Giáo án Starter Unit Tiếng anh 3 global success






Date of teaching:






A - Numbers



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- identify the numbers 1 to 10 through listening, speaking, reading and writing activities;

- listen and identify numbers by ticking the correct boxes.

- read and match the relevant words with numbers.

Core competencies

Decision making, teamwork, problem-solving, integrity, communication, planning and organization.

General Competences

Listening: Listen, point and repeat

Critical thinking: Listen and tick

Oral communication: Say the numbers

Written communication: Read and match

Self-control & independent learning: Perform listening tasks

Sociability: Talk to each other, say good words to others.


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions


  • Pupil’s book Page 7
  • Audio Tracks 2,3
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 13-14
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit Starter)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Listen, point and repeat – Listen and tick – Read and match – Fun corner and wrap-up.


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities



Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Hello song

- Ask pupils to sing a Hello song.

- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2:

- Introduce ways of greeting to the class:

+ Say the teacher’s and students’ names.

+ Make eye contact.

+ Use a friendly nonverbal greeting, such as a handshake, high five, or thumbs-up…

- Give a few words of encouragement.

Option 3:

Game: “Hello – Hi”

- Introduce “Hello” and “Hi” with an action: wave hands and say “Hello”. Practise many times with the class/ groups/ individuals.

- Introduce “Hi” with action: make a V-sign with two fingers and say “Hi”. Practise many times with the class/ groups/ individuals.

- Divide the class into 4 groups. Let pupils say the greeting in groups.

- Make it more interesting by saying responsively: One says “Hello”, the other has to say “Hi” and vice versa. Give points to the pupils who can do that well.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work

Group work

Individual work/ Group work

Activity 1. Listen, point and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal

To listen, point at and repeat the numbers 1 − 10 correctly.

b. Input

– Numbers 1 − 10

– Audio recording of the numbers 1 − 10

c. Outcome

Pupils can listen, point at and repeat the numbers 1 − 10 correctly.

d. Procedure

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the numbers. Tell them to listen, point at the numbers and repeat. Play the recording for pupils to listen to the numbers, and familiarise themselves with their stress and intonation.

Step 2: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat. Remind them to point at the numbers while listening. Do this several times until they feel confident. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 3: Put pupils into pairs to practise listening, pointing at and repeating the numbers 1 − 10. Go around the classroom to offer support.

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

Activity 2. Listen and tick. 9 minutes

a. Goal

To listen and identify numbers by ticking the correct boxes.

b. Input

Numbers 1 − 10 with boxes for ticking

Audio script: three, five, eight, ten

c. Outcome

Pupils can listen to and identify the numbers by ticking the correct boxes.

Key: 3, 5, 8, 10

d. Procedure

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the numbers. Tell them to listen and tick the correct box under each number while listening. Show an example with number three. Play the recording and tick the box under the correct number.

Step 2: Play the recording all the way through for pupils to do the task. Play the recording again for them to check their answers.

Step 3: Tell pupils to swap their books with their partners, then check answers together as a class.

Write the correct answers on the board for pupils to correct their answers.

Step 4: Play the recording again for pupils to double-check their answers.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording, number by number, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work/ Individual work

Activity 3. Read and match. 8 minutes

a. Goal

To read and match the relevant words with numbers.

b. Input

Two columns: numbers in their word form and numeral form.

c. Outcome

Pupils can read and match words with the relevant numbers.

Key: 2. e 3. b 4. a 5. d

d. Procedure

Step 1: Draw two columns on the board like the input. Tell pupils to read the words for numbers and draw lines to match with the target numbers. Use number one as an example: Have pupils read the word in chorus and draw a line to match with number 1.

Step 2: Give pupils time to do the task individually or in pairs. Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

Step 3: Check the answers as a class. Then invite a pupil to come to the front and draw a line on the board to match the words with the relevant numbers.

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Individual work/ Whole class

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use sachmem, have pupils look at the words in the picture of Activity 1 and repeat after the recording.

Option 2:

Game: Let’s look and say the numbers!

Let the pupils say the numbers and the words.

Click to each cloud of word to let it go below the numbers.

Ask pupils to say the numbers and words again.

Option 3: Ways to say goodbye!

Use the Goodbye and Bye greetings for real communication to dismiss the class. Say Goodbye to individual pupils and have them answer Goodbye or Bye as they leave.

