Reading điền từ - Free time

Sách tiếng anh i-Learn Smart World

Đổi lựa chọn

Câu 21 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and complete the blanks.

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax, but many people also (1)______ voluntary work, especially for charities.

A lot of free time is spent (2)_______ home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often record programmes so that they can watch later.

In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “do-it-yourself”, when people spend time (3)_________or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after. Taking the dog for a walk is regular (4)_______.

Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit to a local event (5)________

a festival, a fair or show. Young people go to clubs and discos, while people of all ages go to the theater, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.

People generally use it to relax, but many people also (1)____ voluntary work, especially for charities.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

A. make (v) làm

B. do (v) làm

C. take (v) lấy

D. go (v) đi

Cụm từ: do voluntary work: làm tình nguyện

=> People generally use it to relax, but many people also do voluntary work, especially for charities.

Tạm dịch: Mọi người thường sử dụng nó để thư giãn, nhưng nhiều người cũng làm công việc thiện nguyện, đặc biệt là cho các tổ chức từ thiện.

Câu 22 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and complete the blanks.

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax, but many people also (1)______ voluntary work, especially for charities.

A lot of free time is spent (2)_______ home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often record programmes so that they can watch later.

In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “do-it-yourself”, when people spend time (3)_________or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after. Taking the dog for a walk is regular (4)_______.

Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit to a local event (5)________

a festival, a fair or show. Young people go to clubs and discos, while people of all ages go to the theater, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.

A lot of free time is spent (2)___ home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Cụm từ: at home: ở nhà 

=> A lot of free time is spent at home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television.

Tạm dịch: Nhiều thời gian rảnh rỗi được dành ở nhà, nơi hoạt động giải trí phổ biến nhất là xem tivi.

Câu 23 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and complete the blanks.

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax, but many people also (1)______ voluntary work, especially for charities.

A lot of free time is spent (2)_______ home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often record programmes so that they can watch later.

In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “do-it-yourself”, when people spend time (3)_________or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after. Taking the dog for a walk is regular (4)_______.

Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit to a local event (5)________

a festival, a fair or show. Young people go to clubs and discos, while people of all ages go to the theater, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.

when people spend time (3)__________or repairing their homes.
Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Cấu trúc: spend time/ money + (on) + Ving: dành… để làm gì

=> when people spend time improving or repairing their homes.

Tạm dịch: khi mọi người dành thời gian cải thiện hoặc sửa chữa nhà của họ.

Câu 24 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and complete the blanks.

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax, but many people also (1)______ voluntary work, especially for charities.

A lot of free time is spent (2)_______ home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often record programmes so that they can watch later.

In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “do-it-yourself”, when people spend time (3)_________or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after. Taking the dog for a walk is regular (4)_______.

Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit to a local event (5)________

a festival, a fair or show. Young people go to clubs and discos, while people of all ages go to the theater, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.

Taking the dog for a walk is regular (4)_____.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

A. homework (n) bài tập về nhà

B. job (n) công việc

C. routine (n) thói quen

D. housework (n) công việc nhà

=> Taking the dog for a walk is regular routine.

Tạm dịch: Đưa chó đi dạo là một thói quen thường xuyên.

Câu 25 Trắc nghiệm

Read the passage and complete the blanks.

The British spend their free time in different ways. People generally use it to relax, but many people also (1)______ voluntary work, especially for charities.

A lot of free time is spent (2)_______ home, where the most popular leisure activity is watching television, the average viewing time being 25 hours a week. People often record programmes so that they can watch later.

In the summer gardening is popular, and in winter it is often replaced by “do-it-yourself”, when people spend time (3)_________or repairing their homes. Many people have pets to look after. Taking the dog for a walk is regular (4)_______.

Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit to a local event (5)________

a festival, a fair or show. Young people go to clubs and discos, while people of all ages go to the theater, the cinema, art exhibitions and concerts.

 Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit to a local event (5)_____ a festival, a fair or show.
Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Such as: như, là, như là,…

Ta sử dụng cụm từ “such as” khi muốn liệt kê hàng loạt ví dụ

=> Families often have a “day out” at the weekend, especially in summer, with a visit to a local event such as a festival, a fair or show.

Tạm dịch: Các gia đình thường có một “ngày đi chơi” vào cuối tuần, đặc biệt là vào mùa hè, với việc đi thăm các sự kiện địa phương như lễ hội, hội chợ hoặc chương trình biểu diễn.