Giáo án Tiếng anh 7 Friends Plus Unit 1 MY TIMES

Week: Planning date:








  1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: (n) at school, at the shops, in bed, in fast food restaurants, in the car, in the countryside, in the park, in the playground, on the bus, on the phone, in front of the TV, in your room

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to get some more knowledge about where and how they spend their time.
  2. Skills:

Main skills : reading and listening skills.

Sub skills : speaking and writing skills.

4. Attitude: be confident to talk about where and how students spend their time.

  1. Competences:

Talk about places where students spend their time, using key phrases.

Talk about how students spend their time, using the suggested ideas in the reading quiz (the amount of time they spend on doing something, and their feeling about these activities)


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
  2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Qs& As, games, visualize….





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)

  • Ask students to work in pairs to think of 5 items that can be found in these places: countryside, park, fast food restaurant, school
  • Teacher asks some pairs to report back to the class.
  • Work in pairs and think of the possible items.
  • Report to the class.

In the countryside, we can find farm lands, animals, trees, rivers and fruits.

II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (10’)

Set context:

  • Call out some students to answer the questions.

“What are your favorite places? Where do you spend most of your time?”

  • Lead to the topic of the lesson – Where we spend time

Teach new vocabulary:

  • Use pictures and explanations to present new words.
  • Ask students to practice their pronunciation drills.

New words:

fast food restaurant (n)

playground (n)

countryside (n)

research (n)

journey (n)

teenager (n)

screen (n)

  • Some students will answer the question (talk about their favorite places).
  • Listen to the teacher.
  • Look, listen and repeat in chorus and individuals


“What are your favorite places?

Where do you spend most of your time?”

New words:

fast food restaurant /fɑːst ˈfuːd ˌres.trɒnt/

playground /ˈpleɪ.ɡraʊnd/

countryside (n) /ˈkʌn.tri.saɪd/

research (n) /ˈriː.sɜːtʃ/

journey (n) /dʒɜː.ni/

teenager (n) /ˈtiːnˌeɪ.dʒɚ/

screen (n) /skriːn/

III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv.

Activity 1 (5’) Match the phrases in the box with places 1-12 in the picture. Listen and check.

  • Ask students to work in pairs to match the words to the correct places in the picture.
  • Give the answers to the class.

Activity 2 (5’) Complete the Time of Your Life quiz with words from Exercise 1. Then choose the correct option in blue.

  • Ask students to read the quiz and complete it in pairs.
  • Check students’ answers.

Activity 3 (5’) Watch or listen again. Who likes seeing friends at the weekend, Emilia, Elijah, or Renee? Who goes to school by bus, Harry, Lily, or Darius?

  • Play the video / audio again for students to answer the questions.
  • Ask students to check the answers in pairs.
  • Check answers with the class.
  • Ask the students to complete the key phrases.

Key Phrases:

  1. I spend all of my time ...
  2. I spend too much time ....
  3. We spend most of our time ...
  4. I spend a bit of time ...
  5. I don’t spend a lot of time ...
  6. Do you spend much time ...?
  7. I don’t spend more than ....
  8. I don’t spend any time ....
  • Work in pairs to do the task.
  • Listen and identify word stress then note down the places.
  • Read the quiz and complete it in pairs.
  • Check the answers.
  • Watch or listen, to give answers.
  • Check the answers in pairs.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers

1. in the park

2. at the shops

3. in the countryside

4. in the car

5. in fast food restaurants

6. in bed

7. in your room

8. on the bus

9. in front of the TV

10. on the phone

11. at school

12. in the playground

Suggested answers

  1. in bed
  2. in the car
  3. school
  4. playground
  5. in fast food restaurants
  6. at the shops
  7. front of the TV
  8. 9 hours
  9. 40 minutes
  10. 7 days, 14 hours
  11. 67 minutes
  12. 50 hours

Suggested answers:

Renee likes seeing friends at the weekend.

Darius goes to school by bus.

Suggested answers to the key phrases:

  1. I spend all of my time on my phone.
  2. I spend too much time in front of screens.
  3. We spend most of our time at the shops.
  4. I spend a bit of time in my room.
  5. I don’t spend a lot of time in bed.
  6. Do you spend much time on your homework?
  7. I don’t spend more than an hour.
  8. I don’t spend any time in bed.

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv.

  • Activity 1 (10’) Use it!
  • Read through the questions in Exercise 6 with the whole class.
  • Ask students to prepare the answers individually.
  • Remind the students to use the structures in Exercise 5 - Key Phrases.
  • Suggest some grammar structures in Exercise 2 for students.
  • Ask students to work in pairs, asking and answering the four questions in Exercise 6.

Ask some students to tell the class some information about their partners.

