Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 8: Films mới nhất


Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 62

Unit 8:Films

Lesson 1: Getting started ( What film shall we see?)

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will listen and read about topic” What film shall we see?”. Use the lexical items related to the topic “ Films”

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

- Write the title on the board “Films”. Elicit any information Ss know about films by asking about types of film they know, the latest films they have seen, their favourite films and film stars.

- What the picture might show or what the conversation might be about.

2. Activities.

1. Ask Ss questiona about the picture:

- Where are Phong and his sister Mai? What might be happening to them? What are thet doing? What are they talking about?

- Can you guess what kind of films Phong and Mai would like to see.

- Have you ever gone to see a film with your brothers/ sisters? When and where? What film did you see then? How did you feel then?

- Plat the recording. Ss listen and repeat.

a. First, have Ss work independently. Then allow them to share answers before discussing as a class.

b. First, Ask Ss not to look at the book and try to remember what questions Mai asks Duong about the film they are going to see. Then let Ss open their books and check their answers.

2. Have Ss quickly match the types of film with their definitions. Then play the recording for Ss to check their answers.

- Do you often see a sci-fi/ horror film…..?

3a. Have Ss work independently, filling in the table with the information of the film they have seen recently. Remind them to use the words and phrases they have learnt in 2 and from the conversation in 1.

b. First, model this activity with a more able Ss. Then ask Ss to work in pairs. T may go around to help weaker Ss. Call some pairs to practice in front of the class.

3. Homework

- Listen and read the getting started again

- Prepare: Unit 8- A closer look 1

I- Getting started

1. Listen and read

a. Read the conversation again and and answer the questions.

1. b        2. a      3.a       4. c       5. b

b. Find the questions in the conversation that ask about Coconut Crazy. Then listen, check and repeat the question.

a. What kind of film is it?

b. Who does it star?

c. What is it about?

d. What do critics say about it?

2. Match the types of films with their definitions. Then listen, check and repeat.

1. d   2. f     3. a     4. c    5. b   6. e   7. h   8.g

3a. Think of a film. Fill in the blank below.

Type of film……………….

Actors/ stars……………….

The plot……………………


b. In pairs, interview each other and try to guess the film.


A: What kind of film is it?

B: It’s an action film

A: Who does it satr?

B: It stars Daniel Craig.

A: What is it about?

B: It’s about a spy called 007.

A: Is it Skyfall?

B: Yes!



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 63

Unit 8: Films

Lesson 2: A closer look 1

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will use the lexical items related to the topic “Films”. Know the meaning and how to use –ed and –ing adjectives. Pronounce correctly the –ed ending in verbs.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

Chatting: Do you know the adjectives which are often used to describe films?

2. Activities


1. First, hace Ss work independently. Then, ask them to share their answers with one or more partners. With weaker class, ask for translation of some adjectives in the box to check their understanding. Ask Ss to make some examples with the adjectives they have learnt.

Remember: -ed and – ing adjectives

Ask Ss to study the Remember Box.

2. Have Ss compare the table individually. Then have some Ss write their answers on the board before checking with the whole class.

3. Ask Ss to do the exercise individually and then check with the whole class. When checking, ask Ss to refer to the Remember Box to make the meanings of the adjectives clearer to them.

1.(a+b) First, model this activity with some more able Ss. Then, ask Ss to work in pairs. T may go around to help weaker Ss. Call some pairs to practise in front of the class.


5. T models the sounds /t/ /d/, and /id/ in different words with the ending –ed. Play the recording and ask Ss to listen and repeat the words, paying attention to the sounds /t/, /d/, and /id/ at the end of each word. T may play the recording as many times as necessary. Then, ask Ss to put the words in the correct columns while they listen. Ss compare their answers in pairs. T checks.

Remember: Ask Ss to look at the rules in the remember Box. Tell them the rules of pronunciation.

6. First, model this activity with a more able Ss. Then ask Ss to work in pairs. T may go around to help

- Call some pairs to practicein front of the class. T checks pronunciation.

3. Homework

- Do exercise A in workbook

- Prepare: Unit 8- A closer look 2

I- Vocabulary

1. The following are adjectives which are often used to describe films. Can you add some more?

1. hilarious                    2. moving

3. boring                       4. gripping

5. shocking                   6. scary

7. violent                      8. entertaining

* Remember: -ed and –ing adjectives

2. Complete the table with the –ed and –ing forms of the adjectives.

1. interested              2. embarrassing

3. exciting                 4. disappointed

5. exhausted             6. surprising

7. confused               8. frightening

3. Choose the correct adjectives.

1. moving               2. frightened

3. disappointed       4. amazed

5. terrified

4a. Work in pairs. Look at the questions below. Tell your partner how you felt, using –ed adjectives.

