A closer look 2

I. New words

Dense (adj): dày đặc, đông đúc

shortage (n): sự thiếu hụt

nutrition (n): dinh dưỡng

malnutrition (n): suy dinh dưỡng

spread (v): lan tràn, phát tán

II. Activities

Activity 1

1. crime           2. malnutrition

3. poverty        4. shortage

5. disease        6. space

7. dense          8. healthcare

Activity 2

1. healthcare      2. crime

3. Diseae           4. Malnutrition

5. poverty

Activity 3


He drove fast

a. He had an accident. √


b. He felt hungry.

1.b     2. a    3. f     4. d    5. c    6.e

Activity 4

a. Lack of entertainment, few opportunities for employment, not enough services.

b. Poverty, slums, disease, pollution, unempoyment, poor healthcare.

c. Noise/ air pollution, crime, overcrowded, shortage of accommodation.

Activity 5







In’crease (v)






Activity 6

As a noun

As a verb













Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 98


Lesson 3: A Closer Look 2

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss can: use comparatives of quantifiers, make tag questions.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector, CD

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss and T’s activities


1. Warm up.

Chatting: - Remind Ss of items they learnt in the previous lessons.

+ words of quantifiers (many,a little…)

+ countable and uncountable nouns.

+ imperatives with “more”, “less”, and “fewer”.

2. Activities.


1. Have Ss read the sentences and the rules in the table. Ask Ss to add more words to the table for each type of comparison.

2. Ss complete the reading independently.Encourage Ss to observe and recognise that both tables include the same kinds of information.

3. Ss complete exercise 3 by referring to the tables.

1.Have Ss do this exercise independently. T then check the answers as a class.


-Write 3 questions on the board:

Draw Ss’ attention to how these three questions are formed: the first two types Ss have already learnt and the new one, tag questions.

Have Ss read the conversation

5. Ss do this exercise independently. Then they share their answers with a partner. T checks and writes the correct tags on the board.

6. Ss do this exercise independently. T checks the answers as a class.

3. Homework

-Learn the grammar rules

Prepare for Communication.

I- Comparisons of quantifiers.

1. Read the sentences.

- more + Nu/Ns + than…

- less + Nu + than…

- fewer + Ns + than….

2. Look at the information for the two cities below, and compare their data.

Eg: In Brumba, there are more people per square kilometre than in Crystal.


3. Read the comparisons of the two cities, and decide if they are true. If they are not, correct them.

1. Correct

2. Incorrect. In Brumba, more people live in slums.

3. Incorrect. People in Crystal earn more per day.

4. Correct.

5. Correct.

4. Complete the sentences with more, less or fewer.

1. fewer

2. more

3. more

4. fewer

5. less

II- Tag- questions.

+ How can the government improve the life of people in the slums?

+ Do you live in an overcrowded place?

+ They have moved to the city to look for a job, haven’t they?

5. Check if the tags are correct. If they are not, correct them.

1. Incorrect….do you? – don’t you?

2. Incorrect…aren’t they?- don’t they?

3. Correct

4. Correct

5. Incorrect…can’t they?- can they?

6. Choose one of the question tags in the box to complete each blank in the interview.

1. don’t they

2. isn’t it?

3. can’t we?

4. is it?

Ss and T’s activities


1.Warm up.

- Write the word “ population” on the board

(?) Do you know the population of any area in the country or in the world.

- Ask Ss to look at the title of the text and the pictures and ask them to predict questions about what they are going to read.

(?) What is the conversation about?

(?) What do you think Brazil is like?

(?) Do you think Phuong likes Brazil?

(?) What can you find about Rio/ Brazil in this conversation?

-Ss answer the questions.

-T plays the recording. Ss listen and read. Ask Ss if their predictions are correct.

2. Activities.

+ There are 5 millions people in Ha Noi.

- Ha Noi has a population of 5 million.