Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Unit 5: Vietnamese food and drink mới nhất


Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 34


Lesson 1: Getting stared

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to understand the content of the dialogue. Ss ask and answer different traditional food.

- Develop listening and speaking skills


Vocab - The lexical items related to the topic “ Food and Drink”

II. Teaching aids

- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, tape recorder and CD…

III. Procedure

A. Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance:7A1……..,7A2……

B. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:

Ask Ss about the picture:

Where are Phong and his mum?

What might be happening to them?

What are they doing?

What is there in the fridge?


* Teaching new words:

Elicit some new words (pictures, realias, situations ….)

Have Ss read twice

* Checking vocab: matching

1. Play the recording. Sts listen and read.

Ss word and share their answers with friends. T correct.

Have Ss work independently.

T. asks Ss not to look at the book and try to remember which foods and drinks.

2. Have Ss quickly match each word/ phrase with its picture.

3. Ask Ss to think about their favorite food and drink.

Ss work in pairs

4. Ss listen and repeat the adjectives.

Ss can add some more adjectives to talk about the food and drink in 2.

5. Ss work in groups. One student describes his favourite food or drink. The rest of the group tries to guess which food or drink it is.

3. Homework:

Be ready for a closer look 1.

Learn by heart some words

Ss answer questions:


- tofu(n):đậu phụ

- noodles (n):mì, mì sợi

- warm sth up ( v):hâm nóng gì

- mineral water (n):nước khoáng

- carton (n):hộp bìa cứng

1. Listen &read:

a) Read the conversation and answer the questions:

1. Because his parents are going to the opera tonight and they won’t be home until 9 pm.

2. There’s some rice left from lunch.

3. Phong should warm it up.

4. She’ll buy some milk tomorrow.

5. He can have some orange juice instead of milk.

b) Find the word about Food and Drink.







fried vegetables

mineral water


orange juice





2. Match the food and drink with the pictures.

1- J, 2 - F, 3 - A, 4- B, 5 - D, 6 - I, 7- G,

8 - H, 9- E, 10 - C.

3. Think about their favorite foods and drinks.


A: What’s your favorite food?

B: It’s pho bo - beef noodle soup.

A: When do you usually eat it?

B: In the morning.

4. Listen and repeat the adjectives.

1. bitter                 5. salty

2. delicious            6. spicy

3. tasty                 7. fragrant

4. sweet                8. sour

5. Game: What ‘s your favorite food and drink?


A: It’s my favourite drink. It’s a bit sour, but It’s also sweet.

B: Is it lemonade?

A: Yes, it is / No, try again.



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 35


Lesson 2: A Closer look 1

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use some verbs to make the pancake with some vegetables. Ss can practice pronouncing / ɒ / and / ɔ: / fluently.

- Develop listening and speaking skills

* Content:

- Vocab:- The lexical items related to the topic “ Food and Drink”

- Grammar:Imperative

II. Teaching aids

- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, tape recorder and CD…

III. Procedure

A. Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance:7A1……..,7A2……

B. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:

Play game: slap the board

2. Activities

Uses some techniques to teach vocab

Checking: Rub out and remember:

1. Play the recording twice.

Ss repeat chorally and individually.

2. Ask Ss to do the exercise individually and then check with the whole class.

3. Check Ss’ understanding of the meanings of the nouns given.

Ss put the nouns in the correct columns.

4. T models the sounds / ɒ / and / ɔ: / first and let Ss see how the sounds are formed.

Ask Ss to practice the sounds together.

Plays the recording

Sts listen and circle the words they hear

3. Homework:

Prepare for next.

Learn by heart some words

Words about food and drink


- heat (v): đun nóng

- pour(v): rót

- fold(v) gấp, cuộn

- beat(v) đánh

- serve(v) phục vụ

- turmeric (n)củ nghệ

- pepper (n) hạt tiêu

1. Look at the pictures and complete the instructions with the verbs in the box. Then, listen, check and repeat the instructions..

1. Beat

2. Heat

3. Pour

4. Fold

5. Serve

2. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1. Beat the eggs together with sugar, flour , and milk.

2. Pour ¼ cup of the mixture into the pan at a time.

3. Heat the oil over a medium heat in a frying pan.

4. Cook until golden.

5. Serve the pancake with some vegetables.

3. Put the nouns in the correct columns.



pancake, beef noodle soup, spring rolls, noodles, pork, omelette, sandwich.

salt, cooking oil, flour, pork, turmeric, pepper, noodles.


4. Listen and repeat the words. Pay attention to the sounds / ɒ / and / ɔ: /.

- / ɒ / : soft, hot, bottle, pot, rod.

- / ɔ: / : pork, salt, fork, sport, sauce.

5. Listen to the sentences and circle the correct words you hear.

1. cod

2. port

3. sports

4. fox

5. short



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 36


Lesson 3: A Closer look 2

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to use How much and How many to ask about quantity.

- Distinguish countable nouns and uncountable nouns.