Example: I felt terrified before my last Maths test.

4b. Now use –ing adjectives to describe these things and experiences in your life.

Example: The last film I saw was called Norwegian Wood. It was really moving.

II- Pronunciation

5. Listen and repeat the verbs. Pay attention to the sounds /t/, /d/, and /id/ at the end of each verb.













* Remember:

6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the pictures. Then listen to the recording.

Example:cry a lot/ laugh a lot

A: He cried a lot, didn’t he?

B: No, he didn’t. He laughed a lot.



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 64

Unit 8: Films

Lesson 3: A closer look 2

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will use although, despite, and in spite of to express contrast between two prices of information in the same sentence. Use however and nevertheless to express contrast between two sentences.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

Chatting: We are going to learn about although, despite/ in spite of; however/ nevertheless.

2. Activities


Although, despite/ and in spite of

- Ask Ss to study the Grammar Box. Draw Ss’ attention to the meaning and use of although, despite, and in spite of by analysing the examples in the grammar Box. Then ask some more able Ss to give some more examples.

- For 1,2and 3, tell Ss what they should do. Ask Ss to do the grammar exercises individually. Remind them to look back to the Grammar Box and use a dictionary if necessary. Then have Ss compare answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.

However and nevertheless

Ask Ss to study the Grammar Box. Draw Ss’ attention to the meaning and use of however and nevertheless by analysing the instruction and examples in the Grammar Box. Then ask some more able Ss to give some more examples.

4. Tell Ss what they should do. Ask Ss to do the grammar exercise individually. Remind them to look back to the Grammar Box and use a dictionary if necessary. Then Ss compare answers in pairs before checking with the whole class.

5. Read the instructions.

Ask Ss to do the exercise individually, using their own ideas to write sentences. Then have them work in pairs, comparing their sentences.

3. Homework

- Do exercise B in workbook

- Prepare: Unit 8- Communication


Although, despite/ and in spite of

We use although, despite/ in spite of to express contrast between two pieces of information in the same sentence. We use although before a clause and despite/ in spite of before a noun or a phrase.

1. Complete the sentences. Use although

+ a clause from the box.

1…..although few people came to see it

2. Although they spent a lot of money on the film

3. Although the acting is exellent.

4. ….although it was a comedy

5. …although it is set in modern times.

2. Complete the sentences, using although, despite/ in spite of. Sometimes, two answers are possible.

1. Although            2. despite/ in spite of

3. although            4. Despite/ In spite of

5. Although

3. Rewrite these sentences using the words in the brackets. Change other words in the sentence if necessary.

1. I don’t think…..although he is…

2. Although many…, …

3. Despite having to work…,…..

4. Although he has….,…..

5. In spite of (having) a happy ending,…

However and nevertheless.

We also use however and nevertheless to express contrast between two sentences. We usually use a comma after them.

4. Complete the sentences…

1. However/ Nevertheless

2. Despite/ In spite of

3. However/ Nevertheless

4. Although

5. Although

5. Use your own ideas…

Ss’ ideas



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 65

Unit 8: Films

Lesson 4: Communication

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will do a survey on favourite actors/ films…then report their results to those group members.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

- What kind of films you like to see? Who are your favourite actors/ actresses?

- Today, we are going to do an interview with your classmate about films. Please think of the questions you may ask your friends in your interview with them.

2. Activities

- Translate the meanings of the words in extra vocabulary.

1. Ask Ss to look at the picture and read the conversation and guess what the missing words from the blanks may be. T plays the recording and lets Ss check their guesses. Play the recording again for Ss to check the answers.

2. Ask Ss to work in group of six or eight, asking their group members one set of questions. Remind them to write the names of names of the people they interview and note the answers in the table.

3. T has Ss make notes of their survey result, using the suggestions in Student’s book. T may have them practice reporting the results of their surveys in pairs or in groups.

4. Ask Ss to join another group, reporting the results of their survey to the new members. Choose some Ss to report the results of their interviews before the whole class. After each S has finished his/her report, T invites some comment from other Ss. Then T makes comments and corrects Ss’ mistakes.

