Giáo án Review 3 Tiếng anh 3 global success






Date of teaching:






Review – Period 1



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • review the following sentence patterns:
  • Who’s this / that? It’s my ____.; How old is he / she?
  • He’s /She’s ____.; What’s her job? – He’s / She’s ____.
  • Is he / she ____? – Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn’t.
  • Where’s ____? – It’s here / there.; Where are the ____? – They’re ____.
  • There’s / There are ____ in the room.;
  • The ____ is ____.; The ____ are ____.;
  • Would you like some ____? – Yes, please. / No, thanks.
  • What would you like to eat / drink? – I’d like some ____, please. Through different contexts
  • listen to and understand five communicative contexts and tick the correct pictures
  • listen to and understand four communicative contexts.

Core competencies

decision making, teamwork, work standards, reliability, motivation



Listening: listen and tick the correct answers

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Responsibility: appreciate kindness

Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 36
  • Audio Tracks 52, 53
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 194,195,196
  • Website sachmem
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Review 3 & Fun time)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Listen and tick – Listen and number – Fun corner and wrap- up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 15, Lesson 1.

  • Ask pupils to sing the song
  • Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Chant and do activities (Unit 15, Lesson 3).

  • Ask pupils to chant and do the actions in Unit 15, Lesson 3 in groups.
  • Give points and encourage them.

Option 3: Game: Battleships

  • Divide the class into 2 teams.
  • Each team chooses one number to go to the question.
  • Have pupils look, choose and answer the questions.
  • Pupils can open 2 squares if they answer correctly.
  • Back to the menu to choose a question.
  • Pupils continue their turns until they can find all the ships.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work

Activity 1. Listen and tick. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To listen to and understand five communicative contexts and tick the correct pictures

b. Input:

Picture cues:

1a. a father 1b. a mother

2a. a mother working as a doctor 2b. a mother working as a teacher

3a. a living room (near) 3b. a living room (far)

4a. a big window 4b. a small window

5a. a carton of milk 5b. a carton of juice

Audio script:

1. A: Who’s this?

B: It’s my father.

2. A: What’s her job?

B: She’s a doctor.

3. A: Where’s the living room?

B: It’s there.

4. The window is small.

5. A: What would you like to drink?

B: I’d like some milk, please.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to and understand five communicative contexts and tick the correct pictures.

Key: 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. b 5. a

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to Pictures 1a and 1b. Elicit the characters in each picture. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen to Question 1. Ask pupils to listen and circle the correct answer a or b. Play the recording again for pupils to do the task. Play the recording a third time to give pupils another listening opportunity.

Step 3: Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the pictures: 2a2b, 3a3b, 4a4b and 5a5b.

Step 4: Get pupils to swap books with a partner, then check answers together as a class. Write the correct answers on the board.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording, sentence by sentence, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work

Activity 2. Listen and number. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To listen to and understand four communicative contexts

b. Input:

Picture cues:

a. a mother giving chicken to her daughter.

b. a boy sitting near a birthday cake with the number 14 on it

c. a father driving a taxi

d. two lamps on a table

Audio script:

1. A: How old is your brother?

B: He’s fourteen years old.

2. What’s his job?

B: He’s a driver.

3. A: Where are the lamps?

B: They’re on the table.

4. A: Would you like some chicken?

B: Yes, please.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts and number the correct pictures.

Key: 1. b 2. c 3. d 4. a.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures. Elicit the context of each picture (see Input).

Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen and number the picture. Play the recording again for pupils to do the task. Play the recording a third time to give pupils another listening opportunity.

Step 3: Check answers together as a class. Play the recording again for the pupils to double-check their answers and correct their answers in pairs.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording sentence by sentence, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. Correct their pronunciation, where necessary.

Game: Slap the board.

Divide the class into four teams. Stick the pictures of activities on the board. Teacher says a sentence, a pupil from each team has to point/slap the right picture and says the sentence again. The one who says faster will get points.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work

Group work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1: Game: Pictionary!

  • Before the class starts, prepare a bunch of words and put them in a bag.
  • Divide the class into two teams and draw a line down the middle of the board.
  • Give one pupil from each team a pen and ask them to choose a word from the bag.
  • Ask pupils to draw on the board and encourage their team to guess the word.
  • The first team to shout the correct answer gets a point.

Option 2: Game: Sentence Puzzle

  • Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group a sentence that is broken/cut into pieces. Ask them to arrange the words to make a complete sentence, then read it aloud.

Option 3: Game: Hangman

  • Divide the class into 2 teams.
  • Have pupils guess the word letter by letter.
  • Whenever the pupils guess a letter that is in the secret word, click the letter to fill it into the blank where it occurs.

Whole class

Group work

Whole class


......., .................. 2022


Review – period 1


father mother

a doctor a teacher

a living room (near) living room (far)

a big window a small window

a carton of milk

Model sentences:

Who’s this? - It’s my ____.

What’s his/her job? - She’s/ He’s a ____.