  • Activity 2 (5’)

Consolidation: Vocabulary (Optional)

  • Ask students to close books, write the nouns from Exercises 1 and 3 on the board, e.g. school, room, phone.
  • Put students into teams.
  • Teams take it in turns to choose a noun and say a sentence using it and the correct preposition, e.g. I like being at school, I don’t mind being in my room.
  • If the sentence is correct, the team gets a point and the noun is crossed off.
  • Continue until there is no noun left and see which team has the most points.
  • Work in pairs to talk about how they spend their time using Key Phrases and some grammar structures.
  • Tell the class about their partners.
  • Work in teams and do the activity.
  • Check the answers with the whole class.

Love / Like / Hate / Don’t mind + Being ...

E.g.: I love being in bed.

I don’t mind being on the bus

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes

V. Homework

V. Homework

  • Learn by heart all the new words.
  • Workbook: Exercises 1, 2 page 12.
  • Prepare Lesson 2 – Reading.









Week: Planning date:







  1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: revision

Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to understand the general idea of the text.

  1. Skills:
  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : listening and speaking skills.
  1. Attitude:
  2. Competences:
  • know how to answer specific questions about the text.
  • use vocabulary items related to the issue of passage.
  • talk about your screen time


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
  2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Games, discussion, questions and answers, Skills Strategy, project-based learning.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)

  • Game " The Alphabet Game”

- Write “Technological Devices” on the board and explain that students will name some technological gadgets.

- Then write some initial letters of some devices and ask student to call out the word. For example, C 🡪 Computer, P 🡪 Phone, etc.

- To make it fun, teacher can divide class into teams. Which team has the most correct answers will be the winner.

  • Listen to the instructions carefully.
  • Play the game in teams.
  • Each team will call out the names of some technological devices.
  • The team has the most correct answers will be the winner.

Suggested answer:

C 🡪 Computer

I 🡪 Ipad

L 🡪 Laptop

M 🡪 Music Player

P 🡪 Phone or PC (personal computer)

T 🡪 TV or Tablet


II. PRE-READING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv.(10’)

- Read the questions with the class and put students into small groups to discuss their answers.

- Ask some students to tell the class about their screen time.

"How much time do you spend in front of your computer screen every day?"

-Teacher can ask some more questions such as, What do you do on your computer / phone? When do you spend time on it?

- Teacher goes around the class and helps them.

- Ask some groups to talk in front of the class.

  • Work in groups and talk about the question based on their background knowledge.
  • Listen to the teacher.
  • Talk in front of the class


"How much time do you spend in front of your computer screen every day?"

What do you do on your computer / phone? When do you spend time on it?

Students' own answers

III. WHILE READING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv.(20’)

  • Activity 1 (10’) Read the text about an online forum and find two people who are not happy with the rules at home.

- Explain that the text is an online forum where people write comments and share ideas.

- Point out to the students that they are skimming the text; i.e. read quickly for the general ideas, not worrying about the unknown words.

- Ask students to read the forum quickly to find the answer to the question “Which two people are not happy with the rules at home?”

- Students can compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answers with the class

*** Optional activity

Write the following sentences on the board:

1. Typho’s mum sometimes uses her phone in restaurants.

2. Serzh98’s sister doesn’t spend much time doing homework.

3. Sam15 would like to watch TV in her bedroom.

4. Typho doesn’t often play video games.

- Ask students to read the forum again and decide if the sentences are True or False.

- Check answers with the class.

  • Activity 2(5’) Vocabulary plus. Check the meaning of the words in blue in the text

- Focus on the words in blue in the text and elicit that they have different patterns.

- Students check the meanings of the verbs and find the infinitive forms.

- Check answers with the class.

Words in blue:

Ban (v)

Let (v)

Allow (v)

Different patterns of the verbs:

Ban something

Let someone do something

Allow someone to do something

- Open student book to page 10.

- Skim the text quickly to find the answer.

- Work in pairs to do the task

- Check the answer with the class

  • Read the forum again to decide True or False.
  • Check answers with the class.
  • Work in pairs and use a dictionary to check the meanings of the words in blue in the text.
  • Ask teacher if necessary

Suggested answer:

Serzh98 and Typho are not happy with the rules at home.

Suggested answers:

1. False (She goes outside to use it.)

2. True

3. False (She doesn’t want to watch TV in her bedroom.)

4. True

Suggested answer:

Words in blue:

Ban (v) /bæn/

Let (v) /let/

Allow (v) /əˈlaʊ/

IV. POST READING.T - Ss - T/ S- S / Indiv. (10’)

  • Activity: (10') Use it! Do you think Typho’s dad is right to ban phones at meal times? When do you parents let you use the computer?

- Allow students time to prepare their answers to the questions individually. Explain to the students that they can include tablets and phones, as well as computers. They then discuss the questions in pairs or groups.

- Ask some students to report back to the class.

  • Think about the question individually
  • Take turns to talking about the question in pairs or groups.
  • Ask the teacher if necessary.


"Do you think Typho’s dad is right to ban phones at meal times? When do you parents let you use the computer?"