3. Homework

- Do exercise part C in workbook

- Prepare: Unit 8- Skill 1

I- Extra vocabulary

survey: cuộc khảo sát

go ahead: cứ làm đi, cứ tự nhiên

violence: có nhiều cảnh bạo lực

1. Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

1. survey         2. actor           3. Tom Cruise

4. actrwess            5. Angelina Jolie

2. Work in groups of six or eight. Each of student chooses one of the following sets of survey questions.

- Survey on favourite actors

- Survey on the best films.

- Survey on action films

- Survey on cartoons

3. Make notes of your results.

- Most people I have surveyed….

- About half of the people I have surveyed

- Almost no one I have surveyed….

4. Join another group. Report your results to those group members.



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 66

Unit 8: Films

Lesson 5: Skills 1

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will read for specific information about someone’s review of his/her favourite film. Talk about film (its plot, main characters, cast, etc.)

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

Now, look at the picture of the film Titanic.

-Have you ever seen this film?

-Do you know who actor and actress in the picture are?

-Do you like him/her? Why/ Why not?

2. Activities.


1- Ask Ss to scan the passage to find where the words sinking, must-see, special effects, and visuals are in the passage. T may help Ss work out the meanings of these words out of the context.

2- T may set a longer time limit for Ss to read the text again and answer the questions. Ask Ss to note where they found the information that helped them to answer the questions. Ss can compare answers before discussing them as a class.


3- First, ask Ss to read every film poster. T may help them with the new vocabulary. Then ask Ss to work in pairs, talking about the films they would/ wouldn’t like to see. - T may go round to help.

- Calls some pairs to practise in front of the class.

4- First, ask Ss to work in pairs, asking and answering about the films from the posters.

- T may go round to help.

- Calls some pairs to practise in front of the class.

5- First, remind Ss of the words phrases about films. Ss may refer to the words and phrases they can use to talk about films.

- Ss work in groups; T goes around to provide support if necessary.

3. Homework

- Do exercise part D in workbook

- Prepare: Unit 8- Skill 2

I- Reading

1. Read Nick’s review of the film Titanic on his blog. Then find and underline the words from the box below. What do they mean?

sinking: (sự) chìm, sự đánh chìm

must-see: bộ phim hấp dẫn cần xem

special effects: kỹ xảo đặc biệt, hiệu ứng

đặc biệt

visuals: thị giác, nhìn

2. Read Nick’s blog again and answer the questions.

1. It is a romantic film.

2. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.

3. It is about the sinking of the ship Titanic on its first voyage.

4. The main characters are Jack Dawson and Rose Dewitt Buckater. Jack saves Rose from killing herself by jumping from the ship. Although they are from different social class and Rose is already engaged, the two fall in love.

5. The ending of Titanic is very sad.

6. They say it is a must-see in the 20th century.

II- Speaking

3- Look at the film posters below. Work in pairs. Talk about the films you would/ wouldn’t like to see.

4- Now, ask and answer questions about the films.

Example: A: I want to see War of the Worlds.

B: What kind of film is it?

A: It’s a science fiction

B: What is it about?

A: It’s about….

5- Hotseating: In groups, choose a student to play the role od a character in any of the films above. Brainstorm questions you’d like to ask. Then interview the student.

Example questions:

-Can you describe your new film in three words?

-Did you enjoy making the film?

-Why should we watch this film?



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 67

Unit 8: Films

Lesson 6: Skills 2

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will listen for special information about someone’s favourite film star; Write a review of a film.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

- Ask Ss to tell about their favourite actors/ actresses. Ask them: Who is your favourite actor/actress? What does he/she look like? What are his/her sucessful films? What awards/ prises has he/she won?What do critics say about him/her?

2. Activities


1. Ask Ss to read the instruction carefully and remind them to remember key words in the statements. Play the recording and ask Ss to correct the statements. Then ask two or three Ss to write their answers on the board. Play the recording again for Ss to check the answers.

2. Ask Ss to read the rubric and study the questions carefully. Ss may work in pairs to discuss the answers from the information they have heard in 1.

Play the recording again and have Ss answer the questions as they listen. Ss can share their answers with their partners. Call some Ss to write their answers on the board.


3. Ask Ss to make notes about one of their favourite films. Remind them that they do not have to write full sentences and they can use abbreviations. Then, ask Ss to share their notes with their partners. T asks some Ss to read aloud.

4. Set up the writing activity. T reminds Ss that the first and important thing is always to think about what they are going to write. In this case, Ss do not have to find out so many ideas of what they have to write because they may have made in 3. So T only has to brainstorm Ss for the language necessary for writing.

