Đề số 46 - Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question 1.

A. epidemic B. outstanding

C. eternal D. contribute

Question 2.

A. complete B. accuse

C. demand D. argue

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) whose underlined part differs from the other pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 3.

A. values B. accelerates

C. responsibilities D. waves

Question 4.

A. supported B. mended

C. dressed D. attracted

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to complete each of the following exchanges.

Question 5. Bush: “______________.”

Clinton: “No, but thanks all the same.”

A. Another cup of coffee?

B. May I help you?

C. Would you like a slice of salad?

D. How about having dinner out?

Question 6. Tom: “Would you please drive me to class today?”

Thuy: “________________.”

A. No, I don’t mind

B. You are welcome

C. Yes, I’d be glad to

D. Thank you for all

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in the meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 7. We had a quite fantastic day out at the seaside; everybody had a whale of a time.

A. had a chance to see a whale

B. had a lot of time to play

C. enjoyed playing with a whale

D. enjoy themselves a lot

Question 8. The term yard was used extensively by English as the measurement from the tip of a man’s nose to the tip of his outstretched thumb.

A. occasionally B. widely

C. lengthily D. precisely

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 9. He was utterly devastated by the news.

A. surprise B. happy

C. upset D. shocked

Question 10. The Browns are both unemployed. With their six children they must be in a tight corner these day.

A. in disappointment

B. in a bad condition

C. wealthy

D. exhausted

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following question.

Question 11. There have been an army of public _____ against the proposed changes to Vietnamese alphabet by Mr. Bui Hien.

A. arguments B. protests

C. objections D. disagreements

Question 12. “Human of LVT” organization often sends letters of _____ to qualified candidates by post.

A. accepted B. acceptable

C. accepting D. acceptance

Question 13. Everyone laughed when he took ______ the teacher so well.

A. off B. over

C. up D. out

Question 14. Some language students reach a high _____ of competence in communication.

A. degree B. level

C. amount D. grade

Question 15. He could spend hours _____ foreign films.

A. watched B. watches

C. watching D. to watch

Question 16. He took _____ with many of the points she made, claiming that they were incorrect.

A. exception B. issue

C. account D. trouble

Question 17. If you _____ when you’re coming back, it should be better to buy a return ticket.

A. had know B. knew

C. know D. knowing

Question 18. _____ the severity of the flood in Yen Bai, the journalist named Dinh Huu Du lost his life.

A. While attempting

B. When being attempted

C. While he attempted

D. When he was attempted

Question 19. In Vietnam, application forms for the National Entrance Examinations must be _____ before the deadline, often in April.

A. issued B. signed

C. filled D. submitted

Question 20. Winner of ______ such as “Luong Van Tuy blue race” or “Luong Van Tuy Step up” are often awarded English book.

A. activities B. competitions

C. programs D. battles

Question 21. They are _____ people so the bad language in that film is unlikely to offend them.

A. like-minded

B. single-minded

C. broad-minded

D. absent-minded

Question 22. Towards the end of the fifteen century, many political and social changes _____ in Europe which _____ all countries.

A. had been occurring/ would affect

B. had occurred/ affected

C. were occurring/ have affected

D. occurred/ had affected

Question 23. You can leave the money with him; he’s totally _____.

A. trustworthy B. trustful

C. trusting D. trusty

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 24. Platinum is a rare and value metal, white in color and easy to work.

A. in B. rare

C. value D. easy

Question 25. It was not until 1937 when Southern source of the Nile River was discovered.

A. was B. until

C. the D. when

Question 26. Drying food by means of solar energy is ancient process applied wherever food and climate conditions make it possible.

A. ancient process B. drying

C. means D. it

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is CLOSEST in the meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 27. “If I were you, I wouldn’t take the course.” She said to Bell.

A. She asked Bell not to take the course.

B. She warned Bell against taking the course.

C. She insisted on Bell’s taking the course.

D. She advised Bell to take the course.

Question 28. They supported us. We couldn’t have finished the task without them.

A. Unless they had helped us, we couldn’t finish the task.

B. But for their help, we could have finished the task.

C. If the hadn’t supported us, we could have finished the task.

D. Had it not been for their assistance, we couldn’t have finished the task.

Question 29. The coffee was not strong enough to keep us awake.

A. We fell asleep as the coffee was weak.

B. We weren’t awake even though the coffee was weak.

C. The coffee was too strong to keep us awake.

D. We were awake because the coffee was strong.

Question 30. People believe that Luong Van Tuy high school is the best one in Ninh Binh

A. Luong Van Tuy high school was believed to be the best school in Ninh Binh

B. Luong Van Tuy high school was believed to have been the best school in Ninh Binh

C. Luong Van Tuy high school is believed to have been the best school in Ninh Binh

D. Luong Van Tuy high school is believed to be the best one in Ninh Binh

Read the passage mark letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks.

