Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 2: Health mới nhất


Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 9


Lesson 1: Getting started- Going out, or staying in?

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about health issues and give advice on healthy living; use “have a/an; feel” to talk about health problems

II. Teaching aids:

- Stereo, CD.

III. Procedure

A. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A4…………………..

B. New lesson.

T’s and Ss’ activities


1.Warm up

Brainstorming: Teacher writes the word ‘HEALTH’ on the board and askes Ss to call out words related to health. If the class is advanced, the teacher can make two lists on the board, healthy & unhealthy, Ss can brainstorm words related to each list.

2. Activities

+ Activity 1: Listen and read

T: Asks Ss to open their books to the picture. T can ask Ss prediction questions about the picture and generally focus Ss attention on the topic of the lesson. Questions may include:

• What can you see in the picture?

• What time is it?

• What do you think the people in the picture are talking about?

• Who do you think is healthier?

Ss answer the question as a class. T then plays the dialogue and has the Ss follow along. Ss may track the dialogue with their fingers as they listen to the recording.

T: elicits some new words

a. T Asks Ss to complete the task individually or in pairs. T can check answers and ask Ss to use each item in a sentence.

b. T asks Ss to read the conversation again and complete the table. T may write the table on the board while Ss are working individually, then correct the exercise as a class by asking Ss to come to the board and tick the correct column.

+ Activity 2: Match the health issuses in the box with the pictures. Then listen and repeat.

T asks Ss to look at the pictures. As a class Ss can call out which word they think matches each picture. T asks Ss to write the words below each picture. T plays the recording and Ss repeat. T corrects the exercise with the whole class.

a. In groups or pairs T asks Ss to brainstorm more health issues and add them to the box. Then, Ss share ideas as a class.

b. T asks Ss to write a numbered list in their notebooks from 6 to 1. T then asks Ss to rank the health issues from most common to least common and share with a partner. T should encourage Ss to give rasons for their rankings.

+ Activity 3:

T asks one S to read though the list of advice aloud.

T asks Ss to complete the matching activity individually and corrects the activity as a class.

+ Activity 4: Game

Before class T can make cards with problems and advice. T divides the class into two groups and gives one group ‘problem’ cards, and one goup ‘advice’ cards. T instructs Ss to walk around the room and read their cards to each other and stand next to the person who has the matching advice or problem card. T can call on some pairs to read their cards aloud. T can repeat the activity as many times as time permits.

T may also extend the activity by asking Ss to create a dialogue around the problem/advice cards. Ss may do this in class or as homework.

3. Homework.

- Do exercises in workbook.

- Prepare a closer look 1.

Ảnh đính kèm


1. Listen and read


Down (adj):buồn, thất vọng

Junk food (n):đồ ăn nhanh, đồ ăn vặt

Put on weight:tăng cân

Flu (n):bệnh cúm

Sunburn (n):bị cháy nắng

Spots (n):mụn nhọt

Allergy (n):dị ứng

Ex: 1a. Can you find a word or phrase that mean:

1. Zooniverse

2. I don’t feel like it.

3. sound down

4. putting on weight

5. won’t take no for an answer

b. Read the conversation again. Who wants to do the following things?

1. Phong               2. Phong

3. Nick           4. Nick          5. Phong

2. Listen

Ex2: Match the health issuses in the box with the pictures. Then listen and repeat.

1. e            2. f           3. d

4. c             5.b           6.a

3. Practice

a. Can you think of any more health issues? Add them to the box:

- Diabetes

- common cold


b. Which problems do you think are the most common with your classmates?




Ex3: Now look at the advice. The people have the wrong advice. Can you matchthe correct advice with each person.

1. c      2. d             3. e

4.b               5.a

Ex4: Game


A: I have spots.

B: Oh, I’m sorry. My advice is “ Wear a sun hat”/ Yes! My advice is “ Wash your face regularly”



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 10


Lesson 2: A closer look 1

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use lexical items related to health issues and advice on healthy living; pronounce the sounds / f / and / v / correctly.

