Reading điền từ: Robots

Sách kết nối tri thức với cuộc sống

Đổi lựa chọn

Câu 1 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

I have had my robot (1)____ 3 years now, and it has helped me enormously with my schoolwork. I was unable (2)______ to school because I have a health condition. So the government has provided me with a small robot which I can send to school in my place. The robot transmits information to me in real time. It asks and responds to questions from teachers, can move freely around the school, and it even interacts (3) _________ my classmates. I am really happy with it and my grades have improved dramatically since I have had it.

Although it was pretty difficult to use the robot at (4)_________, I realize I am really lucky to have him. I am reading in the paper the other day that a lot of kids want robots to learn or play with, or help them with their chores. I believe a lot more people (5) _________ robots in the future.

I have had my robot (1)________3 years now.

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Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Dấu hiệu nhận biết thì hiện tại hoàn thành: for + khoảng thời gian

=> I have had my robot for 3 years now.

Tạm dịch: Tôi đã có robot của mình được 3 năm rồi

Câu 2 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

I have had my robot (1)____ 3 years now, and it has helped me enormously with my schoolwork. I was unable (2)______ to school because I have a health condition. So the government has provided me with a small robot which I can send to school in my place. The robot transmits information to me in real time. It asks and responds to questions from teachers, can move freely around the school, and it even interacts (3) _________ my classmates. I am really happy with it and my grades have improved dramatically since I have had it.

Although it was pretty difficult to use the robot at (4)_________, I realize I am really lucky to have him. I am reading in the paper the other day that a lot of kids want robots to learn or play with, or help them with their chores. I believe a lot more people (5) _________ robots in the future.

I was unable (2) ________to school because I have a health condition.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

be unable to V: không thể làm gì

=> I was unable to go to school because I have a health condition.

Tạm dịch: Tôi không thể đến trường vì tình trạng sức khỏe của tôi.

Câu 3 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

I have had my robot (1)____ 3 years now, and it has helped me enormously with my schoolwork. I was unable (2)______ to school because I have a health condition. So the government has provided me with a small robot which I can send to school in my place. The robot transmits information to me in real time. It asks and responds to questions from teachers, can move freely around the school, and it even interacts (3) _________ my classmates. I am really happy with it and my grades have improved dramatically since I have had it.

Although it was pretty difficult to use the robot at (4)_________, I realize I am really lucky to have him. I am reading in the paper the other day that a lot of kids want robots to learn or play with, or help them with their chores. I believe a lot more people (5) _________ robots in the future.

It asks and responds to questions from teachers, can move freely around the school, and it even interacts (3) ________ my classmates.

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Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Giải thích: interact with O : tương tác với ai

=> . It asks and responds to questions from teachers, can move freely around the school, and it even interacts with my classmates.

Tạm dịch: Nó hỏi và trả lời các câu hỏi từ giáo viên, có thể di chuyển tự do xung quanh trường và thậm chí nó còn tương tác với các bạn cùng lớp của tôi.

Câu 4 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

I have had my robot (1)____ 3 years now, and it has helped me enormously with my schoolwork. I was unable (2)______ to school because I have a health condition. So the government has provided me with a small robot which I can send to school in my place. The robot transmits information to me in real time. It asks and responds to questions from teachers, can move freely around the school, and it even interacts (3) _________ my classmates. I am really happy with it and my grades have improved dramatically since I have had it.

Although it was pretty difficult to use the robot at (4)_________, I realize I am really lucky to have him. I am reading in the paper the other day that a lot of kids want robots to learn or play with, or help them with their chores. I believe a lot more people (5) _________ robots in the future.

Although it was pretty difficult to use the robot at (4)________, I realize I am really lucky to have him.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

firstly (adv) đầu tiên

first (n) đầu tiên

then (adv) sau đó

beginning (n) bắt đầu

Ta có cụm từ At first (ngay lúc đầu)

=> Although it was pretty difficult to use the robot at first, I realize I am really lucky to have him.

Tạm dịch: Mặc dù lúc đầu sử dụng robot khá khó khăn nhưng tôi nhận ra mình thực sự may mắn khi có anh ấy.

Câu 5 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

I have had my robot (1)____ 3 years now, and it has helped me enormously with my schoolwork. I was unable (2)______ to school because I have a health condition. So the government has provided me with a small robot which I can send to school in my place. The robot transmits information to me in real time. It asks and responds to questions from teachers, can move freely around the school, and it even interacts (3) _________ my classmates. I am really happy with it and my grades have improved dramatically since I have had it.

Although it was pretty difficult to use the robot at (4)_________, I realize I am really lucky to have him. I am reading in the paper the other day that a lot of kids want robots to learn or play with, or help them with their chores. I believe a lot more people (5) _________ robots in the future.

I believe a lot more people (5)______ robots in the future.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

Giải thích: in the future => sử dụng thì tương lai đơn

Cấu trúc: S+ will + V nguyên thể

=> I believe a lot more people will have robots in the future.

Tạm dịch: Tôi tin rằng sẽ có nhiều người có robot hơn trong tương lai.

Câu 6 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

Many people think that in the future robots (1)_____ all the housework. They talk about robots that will be able to cook and will tell us when we need to go (2)_____. They say there will be robots in our shoes that do the hovering as we walk around the house! People think these robots will exist in ten years, and they think they will make a big difference to our lives. We will all have more free time. But think about your house today. It is already full (3)_________ machines! We don’t call them robots, but they do the housework for us. Do you do the washing yourself, (4)________ do you use a washing machine? Do you do the washing-up yourself, or do you have a dish-washer? Modern houses are full of machines that help us do the housework every day. We don’t think they are special because they are everywhere. Can you imagine living for 50 years old? The future will be easy, and housework today isn’t so (5)__________!

work today isn’t so hard!