Whole class

Individual work/ Whole class

Individual work/ Whole class


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1. Words:

2. Read and match:






Date of teaching:









By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- identify the letters of the alphabet by correctly pointing at, singing and performing The alphabet song with the correct pronunciation.

- identify the alphabet letters and complete the missing ones.

- count the letters in the target names.

Core competencies

Motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity, communication, planning and organization.

General competences

Listening: listen, point and sing

Critical thinking: count the letters

Oral communication: practice speaking

Written communication: read and complete

Problem-solving and creativity: do the task in groups

Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others.


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions

Responsibility: appreciate kindness

Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Pupil’s book Page 8
  • Audio Track 4
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 14
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit starter)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Listen, point and sing – Read and complete – Count the letters – Fun corner and wrap-up.


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class. Encourage pupils to respond to your greeting.

Option 1: Point to a pupil and have him/her stand up and say Hi, I’m … Other pupils wave back and say Hi.

Repeat with other pupils. Point faster and faster to

make this activity more fun.

Option 2: Game: Numbers showing

Teacher says Numbers, numbers, then moves hand round and round.

Ask pupils to do like teacher.

Teacher says a number randomly. Pupils show their fingers in correspondence with the numbers teacher says.

Make it become more interesting by doing quicker and quicker.

Option 3:

Tell pupils to open their books on page 8 and look at B - The alphabet.

Write “The alphabet” on the board and model reading it for the class to repeat a few times. Tell pupils what they will learn in this lesson.

Whole class

Individual work/ Group work

Whole class

Individual work

Activity 1. Listen, point and sing. 8 minutes

a. Goal

To identify the alphabet letters and complete the missing letters.

b. Input

– The alphabet song lyrics

– Audio recording of The alphabet song

c. Outcome

Pupils can identify the letters of the alphabet by singing and performing The alphabet song with the correct pronunciation.

d. Procedure

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the title and lyrics of the song. Tell them about the activity.

Model reading the title and the lyrics line by line for pupils to repeat. Encourage them to point at the letters to reinforce their understanding.

Step 2: Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen carefully to the pronunciation and the melody.

Step 3: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat. Do this several times until they feel confident. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 4: Play the recording all the way through for pupils to sing along.

Step 5: Show pupils actions to do while singing along with the recording, for example, use a finger to draw the letters in the air while singing.

Extension: Put pupils into groups to make up their own actions for the song. Invite groups to the front of the classroom to sing and perform the song, while the rest of the class sings and / or claps along. Encourage the class to praise or cheer the performers.

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Group work/ Individual work

Activity 2. Read and complete. 9 minutes

a. Goal

To identify the alphabet letters and complete the missing letters.

b. Input

The incomplete alphabet with three missing letters: F, J, and Z

c. Outcome

Pupils can identify the missing letters in the alphabet and write them out.

Key: 1. F 2. J 3. Z

d. Procedure

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the incomplete alphabet. Tell them about the activity.

Show them how to do the task: point at the letters respectively for pupils to read, elicit the first missing letter and give feedback. Write the answer on the board and have pupils read it in chorus.

Step 2: Give pupils time to do the task individually or in pairs. Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

Step 3: Invite a pupil to stand up and say the missing letters. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Write the answers on the board for the class to correct their answers.

Extension: Have the class sing The alphabet song a few times . This can be conducted in groups.

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Whole class/ Group work

Activity 3. Count the letters. 8 minutes

a. Goal

To count the letters in the target names.

b. Input

Three names: BEN, MARY and LINDA

c. Outcome

Pupils can count the letters in three target names.

d. Procedure

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the target names. Tell them about the activity and show them what to do: Point at the first name BEN and have pupils count the letters by reading the numbers under the target name in chorus. Point at Number 3 and say that it is the total number of the letters in the name BEN. Get the class to count the letters again in chorus.

Step 2: Give pupils time to do the task individually or in pairs. Go around the classroom to offer support where necessary.

Step 3: Invite a pupil to stand up and count the letters in the names.

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use sachmem, have pupils look at the words in the picture of Activity 4 and repeat after the recording.

Option 2:

Game: What’s missing?

Write a number of letters on the board. Let the pupils say the names of letters.

