Giáo án Tiếng Anh 7 Chữa bài kiểm tra số 2 mới nhất


Date of planning:

Date of teaching:

Period: 49


I. Objectives:

- To correct the test number 1. Give comments to encourage the students to study hard. Discuss the ways to improve the test score.

II. Teaching aids:

- Testing papers.

III. Procedure:

- Greetings.

- Checking attendance:7A1……….. 7A2: …………..

A. Remark on the tests:

-The number of the tests: 7A1:

+Exellent tests:

+Good test


+Under average:

-The number of the tests: 7A2:

+Exellent tests:

+Good test


+Under average:

-In general, all Ss have achieved the basic knowledge.

-There are many exellent and good tests.

- Some Ss' skill of doing general test is not good.

-The teacher shows some best and worst tests to correct before class:

B. Key

I- Listening: ( 2.5 marks- 0,25 mark for each correct answer)

1. Listen to Diane talking to a friend about a trip to London. For questions from 1-5, tick (X) A,B or C. You will hear the conversation twice.

1. B               2. B               3. A                 4. C           5. C

2- You will hear a woman talking to a shop assistant about buying a video film for her daughter.. Listen and complete. You will hear the conversation twice.

1. café           2. 12/ twelve                3. £5.99                4. Shirley              5. (the) bank

II- Reading. ( 2.5 marks- 0,25 mark for each correct answer)

1- Read the reading below, say whether the statements are true ( T ) or false ( F ). (Write T or F at the end of the statement.)

1. T            2. T            3. F             4. F              5. F

2- Read the following passage and the unfinished sentences carefully. Then choose the best answer and circle your choice.

1. d          2. c         3. d        4. a           5. d

III- Writing : ( 2.5 marks- 0,25 mark for each correct answer)

1-Rewrite these sentences, so that their meaning stays the same, using the beginning given for each.

1. " The tickes to the show cost too much for us

2. " Lan can’t paint as well as Nam

3. " A lot of children are attracted by Charles Dickens’ novels.

4. " Her book is different from mine

5. " It only takes half an hour to get to the art gallery.

2- Use the phrases in the box to complete the instructions below.

a. eggs together with salt, pepper, and cold water.

b. the egg mixture into the pan and cook for 2 minutes.

c. the omelette in half

d. the omelette on a place and serve it with some vegetables.

e. the oilover high heat in a frying pan.

1.First, beat……………………a………………………………………………..

2.then, heat……………………e………………………………………………..

3.Next, pour……………………b……………………………………………….

4.After that, fold………………c………………………………………………..

5.Finally, put……………………d……………………………………………….

IV- Language focus ( 2.5 marks- 0,25 mark for each correct answer)

1.Choose the one word or phrase A, B, C or D- that best completes sentences.

1. D         2. A          3. D            4. B            5. C

2. Match the phrases in column A with the nouns in column B.

1. b         2. e          3. d            4. c                   5. a