Giáo án Unit 6 Tiếng anh 3 global success






Date of teaching:






Lesson 1 – Period 1



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- use the words school, classroom, library, playground in the sentence pattern: Is this our ____________? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

- use Is this our ? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. to ask and answer questions about their school.

Core Competencies:

teamwork, reliability, motivation, communication and initiative.

General Competences:

Listening: listen and recognize the names, then repeat.

Critical Thinking: talk about school, answer yes/ no questions.

Oral Communication: talk about schools and places in the room, answer some questions.

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks.

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups.


- Diligence: complete learning tasks

- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 44
  • Audio Tracks 57, 58
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 79 - 81
  • Website
  • Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
  • Computer, projector, …


Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say – Let’s talk –

Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the song My hobby in Unit 5,
Lesson 2

- Ask pupils to sing the song.

- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 3: Game: Who is faster?

Review the previous lesson by having the class play the game Who is faster?, using the words in Unit 5.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) to ask and answer questions about their school.

b. Input:

– Context a: Ms Hoa: Look at this picture. Is this our school?

Lucy: Yes, it is. It’s our school.

– Context b: Ms Hoa: Is this our school?

Lucy: No, it isn’t.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) to ask and answer questions about their school.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Learn new words

Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the places at school. Have the class repeat the words a few times. Hold up the flash cards for school, classroom, library and playground and have pupils say the words.

Check their new vocabulary with the game Look and guess.

Step 2: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures. Point at each picture, ask questions to help them identify names of the speakers in the pictures.

Step 3: Have pupils look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen. Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat. Do this several times until they feel confident. Follow the same procedure with Picture b. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 4: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat in chorus sentence by sentence.

Step 5: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to listen and repeat the sentences.

Step 6: Draw their attention to the question Is this our school? and the answers Yes, it is. and No, it isn't. Tell pupils that they are used to asking and answering about their school.

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class

Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work


Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly say the words and use Is this our ? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.

to ask and answer questions about their school.

b. Input:

– Picture cues: a. a school b. a classroom

c. a library d. a playground

      • Speech bubbles: Is this our ____? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
      • Flash cards for school, classroom, library and playground

Audio script:

a. school / yes b. classroom / no

c. library / yes d. playground / no

A: Is this our school? A: Is this our classroom?

B: Yes, it is. B: No, it isn't.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly say the words and use Is this our ?
– Yes, it is.
/ No, it isn't. to ask and answer questions about their school.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils point at Picture a (school), listen to the recording and repeat the word. Follow the same procedure with the other three pictures.

Step 2: Point at the question in the bubble and Picture a and have pupils listen to the recording and repeat the question (Is this our school?). Point at Picture a and have pupils listen to the recording and repeat the answer (Yes, it is.). Follow the same procedure with the other three pictures.

Step 3: Point at one of the pictures randomly to elicit the question and then the answer. If possible, prepare some photos of the school, classroom, library and playground to elicit Yes, it is. in the real context.

Step 4: Give pupils time to practise asking and answering the question Is this our _____? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. in pairs. Remind them that they can select any of the four pictures to point and say. Go around the classroom to offer support.

Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures, ask and answer the question in front of the class.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Pair work


Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To enhance the correct use of Is this our _______? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. to ask and answer questions about their school.

b. Input:

To enhance the correct use of Is this our _______? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. to ask and answer questions about their school.

      • Speech bubbles: Is this our _________? – Yes, / No, _____.
      • Flash cards for school, classroom, library and playground

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly use Is this our _______? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn't. to ask and answer questions about their school.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the picture. Point at a certain room to elicit the question and the answer in context. Stick the flash cards for school, classroom, library and playground on the wall at various places around the classroom and point at a certain flash card to elicit the question and answer. If possible, prepare some photos of the school to create the right context for pupils to talk.

Step 2: Give pupils time to practise in pairs. One pupil points at a prompt picture or a school room flash card and asks and another pupil answers in context. Go around the classroom to offer support.

Step 3: Invite some pairs of pupils to the front of the class to perform their conversations.

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Pair work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use, have pupils look at the words in the picture of Activities 1, 2 and repeat after the recordings.