Cover one letter. Pupils have to say what’s missing. (This can be played between groups or individual)

Check the answer. If it’s correct, give points to the groups/ pupils.

Ask pupils to say the name of missing letter again.

Repeat the procedure with several other lettes.


Say I’m (your name). Spell and write teacher’s name on the board. Say Bye and wave. Ask the pupils to line up and do the same, one by one, as they leave the classroom. Wave back.

Whole class

Group work/ Individual work

Individual work


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1. Complete:

2. Count the letters:






Date of teaching:









By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- to review the numbers from one to ten by counting with fingers.

- to review the numbers from one to ten and the alphabet letters by playing the game Bingo.

Core competencies

Teamwork, work standards, reliability, motivation, adaptability, integrity, communication, …

General competences

Listening: listen to the teachers and classmates.

Oral communication: let’s play and talk

Sociability: talk to each other, say good words to others.


Diligence: complete learning tasks

Honesty: tell the truth about feelings and emotions

Responsibility: appreciate kindness


  • Pupil’s book Page 9
  • Audio Track 4
  • Teacher’s guide Page 16
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit Starter)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Count one to ten – Let’s play – Fun corner and wrap-up.


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Hello song

- Ask pupils to sing a Hello song.

- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play. The other pupils will sing.

Option 2: Game: Can you sing?

Let the pupils sing the song once. Cover 4 letters at the end of each line, ask them to say what’s missing.

Sing the song again with the missing letters.

Cover 4 more letters at the middle of each line, ask them to say what’s missing.

Sing the song again with the missing letters.

Make it become more interesting with competition between groups.

Option 3:

- Introduce ways of greeting to the class.

+ Say the teacher’s and students’ names.

+ Make eye contact.

+ Use a friendly nonverbal greeting, such as a handshake, high five, or thumbs-up…

- Give a few words of encouragement.

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class

Individual work

Group work

Individual work/ Group work

Activity 1. Count one to ten. 8 minutes

a. Goal

To review the numbers from one to ten by counting with fingers.

b. Input

Picture cues of the hands showing numbers from one to ten.

c. Outcome

Pupils can review the numbers from one to ten by using their fingers to count.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures of the hands. Tell them about the activity. Show the class how to use fingers to count from one to ten a few times until they can feel confident of using the same way to count.

Step 2: Give pupils time to do the task individually or in pairs. Go around the classroom to offer support.

Step 3: Invite a few pupils to the front of the classroom to take turns to perform the task.

Get the class to vote for the best performer.

Whole class

Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work

Activity 2. Let’s play. 9 minutes

a. Goal

To review the numbers from one to ten and the alphabet letters by playing the game Bingo.

b. Input

Two 3 x 3 Bingo grids, one filled with nine numbers, another filled with nine letters of the alphabet.

c. Outcome

Pupils can review numbers from one to ten and the alphabet letters by playing the game Bingo.

d. Procedure

Step 1: Draw a 3 x 3 Bingo grid on the board and get pupils to do the same in their notebooks. Tell pupils to complete their grids with any numbers from one to ten. Explain how to play the game:

You call out a number. Every pupil that has that number in his or her grid should cross it out.

Continue to call out numbers (remember to keep a record!) until someone shouts Bingo!

Check his / her grid to make sure that he or she has his or her grid crossed out the numbers that you have called, then declare him or her the winner.

Step 2: Repeat the same procedure with the Bingo grid filled with the letters of the alphabet.

Extension: If time allows, have pupils count from one to ten, and sing The alphabet song in chorus.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use sachmem, have pupils look at the words in the picture and repeat after the recording.

Option 2:

Game: Who can write fast?

Divide the class into three/ four teams. Call out a letter of the alphabet. A pupil from each team writes that letter on the board. Give one point for each correct answer.

Repeat with more letters or spelling names.

Option 3:

Game: Birds come home

Tell pupils they are choosing birds with the right number to come home. Ask them look at the numbers to choose the right bird and click on that bird. The bird with the correct number will fly to the nest.

Give points to the teams/ pupils who can do it well.


Divide the class into 2 or 4 groups. Each group chooses a letter by reading its name. Teachers clicks that letter to open the box and see how many stars pupils will get for the letter. Repeat the procedure until the last letter.

Groups having the most stars will win.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work

Group work

Individual work

Group work

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Let’s play:

Danh mục: Giáo án