- Ask Ss to write the draft first. Then have them write their final version in class or at home.

3. Homework

- Write the final version

- Prepare: Unit 8- Looking back

I- Listening

1. Nick and his father are talking about Tom Hanks, a Hollywood film star. Listen to their conversation and correct the following statements.

1. Tom Hanks is Nick’s father’s favourite film star.

2. Tom Hanks isn’t a handsome actor.

3. Tom Hanks has won two Oscars.

2. Listen again. Answer the questions below.

1. He has won the Oscar for Best Actor twice.

2. They say he is one of the best actors in Hollywood.

3. He plays the role of a soldier in Saving Private Ryan.

4. Because it is one of the best comedies in the 1990s.

II- Writing

3, Make notes about one of your favourite films.

- Name of the film, type of film, and actors or director.

- The plot: What happens in the film? How is the film? ( gripping/ moving/ hilarious) What about the ending?

- Other aspects of the film, the acting, themusic, the special effects, the visuals, etc…

- Critics’ reviews, your onerall opinion.

4, Write a review of your ffavourite film…

Introduction ( paragraph 1)


Paragraph 2

The plot: What happens in the film? How is the film?( gripping/ moving/ hilarious) what about the ending?

Paragraph 3:

Other aspects of the film: the acting, the music, the special effects, the visuals, etc..

Conclusion ( Paragraph 4)

Critics’ reviews, your overall opinion ( Why you recommend the film to everyone)



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 68

Unit 8: Films

Lesson 7: Looking back + Project

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will revise the knowledge they have learnt about the topic “films”.

II. Teaching aids:

- Projector.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

- Chatting: What topic have you learnt in Unit 8?

- How to write a film review?

2. Activities


1. Ask Ss to think of as many examples of different types of films as possible. Then ask some Ss to say out their examples in front of the class.

2. Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and decide which types of films the people are talking about. Remind that the adjectives in the sentences will provide the context for them to choose the correct types of films.

3, 4: Ask Ss to do individually. Check the results with a partner. T gives feed back.


5, First, ask Ss to do individually. Then ask them to check their answers with a partner before discussing the answers as a class. Remind Ss to keep a record of their original answers so that they can use that information in their Now I can…statement.


6, First, ask Ss to do the task individually to number the lines of the dialogue. Then ask them to check their answers with the whole class. After finishing, ask Ss to practise saying the dialogue with their partners.


Finally, ask Ss to complete the self-assessment. Identify any difficulties and weak areas and provide further practice.


1. Ask Ss to read the film posters and point out what information should be included in a film poster. Then ask Ss to work in pairs/ groups to discuss the question in 1. Each Ss may make notes about the ideas from his/her partner or other group member.

2. Ask each s to choose one of their favourite films, and design a poster for it. They may use the ideas from the notes for their task.

3. Display Ss’ leaflets on the wall. T choose some of the posters of the film posters and ask Ss to give comments.

3. Homework

- Do exercise in work book ( The rest ones)

- Prepare: Unit 9- Festival around the World.

I- Vocabulary

1. Think of an example of every type of films in the box.

Example: Mr. Bean is a comedy.

Big Ben Down” is an action film

2. Read the sentences. What types of films are people talking about?


1. It’s a comedy.

2. It’s a horror film

1.It’s a documentary.

2.It’s a romantic comedy.

3.It’s a Sci-fi film.

3. Fill in the blanks with -ed or –ing adjectives that are formed from the verbs in brackets.

1. terrified              2. disappointing

3. annoying     4. satisfied       5. shocking

4. Complete the second sentences…

1. They were excited about the film.

2. The film was boring so they left halfway through it.

3. We were moved at the ending of the film.

4. You’ll be surprised at his new film.

5. Lots of people find the way he behaves/ his behaviour confusing.

II- Grammar

5. Match the first half in A with the suitable half in B.

1. d      2. e      3. a        4. b         5. c

III- Communication

6. Number the lines of the dialogue in the correct order.

1. E    2. I   3. A    4. D    5. F   6. B   7. G      8. C       9. H

IV- Finished!

Finished! Now I can…




* Use words and phrases for different types of films.

* distinguish the uses of –ed adjectives and –ing adjectives.

* use connectors: althpugh, despite, in spite of, however, and nevertheless

* talk about your favourite films

* write a film review



1. Look at the film below. Think about the following questions.

- What is the purpose of a film poster?

E.g:To give information of a film.

2. Choose one of your favourite films and design a poster for it.

3. Then organise an exhibition of film posters in your class.