Suggested answer:

Students' own answers

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes.
  • Learn by heart all the new words.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 12
  • Prepare Lesson 2 – Language focus - Simple Present





Week: Planning date:






  1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: revision

- Patterns:

  • Simple Present tense – affirmative and negative.
  • Present time expressions

Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to write about habits and facts.

  1. Skills:
  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.
  1. Attitude: feel confident to write about habits and facts.
  2. Competences:
  • Identify the rules of how to form simple present tense in affirmative and negative form.


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group work.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Ask students to stand up, in a circle, and start the game off by saying a sentence using simple present tense. Then, the next student says that sentence and then adds their own. If someone misses and gets it incorrect, they have to sit down, and the game is over.
  • Play the game.


Teacher: Everyday, I watch TV.

Student 1: Everyday, I watch TV and I listen to music.

Student 2: Everyday, I watch TV and I listen to music. Then I play football with friends.

II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (10’)

Lead – in : (3’)

  • Write these gapped sentences on the board:

“My dad …… phones. My mum …… TVs in our rooms. ”

  • Refer students back to the text on page 10 to complete the sentences.
  • Elicit that the verbs are in the present simple tense, including affirmative and negative forms.
  • Call out some students to answer.
  • Introduce the new lesson Present Simple: affirmative and negative”

Activity 1: (7’)

Complete the rules with the words from the box.

- Ask students to find more examples in the text.

  • Read out the rule.
  • Check the answers with class.
  • Wrap-up the Rules and give explanation.
  • Answer the question individually.
  • Look at the board and listen to the teacher.
  • Use dictionary if necessary.
  • Find more examples in the text.
  • Complete the rules and compare the answers with partners.
  • Copy down the grammar rules to the notebooks.

Suggested answer:

My dad bans phones. My mum doesn’t allow TVs in our rooms.

Suggested answer:

1. We use the Present Simple to talk about facts, habits and routines.

2. Affirmative verbs end with -s in he/ she/ it forms.

3. Negative forms use don’t + infinitive without to after I/ you/ we/ they.

4. Negative forms use doesn’t + infinitive without to after he/ she/ it.




(+) : I / We / You / They / Noun Plural + V + O.

He / She / It / Noun Singular + V-s/-es + O.

(-) : I / We / You / They / Noun Plural + DON’T + V bare + O.

He/ She /It / Noun Singular + DOESN’T + V bare + O.

Ex: His friends listen to music on his phone.

My dad likes games.

Her sisters don’t work much.

Tim doesn’t study the lesson.

III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (22’)

Activity 2: (5’) Choose the correct words

  • Ask students to choose the correct verb forms.
  • Elicit the answer from the class.

Activity 3: (5’) Pronunciation Third Person -s (Audio 1.07)

  • Model the pronunciation of the three sounds in isolation.
  • Play the audio for students to listen.
  • Play the audio again, pausing for students to repeat individually and chorally.

Activity 4: (5’) Listen to eight more verbs and add them to the table in Activity 3. Practice saying them. (audio 1.08)

  • Play the audio, pausing after each verb for students to add it to the table.
  • Ask students to compare their answers in pairs.
  • Check the answers with the class.

Activity 5: (7’) Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.

  • Allow students time to read the gapped sentences and to complete the sentences themselves.
  • Call some students to read their sentences.
  • Give feedbacks to the answers.
  • Complete the task in pairs (if needed)
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Listen and repeat individually.
  • Listen and repeat chorally.
  • Complete the activity in pairs.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Read the gapped sentences silently and individually and complete the sentences with their own ideas.
  • Listen to the teacher’s feedbacks

Suggested answers:

  1. My mum doesn’t like games.
  2. She doesn’t play much.
  3. Mark studies a lot.
  4. His friends don’t work much.
  5. My friends and I watch films on my computer.

Suggested answers:

/s/: lets, works

/z/: spends, lives, plays, allows, studies

/iz/: watches

Suggested answers:

1. think

2. doesn’t sleep

3. plays

4. watches

5. don’t see

6. stays

7. doesn’t go

8. speaks

9. don’t know

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (6’) Use it!


  • Read out the example sentence and elicit one or two more examples.
  • Ask students to write sentences individually and then compare with a partner and guess which of their partner’s sentences are false.
  • Go around to observe students.
  • Ask some students to read their sentences to the class.

- Write sentences individually.

  • Compare the sentences in pairs.
  • Listen to the teacher’s feedback and take notes.

Suggested sentences:

I spend a lot of time on the phone.

My mum doesn’t play video games.

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes.

V. Homework

  • Learn by heart all structures.
  • Prepare the next lesson: VOCABULARY AND LISTENING.



