Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 10: Sources of energy mới nhất


Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 79


Lesson1 :Getting Started - A different type of Footprint.

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will have some information about energy SOURCES and they are able totalk aboutthe different types of energy sources

- Develop Ss’ listening, speaking ,reading and writing skills .

- Vocabulary:Types of energy sources

- Grammar:Future continuous tense and simple future passive form.

II. Teaching Aids :

- Projector.

III. Procedures:

I. Organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance. 7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson

Sts’ and T’s activities


* Warm- up.

- Have Ss play games related to the topic

- Have Ss read the words 3 times in chorus

- Ask Ss to describe the picture ( Who, where , what ….. ? )

- Asking some questions

- Set the sense

- Lead to the new lesson


Ảnh đính kèm

A, What types of energy do you know ?

B, Where do they come from ?

( renewable & non-renewable )

I. Vocabulary.

2. Activities.

1. Pre-teach some new words.

- Elicit some new words from the P and situations , realias

- Read many times in chorus

-Checking vocab:Slap the board

- Call some individuals

2.source=>source of energy



5.>< non-renewable last ( forever) use up run out produce

10.negative effect =

carbon footprint



( Adj)

( v)

( Np)

Nang luong









2.Have Ss do Ex1-a

- Guide Ss how to do Ex1

- Call some Ss to give the answer

- provide the answers

- Then,doEx1-b

( Group-work )

- Ask some groups to present their work before the class

3.Ask Ss to do Ex2 in chorus

- call some individuals

- cross – check

4. Ask Ss to do Ex3


- cross – check

-T provide the keys

II. Practice .

1.Listen and read .

a.Read the conservation again and answer the questions .

1, It’s about the negative effects we have on the environment .

2, “ Non-renewable energy” means that it will run out if we use it up .

3, Sunlight is a renewable energy because we can’t use it all up or it will last forever .

4, Mai thinks she has a small carbon footprint because she recycles the products she uses and she goes everywhere by bike.

5, The products that we use are bad for the environment or the energy that we use produces carbon dioxide might create a big carbon footprint .

b.Complete the network below using the information from the conservation .


Renewable sources

Non-renewable sources








2.Listen and repeat the words or phrases .



Natural gas






3.Put the words into the correct groups below.

Renewable sources

Non-renewable sources

Wind, coal , hydro , nuclear ……

Natural gas , biogas , oil, solar ……

5.Divide the class into 6 groups

-Have Ss make up the dialogues then role-play

-the groups take turns to present their dialogue

-T Listen and feedback

4.Ask and answer the questions about renewable and non-renewable resources .

A:What type of energy source is wind ?

B:It’s a renewable source of energy .

A:What type of energy source is coal ?

B: It’s a non-renewable source of energy .

A: ……………………………………..

3. Homework

- Learn by heart all the new words.

- Prepare for next lesson ( find the meaning of the new words in the next lesson )

- Do B1, B2( workbook)

* Do homework at home



Planning date:

Teaching date:

Period 80


Lesson2 : A Closer Look 1

I- Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about types of energy sources, and know how to stress in the three-syllable words .

- Develop Ss’ listening, speaking and writing skills

- Vocabulary:Advantages & Disadvantages of energy .

-Phonetics :How to tress in the three-syllable words.

II. Teaching Aids :

- Projector.

D. Procedures:

I. Organization

- Greetings.

-Checking attendance.

7A1: …….7A2:…………..

II. New lesson

Sts’ and T’s activities


I. Warm- up

- Have Ss play game “ spider-web of words ”

- Read 3 times in chorus

- Lead to the new lesson

* play games

Benefits of

Renewable energy source

Effects of

Non-renewable energy source

safe , clean , cheap………………………………….

Dangerous , harmful , expensive …..

I. Vocabulary

*Advantages andDisadvantages of energy sources .

2. Activities

1-Elicit some new words ( pictures , realias , situations ….)