II. Teaching aids:

- Stereo, CD.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

T’s and Ss’ activities

The content

1.Warm up

T writes the numbers 1-6 on the board and asks the Ss if they can remember (without opening their books) the vocabulary for health problems from Getting Started, Activity 2.

2. Activities.


T writes have a/an, have, and feel on the board. T asks a S to read the words from the first column. T writes the words in a word web around have a/an. T encourages ss to add more words( from the six words in Warm up stage). T repeats this for the next two columns.

T asks Ss if they can make a movement for each of the different health problems. The Ss should say the health problem while doing the movement. For Example: ‘I have a cough’ (Ss pretend to cough).

EX1: T explains the noun ‘patient’ to make sure that Ss are familiar with it. T asks Ss to do the exercise individually. T corrects the exercise as a class.

EX2: T asks Ss to complete the exercise individually. T corrects the exercise as a class.

EX3: T asks one S to come to the front of the class. T models the role-play in the book with the St. Try to make it as fun and dramatic as possible. Then, T divides Ss into pairs. T encourages Ss to think about how each person (Doctor and patient) feels and will act. Ss choose a problem and make a role-play. They may choose more than one. T gives Ss about 5 minutes to practice their role-plays. T then asks some pairs to perform their role-plays for the class. After each role-play T asks the class comprehension questions about what they just saw. Eg: What was Mai’s problem? What advice did Dr. Thao have?

Ex4:T asks four Ss to model the example convesation. Then, T divides the class into groups and asks Ss to talk about a health problem. T may ask Ss to extend the conversation by trying to figure out what the most common health problem is in the group and then report back to the class.


Ex5:T may want to sart by drilling the sounds/f/ and /v/ and asking Ss to think of any words they know with these souns in them. T can write Ss ideas on the board. Then, T says the words in 5 and asks the Ss to repeat. Finally, T plays the recording and has Ss circle the words they hear. T may play the recording as many times as necessary.

EX 6: T asks Ss to listen to the sentences once and repeat. T then asks Ss to circle the words with /f/ or /v/ sounds. T has the Ss listen to the recording again and gives the correct answers to the entire class.

3. Homework

- Do exercises in workbook.

- Prepare a closer look 2.


Have a/ an: cough, headache, sorethroat, temprature, an allergy, a spot, (a) sunburn, a sickness…..

Have: (the) flu, stomachache, toothache, earache, spots……

Feel: sick, tired, weak,……

Ex1: Look at the pictures. Write the problem below the picture of each patient.

1. Flu                  2. Sunburn

3. Allergy            4. Tired/Weak

Ex2: Now, read the doctor’s notes about his patients and fill in the missing words.

1. (a) sunburn

2. the flu

3. tired, temperature

4. sick, stomachache

5. sore throat

Ex3: Role-play the meeting with the doctor.

Hi, doctor Thao.

Hi, Hung

I was outside all day yesterday. I feel very hot and my face is red.

I see. I think you have a sunburn.

Ex4: Choose a health problem. Work in groups. Tell your group about the last time you had that problem.

E.g: A: I had flu two weeks ago.

B: Me too, I felt so weak.

C: Oh. I had a sore throat yesterday.

D: I had toothache. I think I ate too many sweets.

2. Pronunciation

Ex5: Listen and circle the words you hear.

1. fat          2. ferry           3. vas

4. vault       5. save           6. leave

Ex6: Listen and circle the words with the /f/or /v/ sound. Then say the sentences.

1. Fast, food

2. have, felt

3. fatter

4. having, lifestyle

5. give



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 11


Lesson 3: A closer look 2

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use:imperatives with more and less; form compound sentences and use them corretly.

II. Teaching aids:

- Extra- boards

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Students’ and teacher’s activities


1.Warm up.

