• Lớp 8
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Part 1: Read the first sentence, and then complete the second setence with the same meaning. (1,0pt) 1. Doing regular exercise often helps improve your attitude to life. (DO) ® Many ________________________________________________________________________ on life. 2. I suppose she finally gave way to demands for an interview with the tabloid press. (CONSENTED) ® I dare ______________________________________________________________ by the tabloid press. 3. Due to his repentance of the sins, as it were, he will not be executed. (OWING) ® His immunity _____________________________________________________________ over the sins. 4. He needs to obtain the tuition exemption; otherwise he will be forced to leave. (GOES) ® Unless exempted __________________________________________________________________ ear. 5. Although the office received a flood of complaints, it managed to achieve positive outcomes. (BROUGHT) ® The office, deluged ____________________________________________________________ unturned. 6. They designed the stadium to make hooliganism impossible. (SUCH) ® The stadium ____________________________________________________________ out hooliganism. 7. The new manager needs more time to finish his incomplete work, so he assigns the team to recruit more staff before they take over KFC. (HELM) ® Pending _________________________________________________________________ on his backlogs. 8. We resorted to supporting for clearing the man’s name since the public so strongly protested against the judge’s statement. (CLAMOURED) ® We might _________________________________________________________ at the judge’s statement. 9. If he only continued to play the main role when the proposal was drafted. (INSTRUMENTAL) ® Long ____________________________________________________________________ of the proposal. 10. The novel may be outstanding, but I have read a better one of this genre as yet. (EXCEPTION) ® By ________________________________________________________________________ of this genre

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CÂU ĐIỀU KIỆN I. Type 3 : 1. Jerry didn’t understand the lesson. He didn’t answer. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. Carol didn’t answer the telephone because she was studying. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Because he didn’t study hard enough, he failed in the exam. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. I was stuck in the traffic jam ; and that’s why I came late. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. He had the flu because he went out in the rain last night. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. John didn’t find the money. He didn’t return it. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. I didn’t know you were there. I didn’t call you. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. The heavy rain prevented everybody from going out. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Jimmy lent me the money. Otherwise, I would have gone out with business. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. Without your help, I wouldn’t have succeeded this project. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

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Read this passage about the effect of visual pollution and answer the questions Visual pollution has a greater effect on people than you may think. I remember when I went to a foreign city, I was really scared because there was so much graffiti on the buildings' walls. Then I looked up and saw a lot of power lines over my head. Although they were not dangerous, I still felt insecure since I thought they might fall down. These things prevented me from enjoying the beautiful sights of the city. I also remember the time I studied in Melbourne. Once I was so busy with my assignments that I did not tidy my room for two weeks. Looking at the messy room caused me so much stress that I did not want to study. Then I decided to clean the room and put my things in their proper places. I also bought a small plant and placed it in a corner. These simple things actions increased my motivation and helped me to focus on my learning. 1. Why was the author scared when she was in a foreign city? → ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. How did the author feel when she saw the power lines? → ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. Why did she have that feeling? → ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4. What was she busy with? → ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. What happened when she looked at the messy room? → ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 6. What did she do for her room? → ________________________________________________________________________________________________

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bài 1/ combine two sentences. (using : so that/ in order that/ in order to/ so as to/to) 1/ I will write to you. I want you to know my decision soon ............................................................................................. 2/ these girls were talking whispers. they didn't want anyone to hear their conversation. ...................................................................................................................... 3/ I spoke loudly. I wanted everybody could hear me clearly. ....................................................................................................... 4/ you should walk slowly. your sister can follow you. .......................................................................................... 5/ Tom gets up early. He doesn't want to be late for school. .................................................................................................... 6/ I'm studying hard. I want to keep pace with my classmate. .................................................................................................... 7/ Alice prepares her lessons carefully. she wants to get high marks in class. ................................................................................................................................ 8/ please shut the door. I don't want the dog to go out of the house. ....................................................................................................................... 9/ I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house. ..................................................................................................... 10/ they did their job well. they hoped the boss would increase their salary. ............................................................................................................................... 11/ we turned on the lights. we didn't want to waste electricity. ........................................................................................................... bài 2: choose the best answer for the following sentences: 1/ I moved to the front of the room.............. I could see better. A. so as to B. in order to C. to D. so that 2/ the boy tiptoped into the room............... wake everybody up. A. so as to B. in order that C. so as not to D. in order to 3/ he turned out the light...................... waste electricity. A. not B. without C. so that not D. in order not to 4/ I am lighting the fire so that the house................... be warm when they return. A. would B. wouldn't C. will D. won't 5/ Mary worked hard.................... pass the examination. A. as so to B. so as to C. so that to D. in order not to 6/ she is taking science course at school............... order to choose science for her profession. A. so B. on C. in D. at 7/ she weighed herself.................. know the pull of the earth exerting on her. A. for B. so that C. in order D. to 8/ he hurried so that he.................. miss the train. A. won't B. doesn't C. didn't D. wouldn't 9/ he does morning exercises regularly................... to improve his health. A. not B. without C. so that not D. in order 10/ Mary took her brother to school for him.................. english. A. to learn B. learning C. learns D. learned 11/ " I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understand me". Means A. I spoke slowly so that the foreigner could understand me B. I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand me C. I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me D. I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me 12/ he had to explain the lesson very clearly...................... A. in order that his student to understand it B. so that his students could understand it C. so as his students to understand it D. so that his students to understand it (mn giải hộ mk với nha mk đang cần gấp)