Option 2:

Game: Lucky number

Divide the class into 2 teams. Have two pupils from each team choose a number, then ask and answer with the revealed word. Give points to the teams.

Option 3: Preparation for the project:

Tell pupils about the project on page 49. Ask them to prepare at home. Ask them to prepare a poster about their school in order to introduce it to a new pupil. They need to prepare the sentences that they are going to talk about. In Lesson 2, Period 4, remind pupils of what they need to prepare for the project.

Whole class

Group work

Group work


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Lesson 1 – Period 1

1. Words:





2. Model sentences:

- Is this our school?

- Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.






Date of teaching:






Lesson 1 – Period 2



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- use the words school, classroom, library, playground, in the sentence pattern: Is this our ________? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

- use Is this our ________? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. to ask and answer questions about their school;

Core competencies:

decision making, teamwork, work standards, reliability, motivation, communication, planning and organization

General competencies:

Listening: listen and recognize the school, then repeat.

Oral communication: speak about school, ask and answer the questions

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Written communication: practise writing about school

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


- Diligence: complete learning tasks

- Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 45
  • Audio Tracks 59, 60
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 81 - 83
  • Website
  • Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
  • Computer, projector, …


Warm-up and review – Listen and tick – Look, complete and read – Let’s sing –

Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 5, Lesson 1.

- Ask pupils to sing the song.

- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Game: Slap the board

Option 3: Game: Pass the ball

- Divide the class into 3 teams.

- Each team has 1 sticky ball.

- Play the music. Pupils in each team take turns to pass the ball. After the music ends, 3 pupils who have the ball stand up and say the words school, classroom, library, playground, then make sentences using the sentence model.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 4. Listen and tick. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To listen to and understand two communicative contexts to ask and answer questions about a school.

b. Input:

– Picture cues: 1a. a library 1b. a playground

2a. a classroom 2b. a school

Audio script:

  1. A: Is this our playground?

B: Yes, it is.

  1. A: Is this your classroom?

B: Yes, it is. It's my classroom.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to and understand two communicative contexts to ask and answer questions about a school.

Key: 1. b 2. a

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures 1a and 1b. Elicit the word for the place in each picture. Tell pupils about the activity. Play the recording of the first exchange. Play the recording again for pupils to do the task. Play the recording the third time to give pupils another listening opportunity.

Step 2: Repeat Step 1 for Pictures 2a and 2b.

Step 3: Have pupils swap books with a partner, then check answers together as a class. Write the correct answers on the board.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording sentence by sentence for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Whole class

Whole class

Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work


Activity 5. Look, complete and read. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To complete three target sentence patterns with the help of picture cues.

b. Input:

Four picture cues and four incomplete dialogues.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can complete the four incomplete sentence patterns with the help of the picture cues.

Key: 1. library 2. playground

3. classroom; isn’t 4. school; it is

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures. Have them identify the places in the pictures.

Step 2: Have pupils look at the four incomplete dialogues. Draw their attention to the missing words in the sentences.

Step 3: Model with Picture 1. Have pupils look at the picture and identify the place. Have them look at the dialogue. Ask them what is missing in the question (library). Then have them complete the gap (Is this our library?).

Step 4: Follow the same procedure with Pictures 2, 3 and 4. Draw pupils’ attention to two gaps in the dialogues 3 and 4.

Step 5: Have pupils complete the dialogues individually. Get pupils to swap and correct their answers in pairs. Check the answers as a class. Ask a few pairs to read the dialogues aloud.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Pair work


Activity 6. Let’s sing. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To sing the song Our school with the correct pronunciation and melody.

b. Input:

The lyrics and the recording of the song Our school

c. Outcome:

Pupils can sing the song Our school with the correct pronunciation.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the picture illustrating the song lyrics and elicit what they can see in the picture.

Step 2: Play the recording and ask pupils to clap when they hear the word school. Play the recording again for the class to listen to the word and clap. Play the recording again and ask pupils to do a TPR action when they hear the word like.

Step 3: Play the recording line by line for pupils to listen and repeat. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 4: Play the recording a few times for them to practise singing, clapping and doing the actions.

Extension: Put pupils into groups to make up their own actions for the song. Invite groups to the front of the class to perform while the rest of the class sings and/ or claps along. Encourage the class to praise or cheer the performers.