- Have Ss read many times in chorus

- call some individuals

- Checking vocab: Hang-man

* Advantage = benefit



3.abundant = plentiful


( cheap , clean , safe …..)




* Disadvantage




( expensive , dangerous)




2, Have Ss do Ex1 on the text book

-Guide how to do

-Ask Ss todo in 5 minutes

-Provide the keys

3, Have Ss work in pairs to do ex2

-Cross –check

-T feedback

4, Have Ss do Ex3 on the text book.

-Guide how to do

-Ask Ss todo

-Provide the keys

- Ask Ss to write down on the notebooks

* Practice .

1.Put the words below into the table to describe the types of energy .

Sources of energy




Abundant , unlimited

Not available

Water / hydro

Clean , safe

Expensive ,

not available


Renewable , plentiful, available , clean , safe



Renewable , plentiful, clean , safe

Abundant , cheap


Renewable , clean , safe

Expensive , dangerous

Coal, oil , natural gas …


Harmful, exhausted , polluting

2.Compare your answers with your partner.

For example :

A: I think biogas is renewable .

B: Me, too. I also think it is abundant

and cheap.


3.look at the pictures and complete these sentences , using the words in1. – clean / safe


3.wind – clean

4.expensive – dangerous


1- Guide Ss how to stress the nouns and the adjectives with three syllables

2- Give examples

-explain the rules

- Have Ss practice in chorus

3- Ask Ss to do Ex 4 & 5to distinguish thetwo ways of stressing three-syllable words

4- Have Ss practice

- cross-check

- call some individuals

II. Pronunciation .

* How to stress in three-syllable Nouns and Adjectives .

Rule 1 : OooWhen Sylablel2 &3 are short vowels. ( very popular)

Eg :excellent , difficult , president , plentiful , energy accident , dangerous

Rule 2 : oOo When Syllable 2 is a long vowel or a dipthong and Syllable3 is a short vowel or dipthong /ou/ . ( popular)

Eg : disaster , potato , enormous , expensive , convenient , advantage ..

* Practice .

4. Listen and repeat . Which words are stressed on the first syllable and which ones are stressed on the second syllable ? Put them in the correct columns .













5. Read the following sentences and mark the stressed syllable in the underlined words . Then listen , check and repeat .

1.Coal will be replaced by another renewable resource.

2.Wind power is convenient and abundant .

3.Natural gas is limited and it is harmful to the environment .

4.Solar energy is plentiful and it can be replaced easily .

Nuclear power is expensive and dangerous .

3. Homework

-Learn by heart all the new words.

-Prepare for next lesson ( find the

meaning of the new words in the

next lesson )

-Doa * b1,2 . ( workbook)

* do at home



Planning date:

Teaching date:

Period : 81


Lesson 3: A Closer look 2

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about ENERGYSOURCES and they master the uses of the future continuous tense and the simple future passive.

- Develop Ss’ listening , reading and writing skills.

- Vocabulary:Energy sources.

- Grammar:The future continuous tense and the simple future passive

II. Teaching Aids :

- Projector.

III. Procedures:

I. Organization

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance.

7A1: ……. 7A2:…………..

II. New lesson

Sts’ and T’s activities


I. Warm- up.

- Have Ss answer some questions

-Lead to the new lessons

(old Lesson if have time

* Questions : Review simple future tense

1.What will it be tomorrow ?

2.Where will you go for this summer vacation ?

3.When will you have a party for your next birthday ?

4.How willthe world change if we use up all the non-renewable energy sources?

SWillV (inf)……

( simple future tense)

II. Activity

1 - Give examples

-Explain other uses of

- Give the form

- Have Ss workin pairs to do Ex 1,3

( work individually)

- Call someone to present their answers.

- Cross –correct

- Provide the keys

- Ask Ss to write down on their notebooks

* Grammar .

I. The future continuous tense .

* Examples :

- At 8.00 tomorrow morning, I will be learning Math at school.

- This time next summer , we will be visiting Paris

=> expressing an action in progress at a definite point of time in the future .