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bài 2: turn these sentences into clause.(using so that/ in order that) 1/ we hurried to school so as not to be late. ................................................................................. 2/ he climbed the tree in order to get a better view. ......................................................................................... 3/ some young people like to earn their own living in order to be independent of their parents. ........................................................................................................................................................................ 4/ we should do morning exercises so as to improve our health. .......................................................................................................... 5/ I tried to be on time so as not to make our teacher sad. ................................................................................................................. 6/ every people in the world must unite their efforts to maintain and protect peace. .................................................................................................................................... 7/ she put on warm clothes so as not to catch cold. ............................................................................................ 8/ he hurried to the station so as not to miss the train. ..................................................................................... 9/ she locked the door in order not to be disturbed. .............................................................................................. bài 3: turn these sentences into clause. ( using in order to/ so as to/ to) 1/ people use money so that they can buy things they need. (in order to) .............................................................................................................................................. 2/ Banks are developed so that they can keep people's money safe. (in order to) ............................................................................................................................. 3/ I need to buy some laundry detergent so that I will wash my clothes. (in order to) ..................................................................................................................................... 4/ I came to this school so that I could learn english. (in order to) .......................................................................................................................... 5/ Tom was playing very softly so that he wouldn't disturb anyone. (in order not to) ........................................................................................................................... 6/ they rushed into the burning house so that they could save the child. (in order to) ............................................................................................................................................... 7/ Lan often attends English Speaking Club to practice speaking English. (so as to) .......................................................................................................................................... 8/ he stood on the chair to see better. (in order to) ...................................................................................... 9/ please shut the gate for the cows not to get out of the cowshed. (in order to) ............................................................................................................................. 10/ the boy tiptoed into the room not to wake every body up. (so as to) .......................................................................................................................... (giúp mk với mk cần gấp)

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III. Decide which answer (A, B, c or D) best fits each space. Most people enjoy going (1) ............ for their holidays, and having the opportunity to (2) ............ in an interesting city or a seaside (3) ............ If you speak (4) ............ languages, you can make new friends, and (5) ............ home some interesting (6) ............ as presents. But before you can do that, you have to (7) ............ your destination, and that is often a problem! If you fly, then you may find that your flight has been (8) ............ . (9) ............ by train can also be difficult, since trains are often (10) ............ in the summer, and you might have to reserve a (11) ............ in advance. Whichever way you (12) ............, you can have problems with your (13) ............, and it is often difficult to find good (14) ............ Apart from this, you might not be able to afford the (15) ............! 1. A. out B. forward C. abroad D. foreign 2. A. remain B. pass C. spend D. stay 3. A. resort B. post C. too D. one 4. A. strange B. stranger C. foreigner D. foreign 5. A. fetch B. take C. go D. get 6. A. memories B. souvenirs C. memoirs D. recollections 7. A. reach B. arrive C. go D. travel 8. A. waited B. reversed C. delayed D. booked 9. A. Journeys B. Travels C. Voyages D. passes 10. A. filling B. occupied C. overdone D. crowded 11. A. post B. chair C. seat D. position 12. A. voyage B. travel C. trip D. tour 13. A. baggage B. luggage C. goods D. sacks 14. A. staying B. homes C. lodges D. accommodation 15. A. fare B. fair C. far D. fur

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