- Vocab:- The lexical items related to the topic “ Food and Drink”

- Grammar:Nouns (countable nouns and uncountable nouns)

How much and How many?

a/ an/ some/ any

II. Teaching aids

- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, tape recorder and CD…

IV. Procedures

A. Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance:7A1……..,7A2……

B. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:


2. Activities

T asks Ss to study the Grammar Box. Draw Ss’ attention to the difference between countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

Ss give some more examples.

1. Ask Ss to do the grammar exercise individually. Remind them to refer to the Grammar Box.

2. Ask Ss to study the Grammar Box. Draw Ss’ attention to the use of a, an, some and any by analyzing the instructions and examples in the Grammar Box.

3. Demonstrate the game to the class first. Then when Ss know exactly what to do. Ask them to work in groups.

4. Ss work individually.

5. Ask Ss to study the Grammar Box.

How many + ( countable noun) Ns

How much + (uncountable noun) N

6. Ask Ss to perform.

3. Homework:

Be ready for Communication

Learn by heart some words and grammar.

Two Ss go to the board and write the adjs about food and drink they’ve learnt. (in 5 minutes).

The person who writes more words is winner.

I. Grammar:

For uncountable nouns we can use phrases like a bottle of, a piece of, a bar of, a glass of , a kilo of, a bag of, a lot of…

1. Which of the following nouns are countable and which are uncountable?


Countable: banana, apple

Uncountable: bread, beef, pepper, pork, turmeric, spinach.

Countable nouns:


There is an egg.There are some eggs.

Uncountable nouns:

There is some milk

There isn’t any milk

Is there any milk?

Note : We can use Some in an offer or a request.

Example: Would you like some bananas?

Can I have some milk, please?

2. Game: Give me an egg!

One team says words related to food or drink.

The other team add s some /a/ an.


Team 1: egg

Team 2: an egg

3. Fill the blanks with a/ an / some or any in the following conversation.

1. any

2. some

3. some

4. any

5. a

6. an

4. Fill each blank with How many or How much.

1. How many

2. How much

3. How many

4. How many

5. How much

5. Use the suggested words to make questions with How much/ How many, the interview your partner.


How much milk do you drink every morning?



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 37


Lesson 4: Communication

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to talk about different types of Vietnamese food, drink and recipes.

- Develop listening and speaking skills

* Content:

- Vocab:- The lexical items related to the topic “ Food and Drink”

II. Teaching aids:

- Materials: Ss’ books, text books, tape recorder and disk…

III. Procedure

A. Class organization.

- Greeting.

- Checking attendance:7A1……..,7A2……

B. New lesson.

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up:


2. Activities

1- Elicit some new words through translation and situations.

Have Ss understand the meaning of the words.

Ss predict.

Read aloud 3 times and then have students read individually.

* Checking vocab: Rub- out and remember.

2- Play the recording à Ss listen and check their predictions.

- First, have Ss read the questions in the table carefully and ask them to note their answers. Then ask Ss to share their answers in pairs to find out what they have in common their partners.

Ask Ss to move around and ask different classmates every question.

3- T calls on some Ss to report the results of the ir interviews before the whole class.

3. Homework:

Prepare for Skills 1

Learn by heart some new words.

Ss ask and answer some questions about food and drink..


- sticky rice: (n) xôi

- sauce: (n) nước sốt

- sausage: (n) xúc xích

- yoghurt: (n) sữa chua

- tuna: (n) cá ngừ

- ham : (n) giăm bông

1. Listen to a celebrity chef, Austin Nguyen talking about his favorite food.Which food in Extra vocabulary does he talk about?

2. What are your favorite foods and drinks? Write your answers in the table below.


My favorite food is spring roll.

It tastes delicious.


3. Interview three students about their favorite foods and drinks.

4. Report your results to the class.



Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 38


Lesson 5: Skills 1

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to make a bowl of noodles “ Pho” and omelette.

- Read for specific information about Pho, a popular food in Viet Nam.

- Develop reading and speaking skills.

* Content:

- Vocab:- The lexical items related to the topic “ Food and Drink”

-Review : a/ an / some /any...

II- Teaching aids

- Materials: Studentbooks, teacherbook, projector, pictures…

III. Procedures:

I. Organization

Checking attendance.


II. New lesson

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm up

T asks Ss to look at the picture ofa bowl of Pho. Ask them:

- What dish do you think it is?

- Which place is famous for this dish?

- What are the ingredients for it?

When do people often have it?

Do you like to have it? Why or Why not?

Ss give the answers.

2. Activities

1- T uses some techniques to present new words

Check understanding: Rub-out and remember.

I.New words:

stew (v) (picture) : hầm

bone (n) (pic) xương

broth (n) : nước luộc thịt, nước xuýt

boneless (adj không xương

teaspoon (n) (pic) thia cà phê

pinch (n) nhúm

ingredient(n) thành phần

2- Ask Ss to scan the passage to answer the questions.

T gives the feedback.

T asks Ss to note where they found theinformation that help them to answer the questions.

Ss can compare answers before discussing them as a class.

T gives the key andSs check.

3- T reminds Ss of the form and use of a/an/ some /any…

Ss work in pairs, asking and answering questions about the ingredients for an omelette.



