Đề số 35 - Đề thi thử THPT Quốc Gia môn Tiếng Anh

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.

Question l:

A. dramatic B. entertain

C. employee D. musician

Question 2:

A. occur B. prefer

C. apply D. surface

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet io indicate word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.

Question 3:

A. suggest B. survive

C. support D. summer

Question 4:

A. extended B. skipped

C. looked D. watched

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions.

Question 5: We've had _________ problems with our new computer that we had to send it back to the shop.

A. so B. such

C. enough D. too

Question 6: Dawn's thinking of setting ________ a social club for local disabled people.

A. out B. in

C. up D. off

Question 7: Mr. Putin won a fourth term as Russia's president, picking up more than three-quarters of the vote with _________ of more than 67 percent.

A. an outcome B. a turnup

C. a turnout D. an output

Question 8: His work ________ new ground in the treatment of cancer. It is now giving many cancer victims hope of complete recovery.

A. broke B. found

C. dug D. uncovered

Question 9: We like ________ policies.

A. American recent economic

B. recent American economic

C. recent economic American

D. economic recent American

Question 10: She worked here for a while then _________ afternoon she just quit and left.

A. an B. one

C. the D. Ø

Question 11: DNA tests ________ accepted in court eases.

A. are known B. were used

C. have been D. will have

Question 12: The disavantaged should be cared for by _______.

A. the wealth B. wealth

C. the wealthy D. wealthier

Question 13: Why not ________ the meeting until Thursday morning?

A. postpone

B. postponing

C. you postpone

D. do you postpone

Question 14: You're 18! You ________ to be able to look after yourself by now.

A. are advisable B. expect

C. suppose D. will have

Question 15: I was very sad when the vet said he'd have to ________ Gertie, our lapdog.

A. put down B. feel up to

C. pull through D. wear off

Question 16: It is said that a drizzle on the Phap Van - Cau Gie Expressway caused poor______ and slippery road surface, leading to the vehicles, traveling at high speed, unable to respond safely.

A. vision B. view

C. visibility D. visionary

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 17: When posed with a complicated mathematical equation, some students seek the assistance of a teacher.

A. spaced B. informed

C. solved D. presented

Question 18: At the advent of his speech, he told a joke but the audience failed to laugh.

A. end B. commencement

C. creation D. climax

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.

Question 19: He revealed his intentions of leaving the company to the manager during the office dinner party.

A. disclosed B. concealed

C. misled D. influenced

Question 20: Most of the guests at the dinner party chose to dress elegantly, but one man wore jeans and a T-shirt; he was later identified as a high school teacher.

A. unsophisticatedly B. decently

C. gaudily D. gracefully

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 21: Sue is phoning Mr. Black but his secretary tells her that he is on vacation.

Ann: May I leave a message for Mr. Black, please?

Secretary: ___________.

A. I'm afraid he is not here.

B. He is taking a message now.

C. Yes, I'll make sure he gets it.

D. No, you can't tell him.

Question 22: Peter and Mary are friends. They have just finished lunch in a restaurant.

Mary: The food is great. I'll get the bill.

Peter: _________.

A. Yes, speak to you soon.

B. No, this is on me.

C. It's nothing.

D. Don't mention it.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to 27.


Brave William Baldock, who is six years old, is a hero after helping his mother when she fell downstairs. William quickly rang for an ambulance when he discovered his mother had broken her leg. In spite of being frightened, he (23) ________ the emergency services what had happened and answered all the questions they asked him. He also telephoned his father at work, and then his grandmother, to explain what he had (24) _________. While waiting for these people to come, William looked after his 18-month-old sister.

When ambulance man Steve Lyn went to the house, he was amazed: 'It's great that a young boy of six knew the right number to dial, and was able to give us the correct information. (25) ________ of William's quick thinking, we were able to (26) ________ there immediately."

Mrs. Baldock left hospital yesterday, very (27) ________ to both William and the ambulance service.

Question 23:

A. called B. talked

C. spoke D. told

Question 24:

A. done B. made

C. acted D. worked

Question 25:

A. Since B. Because

C. In spite D. Instead

Question 26:

A. manage B. find

C. get D. reach

Question 27:

A. agreeable B. happy

C. grateful D. approving

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 28 to 34.

A large number of inventions require years of arduous research and development before they are perfected. For instance, Thomas Edison had to make more than 1,000 attempts to invent the incandescent light bulb before he finally succeeded. History is replete with numerous other examples of people trying, yet failing to make inventions before they eventually succeeded. Yet some inventions have come about not through hard work but simply by accident.