Whole class/ Group work

Individual work

Individual work/

Whole class

Individual work/ Whole class

Group work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use, have pupils look at the words in the picture of Activities 4, 5 and repeat after the recordings.

Option 2:

Game: Sentence Puzzle

Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group a sentence that is broken/ cut into pieces. Ask them to arrange them to make a complete sentence, then read it aloud.

The group that makes it first will be the winner.

Option 3: Game: Pop the balloons

- Divide the class into teams.

- Teacher calls one pupil to answer the question Is this our ______?

- Pupils/ teachers click on the “balloons” button to get points.

Whole class

Group work

Whole class/ Group work


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Lesson 1 – Period 2

1. Listen and tick:

1. b 2. a

2. Look, complete and read:

1. library

2. playground

3. classroom; isn’t

4. school; it is






Date of teaching:






Lesson 2 – Period 3



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- use the words school, classroom, library, playground, computer room, art room, music room and gym in the sentence pattern Let’s go to the ____;

- use Is this our ? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. to ask and answer questions about their school;

- use Let’s go to the . – OK, let’s go. to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement;

- listen to and understand simple exchanges in relation to the topic
“Our school”;

Core competencies:

teamwork, work standards, motivation, adaptability, communication, and initiative.

General competencies:

Critical thinking: talk about school, look and guess the hidden pictures.

Oral communication: speak about school, ask and answer the questions

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups

Problem-solving and creativity: answer comprehension questions

Sociability: talk to each other


  • Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks
  • Diligence: complete learning tasks
  • Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 46
  • Audio Tracks 61, 62
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 83, 84
  • Website
  • Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
  • Computer, projector, …


Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say – Let’s talk –
Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 6, Lesson 1.

- Ask pupils to sing the song.

- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by asking the class to play the Slap the board game.

Option 3: Game: Guess the pictures

- Write any words on the board.

- The first pupil has to take the last four or three letters of that word and form a new word.

- The second pupil does the same, and the chain continues until a pupil can’t form a word.

- The pupil who fails to form a word or misspells it is out of the game.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement.

b. Input:

- Context a: Mary: Let’s go to the art room. Minh: OK, let’s go.

- Context b: Ben: Let’s go to the music room. Lucy: OK, let’s go.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Learn new words

Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the places at school. Have the class repeat the words a few times. Hold up the flash cards for school, classroom, library and playground and have pupils say the words.

Check their new vocabulary with the game Look and guess.

Step 2: Draw pupils’ attention to the pictures. Point at each picture, ask questions to help them identify names of the speakers in the pictures.

Step 3: Have pupils look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen. Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat. Do this several times until they feel confident. Follow the same procedure with Picture b. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 4: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat in chorus sentence by sentence.

Step 5: Invite a few pairs to the front of the class to listen and repeat the sentences.

Step 6: Draw their attention to the sentence Let’s go to the _____. and the agreement OK, let’s go. Tell pupils that the sentences are used to make suggestions and express agreement.

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Pair work

Individual work


Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly say the words and use Let's go to the ________. – OK, let’s go.
to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement.

b. Input:

- Picture cues: a. a computer room b. an art room

c. a music room d. a gym

- Speech bubbles: Let’s go to the ___. OK, let’s go.

- Flash cards for computer room, art room, music room and gym

Audio script:

a. computer room b. art room c. music room d. gym

A: Let’s go to the computer room.

B: OK, let’s go.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly say the words and use Let's go to the . – OK, let's go. to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils point at Picture a (computer room), listen to the recording and repeat the word. Follow the same procedure with the other three pictures.

Step 2: Point at Picture a and have pupils listen and repeat after the recording (Let's go to the computer room.). Point at the bubble and have pupils listen and repeat after the recording (OK, let's go.). Follow the same procedure with the other three pictures.

Step 3: Point at one of the pictures randomly to elicit the suggestion and then the agreement.

Step 4: Give pupils time to practise making suggestions and expressing agreement in pairs. Remind them that they can select any of the four pictures to point and say. Go around the classroom to offer support.

Step 5: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and make dialogues.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Pair work


Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To enhance the correct use of Let's go to the ____. – OK, let's go. to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement.

b. Input:

- The picture shows two pupils standing in the hall and pointing to the four school rooms.