Where’s the _______? - It’s there.

The window is small.

What would you like to drink/eat? - I’d like _______.






Date of teaching:






Review – Period 2



By the end of the unit, pupils will be able to:

  • review the following sentence patterns through different contexts:
  • ask and answer four questions using picture cues.
  • read and match pairs of target sentence patterns.
  • read and complete a gapped text.
  • read and answer questions using picture cues.
  • Who’s this / that? It’s my ____.;
  • What’s his/her job? – He’s / She’s ____.;
  • Where’s ____? – It’s here / there.;
  • The ____ is ____.; The ____ are ____.;
  • What would you like to eat / drink? – I’d like some ____, please.
  • Would you like some ____? – Yes, please. / No, thanks.
  • take part in three fun activities relating to their language knowledge and competences.
  • read and match pairs of target sentence patterns.
  • read and complete a gapped text with the words in relation to the topics of My houses and My bedrooms.

Core competencies

decision making, teamwork, work standards, reliability, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving

General competencies

Reading: read a gapped text and fill in the blanks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups

Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Responsibility: appreciate kindness

Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills.


  • Student’s book Page 37
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 196, 197
  • Website sachmem
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Review 3 & Fun time)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Read and match – Read and complete – Ask and answer – Fun corner and wrap- up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 15, Lesson 1.

  • Ask pupils to sing the song
  • Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Chant and do activities (Unit 15, Lesson 3).

  • Ask pupils to chant and do the actions in Unit 15, Lesson 3 in groups.
  • Give points and encourage them.

Option 3: Game: Talk for one minute about…

  • Get the whole class to play the game.
  • Have pupils spin the wheel to go to the questions.
  • Get pupils to talk one minute about the topics they have learnt.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work

Activity 3. Read and match. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To read and match pairs of target sentence patterns.

b. Input:

Five pairs of target sentence patterns, which together form simple exchanges between two pupils

c. Outcome:

Pupils can read and match pairs of target sentence patterns.

Key: 1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the first sentence (1. How old is your sister?). Read it together as a class. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Draw pupils’ attention to the Sentences a to e on the right. Ask them to read and choose the correct answer to Question 1, then match. When pupils answer correctly, tell them to draw a line to match the question to the answer. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the questions.

Step 3: Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, then check answers together as a class. Write the correct answers on the board. Play the recording for pupils to check their answers again.

Extension: Invite pairs of pupils to stand up and read aloud the matched exchanges.

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class/ Pair work

Pair work

Activity 4. Read and complete. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To read and complete a gapped text.

b. Input:

An incomplete passage with answer options

c. Outcome:

Pupils can read and complete a gapped text with the words in relation to the topics of My houses and My bedrooms.

Key: 1. are 2. is 3. big 4. in 5. on

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the first sentence There (1) _____ two bedrooms in my house. Write it on the board.

Step 2: Draw pupils’ attention to the word cues to choose the correct word to fill in the gap in the first sentence. When pupils answer correctly, tell them to read and complete the sentence. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the text.

Step 3: Get pupils to swap books with a partner, then check answers together as a class.

Extension: Invite some pupils to stand up and read aloud the completed text.

Game: Slap the board.

  • Divide the class into four teams.
  • Stick the pictures of activities on the board.
  • Teacher says a sentence, a pupil from each team has to point/slap the right picture and says the sentence again. The one who says faster will get points.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work/ Whole class

Individual work

Group work

Activity 5. Ask and answer. 9 minutes

a. Goal

To read and answer questions using picture cues

b. Input

– Four picture cues

– Questions

c. Outcome

Pupils can ask and answer four questions using picture cues.

d. Procedure

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the first picture. Get them to identify the people in the picture. Check pupils’ comprehension.

Step 2: Draw pupils’ attention to Question 1 (1. Who’s this?). Have pupils point to each person in the picture to answer the question. Repeat the same procedure with the rest of the questions.

Step 3: Have pupils work in pairs to role-play the four exchanges. Go around the classroom to monitor the activity.

Extension: Invite pairs of pupils to stand up and take it in turns to role-play the target exchanges.

Game: Matching game

T uses pictures and sentence cards, gets 3 pupils to hold the pictures and 3 others to hold the sentences. Ask them to find and match. Praise the ones who finish matching. Then ask the whole class to look and say aloud.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work/ Whole class

Pair work

Group work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1: Game: Board Race!

  • Divide the class into two teams.
  • Give each team a colour marker.
  • Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top.
  • Have pupils write as many words related to the topic in a relay.

Option 2: Game: Sentence Puzzle

  • Divide the class into groups of four.
  • Give each group a sentence that is broken/cut into pieces. Ask them to arrange the words to make a complete sentence, then read it aloud.

Option 3: Game: Fabulous sounds

  • Divide the class into 2 teams.
  • Each team chooses one letter to go to the question.
  • Have pupils look, read and choose the right letters that match the sounds.
  • Back to the menu for pupils to pick another question.
  • Pupils continue their turns until there are not any numbers left.