In most cases, when someone unintentionally invented something, the inventor was attempting to create something else. For example, in the 1930s, chemist Roy Plunkett was attempting to make a new substance that could be used to refrigerate items. He mixed some chemicals together. Then, he put them into a pressurized container and cooled the mixture. By the time his experiment was complete, he had a new invention. It was not a new substance that could be used for refrigeration though. Instead, he had invented Teflon, which is today most commonly used to make nonstick pots and pans. Similarly, decades earlier, John Pemberton was a pharmacist in Atlanta, Georgia. He was attempting to create a tonic that people could use whenever they had headaches. While he was not successful in that endeavor, he managed to invent Coca - Cola, the world - famous carbonated soft drink.

Scientists have also made crucial discoveries by accident when they were conducting experiments. In 1928, Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin, an antibiotic, in this manner. He discovered some mold growing in a dish with some bacteria. He noticed that the bacteria seemed to be avoiding the mold. When he investigated further, he determined some of the many useful properties of penicillin, which has saved millions of lives over the past few decades. Likewise, in 1946, scientist Percy Spencer was conducting an experiment with microwaves. He had a candy bar in his pocket, and he noticed that it suddenly melted. He investigated and learned the reason why that had happened. Soon afterward, he built a device that could utilize microwaves to heat food: the microwave oven.

Question 28: Which title best summarizes the main idea of the passage?

A. History's Most Important Inventions

B. Accidental Inventions and Discoveries

C. How to Become a Great Inventor

D. You Don't Always Get What You Want

Question 29: In paragraph 1, the word arduous is closest in meaning to _______.

A. detailed B. tough

C. specific D. constant

Question 30: In paragraph 2, the word endeavor is closest in meaning to _______.

A. research B. dream

C. request D. attempt

Question 31: What does the author say about Teflon?

A. People first used it as a refrigeration device.

B. It was created many years before Coca-Cola.

C. The man who made it was a pharmacist.

D. It is used for kitchenware nowadays.

Question 32: Who was John Pemberton?

A. The person who made Teflon

B. The creator of Coca-Cola

C. The man who discovered penicillin

D. The inventor of the microwave

Question 33: The author uses Alexander Fleming as an example of ________.

A. one of the most famous inventors in history

B. a person who made an accidental scientific discovery

C. someone who became a millionaire from his invention

D. a man who dedicated his life to medical science

Question 34: What does the author imply about penicillin?

A. Doctors seldom use it nowadays.

B. Some people are not affected by it.

C. It is an invaluable medical supply.

D. Mold combines with bacteria to make it.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 35 to 42.

How is the news different from entertainment? Most people would answer that news is real but entertainment is fiction. However, if we think more carefully about the news, it becomes clear that the news is not always real. The news does not show us all the events of the day, but stories from a small number of chosen events. The creation of news stories is subject to specific constraints, much like the creation of works of fiction. There are many constraints, but three of the most important ones are: commercialism, story formulas, and sources.

Newspapers, radio, and TV stations are businesses, all of which are rivals for audiences and advertising revenue. The amount of time that the average TV station spends on news broadcasts has grown steadily over the last fifty years - largely because news is relatively cheap to produce, yet sells plenty of advertising. Some news broadcasts are themselves becoming advertisements. For example, during one week in 1996 when the American CBS network was airing a movie about the sinking of the Titanic, CBS news ran nine stories about that event (which had happened 84 years before). The ABC network is owned by Disney Studios, and frequently runs news stories about Mickey Mouse. Furthermore, the profit motive drives news organizations to pay more attention to stories likely to generate a large audience, and to shy away from stories that may be important but dull. This pressure to be entertaining has produced shorter, simpler stories: more focus on celebrities than people of substance, more focus on gossip than on news, and more focus on dramatic events than on nuanced issues.

As busy people under relentless pressure to produce, journalists cannot spend days agonizing over the best way to present stories. Instead, they depend upon certain story formulas, which they can reuse again and again. One example is known as the inverted pyramid. In this formula, the journalist puts the most important information at the beginning of the story, than adds the next most important, and so on. The inverted pyramid originates from the age of the telegraph, the idea being that if the line went dead halfway through the story, the journalist would know that the most crucial information had at least been relayed. Modern journalists still value the formula for a similar reason. Their editors will cut stories if they are too long. Another formula involves reducing a complicated story into a simple conflict. The best example is "horse race" election coverage. Thorough explication of the issues and the candidates' views is forbiddingly complex. Journalists therefore concentrate more on who is winning in the opinion polls, and whether the underdog can catch up in the numbers than on politicians' campaign goals.

Sources are another constraint on what journalists cover and how they cover it. The dominant sources for news are public information officers in businesses and government offices. The majority of such officers try to establish themselves as experts who are qualified to feed information to journalists. How do journalists know who is an expert? In general, they don't. They use sources not on the basis of actual expertise, but on the appearance of expertise and the willingness to share it. All the major news organizations use some of the same sources (many of them anonymous), so the same types of stories always receive attention. Over time, the journalists may even become close friends with their sources, and they stop searching for alternative points of view. The result tends to be narrow, homogenized coverage of the same kind.