- Speech bubbles: Let's _________. – _____.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can enhance the correct use of Let's go to the ______. – OK, let's go. to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the picture. Point at the rooms to elicit their names. Point at a certain room to elicit the missing words in the gapped bubbles to complete the sentences. Stick the flash cards for the computer room, art room, music room, library, playground and gym around the classroom. Point at a certain flash card to elicit the suggestion and agreement.

Step 2: Put pupils into pairs to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement. Go around the classroom to offer support.

Step 3: Invite some pairs to the front of the class to interact with each other, pointing at the rooms in the picture in their books or flash cards around the classroom.

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Pair work/ Whole class

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use, have pupils look at the words in the picture of Activities 1, 2 and repeat after the recordings.

Option 2:

Game: Sentence Puzzle

Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group a sentence that is broken/ cut into pieces. Ask them to arrange them to make a complete sentence, then read it aloud.

The group that makes it first will be the winner.

Option 3: Game: Lucky numbers

Whole class

Group work

Group work


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Lesson 2 – Period 3

1. Vocabulary:

computer room art room

music room gym

2. Model sentences:

- Let’s go to the computer room.

- OK, let’s go.






Date of teaching:






Lesson 2 – Period 4



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- use the words school, classroom, library, playground, computer room, art room, music room and gym in the sentence pattern Let’s go to the _____.;

- use Is this our _____? – Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t. to ask and answer questions about their school;

- use Let's go to the ______. – OK, let’s go. to make suggestions to go to a place at school and express agreement;

- listen to and understand simple exchanges in relation to the topic
“Our school”.

Core competencies:

teamwork, work standards, motivation, adaptability, communication, and initiative.

General competencies:

Critical thinking: talk about school, choose the correct picture and number.

Oral communication: speak about school, ask and answer the questions

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups

Problem-solving and creativity: answer comprehension questions

Sociability: talk to each other


  • Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks
  • Diligence: complete learning tasks
  • Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 47
  • Audio Tracks 63
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 85 - 86
  • Website
  • Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
  • Computer, projector, …


Warm-up and review – Listen and number – Read and match – Let’s play – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 6, Lesson 1.

- Ask pupils to sing the song.

- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Sing a song (YouTube)

Option 3: Game: Slap the board

Whole class

Whole class

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 4. Listen and number. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils make suggestions to go to different places at school.

b. Input:

Picture cues: a. a music room b. an art room

c. a gym d. a computer room

Audio script:

1. A: Let’s go to the gym.

B: OK, let’s go.

2. A: I like drawing.

B: Me too. Let’s go to the art room.

3. A: Is that the computer room?

B: Yes, it is.

A: Let’s go.

4. A: Let’s go to the music room.

B: OK, let’s go.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils make suggestions to go to different places at school.

Key: 1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures. Point at each picture and elicit the school room. Play the recording twice so that pupils can do the task. Play the recording a third time to give pupils another listening opportunity and check their answers.

Step 2: Check answers together as a class. Play the recording again for pupils to correct their answers.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording sentence by sentence for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work


Activity 5. Read and match. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To read some sentences and match them with the correct pictures.

b. Input:

Four pictures, two target sentences and two exchanges to match

c. Outcome:

Pupils can match the sentences / exchanges with the correct school rooms.

Key: 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and say the names of the places. Tell pupils about the activity.

Step 2: Give pupils time to read the sentences and match them with the correct pictures.

Step 3: Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, then check the answers as a class. Write the correct answers on the board.

Extension: If time allows, invite some pairs to role-play situations 3 and 4.

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Whole class/ Pair work


Activity 6. Let’s play. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To practise the target sentence pattern by playing the game Guess the place.

b. Input:

– A picture showing pupils how to play the game

– Flash cards for school, classroom, library, playground, computer room, art room, music room and gym

c. Outcome:

Pupils can practise the target sentence pattern by playing the game Guess the place.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Hold up a flash card for the library and say: We like reading. Let's go to ____. Elicit the school room to complete the sentence. Show pupils the flash card and have them repeat the word and the sentence.

Step 2: Hold up another flash card and continue with the game.