Many people think that in the future robots (1)_______ all the housework.

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Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Dấu hiệu nhận biết: in the future (trong tương lai) => sử dụng thì tương lai đơn để diễn tả hành động có thể xảy ra trong tương lai.

=> Many people think that in the future robots will do all the housework.

Tạm dịch: Nhiều người nghĩ rằng trong tương lai robot sẽ làm hết việc nhà.

Câu 7 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

Many people think that in the future robots (1)_____ all the housework. They talk about robots that will be able to cook and will tell us when we need to go (2)_____. They say there will be robots in our shoes that do the hovering as we walk around the house! People think these robots will exist in ten years, and they think they will make a big difference to our lives. We will all have more free time. But think about your house today. It is already full (3)_________ machines! We don’t call them robots, but they do the housework for us. Do you do the washing yourself, (4)________ do you use a washing machine? Do you do the washing-up yourself, or do you have a dish-washer? Modern houses are full of machines that help us do the housework every day. We don’t think they are special because they are everywhere. Can you imagine living for 50 years old? The future will be easy, and housework today isn’t so (5)__________!

work today isn’t so hard!

They talk about robots that will be able to cook and will tell us when we need to go (2)________.

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: b
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: b

go + Ving: đi làm gì

=> They talk about robots that will be able to cook and will tell us when we need to go shopping.

Tạm dịch: Họ nói về những con robot có thể nấu ăn và sẽ cho chúng ta biết khi nào chúng ta cần đi mua sắm.

Câu 8 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

Many people think that in the future robots (1)_____ all the housework. They talk about robots that will be able to cook and will tell us when we need to go (2)_____. They say there will be robots in our shoes that do the hovering as we walk around the house! People think these robots will exist in ten years, and they think they will make a big difference to our lives. We will all have more free time. But think about your house today. It is already full (3)_________ machines! We don’t call them robots, but they do the housework for us. Do you do the washing yourself, (4)________ do you use a washing machine? Do you do the washing-up yourself, or do you have a dish-washer? Modern houses are full of machines that help us do the housework every day. We don’t think they are special because they are everywhere. Can you imagine living for 50 years old? The future will be easy, and housework today isn’t so (5)__________!

work today isn’t so hard!

But think about your house today. It is already full (3)_______ machines!

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: d
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: d

Giải thích: full of + N: đầy cái gì…

=> But think about your house today. It is already full of machines!

Tạm dịch: Nhưng hãy nghĩ về ngôi nhà của bạn ngày hôm nay. Nó đã đầy máy móc rồi!

Câu 9 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

Many people think that in the future robots (1)_____ all the housework. They talk about robots that will be able to cook and will tell us when we need to go (2)_____. They say there will be robots in our shoes that do the hovering as we walk around the house! People think these robots will exist in ten years, and they think they will make a big difference to our lives. We will all have more free time. But think about your house today. It is already full (3)_________ machines! We don’t call them robots, but they do the housework for us. Do you do the washing yourself, (4)________ do you use a washing machine? Do you do the washing-up yourself, or do you have a dish-washer? Modern houses are full of machines that help us do the housework every day. We don’t think they are special because they are everywhere. Can you imagine living for 50 years old? The future will be easy, and housework today isn’t so (5)__________!

work today isn’t so hard!

Do you do the washing yourself, (4)_____do you use a washing machine?

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Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: a
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: a

Dịch câu: Do you do the washing yourself, _____do you use a washing machine? (Bạn có tự giặt giũ không, _____ bạn có sử dụng máy giặt không?)

Ta nhận thấy 2 câu được nối với nhau mang nghĩa câu hỏi lựa chọn nên đáp án A là phù hợp nhất

=> Do you do the washing yourself, or do you use a washing machine?

Tạm dịch: Bạn tự giặt giũ hay sử dụng máy giặt?

Câu 10 Trắc nghiệm

Read and choose the best answer to complete the passage

Many people think that in the future robots (1)_____ all the housework. They talk about robots that will be able to cook and will tell us when we need to go (2)_____. They say there will be robots in our shoes that do the hovering as we walk around the house! People think these robots will exist in ten years, and they think they will make a big difference to our lives. We will all have more free time. But think about your house today. It is already full (3)_________ machines! We don’t call them robots, but they do the housework for us. Do you do the washing yourself, (4)________ do you use a washing machine? Do you do the washing-up yourself, or do you have a dish-washer? Modern houses are full of machines that help us do the housework every day. We don’t think they are special because they are everywhere. Can you imagine living for 50 years old? The future will be easy, and housework today isn’t so (5)__________!

work today isn’t so hard!

The future will be easy, and  housework today isn’t so (5)______!

Bạn đã chọn sai | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn đã chọn đúng | Đáp án đúng: c
Bạn chưa làm câu này | Đáp án đúng: c

easy (adj) dễ

interesting (adj) thú vị

hard (adj) khó khăn

complicated (adj) phức tạp

Dựa vào ngữ cảnh câu, ta thấy đáp án C là phù hợp nhất.

=> The future will be easy, and  housework today isn’t so hard!

Tạm dịch: Tương lai sẽ dễ dàng, và công việc nội trợ ngày nay không quá khó khăn!