T can give Ss simple classroom commands. Eg: stand up, sit down, raise your hand, open your book, close your book. Ss do the command as the T says it.

2. Activities


* Imperatives with more and less

Introduction: Teacher writes the word IMPERATIVE on the board and explains to children that the imperative can be used for direct, commands, orders or suggestions.

T asks Ss to open their books and read through the yellow box (tracking the words with their fingers) as T reads the tex aloud. T may want to check the Ss comprehension by asking some comprehension checking questions. Eg: When I feel tired should I sleep more or less? What should I do if I am doing poorly in school? What should I do if I want to lose weight? Put on weight?

Ex1: T asks Ss to look at the four pictures and calls on Ss to tell the class what they see. T divides the Ss into pairs and asks pairs to give advice to each person in the picture. In more advanced classes Ss can also give reasons for the advice. T gives Ss 2-3 minutes to come up with ideas for advice and then T calls on some groups to share with the class.

Ex2: T asks Ss to look at the yellow Grammar Box again. T asks Ss to think for a moment about which 6 pieces of advice are most important to teens. Then, T asks Ss to discus their ideas in pairs or groups of three.

T asks a few groups to share their ideas. T takes a quick class poll to see which 6 pieces of advice the class thinks are most improtant. T writes the ideas on the board.

Ex3: T asks Ss to read through the Teen Health Website individually and complete the headings. T asks Ss if the ideas from the class and the ideas from the website are the same. T may want to encourage class discussion here about why some pieces of advice are more important than others.

* Compound sentences

Introduction: T writes AND, OR, BUT, and SO on the board. T asks Ss what these words are called.

Ss: Conjunction ( Ss may answer in English or Vietnamese).

T asks Ss to read the first paragraph of the Yellow Box and asks: What do we call a sentence made by linking two simple sentences?

Answer: A compound sentence.

T asks Ss to read the second paragraph of the Yellow Box and again: What does a coordinating conjunction do?

Answer: It joins two simple sentences.

T divides the class up into three large groups. The first group is ‘Independent clause 1’, the second group is ‘Conjunction’, and the third group is ‘Independent Clause 2’. The whole class reads the table aloud. Each group chorally chants their part of the sentence when T calls out the name of their group.

The class repeats this process for the rest of the sentences in the table.

Once they have finished T asks the class: ‘Where does the comma go in a comound sentence?’

Answer: It goes after the first independent clause

Ex1: T asks Ss to complete the exercise individually. T corrects the exercise with the class.

Ex2: T asks Ss to complete the exercise individually. T corrects the exercise as a class.

Ex 3: T asks Ss to complete the exercise individually.

Ex4: T asks Ss to read the quotes aloud. T asks comprehension questions to make sure that Ss understand the vocabulary.

T asks Ss to dicuss the similarities and differences of quotes. For less able classes, T may want to lead the conversation as a class. T may ask Ss if they can think of any Vietnamese proverbs with a similar meaning.


Do exercises in the Workbook.

Prepare: Communication

1. Grammar

* Imperatives with more and less

Eg:- Relax more.

- Watch less TV.

* Câu mệnh lệnh dùng để hướng dẫn, ra lệnh, yêu cầu hoặc gợi ý.

Ex1: Look at the pictures. Which advice would you give to each of these people? Use the imperatives with more or less above.

Suggested answers:

a. Spend less time reading

b. Spend less time mobile phone

c. eat less fat food

d. sleep more

Ex2: Top Health Tips for Teens

Ss’ ideas.

Ex3: Look at the article on the Teen Healthwebsite. Fill in the blanks to complete their top six health tips.

1. Do more exercise!

2. Sleep more!

3. Eat less junk food

4. Wash your hands more.

5. Watch less TV

6. Spend less time playing computer games.

2. Compound sentences

Conjunction(liên từ): and, or, but, so.

Eg: Nam does morning exercise everyday, so he is well- built.