Most people think of computers á very modern inventions, products of our new technological age. But actually the idea for a compute had been worked out over two centuries ago by a man (31) ______ Charles Babbage. Babbage was born in 1791 and grew up to be a brilliant mathematician. He drew up plans for several calculating machines which he called “engines”. But despite the fact that he (32) ______ building some of these, he never finished any of them. Over the years, people have argued (33) _____ his machines would ever work. Recently, however, the Science Museum in London has finished building (34) _______ engine based on one of Babbage’s designs. (35) ______ has taken six years to complete and move than four thousand parts have been specially made.

Whether it works or not, the machine will be on show at a special exhibition in the Science Museum to remind people of Babbage’s work.

Question 31.

A. called B. written

C. recognized D. known

Question 32.

A. wanted B. started

C. made D. missed

Question 33.

A. until B. why

C. which D. whether

Question 34.

A. some B. the

C. an D. that

Question 35.

A. It B. He

C. They D. One

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.

Despite constitutional provisions against child labour, a large number of children continue to be exploited under hazardous work conditions. Poorly paid for long hours of work, they have to abandon their studies to support their family at an age when they are supposed to just play around and have fun. They are made to forego all the joys of childhood by a cruel and ruthless world.

Widespread prevalence of child labour: Rural areas employ the largest number of child labour. In urban areas, they work in dhabas, tea-stalls and restaurants, and households. They are shamelessly exploited in the unorganized sector as domestic servants, hawkers, rag-pickers, paper vendors, agricultural labourers, and as workers in industrial concerns.

Some of the industries that employ children as labourers include match industry in Sivakasi, Tamil Nadu; glass in­dustry in Firozabad, brassware industry in Moradabad and the handmade carpet industry in Mirzapur-Bhadoi, precious stone polishing industry in Jaipur, Rajasthan; lock making industry in Aligarh; slate industry in Markapur, Andhra Pradesh, and slate industry in Mandsaur, Madhya Pradesh.

Bonded child labour: Sometimes, children are employed against a loan or debt or social obligation by the family of the child. Generally, they are forced to work assisting their families in agricultural sector, brick kilns, and stone quarries. In urban areas, children of migrant workers mostly belonging to low caste groups such as dalits or marginalised tribal sections are pledged to work in small production houses and factories. Bonded child labourers are particularly subjected to mental, physical and sexual abuse, sometimes even leading to death. In Orissa, people sell daughters, eight to 10 years old, as maid servants to the creditor in order to clear their debt.

Causes of Child Labour: Child labour is inevitable in a country like India where over 40 per cent of the population lives in conditions of extreme poverty. The children have to supplement their parents’ income or in some cases, they are the only wage earners in the family.

Another reason is that vested interests deliberately create child labour to get cheap labour as a factory hand, a domestic servant or a shop assistant.

The state of Child Labourers: Children often work in dangerously polluted factories. They work for 9 to 10 hours at a stretch including night shifts. No wonder that a large number of child workers have sunken chests and thin bone frames which give them a fragile look. They are made to work in small rooms under inhuman conditions which include unhygienic surroundings. Most of these children come from extremely poor households. They are either school drop-outs or those who have not seen any school at all.

Child labourers run the risk of contracting various diseases. They are vulnerable to exploitation by all. There is no strict enforcement of laws against child labour, so, employers continue to circumvent the provisions of the law in the full knowledge that the child workers themselves will not dare to expose them.

Conclusion: The authorities should incorporate a provision for surprise checks and establish a separate vigilance cell. Employers should compulsorily take steps for the intellectual, vocational and educational well-being and upliftment of a child worker.

We need policies which try to alleviate poverty and inequality as they can have a significant and decisive impact on economic conditions and social structures that have a bearing on child labour. Such initiatives may incorporate agrarian reforms, employment-generation programmes, use of improved technology among the poor, promotion of the informal sector and creation of cooperatives and social security schemes. Also required is effective enforcement machinery to punish the violators of laws. Labour-inspection and related services need to be strengthened.

Source: http://www. indiacelebrating.com/article/article-on-child-labour/

Question 36. The word “hazardous” in the first paragraph is closet in meaning to:

A. strict B. favourable

C. harsh D. normal

Question 37. According to paragraph 1, which of the followings is TRUE:

A. There exist laws concerning child labour.

B. Child labourers receive a lot of money.

C. Quite a few children work in good conditions.

D. Working children still enjoy their childhood.

Question 38. According to paragraph 2, which of the followings in NOT true:

A. Children have been working in a number of industries.

B. The employers feel ashamed of their actions.

C. Areas where children work are not supervised.

D. The number of child workers in the country is higher than that in the cities.

Question 39. According paragraph 3, all of the followings are mentioned EXCEPT:

A. Many child workers have died of hunger.

B. Psychological problems may happen to child labourers.

C. Child workers’ bodies suffer from pains.

D. Child workers are likely to be abused sexually.

Question 40. The word “alleviate” is closet in meaning to _____.

A. stimulated B. delete

C. improve D. ease

Question 41. What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Child labour – a matter of urgent attention

B. Child labour – a problem of all time

C. Child labour – an issue of modern society

D. Child labour – a consequence of poverty

Question 42. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Laws don’t have any influence on the issue

B. Child labour is an effective way to deal with debt

C. Technological advances may improve the situation

D. Employers are fully responsible for the matter

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the question.