(-)S+will not be+V-ing

(?)Will+S+be+V-ing ?

Note 1 :The future continuous often company with a definite point of time in the future ( Adverbs of time )such as

On Sunday next week ,

At 8.00 tomorrow morning

This time next summer

By 2020 ,……………

*Practice :

1.Complete the sentences using the future continuous form of the verbs in brackets.

1, will be putting2, will be taking

3, will be installing4, will be spending

5, will be using

3.Complete the conversation with the verbs in brackets ( simple future or future continuous tense ).

1, will watch2, will we put

3, will be having4, will travel

5, will walk or cycle

6, will be cycling7, will be going

2- Give the form

- Give examples

-Explain other uses of the passive voice.

- Have Ss workin pairs to do Ex5

( work individually)

-Call someone to present their answers.

- Cross –correct

- Provide the keys

- Ask Ss to write down on their notebooks

II. The future simple passive form.

* Form

(+)S+will be+Vpp( by O ) .

(-)S+will be+Vpp( by O ) .

(?)will+S+be+Vpp( by O ) ?

* For Examples .

-Solar panels will be put on the roof of the houses.

- The exercises will be finished tomorrow.

- Low energy light bulbs will be used widely.

NOTE 1 : Passive form is used when….

-the doer is not known and not important

-the object is not important

NOTE2 : If the doer is definite and still important , we can add “ byO ” at the end of the sentence .

*Practice :

5. Complete the magazine article with the passive form of the verbs in the table .

1, be provided2, be used

3, be placed4, be stored5, be solved

3- Ask Ss to work in pairs /in groups of four.

- Call some pairs / groups to present their answers

- Cross -check

- T feed-back

* Further Practice .

4.Work in pairs . Tell your partner what you will be doing at the following point of time.

Eg: This time tomorrow

I will be learning English this time tomorrow


This time tomorrow , I will be learning English

1.Tomorrow afternoon

2.this weekend

3.this time next week

4.when you are fifteen years old

7. Look at the pictures and write what will be done in the future .

* Suggestions

1.A hydro power station will be built in the region to increase the electricity.

2.Solar panels will be put / installed on the roof of the buildings .

3.A network of wind turbines will be installed to generate electricity .

4.Bicycles will be used to travel in the city

III. Homework

-Learn by heart all the new words.

-Prepare for next lesson ( find the

meaning of the new words in the

next lesson )

-DoB3,4,5,6 ( workbook)

- Redo section 2,6, – students’ book

( Doat home if necessary)

2.Write what these students will be doing tomorrow afternoon.

1, Jenny will be giving a talk about saving energy .

2, Helen will be putting solar panels in the playground .

3, Susan will be checking cracks in the water pipes .

4, Jack will be putting low energy light bulbs in the classrooms.

5, Kate will be showing a film on types of renewable energy sources.

6. Change these sentences into the passive voice .

1.Waves will be used as an environmentally friendly energy source .

2.A network of wind turbines will be installed to make electricity.

3.In the countryside , plants will be burntn to produce heat .

4.Energy consumption will be reduced as much as possible .

5.Alternative sources of energy will be developed .

6.Solar energy will be used to solve the problem of the shortage of energy.



Planning date:

Teaching date:

Period : 82


Lesson 4: Communication

I. Objectives :

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about their carbon footprint as well as the ways how to save energy in life .

-Developing Ss’ reading and speaking skills.

- Vocabulary:ways to save energy in life .

- Skills :take a survey.

II. Teaching Aids :

- Projector.

III. Procedures:

I. Organization

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:

7A1: …………………… 7A2: ……………………..

II. New lesson

Teacher’s& Students’ activities


I.Warm - up:

- Have Ss answer the questions

- Set the sense .

- Lead to the new lesson

II. Activities

1- Elicit some new words from pictures and situations

- Read aloud many times in chorus

- Checking vocab: matching game

- Call some individuals

* Questions :

1.What did you do to save energy ?