Step 3: Divide the class into two teams. Each team plays the game in turn. If pupils in a team can guess the correct picture, they get a star. After three or four rounds, the team with the most stars is the winner. Give the team a fun prize.

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work/Group work

Individual work/ Whole class

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use, have pupils look at the words in the picture of Activities 4, 5 and repeat after the recordings.

Option 2: Game: Pass the ball

- Divide the class into 3 teams.

- Each team has 1 sticky ball.

- Play the music, students in each team take turns to pass the ball. After the music ends, 3 students have the ball – stand up and say the new words learned in the lesson and make sentences, using the sentence models.

Option 3: Game: Spin the wheel

- Divide the class into teams.

- Teacher calls each team to read and say the correct answer.

- Pupils/ teacher click on the “spin” button to get points.

Whole class

Group work

Group work


......., .................. 2022


Lesson 2 – Period 4

1. Listen and number:

1. c 2. b 3. d 4. a

2. Read and match:

1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c






Date of teaching:






Lesson 3 – Period 5



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- correctly pronounce the sounds of the consonant clusters pl and cl in isolation, in the words playground and classroom and in the sentences Let's go to the playground. and Is that your classroom?;

- listen to and understand simple exchanges in relation to the topic “Our school”;

- read and write about a school.

Core competencies:

motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity, communication

General competencies:

Listening: listen and recognize the sounds, then repeat.

Oral communication: speak about school, ask and answer the questions

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


  • Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks
  • Diligence: complete learning tasks
  • Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 48
  • Audio Tracks 64, 65, 66
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 88, 89
  • Website
  • Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
  • Computer, projector, …


Warm-up and review – Listen and repeat – Listen and circle – Let’s chant – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 6, Lesson 1.

- Ask pupils to sing the song.

- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Game: Lucky number

Review the previous lesson by having the class play the game lucky number, using the model sentences: Is it our _____?/ Let’s go the _________.

Option 3: Game: Keep or give

- Divide the class into teams.

- Pupils take turns to answer the questions.

They can choose to keep the point(s) for their team or give it to the other team (whatever the score is).

- The team with more points is the winner.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 1. Listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly repeat the sounds of the consonant clusters pl and cl in isolation, in the words playground and classroom, and in the sentences Let's go to the playground. and Is that your classroom? with the correct pronunciation and intonation.

b. Input:

– The consonant cluster pl, the word playground and the sentence Let's go to the playground.

– The consonant cluster cl, the word classroom and the sentence Is that your classroom?

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly pronounce the consonant clusters pl and cl, the words playground and classroom, and the sentences Let's go to the playground. and Is that your classroom? with the correct pronunciation and intonation.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the consonant cluster pl, the word playground, and the sentence Let's go to the playground. Play the recording and encourage them to point at the letter/ word/ sentence during their listening.

Step 2: Play the recording again and encourage pupils to listen and repeat. Do this several times until pupils feel confident. Correct their pronunciation where necessary and praise them if their pronunciation is good.

Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 for the consonant cluster cl.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work


Activity 2. Listen and circle. 5 minutes

a. Goal:

To identify the words classroom and playground while listening.

b. Input:

Two sentences for completion with three options for each

Audio script:

1. Let’s go to the classroom.

2. Is that our playground?

c. Outcome:

Pupils can identify the words classroom and playground while listening.

Key: 1. b 2. c

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the sentences and the answer options. Play the recording for pupils to listen. Play the recording again for pupils to listen and circle the correct options.

Step 2: Tell pupils to swap books with a partner, then check the answers as a class. Write the correct answers on the board. Play the recording for pupils to check their answers again.

Extension: Invite one or two pupils to stand up, listen and repeat the sentences.

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Individual work


Activity 3. Let’s chant. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.

b. Input:

The lyrics and recording of the chant

c. Outcome:

Pupils can say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the lyrics of the chant. Check comprehension of the lyrics and give feedback.

Step 2: Play the recording all the way through so that pupils can listen to the whole chant. Encourage them to listen carefully to the rhythm and pronunciation. Draw their attention to the sounds of the consonant clusters cl and pl in the words classroom and playground in the chant.

Step 3: Play the recording line by line for pupils to listen and repeat. Correct their pronunciation where necessary.

