• Lớp Học
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*Finish each of the following sentences in such way that it means exactly the same as the sentence given before it. 1. "Why hasn't Nam phoned?" she wondered. - She wondered ..................................................................................................... . 2. The thief tried to escape but the police stopped him. - The police prevented the thief ...................................................................................... . 3. Lan began studying English ten years ago. - Lan has ................................................................................................................. . 4. My mother made these curtains. - These curtains ........................................................................................................ . 5. "lfl were you I wouldn't trust Diep", Lan's mother told her. - Lan's mother advised ............................................................................................... . 6. Nam is better at chemistry than Tuan. - Tuan is not ........................................................................................................... . 7. His parents made him study for his exams. - He was .............................................................................................................. . 8. I only help you if you promise to try harder. - Unless .............................................................................................................. . 9. She bought that house in 1994. - She has .............................................................................................................. . 10. They believe that he is mad. -He ................................................................................................................. . 11. It was such a boring film that he fell asleep. - The film ........................................................................................................ . 12. We spent three hours getting to HO CHI MINH City. - It took ................................................................................................................. . 13. She does not usually stay up so late. - She's not used ..................................................................................................... . 14. This is his first visit to Date. - He is .................................................................................. -.................... ; .......... . 15. It was his own fault that he lost his job. He was late for work every morning. - If .............................................................................................................................

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