2.What do you usually do to save energy ?

3.What will you do to save energy ?

Answers :




( students’ answers )


* How to save energy .

- to take a shower

- to ride a bike

- to use public transport

- to use a hand-fan

- to use low energy light bulbs

- to turn off electricity things

- to use biogas

- to …………………..






-Have Ss do a test/ do ex1

-Guide how to do ( individually)

- Ask Ss to work in groups of six

1 student is the monitor

5 student are the participants

- Call some groups to represent their works .

- Feedback

- Give the answers

II. Practice

1.Do a test by answering the following questions with the number from 1 to 4.


Do you ………?


(= 1 )


( = 2)



(= 3)


( = 4 )

1, take showers...

2, walk or ride..

3, use public transport……

4, use a handfan

5, use low energy

6, turn off the ….

7, only use as much water as…

8, only use a little electricity

9, use biogas ….

10, go to school by bike


Look up the score and answer the following question .

1, What is your total score ?




Then explain how well your partner saves energy “How big your partner’s carbon footprint is.”

Student1 : …………………

Student2 : ……………………

Student 3 : …………………..

Student 4 :……………………..

Student5 : …………………….

Keys :

10-20 : Your footprint is small . You are

really environmentally friendly .

21-30 : Your footprint isquite small.

Remember to care about , and respect

, the world around us .

31- 40: Your footprint is quite big . You do

something to save energy , but there’s

always room for improvement .

3 - Have Ss work in pairs

- Call some Ss/ pairs to represent their report beforethe class

- Feedback

2.Report your partner’s carbon footprint to your groups / class . Use the following prompts .

For example :

My partner’s carbon footprint is bog . He is considerate because uses lots of baths . He could try harder to use showers instead of baths . By reducing the baths , he can help to save energy in the future .

( Ss’answers )

III. Homework.

-DoSpeaking ( workbook)

- Write a report about your own carbon footprint .

Do at home



Planning date:

Teaching date:

Period : 83


Lesson 5: SKILLS 1

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will get some more information about ENERGY SOURCES as well as well be able totalk abouttheir advantages and disadvantages .

- Develop Ss’ reading and speaking skills.

- Vocabulary:Advantages and disadvantages of energy sources .

- Skills : How to make a speech about advantages and disadvantages of energy.

II. Teaching Aids :

- Materials: Ss’ books,, an extra- board, a CD & a cassette player

, reference books and projector.

III. Procedures:

I. Organization

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance.

7A1: …….7A2:…………..

II. New lesson

Sts’ and T’s activities


I. Warm- up

- Have Ss play game “ spider web ”

- Read 3 times in chorus

- Set the sense

- Lead to the new lesson

* Discussion :

- Have Ss work in groups to discussthe following questions .

- Listen and feedback

Network . ( old lesson)

Ảnh đính kèm

1.Discuss the following questions .

1, What are the main sources of energy in Viet Nam ?……coal , oil, hydro power, …

2, What types of energy sources will be used in the future ?………………………

(….solar energy , wind energy …..)

II. Activities

1- Elicit some new words ( pictures , realias , situations ….)

- Have Ss read many times in chorus

- Call some individuals

2* Checking vocab: Slap the board and remember

I. Vocabulary.




- to create

= to produce

= to generate

- To replace

- to turn ( turbines)

- to convertinto

- to value





- alternative



- a great deal of

= a lot of


3- Guide Ssthe way how to do Ex3-a

- Give examples

- Ask Ss to workindividually

- Call some Ss to the black-board

- Provide the correct answers

4- Guide Ssthe way how to do Ex3-b

- Give examples

- Ask Ss to practicein pairs

- Cross –check

- Call some Ss to the black-board

- Provide the correct answers

- Ask Ss to write down on their notebooks

II. Practice .

A. Reading .

2.Read the text below and check your ideas .

3. Read the text then answer the questions .

a. Match the verbs with the nouns.