Step 4: Play the recording all the way through for pupils to say the chant. Encourage them to clap along while they chant.

Extension: Divide the class into two or more groups to take turns listening to and repeating the chant, while the rest of the class claps along.

Whole class/ Individual work

Group work

Group work

Individual work/ Whole class

Group work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use, have pupils look at the words in the picture of Activities 1, 2 and repeat after the recordings.

Option 2:

Game: Chant

- Teacher can create a small competition for the pupils.

- Pupils work in groups. Try to learn the chant by heart.

- Teacher can ask them to say the chant loudly/ quietly/ happily/ sadly.

- The group that performs the best is the winner.

Whole class

Group work


......., .................. 2022


Lesson 3 – Period 5

1. Listen and repeat:

pl playground Let’s go to the playground.

cl classroom Is that your classroom?

2. Listen and circle:

1. b 2. c






Date of teaching:






Lesson 3 – Period 6



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

- read and choose the words to complete the text

- read and complete a gapped paragraph about a school;
- make a poster and introduce their school to a new pupil.

Core competencies:

motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity, communication

General competencies:

Reading: read and complete the task

Oral communication: speak about school, ask and answer the questions

Self-control & independent learning: perform reading tasks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


  • Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks
  • Diligence: complete learning tasks
  • Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 49
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 88, 89
  • Website
  • Flash cards/ pictures and posters (Unit 6)
  • Computer, projector, …


Warm-up and review – Read and complete – Let’s write – Project – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the chant in Unit 6, Lesson 3.

- Ask pupils to sing the song.

- Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Game: Slap the board

Whole class

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 4. Read and complete. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To read and choose the words to complete the text.

b. Input:

- A box of four words art, classroom, go and our

- A gapped paragraph

c. Outcome:

Pupils can read and choose the words to complete the text in context.

Key: 1. classroom 2. art 3. go 4. our

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the picture to introduce the context. Minh is introducing his school to his friends. Tell pupils about the task. Have pupils read aloud the words to fill in.

Step 2: Do the first blank with pupils to make sure that they know how to do the task. Give pupils enough time to complete the text.

Step 3: Check the answers as a class.

Step 4: Have pupils read the text aloud.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class

Whole class


Activity 5. Let’s write. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To read and complete a gapped paragraph to introduce their school.

b. Input:

A gapped paragraph

c. Outcome:

Pupils can read and complete the paragraph to introduce their school.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Draw pupils’ attention to the first gap and ask them what the missing word is.

Have pupils write their answers.

Step 2: Repeat Step 1 with the next gaps. Give pupils time to write the answers.

Step 3: Have some pupils read their completed paragraph aloud.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work


Activity 6. Project. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To introduce the school to a new pupil.

b. Input:

- Minh is presenting a poster about his school to some friends.

- Materials to carry out the project, such as paper, pencil and crayons.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can introduce their school to a new pupil.

d. Procedure:

Important note: By the end of Lesson 1, Period 1, tell pupils about the project. Ask them to prepare a poster about their school in order to introduce their school to a new pupil. They need to prepare the sentences that they are going to say. In Lesson 2, Period 4, remind pupils of what they need to prepare for the project.

Step 1: Point at the sample poster and explain that the pupil is going to introduce his school to some friends.

Step 2: Have pupils show the photos or pictures that they have prepared for the project. Revise some structures and vocabulary that pupils need for their presentations. Give pupils time to practise their presentations by themselves. Go around the classroom to monitor and offer support.

Step 3: Give pupils time to use their posters to practise presenting within their groups.

Step 4: Select a few pupils to give their presentations in front of the class.

Extension: Have pupils go around their school to introduce some school rooms to their friends. One group introduces the school, and others act as new pupils.

Whole class/ Individual work

Group work

Individual work

Group work

Individual work/ Group work

Individual work/ Group work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1: Game: Noughts and crosses

Option 2: Sentence Puzzle

Divide the class into groups of four. Give each group a sentence that is broken/ cut into pieces. Ask them to arrange them to make a complete sentence, then read it aloud.

The group that makes it first will be the winner.

Group work

Group work


......., .................. 2022


Lesson 3 – Period 6

1. Review:

school classroom

playground library

computer room art room

music room gym

2. Project:

Our school poster

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