Exercise 2. Read Phong’s blog again and answer the questions.

1.We can enjoy pho all kinds of meals during a day, from breakfast to dinner and even for a late night snack.

2.They are made from the best variety of rice.

3.The broth for ph obo is made by stewing the bones of cows for a long time in a large pot. The broth for pho ga is made by stewing chicken bones.

4.It is boneless and cut into thin slices.

* Speaking:

Exercise 3. Look at the list of ingredients below. Work in pairs. Ask and answer questions about the ingredients for an omelette.


A: I want to cook an omelette. What ingredients do I need?

B: You need….

A: How much/ How many?.....

T asks Ss to work individually, using the phrases in the box to complete the instructions on how to cook an omelette.

4. Look at the picture of how to cook an omelette.







5. Work in pairs. Practicing giving instructions on how to make a dish or drink.


-Learn by heart new words.

-Do ex. D1,2,3 ( workbook)

-Prepare for the next.




Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 39


Lesson 6: Skills 2

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to listen for specific information about different traditional food.

- Write about some popular foods or drinks.

- Develop listening and writing skills.

*. Content:

-- Vocab:- The lexical items related to the topic “ Food and Drink”

II- Teaching aids

- Materials: Studentbooks, teacherbook, projector, pictures…

III. Procedures:

I. Organization

Checking attendance.


II. New lesson

Ss’ and T’s activities



T invites two groups of 5 students to take part in the game and gives some rules of the game.

Chain game:

Eg: drinkey……..

2. Activities

1- T uses some techniques to present some new words.

I. New words:

eel (n) lươn

turmeric (n)

shrimp (n) tôm

2- T asks Ss to read the instructions carefully and remind them to remember the name of three places and three dishes mentioned in the conversation they are going to listen.

T plays the recording.

3- T asks Ss to read the rubric and study the table carefully.

Ss read the rubic and study the map carefully.

T calls on some Ss to write their answers on the board.

4- T asks Ss to make notes about some popular foods or drinks where they live.

Ss do not have to write full sentences and they can use abbreviations.

II. Practice.

* Listening

1.Listen to three people talking about traditional dishes where they live. Match the places with the dishes.


1. b      2. a         3. c

2. Listen again. Tick the ingredients for each dish. Some ingredients are in morethan one dish.


banh tom : shrimp

sup luon : eel, pepper, turmeric,

my quang : rice noodles, shrimp, pork

* Writing

3. Make notes about some popular foods or drinks in your neighbourhood.

4. Post-tasks

Set up the writing activity.

Ss write a draft first. Then have them write their final version in class or at home.

4. Write a paragraph about popular foods or drinks in your neighborhood. Choose one or more. Use the information in 3, and Phong’s blog , as a model.

3. Homework

-Complete the writing tasks into your notebook.

-Do exercise E 1, 2 ( workbook )

-Prepare for the next.




Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 40


Lesson 7: Looking back + Project

I. Objectives:

- By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to cover the whole unit and do exercises.

- Know some ways of using “ a/ an / some and any…”.

- Communication.

*. Content:

- Vocab:- The lexical items related to the topic “ Food and Drink”

- Grammar:Nouns (countable nouns and uncountable nouns)

How much and How many?

a/ an/ some/ any

II. Teaching aids

- CD player, CD

III. Procedures:

I. Organization

Checking attendance.


II. New lesson

Ss’ and T’s activities


1. Warm-up

T calls on some Ss to go to the board and add the words or phrases they have learnt to the column.

1. Add the words or phrases they have learnt to the column.


Dishes: omelette, pancake, beef noodle soup, chicken noodle soup, rice, noodle pork, sandwich, meat, tofu, bread, spring roll…

Ingredients: shrimp, salt, cooking oil, flour,

Pork, turmeric, pepper, noodle, vegetable, egg, meat, tofu…

Phrases: a slice, a can, a bottle, a kilo, a bar, a glass, a bag, a teaspoon, a tablespoon…

2. Activities

1. Ss read the sentences carefully, and complete them with the verbs from the box.

2. Fill each gap with a verb from the box.

1. Fold

2. Pour

3. Beat

4. Heat

5. Serve

2. Grammatical exercises.

T asks Ss to work individually first.

3. Ss do exercise 3.

4. Ss do exercise 4, 5

T asks Ss to go to the board and write.

Exercise 3. Choose a/ an or some for the following words.


1. a      2. some     3. some       4. some

5. some      5. some     6. some    7. an

8. some

Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with some or any.




4.some/ any

5.any/ some

Exercise 5. Make questions with How many/ How much for the underlined words in the following sentences.

2. How much milk is there in the bottle?

3. How many cans of lemonade do you need?

4. How many apples does Peter got in his bag?

5. How much rice is there left in the electric cooker?

5. T asks Ss to role-play in pairs.

6. Choose sentences (A - D) to complete the following conversation. Practice the conversation with a partner.


1. D

2. B

3. A

4. C

7. Role-play the questions and answers.

3. Homework

- Project

- Prepare for the next.