Week: Planning date:






  1. Language contents:

- Verb phrases: to watch TV, to stay in bed late, to go online, to listen to music, to collect things, to make videos, to draw or paint a picture, to play an instrument, to blog (to write stories), to make cakes, to meet friends, to go shopping, to go dancing, to do sport, to go to the cinema

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to listen for hobbies.
  2. Skills:
  • Main skills : listening and reading skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and writing skills.
  1. Attitude: feel free to share personal free time activities.
  2. Competences:
  • Identify some phrases using to describe hobbies.


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
  2. Students: textbooks, notebooks.

III. TECHNIQUES : Games, discussion, pair – work.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)

  • Write the word “Hobbies” on the board.
  • Put students in 2 or 3 big groups.
  • Ask them to list as many hobbies as possible in 3 minutes.
  • Check with the class.
  • The group with the most correct hobbies will be the winner.
  • Work in groups to list as many hobbies as possible in 3 minutes.
  • Check with the teacher.

Suggested answers.

to watch TV, to stay in bed late, to go online, to listen to music, to collect things, to make videos, to draw or paint a picture, to play an instrument, to blog (to write stories), to make cakes, to meet friends, to go shopping, to go dancing, to do sport, to go to the cinema

II. PRE-LISTENING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (10’)

Set context: (3’)

  • Ask a question:

“How do you relax when you are not at school?”

  • Ask more questions to encourage students to say more

“Where do you do this? Who with? How much time do you spend doing this?”

  • Activity 1: Complete the phrases in the questionnaire. (7’)
  • Ask students to complete the questionnaire with the correct verbs.
  • Check that students understand all the verbs and phrases.
  • Play the audio for students to listen.
  • Check the answers with the class.

  • Answer with their own ideas.
  • Complete the questionnaire.
  • Listen to the audio.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.


“How do you relax when you are not at school?”

“Where do you do this? Who with? How much time do you spend doing this?”

Suggested answers.

Go online, collect things, make videos, draw or paint a picture, play an instrument, blog or write stories, bake cakes, meet friends, go shopping, go dancing, do sport, go to the cinema

III. WHILE-LISTENING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (18’)

Activity 2: Look at the photos of Abbie and Niall. What are their hobbies? Which hobby is relaxing? (5’)

  • Focus on the photos and elicit the two hobbies.
  • Ask students which hobby is relaxing and why.
  • Play the audio.
  • Check the answer with the class.
  • Activity 3: Listen again and answer the questions. (5’)
  • Allow students time to read the questions.
  • Play the audio again.
  • Check the answer with the class.
  • Optional activity: LISTENING (8’)

Listen again and correct these sentences.

  • Play the audio.
  • Ask students to listen again and correct the sentences.
  • Check answers with the class.


  1. The trainers and pants don’t cost much money.
  2. Abbie always gives the trainers to friends.
  3. Niall hasn’t got a good camera.
  4. Niall makes videos for songs.

  • Look at the photos and tell what hobbies they are.
  • Listen to the audio.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

- Read the questions.

- Listen to the audio again.

- Check the answers with the teacher.


  • Read the sentences.
  • Listen carefully for information before listening.
  • Correct the false sentences.

Suggested answers:

1. Abbie paints trainers.

2. Niall makes videos.

Abbie’s hobby is relaxing.

Suggested answers:

1. She buys them online.

2. Because it’s a very relaxing hobby.

3. They like them.

4. Yes, he does.

5. They act in the videos.

6. He makes the videos two to three times a year.

Suggested answers.

  1. True
  2. False (She sometimes gives them to people.)
  3. False (He has got a good camera.)
  4. True

IV. POST-LISTENING. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (10’)

  • Activity 4: Write sentences about a person in your family. Use the present simple form of the verbs and the adverbs in the lesson. (5’)

- Give students some examples, such as My dad sometimes watches TV. He doesn’t play any video games.

  • Encourage them to write both affirmative and negative sentences.
  • Ask some students to read their sentences to the class.
  • Correct any errors.
  • Activity 5: USE IT! Work in pairs. Which hobby do you prefer? Abbie’s or Niall’s? Why? (5’)
  • Allow students some time to prepare their answers individually.
  • Ask them to discuss in pairs.
  • Calls out some students to tell the class something they learned about their partner.
  • Give feedbacks to the presentation.
  • Think and list ideas for writing task.
  • Write their sentences.
  • Read their sentences to the class.
  • Compare their sentences in pairs.
  • Listen to the teacher’s feedback and take notes.

Suggested answers.

(Students’ own answers)

Students’ own answers.

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes

V. Homework

  • Learn by heart all the phrases.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 10.
  • Prepare the next lesson: LANGUAGE FOCUS







Week: Planning date:






1. Language contents:

- Vocabulary: revision

- Patterns: Simple Present - Questions

2. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to ask and answer questions about free time activities.

3. Skills:

  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.

4. Attitude: be confident to talk about their free time activities

5. Competences:

  • Identify the rules of Yes/ No question and W-H question in Simple Present tense.