Whole class

Group work

Whole class


......., .................. 2022


Review – period 2

1. Read and match:

1. c 2. e 3. d 4. b 5. a

2. Read and complete:

1. are 2. is 3. big 4. in 5. on






Date of teaching:






Fun time – Period 3



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • revise the spelling of five words: teacher, brother, driver, mother and worker.
  • improve their speed and flexibility when checking vocabulary.
  • use the target vocabulary and sentence patterns to carry out a survey.
  • identify healthy and unhealthy foods.

Core competencies

communication, planning and organization, stress tolerance, and initiative

General competencies

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups

Sociability: talk to each other

Critical thinking: recognize healthy food and drinks


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skill


  • Student’s book Page 38, 39
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 197,198
  • Website sachmem
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Review 3 & Funtime)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Do the puzzle – Quiz time – Circle the healthy foods – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Choose one song from Unit 11 to 15.

  • Ask pupils to sing the song.
  • Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Game: Hot Seat!

  • Divide the class into 2 teams.
  • Choose one pupil to sit in front of their team and turn his/ her back to the board.
  • Stand behind the pupil and write a word on the board.
  • Have the pupil in the hot seat listen to their teammates and try to guess the word.

Option 3: Game: Stop the bus!

  • Divide pupils into 2 teams.
  • Pupils find words in categories beginning with the set letter.
  • When they finish, they can shout 'Stop the bus!'
  • The winner can choose and open a gift box.

Whole class

Group work

Group work

Activity 1. Do the puzzle. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

– To revise the spelling of five words: teacher, brother, driver, mother and worker.

– To improve pupils’ speed and flexibility when checking vocabulary.

b. Input:

Picture cues:

1. a teacher 2. a brother 3. a driver 4. a mother 5. a worker

c. Outcome:

Pupils can complete the crossword using the picture cues.


d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the puzzle. Ask: Who do you see in the pictures? Stick the flash cards of the words, one by one, on the board. Point to each word on the board, and have pupils say the word as a class.

Step 2: Point at Picture 1, elicit the word, write it in the crossword as an example. Tell pupils to repeat the same procedure with the other picture cues.

Step 3: Check the answers as a class.

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class

Activity 2. Quiz time. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To use the target vocabulary and sentence patterns to carry out a survey

b. Input:

A table for completion

c. Outcome:

Pupils can use the target vocabulary and sentence patterns to carry out a survey.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell pupils that each of them needs to interview three different classmates to find out their favourite food or drinks.

Step 2: Gives pupils 10 minutes to circulate and complete their survey tables
Step 3: After pupils have interviewed their classmates and taken notes, give them another 5 to 10 minutes to prepare to share their findings.

Step 4: Invite different pupils to come to the front of the class and share their findings.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Activity 3. Circle the healthy foods. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To identify healthy and unhealthy foods

b. Input:

Seven pictures showing both healthy and unhealthy foods

c. Outcome:

Pupils can identify healthy and unhealthy foods

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures and elicit the names of the foods: apple, chips, water, rice, fish, noodles, cake.

Step 2: Put pupils into pairs and tell them to work together to circle the healthy foods.

Step 3: Display a picture of an apple on the board. Ask pupils if it is healthy or unhealthy. When they answer correctly, write healthy under the picture and model it for pupils to repeat.

Repeat the same procedure for the other foods. If a food is unhealthy, write unhealthy under the picture.

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1: Game: Pictionary!

  • Before the class starts, prepare a bunch of words and put them in a bag.
  • Divide the class into two teams and draw a line down the middle of the board.
  • Give one pupil from each team a pen and ask them to choose a word from the bag.
  • Ask pupils to draw on the board and encourage their team to guess the word.

Option 2: Game: Sentence Puzzle

  • Divide the class into groups of four.
  • Give each group a sentence that is broken/cut into pieces.
  • Ask them to arrange the words to make a complete sentence, then read it aloud.
  • The group that makes it first will be the winner.

Option 3: Game: Build a spaceship

  • Divide the class into 2 teams.
  • Have pupils guess the word letter by letter. Teacher may give some cues.
  • Whenever pupils guess a letter that is in the secret word, click the letter to fill it into the blank where it occurs.
  • The one who has the correct answers can build a spaceship and fly to space.

Whole class

Group work

Whole class


......., .................. 2022


Fun time – period 3

1. Review:

teacher brother driver worker

mother apple chips water

rice fish noodles cake

2. Model sentences:

- He’s /She’s ____.

- What’s her job? – He’s / She’s ____.

- Is he / she ____? – Yes, he / she is. / No, he / she isn’t.

- Where’s ____? – It’s here / there.

- Where are the ____? – They’re ____.

- There’s / There are ____ in the room.

- The ____ is ____.; The ____ are ____.

- Would you like some ____? – Yes, please. / No, thanks.

- What would you like to eat / drink? – I’d like some ____, please.

Danh mục: Giáo án