1.– c . create energy

2.– a . drive machinery

3.-e . generate electricity

4.– b . turn turbines

5.–d . heat houses .

b. Answer the questions .

1.Two. They are renewable and non-renewable .

2.Hydro power is limited because dams cannot be built in certain areas ,and nuclear energy is dangerous .

3.because the wind can turn turbines to make electricity . Solar energy can be changed into electricity or cab be used to heat or cool our houses .

4.We use hydro power most .

5.he think Viet Nam will use the wind and the sun as alternative sources of energy in the future .

- Have Ss workin pairs

-Call some pairs to role-play before the class

- Cross-check

-T feedback

B. Speaking :

4. Ask and answer questions about the advantages and disadvantagesof each type of energy source.

Example :

A: What type of energy is oil ?

B: It is non-renewable source of energy ,

because it cannot easily be replaced .

A: What are its advantages and


B: It can be used to drive machinery ,

but it also pollutes the environment .



5- Divide the class into 4 groups

- Have Ss make a speech about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of energy source .

- T observe

- call some groups to represent their work

- Feedback

5. Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each type of energy source. ( speaking)

Example :

Hydro power is a renewable source of energybecause it comes from water . It is cheap and plentiful . Unfortunately , dams can only be built in certain areas .

III. Homework

- Learn by heart all the new words.

-Prepare for next lesson ( find the

meaning of the new words in the

next lesson )

-Do Reading ( workbook)

- Redo Ex5 ( students’ book)

Do at home



Planning date:

Teaching date:

Period : 84


Lesson 6 :SKILLS 2

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to write a passage aboutenergy and the ways how to save energy in life .

- Develop Ss’ listening and writing skills

- Vocabulary:energy sources &ways to save energy .

- Skills :How to write a passage .

II. Teaching Aids :

- Materials: Ss’ books,, an extra- board, a CD & a cassette player

,reference books and projector.

III. Procedures:

I. Organization

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance.

7A1: …….7A2:…………..

II. New lesson

Sts’ and T’s activities


I. Warm- up

- Have Ss play game “ spider-web of phrases  ”

- Read 3 times in chorus

- Discuss some questions

- Set the sense

- Lead to the new lesson

I. Vocabulary.

Ảnh đính kèm 

1.Look at the pictures . Discuss the followings .

1, What do you think is unusual about this means of transport ?

2, Have you seen any transport like this ?

3, What should we do to save energy in our life ?

II.  Activities.

1- Elicit some new words ( pictures , realias , situations ….)

- Have Ss read many times in chorus

- Call some individuals

* Checking vocab: What & Where

I . Vocabulary  : 

 ( in developing countries) use up lead to change heat up release solve ( the problem) protect invest increase >< to reduce avoid ( doing ST)





2- Have Ss guess the answers before listening

- Cross-check

- Play the tapes

- Call someone to give their answers 

- Play the tape again

- provide the keys

3- Ask Ss to work individually

  - Cross –check

- Call some Ss to the black-board

- Provide the correct answers

- Have Ss work in groups to discuss what we should do to save energy

- T observe and feedback

- Ask Ss to write down the answers on their notebooks

II. Practice.

A.Listening .

2. Listen to the passage and tick true or false to the statements .

            1, T               2,T             3,T    

            4, F               5, T

3.Listen to the passage again and complete the sentences .

1, mountainous

2, Cooking and heating

3, air pollution

4, on the increase

5, wind and the sun

B.Writing .  

4.Complete the article . Use the phrases below .

1 -E  ,     2 -D   ,   3 -A  ,    4-B   ,  5-C

5.Discuss the following ways to save energy . Decide on the 5 most important , then write them in the box

 What should you do to save energy ?

1.Reduce our electricity

2.Use public transport 

3.Reduce the use of fossil fuel .

4.Increase the tax on petrol.

5.Use low energy light bulbs .

4- Divide the class into 6 groups

- Have Ss practice  in  group

- Present their works on the sub-boards

- T observe

- Feedback

6.Write a short passage about what we should do to save energy.