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
  2. Students: textbooks, notebooks.

III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs, inductive grammar learning.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)

  • Divide class into 2 groups. One group is “noughts” (O) and the other is “crosses” (X).
  • Ask students to use “simple present tense” to make interview questions about free time activities.
  • Ask students to take turns and select the boxes and make sentences with those words/ numbers. The group makes the correct sentence will get an (O) or (X).
  • Declare the winner group which has 3 Os or Xs on a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal row.
  • Play the game in groups.
  • Select the boxes and make sentences with those words/ numbers.

Free time Activities

Watch TV

Drink coffee

Listen to music

Go to the gym

Go to the park

Play video games

Go fishing

Eat pizzas

Play football

E.g.: When do you watch TV?

Do you go fishing?

II. PRESENTATION. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / Indiv. (10’)

Activity 1: Complete the questions and answers with do, don’t, does, doesn’t. Then choose the correct words in Rules 1-4.

  • Ask students to complete the questions and answers.
  • Check the answers in the questions.
  • Read through the rules.
  • Check and explain the rules with the class.
  • Complete the questions and answers.
  • Check answers in the questions and answers with the teacher.
  • Complete the rules.
  • Check the rules with the teacher.

Suggested answers

1. do 2. don’t 3. Does

4. does 5. doesn’t


1. do 2. does 3. do, don’t

4. does, doesn’t

Simple Present: questions

  • Yes/ No question
  • DO + S (I / We / You / They / Noun Plural) + Vo …?
  • DO + He / She / It / Noun Singular + Vo …?
  • Answer: Yes, S (I / We / You / They / Noun Plural)+ DO

Or Yes, S (He / She / It / Noun Singular)+ DOES.

No, S (I / We / You / They / Noun Plural) + DO NOT (DON’T)

Or No, S (He / She / It / Noun Singular)+ DOES NOT (DOESN’T).


A: Do her friends like the trainers?

B: Yes, they do. / No, they don’t.

A: Does Niall write stories?

B: Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t.

  • W-H question

DO + S (I/ We/ You/ They / Noun plural) + Vo …? /

DOES + S (He/ She / It/ Noun Singular + Vo …?





What time

How often


1. What do you watch on TV?

2. Where does he go?

  • Note:

Answers for WH-Questions:

For Subjects (He/ She / It / Noun Singular), put -s/ -es after the verbs.

E.g.: Where does he go? 🡪 He goes to school.

What does she do? 🡪 She listens to music.

III. PRACTICE. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (15’)

Activity 2: Complete the questions with present simple form of the verbs in brackets. (3’)

  • Read out the example Do you blog about your life? (blog)
  • Elicit another example from the class.
  • Ask students to complete the questions.
  • Check answers with the class.

Activity 3: Ask and answer questions from Activity 2. Use do, don’t, does and doesn’t in your answers. (5’)

  • Allow students time to prepare their answers to the questions.
  • Ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
  • Ask some students to tell something about their partners.

Activity 4: Read the answers and complete the questions with the words in the box. (7’)

  • Read out the example Do you ever go to the cinema? Yes, I do. I love watching films.
  • Elicit another example from the class.
  • Ask students to complete the questions with the words in the box.
  • Check the answers with the class.
  • If necessary, ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer these questions.
  • Listen to the example.
  • Give another example.
  • Complete the questions.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Prepare the answers to the questions.
  • Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
  • Tell something about their partners.
  • Listen to the example.
  • Give another example.
  • Complete the questions with the words in the box.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • If necessary, work in pairs to ask and answer these questions.

Suggested answers

1. Do, make 2. Do, meet 3. Does, live

4. Do, collect 5. Does, stay 6. Do, talk

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers.

Suggested answers

1. How often 2. Who 3. Where

4. When 5. What 6. Why

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (13’)

Activity 5: Make questions using the words from boxes A and B. Find the differences between you and your partner (13’)

  • Ask two students to read out the example to the class,

A: What do you watch on TV?

B: I usually watch films.

A: Me, too!

  • Point out that we can use Me, too to agree with someone.
  • Allow students time to prepare ten questions individually.
  • Ask some students to read their questions to the class. Correct any errors.
  • Ask students to work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
  • Ask students to listen carefully to their partner and find out the differences between them.
  • Ask some students to report back to the class.
  • Read out the example to the class
  • Prepare ten questions individually.
  • Read their questions to the class.
  • Work in pairs to ask and answer the questions.
  • Listen carefully to their partner and find out the differences between them.
  • Report back to the class.

Suggested answers

Students’ own answers.

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes
  • Learn by heart all structures.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 11.








Week: Planning date:




UNIT 1: MY TIME - LESSON 6: SPEAKING – Thinking of Things to Do


- Vocabulary: revision

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to make and response to suggestions.
  2. Skills:
  • Main skills : speaking and listening skills.
  • Sub skills : reading and writing skills.
  1. Attitude: Feel confident to make and response to suggestions.
  2. Competences:

Know how to make and response to suggestions.