The date when wine was first made is not exactly known, but it has been around practically as long as human civilization has existed. Remnants of winemaking facilities in Armenia more than 6000 years old have been found, while the traces of wine discovered in Iran date back more than 7000 years.

The importance of wine in Western culture can be traced to ancient Greek times. Out of 12 supreme Olympus gods in Greek mythology, only Dionysus – the gods of wine – was born to a mere mortal, but he was still promoted to the title on par with other Gods.

Ancient Greeks also contributed to spreading wine to other lands, including Southern France and the regions of the Black Sea and adopted a variety of advanced grape-growing and winemaking techniques, such as deliberately picking off grapes to channel stronger flavours to the remaining ones and surveying suitable soil for different species and honey to reduce its acidity and enhance its aroma, which once served was diluted with warm water or snow.

The ancient Romans inherited many of the winemaking traditions of the Greeks. Romans classified wine into different rankings: the highest level included sweet wine made by stomping on grapes. The lowest ranking included wine made of grape peels and residue soaked in water.

The classification system between regions and the ranking of wine by is still evident until now, as seen through terms such as “terroir” and France’s “grand cru” classification. Romans were also the first to counterfeit wine: archeologists have excavated many jars of wine from other regions that were falsely labeled of wine are oak barrel, an invention of Roman mercenary legions barracking in Gaul.


Following the fall of the Roman Empire, winemaking in Europe remained more or less the same. Deprived of Roman cultural dominance, beer eventually toppled wine to become the most popular drink across many regions, particularly in Northern countries where grapes can hardly grow. Winegrowing was sometimes taken up by priests because Christianity included numerous rites that involved the beverage. Gradually, as political power and commercial density shifted, wine marking regions such as Bordeaux, Medoc and Burgundy started to gain clout and rise to the prominence they still enjoy today.

Meanwhile, grapes and winemaking techniques were carried by European missionaries on their expeditions to the New World. In just second journey to America by Columbus, Spaniards sought to grow vines in their Hispaniola colonies in the Caribbean. By 1595, the Americas yielded so much wine that Spain’s royal family imposed a ban on new vineyards in South America in order to protect the domestic winemaking industry in Spain. However, the ban was virtually useless as Peru, Chile and Argentina had already become world-class winegrowing regions.

In 1654, The Dutch East Indies Company sent a ship full of grape to roots to South Africa specifically. On these trading ships that sailed for months, sailors were often sceptible to scurry because of lack of vitamin C. The Dutch thought that wine could reduce scurry and they wanted to create a supply for trading vessels stopped at the cape. Medically, they turned out to be wrong; but as a result, South Africa has emerged to become one of the world’s major winemakers.

In the late 19th century, the most severe disaster ever to strike the wine industry came in the form of phylloxera epidemic. These aphids destroyed wine grapes, proliferated quickly and resisted all insecticides available at the time. Fifty years later, a cure was discovered: grafting European vines to resistant American rootstock. However, many grape species had virtually been brought to extinction. Many wine connoisseurs also assumed that these hybrid grapes yielded inferior wine in comparison to ones.

Wine continues to grow in popularity around the world, recently finding a large and enthusiastic audience in many market in Asia. To fully appreciate wine, it helps to learn about the evolution of the drink that has existed almost as long as our own human civilization.

Source: adapted from Heritage Fashion, Vietnam Airlines, November 2017.

Question 43: What is the main idea of the passage?

A. The origin of modern wine

B. The elixir of Gods

C. The development of wine

D. The production of wine

Question 44: According to the first paragraph:

A. Wine appeared as early as human beings

B. The origin of wine can be traced by remnants

C. Wine had quite a long history

D. Wine was made 7000 years ago

Question 45: The word “deliberately” in paragraph 2 is closet in meaning in _____.

A. effortlessly B. unintentionally

C. purposeful D. painstakingly

Question 46: According to paragraph 4:

A. Producers scammed by mislead users.

B. There exists no classification between regions and the ranking of wine.

C. Wine is no longer as expensive as before.

D. Wine has lost its popularity.

Question 47: According to paragraph 5:

A. The popularity of wine is attributed to the religious reason.

B. The Roman culture is still influential.

C. People drank less beer than wine because of its price.

D. That fake wine existed wasn’t proved definitely.

Question 48: What was done to limit the amount of wine produced?

A. Vine were not grown in Hispaniola coolly.

B. It was forbidden to carry by European missionaries.

C. Vine yards were taxed highly.

D. Wine growing regions were prohibited from development.

Question 49: The word “their” refer to _______.

A. technique B. grapes

C. missionaries D. colonies

Question 50: What can be inferred from the passage?

A. Wine is indispensable to human beings.

B. Wine can be used as a kind of medical treatment.

C. There is no way to save grape species from extinction.

D. Wine produces nowadays is superior than the original one.

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