Simple sentence 1, Conj Simple sentence 2.= Compound sentence

Liên từ dùng để nối 2 câu đơn thành câu Phức (câu ghép). Câu ghép sử dụng 4 liên từ trên (BASO) gọi là câu ghép đẳng lập.

Trước các liên từ này luôn có dấu phảy.

* Game :


To says: Independent Clause 1

Group 1 says: The Japanese eat a lot of rice.

T says: Conjunction

Group 2 says: AND

T says: Independent Clause 2

Group 3 says: They eat a lot of fish.

Ex1 : Make compound sentences by joining the two simple sentences. Use the conjunction given. Remember to add a comma.

1. I want to eat some food, but I have a sore throat.

2. The Japanese eat healthily, so they live for a long time.

3. I feel tired, and I feel weak.

4. You can go and see the doctor, or you can go to bed now and rest.

Ex2: Match the beginnings of the sentences with the picture that comlete them.

1. a            2.c          3.a             4.b

Ex3: Now, complete the second part of the compound sentences.

1, so he doesn’t have flu

2. , and he doesn’t do exercise

3. , or she should try to relax more

4. , she does exercise, too.

Ex4: Read the quote about health below. Explain each quote to your partner. Discuss the similarities and differences.

Eg: Where does someone ride when she rides on horseback? What does it mean to go somewhere on foot?

When you value something to you think it’s important or not?



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 12


Lesson 4: Communication

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk abouthealth facts or myths

II. Teaching aids:

- A CD, a CD player.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Students’ and teacher’s activities


1.Warm up.

*Brainstorming: T writes the words Healthy and Unhealthy on the board. The class brainstroms about things that are healthy or unhealty.

2. Activities


T pre-teaches the vocabulary in th Extra Vocabulary Box


Ex1: T divides the class into pairs and asks them to complete the exercise by ticking the sentences they think are true and putting a cross next to the sentences they think are false. T gives the Ss 2-3 minutes to complete the exercise. T chooses a few groups to share their aswers with the class.

Ex2: First, T asks Ss to close their books, listen, and take notes. T plays the recording. Ss then open their books and correct their answers using their notes (or from memory). T then plays the recording again for Ss to check a second time.

Ex3: T asks Ssto work in pairs, as suggested in the student’s book.

T divides Ss into groups and has them complete the exercise. T sets a time limit.

Ex4,5: When the time limit for exercise 4 is finished T puts groups together to quiz one another. In order to keep things organised, each group chooses one spokesperson for the group. The spokesperson can consult his/her group, but the spokesperson is the only one who can answer.


Do exercises in the Workbook.

Prepare: Skills 1

Ảnh đính kèm

1. Vocabulary

Myth (n): huyền thoại, việc hoang đường

Sushi (n): su- si

Vitamin (n): Vitamin

Sleeping in (n): ngủ nhiều, ngủ nướng

Vegetarian (n): Người ăn chay

2. Practice

Ex1. Work in pairs. Discuss these sentences. Do you think they are true or false? Tick (P) the sentences you think are true. Put a cross (x) next to ones you think are false.

1. T         2.F      3.F     4.F     5.F    6.F

Ex2: Listen to the radio show about “health facts or myth’s and check your answers in 1.

- Ss listen and take notes.

Ex3: Discuss the following in groups.

1. Which sentence are you most surprised by? Why?

2. Do you know any health facts or myths about health in Viet Nam? Where did you hear them?

Ex4: Work in groups. Think of some sentences about health that are not true. Then think of some that are fasle.

Ex5: Test another group to see how many of your health myths they can spot.



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 13


Lesson 5: Skill 1

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to read and talk about health issues and give advice on healthy living.

II. Teaching aids:

- A CD, a CD player.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Students’ and teacher’s activities


1. Warm up

T writes the word CALORIE on the board

T brainstorms with the class any words that they associate with CALORIE.