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES: Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group work.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Divide students into 4 groups.
  • Give students strings of words, such as Whatareyoudoingtoday?, Whatdoyouliketowatch?, etc.
  • Ask groups to figure out what the questions are.
  • Check with the class.
  • The groups with the most correct answers will be the winner.
  • Work in groups to figure out what the questions are.
  • Tell the class.
  • Check with the teacher.

Suggested answer:

Whatareyoudoingtoday? 🡪 What are you doing today?

Whatdoyouliketowatch? 🡪 What do you like to watch?

II. PRE-SPEAKING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /

Set context: (5’)

  • Ask students this question, What can you do in your town at the weekend?
  • Elicit responses from some individuals.

- Answer the questions.

- Listen to their friends’ answers.

Students’ answers.

III. WHILE SPEAKING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (20’)

Activity 1: Complete the dialogue with the key phrases. Then watch or listen and check. What do Lisa and Jamie decide to do?(5’)

  • Ask students to read the gapped dialogue and complete it with the correct key phrases.
  • Play the audio for students to listen and check the answers.
  • Ask students to watch the video and answer the questions: What do Lisa and Jamie decide to do?
  • Check answers with class.

Activity 2: Look at the Key Phrases. Which key phrases are for making suggestions and which are for responding to suggestions? Write S (suggestion) or R (response) (5’)

- Ask students to read the key phrases and categorize them.

- Check answers with the class and check that students understand all the key phrases.

Activity 3: Practice the dialogue with a partner. (5’)

- Ask students to practice the dialogue from exercise 1 in pairs.

- Invite some pairs to practice in front of the class.

- Correct any mistakes.

Activity 4: Choose the correct phrases in mini-dialogues. Listen and check. Then practice in pairs. (5’)

  • Ask students to read the mini-dialogues and choose the correct answers.
  • Play the audio for them to listen and check the answers.
  • Play the audio again and ask students to listen carefully to the intonation and pronunciation.
  • Ask students to practice the mini-dialogues in pairs.

- Read the gapped interview and complete it with the correct key phrases.

- Listen the audio to check the answers.

- Watch the video and answer the questions: What do Lisa and Jamie decide to do?

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Read the key phrases and categorize them.

- Listen and check the answers.

- Practice the dialogue from exercise 1 in pairs.

- Practice in front of the class.

- Listen to the teacher’s feedback.

  • Read the mini-dialogues.
  • Listen to the audio and choose the correct answers.
  • Listen again, paying attention to the intonation and pronunciation.
  • Practice the mini-dialogues in pairs.

Suggested answers

1. Shall we do something?

2. Why don’t we go for a bike ride?

3. I don’t feel like cycling.

4. How about going into town?

5. That sounds like a good idea.

6. Let’s finish our homework now.

Lisa and Jamie decide to get the bus into town / go to a café in town.

Suggested answers

1. S 2. R 3. S 4. S 5. S 6. R

Suggested answers

1. Let’s, want

2. Why don’t we, sounds like

3. going, feel like

4. do

IV. POST SPEAKING. T - Ss - T/ S - S /.

Activity 5: Use it! Prepare and practice a new dialogue. Use the key phrases and at least two ideas from pictures A-D. (13’)

  • Ask students to work in pairs to prepare a new dialogue.
  • Ask students to wrap roles and practice the dialogue again.
  • Ask some students to perform the dialogue to the class.


  • Work in pairs to prepare a new dialogue.
  • Wrap roles and practice the dialogue again.
  • Perform the dialogue to the class.

Students’ own answers.


  • Give homework.
  • Take notes
  • Learn by heart all key phrases.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 11.








Week: Planning date:






- Vocabulary: revision

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to write about themselves.
  2. Skills:
  • Main skills : writing and reading skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.
  1. Attitude: be confident to write about themselves.
  2. Competences:
  • Know how to write about themselves using and, also and too.


  1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….
  2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works.





  1. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Divide class into 2 groups.
  • Pin two pieces of paper with a short text in it on the board.
  • Ask one member of the groups go to the board to read and remember one or some sentences from the text. They then dictate the sentences for the other members to write down.
  • The group with the most correct sentences will be the winner.
  • Work in groups.
  • Go to the board to read and remember one or some sentences from the text.
  • Dictate the sentences for the other members to write down.

Suggested answer:

I spend a lot of time in my house and I also like meeting friends in town. We often go to the swimming pools or coffee shops.

II. PRE-WRITING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (10’)

Set context: (5’)

  • Ask the questions to the class and elicit answers from individual students. What do you do in and around your home town at the weekend?
  • Ask more questions to encourage them to speak more, e.g. How often do you do this? Who do you do it with? Why do you enjoy it?

