bài 1/ combine two sentences. (using : so that/ in order that/ in order to/ so as to/to) 1/ I will write to you. I want you to know my decision soon ............................................................................................. 2/ these girls were talking whispers. they didn't want anyone to hear their conversation. ...................................................................................................................... 3/ I spoke loudly. I wanted everybody could hear me clearly. ....................................................................................................... 4/ you should walk slowly. your sister can follow you. .......................................................................................... 5/ Tom gets up early. He doesn't want to be late for school. .................................................................................................... 6/ I'm studying hard. I want to keep pace with my classmate. .................................................................................................... 7/ Alice prepares her lessons carefully. she wants to get high marks in class. ................................................................................................................................ 8/ please shut the door. I don't want the dog to go out of the house. ....................................................................................................................... 9/ I wish to have enough money. I want to buy a new house. ..................................................................................................... 10/ they did their job well. they hoped the boss would increase their salary. ............................................................................................................................... 11/ we turned on the lights. we didn't want to waste electricity. ........................................................................................................... bài 2: choose the best answer for the following sentences: 1/ I moved to the front of the room.............. I could see better. A. so as to B. in order to C. to D. so that 2/ the boy tiptoped into the room............... wake everybody up. A. so as to B. in order that C. so as not to D. in order to 3/ he turned out the light...................... waste electricity. A. not B. without C. so that not D. in order not to 4/ I am lighting the fire so that the house................... be warm when they return. A. would B. wouldn't C. will D. won't 5/ Mary worked hard.................... pass the examination. A. as so to B. so as to C. so that to D. in order not to 6/ she is taking science course at school............... order to choose science for her profession. A. so B. on C. in D. at 7/ she weighed herself.................. know the pull of the earth exerting on her. A. for B. so that C. in order D. to 8/ he hurried so that he.................. miss the train. A. won't B. doesn't C. didn't D. wouldn't 9/ he does morning exercises regularly................... to improve his health. A. not B. without C. so that not D. in order 10/ Mary took her brother to school for him.................. english. A. to learn B. learning C. learns D. learned 11/ " I spoke slowly. The foreigner could understand me". Means A. I spoke slowly so that the foreigner could understand me B. I spoke slowly in order to the foreigner could understand me C. I spoke slowly that the foreigner could understand me D. I spoke slowly to make the foreigner could understand me 12/ he had to explain the lesson very clearly...................... A. in order that his student to understand it B. so that his students could understand it C. so as his students to understand it D. so that his students to understand it (mn giải hộ mk với nha mk đang cần gấp)

2 câu trả lời

  • Câu trả lời là :

1. I will write to you so that you know my decision soon

2. These girls were talking whispers so that anyone couldn't hear their conversation

3. I spoke loudly so that everybody could hear my clearly

4. You should walk slowly so that your sister can't follow you

5. Tom gets up early in order not to be late for school

6. I' sumthdying hard in order to keep pace with my classmate

7. Alice prepares her lessons carefully to get high marks in class

8. Please shut the door so that the dog can't go out of the gouse

9. I wish to have enough money so as to buy a new house

10. They did the job well so that the boss would increase their salary

11. We turned on the lights in order not to waste electricity

1. I will write to you so that you know my decision soon

2. These girls were talking whispers so that anyone couldn't hear their conversation

3. I spoke loudly so that everybody could hear my clearly

4. You should walk slowly so that your sister can't follow you

5. Tom gets up early in order not to be late for school

6. I' sumthdying hard in order to keep pace with my classmate

7. Alice prepares her lessons carefully to get high marks in class

8. Please shut the door so that the dog can't go out of the gouse

9. I wish to have enough money so as to buy a new house

10. They did the job well so that the boss would increase their salary

11. We turned on the lights in order not to waste electricity


1. D

2. C

3. D

4. C

5. B

6. C

7. D

8. C

9. D

10. A

11. A

12. B

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