2. Activities


- Who can tell me the topic of the reading we are going to read?

Ex1: Ask Ss to complete the exercise. Then T corrects.

Ex2: Ss work in pairs to complete ex2. Ss can use dictionaries. T elicits the meaning of words from different groups.

Ex3: T ask Ss to complete the activity individually. T then corrects the answers with the class.


Ex4: T draws Ss attention to the table and explains that the activities are listed next to the number of calories used in one hour. T may ask comprehension question such as “ If I do aerobics for 3 hours, how many calories will I use?”

T puts Ss in pairs, or groups of three and asks them to discuss the questions. T walks around the room monitoring. When Ss have finished discussing the questions, T asks them to move on to exercise 5.

Ex5: T asks Ss to complete the table and think about how many calories each activity will take. If the activity they like to do is not on the table Ss can guess the number of calories by comparing with the table 4. Ss share their table with groups.


Do exercises in the Workbook.

Prepare: Skills 2

- Food, drink…

1. Reading

Ex1. Quickly read the text. Match the correct headings with the paragraphs.

1. b

2. a

3. c

Ex2: Find the following words/ phrases in the text. Discuss the meaning of each word/ phrase with a partner. Then check the meaning.


Pay attention-notice, be aware

Diet (n)-the food that you eat on a daily


Diet (v)-meant a special eating routine

to lose weight or accomplish

another health goal.

Expert- someone who has studied a lot

about a subject or topic and

understands it well.

Stay in shape- stay healthy.

Ex3: Now answer the following questions.

1. A calorie is energy that helps us do our everyday activities.

2. If we eat too many calories we get fat.

3. To stay healthy you need between 1,600 and 2,500 calories.

4. Sports activities and running use a lot of calories.

5. People listen to his advice because he is an expert.

2. Speaking

Ex4: Look at the table and discuss the following questions.

1. Why do you think some activities use more calories than others.

2. Which activity uses more calories: gardening or walking?

3. How many calories do you use doing aerobics for 2 hours?

4. What do you think happens when we have too few calories, but too many calories?

EX5: Choose two or three activities you like to do. Complete the chart about those activities.

Ex6: Present your chart to the class

Ss’ performances.



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 14


Lesson 6: Skill 2

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen and write a reply giving advice to someone with a health problem.

II. Teaching aids:

- A CD, a CD player.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Students’ and teacher’s activities


1. Warm up.

T draw the Olympic rings on the board and ask Ss what these represent.

- Brainstorm with Ss as a class different words that come to mind when Ss think of the Olympic.

2. Activities


Ex1: T divides the class into pairs and asks them to discuss the questions.

Ex2: Asks Ss to listen to the recording and circle the health problem they hear.

Ex3: T asks Ss to listen to the recording again and choose the right respond.

Ex4: Have Ss complete the task individually. T can ask an early finisher to come up to the board and write his/her answers on the board and the class can check them.

Ex5: T divides the class into groups and give them a time limit for discussion and feedback as a class.


EX6/7: Asks if Ss remember who Dr. Dan is( He is a diet expert) .Then T asks Ss to read the questions and advice, then underline the different ways Dr. Dan gives advice. When the majority of the class has finished, T can correct the answers then discuss different ways to give advice.

Ex8: T divides Ss into A and B then put them in pairs. T asks one student A to write a health problem on a piece of paper ( using the frompts from the book), T then asks Student A to pass the paper to Student B and Student B can write a response.

- Share their questions and responses with the class.


Do exercises in the Workbook.

Prepare: Looking back

1. Listening

Ex1: Look at the picture below. Discuss the following questions with a partner.

1. What sports do people do in the Olympics?

2. The Olympic sport below is sometimes called “ the ironman event, Why?”

Ex2: Listen to the interview. Which problems did he have as a child?



Ex3: Listen to the interview again. What advice does he give about preparing for the event?