Activity 1: Read the profile and find three things that Rachel likes (5’)

  • Have students read the article profile and find three things that Rachel likes.
  • Check the answers with the class.
  • Think and answer the questions.
  • Read the profile and find three things that Rachel likes.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

Students’ own answers

Suggested answers.

Meeting friends in town; horses; athletics; piano; watching music videos; funny programs; listen to most music

III. WHILE-WRITING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (15’)

Activity 2: Complete the Key Phrases with words from Rachel’s profile. (5’)

  • Ask students to complete the key phrases with words from the profile.
  • Check answers with the class.

Language point: Linkers

Activity 3: Find and, also and too in the profile. Are they in affirmative or negative sentences? Where is each word in the sentence? (5’)

  • Explain that we use linkers to join ideas together.
  • Ask students to find and, also and too in the profile and answer the questions.
  • Check answers with the class and explain that the three linkers are all used to link similar ideas.

Activity 4: Complete the sentences with and, also and too. (5’)

  • Ask students to complete the sentences with and, also and too.
  • Ask them to compare their answers in pairs.
  • Check the answers with the class.
  • Complete the key phrases with words from the profile.
  • Check answers with the teacher.
  • Find and, also and too in the profile and answer the questions.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Complete the sentences with and, also and too.
  • Compare their answers in pairs.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers.

1. meeting friends in town / listening to most music

2. watching music videos

3. watching funny programs on Youtube

4. listening to him

5. TV

6. video games

7. Justin Bieber

8. athletics


Suggested Answers:

They are in affirmative sentences.

And and also are in the middle of the sentence.

And comes between two full clauses.

Also comes before a main verb. (I also like…) or after the verb be (I’m also into…).

Too comes at the end of a phrase, and is preceded by a comma.

Suggested Answers:

1. and 2.and, too 3. also 4. and, too

5. and, also

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (13’)

Activity 5: Use it! Follow the steps in the writing guide. Ask ad answer the questions for part B.

  • Read the task with the class.
  • Ask students to answer the questions and plan their text.
  • Read through the headings in Rachel’s profile with the class and tell the students that they should use the same headings in their profile.
  • Remind students to check grammar and spelling carefully.
  • Read the task.
  • Answer the questions and plan their text.
  • Check their grammar and spelling carefully by themselves.

Topic: Write a personal profile for a web page. Explain how you like spending your time.

1. What’s your name and where do you live?

2. Where do you like spending your time?

3. Who do you like spending your time with?

4. How do you spend your screen time?

5. What sports and hobbies do you like?

6. What music do and don’t you like?


  • the use of linkers
  • meanings of adjectives, nouns and verbs
  • punctuation

V. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes
  • Learn by heart all structures.
  • Workbook: Exercises page 13.



Week: Planning date:






- Vocabulary: Free time activities

- Grammar: Simple Present: Affirmative, Negative and Question Forms

  1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to understand and interpret graphical information.
  2. Skills:
  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.
  1. Attitude: be confident to understand and interpret data and charts.
  2. Competences:
  • Understand and interpret graphical information.


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Give students some lists of words and ask them to cross out the one that is different from the rest.
  • Go around the class to support students.
  • Check students’ answers.

- Listen to teacher.

- Cross out the word that is different from the others.

- Correct the answers with teacher.

- Listen to teacher

Suggested answers:

- mall, cinema, café, school 🡪The odd-one-out is school. (School is for learning while the other places are for relaxing.)

- watch TV, make cakes, do housework, draw a picture 🡪 The odd-one-out is do housework. (Do housework is a chore while the others are something enjoyable.)

II. PRE-WRITING. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (10’)

Set context: (5’)

  • Ask students how many of them watch a popular TV program, e.g. The Hidden Voice. Ask students to put their hands up, and write the number of those who watch and those who don’t watch on the board.
  • Explain to students that you have just carried out a survey to see which TV program they watch.
  • Ask how the collected numbers can be shown.

Activity 1: Check the meaning of the words in the box and match them with A-E in the charts. (5’)

  • Ask students to work in pairs to check the meaning of the words and match them with A–E in the charts.
  • Check the answers.
  • Think and answer the questions.

- Work in pairs to check the meaning of the words and match them with A–E in the charts.

- Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers

Suggested answers:

A data chart

B y axis

C bar chart

D x-axis

E pie chart

III. WHILE-WRITING. T - Ss - T/ S - S/ Indiv. (15’)

Activity 2: Read and listen to the text. What information does the pie chart NOT give? (5’)

  • Play the audio.
  • Ask students to read and listen to the text and decide what information the pie chart doesn’t give.
  • Check the answers.

Activity 3: Study the charts. Then choose the correct words in the reports. (5’)

  • Ask students to work in pairs to study the charts and choose the correct words in the reports.
  • Check answers with the class.