Question 35: It can be inferred from paragraph 1 that the author of the passage thinks _______.

A. that watching or reading the news is extremely boring

B. that most news stories are false

C. that most people don't realize how different news is from reality

D. that most people don't pay enough attention to the news

Question 36: According to paragraph 2, which of the following is true?

A. One effect of commercialism is news stories with more complex content.

B. The ABC network owns Disney Studios.

C. Some news broadcasts are shown without advertisements.

D. More time is devoted to news on TV now than 50 years ago.

Question 37: Why does the author mention Mickey Mouse in paragraph 2?

A. To indicate that ABC shows entertaining news stories

B. To give an example of news stories that are also advertisements

C. To contrast ABC's style with that of CBS

D. To give an example of news content that is not serious

Question 38: According to paragraph 3, an advantage of the inverted pyramid formula for journalists is that _________.

A. if a story is cut by the editor, only the less crucial information will be lost

B. it makes a story more likely to be cut by the editor

C. it makes a story more likely to attract the attention of the audience

D. it makes a story simpler and easier to understand

Question 39: The word relayed in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to ________.

A. chosen B. Known

C. gathered D. sent

Question 40: According to the passage, which of the following tends to lead to homogenized coverage?

A. Journalists' use of experts as sources

B. Journalists' becoming friends with their sources

C. Journalists' search for alternative points of view

D. Journalists' using government officials as sources

Question 41: The word them in paragraph 4 refers to _________.

A. journalists B. organizations

C. experts D. sources

Question 42: Which of the following best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentences "Thorough explication of the issues .... than on politicians' campaign goals. " in the passage?

A. Journalists focus on poll numbers instead of campaign issues because it is easier.

B. Journalists are more interested in issues and candidates' views, but viewers are more interested in who is winning.

C. During an election campaign, journalists mainly concentrate on "horse race" coverage.

D. Candidates' views and how they are explained by journalists can have a big effect on poll numbers.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

Question 43: Her weigh has increased remarkably since she began receiving treatment.

A. Her B. weigh

C. remarkably D. receiving

Question 44: Upon reaching the destination, a number of personnel is expected to change their reservations and proceed to Hawaii.

A. reaching B. is

C. to change D. proceed to

Question 45: The University of Kentucky has held this prestigious title until 1989, when it was granted to the University of Georgia.

A. has held B. it

C. was granted D. to

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 46: There is no point in your phoning Jane - she's away.

A. It would be a waste of time phoning Jane - she's away.

B. You waste your time if you insist on phoning Jane - she's away.

C. Don't spend your valuable time phoning Jane -- she's out.

D. Jane is very difficult to phone - she's always away.

Question 47: He smokes too much; perhaps that's why he can't get rid of his cough.

A. If he didn't smoke so much, he may get rid of his cough.

B. If he smoked less, he might be able to get rid of his cough.

C. If he smoked so much, he couldn't get rid of his cough.

D. If he does not smoke, he may not have his cough.

Question 48: "Why don't you take extra classes in English if you want to become a tourist guide?" said my friend.

A. My friend advised me to take extra classes in English only if I wanted to become a tourist guide.

B. My friend suggested I take extra classes in English if I wanted to become a tourist guide.

C. In my friend's opinion, I will never become a tourist guide if I don't take extra classes in English.

D. In my friend's opinion, taking extra classes in English is necessary if I wanted to become a tourist guide.

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is best made up from the prompts.

Question 49: Darwin/ who/ be/ famous/ English/ scientist/ develop/theory/ evolution/ .

A. Darwin who is a famous English scientist developed a theory of evolution.

B. Darwin who was the famous English scientist develops the theory for evolution.

C. Darwin, who is a famous English scientist, has developed a theory on evolution.

D. Darwin, who was a famous English scientist, developed the theory of evolution.

Question 50: They/ not answer/phone/ this morning, so/ must/ out/.

A. They hasn't answered the phone this morning so they must have been out.

B. They didn't answer the phone this morning so they must be out.

C. They didn't answer the phone this morning so they must have gone out.

D. They hasn't answered the phone this morning so they must go out.

Lời giải chi tiết

1. B 2. D 3. D 4. A 5. B
6. C 7. C 8. A 9. B 10. B
11. C 12. C 13. A 14. A 15. A
16. C 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. A
21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B
26. C 27. C 28. B 29. B 30. D
31. D 32. B 33. B 34. C 35. C
36. D 37. B 38. A 39. D 40. B
41. D 42. A 43. B 44. B 45. A
46. A 47. B 48. B 49. D 50. C