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1. He doesn’t help me because I never ask him for help. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 2. The room is dirty because it is not cleaned often. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 3. We don’t visit our parents often because they live far away. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 4. She is very shy; that’s why she doesn’t enjoy parties. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 5. You work so fast; that’s why you make so many mistakes. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 6. He doesn’t work overtime, so he doesn’t earn as much as I do. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 7. We don’t have any matches, so we can’t light a fire. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 8. The boy is so young that he can’t go to school. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 9. If I won a big prize in a lottery, I’d give up my job. → Unless ___________________________________________________________________ 10. He would not write unless he heard some news. (if) → He_______________________________________________________________________ 11. I can’t look the word up because I don’t have a dictionary. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 12. He doesn’t finish his homework so he is punished by the teacher. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 13. The weather is not fine; that’s why we can’t go out. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 14. I drink too much strong coffee; that’s why I can’t sleep. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 15. He doesn’t take any exercises. He is so unhealthy. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 16. The heavy rain prevents everybody from going out. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 17. Without the sun, man would live in the darkness. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 18. Without the air, we would die. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 19. Smoking makes him cough too much. → If _______________________________________________________________________ 20. Why don’t you study hard? → If _______________________________________________________________________

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