Activity 4: USE IT! Draw a bar chart for the data in the chart below.(5’)

  • Ask students to work in pairs and draw a bar chart for the data in the table. Tell them to refer to the bar chart on the page to help them.
  • Check the answers with the class.
  • Read and listen to the text and decide what information the pie chart doesn’t give.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Work in pairs to study the charts and choose the correct words in the reports.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.
  • Work in pairs and draw a bar chart for the data in the table.
  • Refer to the bar chart on the page if necessary.
  • Check the answers with the teacher.

Suggested answers.

It doesn’t give information about the numbers of students in each group.

Suggested Answers:

1 A small number

2 a quarter

3 three

4 Over

5 four

6 two hundred.

Suggested Answers:

IV. PRODUCTION. T - Ss - T/ S - S / Indiv. (13’)

Activity 5: Use it! Further practice from Activity 4

  • Focus on the data in exercise 4 and ask: How many students were in the survey altogether? (32)
  • Elicit some statements that are true based on the data in exercise 4, e.g. About a quarter of the students watch between 8 and 12 hours per week. A small number watch more than 12 hours.
  • Put students into pairs to write their reports.
  • Put pairs together into groups of four to read their reports to each other.
  • Ask some pairs to read their report to the class.
  • Answer some eliciting questions.
  • Work in pairs to write reports.
  • Read the reports to other members in different groups.
  • Check their grammar and spelling carefully by themselves.

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers

III. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes

- Learn by heart all the new words.

- Prepare the next lesson “Puzzles and games”.








Week: Planning date:






- Vocabulary: revision

- Grammar: revision

1. Knowledge: By the end of the lesson, my students will be able to write and talk about their time and other people’s time.

2. Skills:

  • Main skills : reading and writing skills.
  • Sub skills : speaking and listening skills.

3. Attitude: be confident to write and talk about their time and other people’s time.

4. Competences:

Use correct vocabulary and grammar points talking about their activities.


1. Teacher: pictures, textbooks, PowerPoint slides, ….

2. Students: textbook, notebook.

III. TECHNIQUES : Games, Self-Discover Learning, discussion, pairs and group works.





I. WARM-UP. T- Ss - T / Ss - Ss / (5’)


  • Ask students to work in pairs.
  • Ask them to ask and answer about their free time activities. Then find three things they have in common.
  • Have some pairs report back to the class.

- Lead in the lesson.

- Listen to teacher.

- Ask and answer about their free time activities. Then find three things they have in common

- Tell the class the similar things.

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers

II. PUZZLES AND GAMES. T - Ss - T / Ss - Ss /

Activity 1: Find the prepositions. (7’)

- Divide the class into three teams.

- Ask each team to look at the picture and say where each person is, using at, in, on.

- Ask them to find the four pictures which use the same prepositions.

- Check answers with the class.

Activity 2: Guess the famous person. (7’)

- Read out the instructions.

- Put students into pairs to choose a famous person and write five clues.

- Ask pairs to read their clues to the class, and the first student to guess the famous person gets a point.

- Check who has the most points at the end.

Activity 3: Find nine more free time activities in the puzzle. (7’)

- Ask students to find nine more free time activities in the puzzle.

- Check answer with the class.

Activity 4: Make sentences. (7’)

- Divide the class into two teams and ask each team to write their sentences.

- Ask teams in turn to read out one of their sentences.

- The other teams decide if the sentence is correct or not. Give a point for each correct sentence. The team has the most points will be the winner.

- Check with the class.

Activity 5: Work snake. (10’)

- Ask students to work in pairs to find the question words and complete the questions.

- Check answers with the class.

- Have students ask and answer the questions in pairs.

- Ask some students to tell the class something about their partner.

- Work in teams to look at the picture and say where each person is.

- Find the four pictures which use the same prepositions.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Listen to the instructions.

- Work in pairs to choose a famous person and write five clues.

- Read their clues to the class.

- Guess the famous person of the other pairs.

- Find nine more free time activities in the puzzle.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Write their sentences in teams.

- Read out one of their sentences.

- Decide if the sentences of the other teams are correct or not.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Work in pairs to find the question words and complete the questions.

- Check answers with the teacher.

- Ask and answer the questions in pairs.

- Tell the class something about their partner.

Suggested answers:

1. at home 2. on the beach 3. on the bus

4. in the playground 5. at school

6. in bed 7. at the shops

8. in the car 9. on the sofa

10. in the park

The four pictures which use the same prepositions are 4, 6, 8 and 10.

Suggested answers:

Students’ own answers

Suggested answers:

meet friends, go dancing, listen to music, do sport, bake cakes, write stories, paint a picture, go online, watch TV

Suggested answer

Students’ own answers

Suggested answers:

1. when 2. How often 3. Who

4. Where 5. Why 6. What time

Suggested answers:

1. What 2. How often 3. Where

4. When 5. Who

III. Homework. (2’)

  • Give homework.
  • Take notes

- Learn by heart all the new words.

- Prepare Unit 2.








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