-Do more exercises

-Sleep more

-Eat more fruit/ vegetables

Ex4: Are the following sentences true (T) or false (F)

1. T       2. F      3. F       4. F       5. T

Ex5: Now discuss the following in groups.

1. Why is the triathlon a difficult event?

2. Can you think of other Olympic sports that are harder/ easier?

3. Would you like to try the triathlon one day? Why? Why not?

2. writing

Ex6: Look at Dr. Dan’s advice page. Can you match the problems with the answers?

1. c             2. b             3. a

Ex7: Look at the answers again. Underline the ways Dr. Dan gives advice.

·You should…

·You can…

·It will be good if you…

·Do something more/ less…

Ex8: Now , with a partner choose one of the following problems….

Anna: played outside all day/ has sunburn/ has a temprerature

Ngoc: feels weak/ feel tired/ sleeps in

Khang: ate too much/ has stomachache/ feels sick.



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 15


Lesson 7: Looking Back and Project

I. Objectives.

By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to review the vocabulary and grammar items in unit 2; do a health survey.

II. Teaching aids:

- Extra- boards.

III. Procedure

I. Class organization.

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

II. New lesson.

Students’ and teacher’s activities


1.Warm up.

* Brainstorming: Health problems

2. Activities


Ex1:Ss can complete this task individually or in pairs. Ss should be encouraged to write down their answers. T can correct the exercise on the board to check spelling.

Ex2:T asks what the see in each picture. After a brief discussion time, Ss can comlete the exercise individually


Ex3: Ss can complete the exercise individually.

Compound sentences.

Ex4: Ss can do the exercisewith a partner.


Ex5: T can divide the Ss into pairs. T can ask one pair to come up and role-play the example in the book. T then asks the Ss to create their own role-plays from the sample problems in the book. T can choose a pair or two to do their role-plays in front of the class.

EX6: Ss can remain in the same pairs as in exercise 5 and discuss the sentences in 6. T can set a time limit and after a few minutes Ss can report back to the class. The class can decide what’s true and what’s a myth.

Project: Health survey

This project can be done as homework.

1. T divides the class into groups and each group comes up with questions to find out more about health and health habits of the people around them. Ss can ask other groups in class or ask people outsede of the class (other students/teachers in school, family members, friends).

2. If done in class the groups should discuss the main health problems they discovered and what they would like to do to fix them. T may assign extension activities (i.e. making a poster, a song, etc.) for homework or extra points.

If done at home, some Ss can make a brief report about the health problems they discovered and tell their groups/the class about what they found.

3. Home work

Do exercises in the Workbook.

Prepare: Unit 3; Getting started

I. Vocabulary

Health issues and advice

1: What health problems do you think each of these people has?

a. sunburn

b. spots

c. put on weight

d. stomachche

e. flu

2: Look at the pictures above. Write the health problem below each person.

1. spots

2. put on weight

3. sunburn

4. stomachche/ sick

5. flu

II. Grammar

Imperatives with more or less.

3: Complete the health tips below.

1. less2. more3. more

4. Go outside…

5. Watch less TV…

6. Do more exercise

4: Draw a line to link a simple sentence, to a coordinator, to another simple sentence.

Suggested answers:

1. I want to eat some junk food, but I am putting on weight.

2. I don’t want to be tired tomorrow, so I should go to bed early.

3. I have a temperature, and I feel tired.

4. I can exercise every morning, or I can cycle to school.

III- Communication

5: Choose one of the following health problems. Role play a discussion. Student A is the patient. Student B is the doctor.

Example: A: Hi, doctor. I feel weak and sick.

B: Did you have enough calories? You should eat more, and I think you should get more exercise too.

A: OK. Thank you doctor

6: Discuss the following sentences about health with a partner. Do you think they are facts or myths?

E.g: When you have a headache, you should rub an egg on your head.

A: I don’t think this is true. It’s a myths.

B: Yes, I agree/ No, I disagree…..