( maybe at home)

Start like this :

Every day, we use too much energy at home . We should …………………….. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

III. Homework

-   Learn by heart all the new words.

-   Prepare for next lesson ( find the

    meaning of the new words in the

    next lesson )

-   Do  Writing ( workbook)

 -  Redo Ex6  ( student’sbook)

                Do at home



Planning date:

Teaching date:

Period : 85


Lesson 7 : Looking back & Project

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able torevise what they have learnt aboutENERGY SOURCESin the previous lessons as well as make their own products slogans about how to save energy.

- Develop Ss’ listening speaking reading and writing skills.

- Vocabulary:Sources of energy & ways to save energy in life .

- Grammar:The future continuous tense and the future simple passive form .

II. Teaching Aids :

- Materials: Ss’ books,, an extra- board, a CD & a cassette player

, reference books and projector.

III. Procedures:

I. Organization

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance.

7A1: …….7A2:…………..

II. New lesson

Sts’ and T’s activities


I. Warm up

- Have Ss put the words into the correct groups to recall some new words

- Read 3 times in chorus

- Checking remembering by games

- Guide how to play

- observe & feedback

I. Vocabulary. ( Review)

1 . Put the words into the correct groups .

Sources of energy




Solar energy


Nuclear energy

Water power









Exhausted/ dangerous


II. Activity

1-Review briefly theusages and forms ofthe future continuous tense and the simple future passive voice .

-Give examples

- re-explain the uses and the form

2- Have Ss do Ex( pair work &


-cross- check

-call someone to represent their


-Provide the keys

-Ask Ss to write down their

answers on their notebooks

-Have Ss look at the pictures and say out

-Call some ones to present

-Feedback and correct mistakes

if necessary

II. Grammar: ( Review)

A, The future continuous tense .

=> expressing an action in progress at a definite point of time in the future .


(-)S+will not be+V-ing

(?)Will+S+be+V-ing ?

B, The future simple passive form. Passive form is used when….

-the doer is not known /not important

-the object is not important

* Form

(+)S+will be+Vpp( by O ) .

(-)S+will be+Vpp( by O ) .

(?)will+S+be+Vpp( by O ) ?

NOTE : If the doer is definite and still important , we can add “ byO ” at the end of the sentence .

* Practice :

2. Complete the sentences using the verbs in brackets in the future continuous.

1, will be wearing2, will be lying

3, will be working4, will be studying

5, will be building

3. Change the following sentences into the passive voice.

1.A lot of money will be spent on heating next year .

2.Biogas will be used for fuel in homes and for transport.

3.Renewable energy like wind and solar energy will be used to solve the problems of pollution.

4.The use of electricity will be reduced to save energy.

5.A hydro power station will be built in this area next year.

4. Complete the dialogue, using the future continuous form of the verbs .

1, will be earning2, will be doing

3, will be doing4, will be hosting

5, will be doing

III. Communication: How to save energy

5. Look at the pictures and answer the question below .

What should you do to save energy ?

-We should turn off the fire when the kettle is boiling .

-We should turn off the faucet when the tub is full of water .

-We should close the refrigerator’s doorwhen we do not use it .

-We should turn off the fan when we do not use it.

-We should turn off the lights when there is no one in the room .

-We should turn off the gas-stoves when we do not cook .

3- Have Ss discuss the slogans

- Observe and feedback.

- Divide the class into 6 groups

- Have Sswork in groups to draw slogans about how to save energy.

- Call some groups to present their products ( exhibition)

- T observe

- Feedback

IV: Project.( Poster / sub-boards)

1.Look at the slogans and answer the questions below.

-How are they used ?

-Why are they important ?

2.Write a simple slogans in your groups about how to save energy .

( exhibition their slogans )

( maybe do at home )

III. Homework

- Learn by heart all the new words.

-Prepare for next lesson ( find the

meaning of the new words in the

next lesson )

-Redo 3,5 and project

(students’ book)

Do at home