I. Underline the correct answer. A. As a teenager, I (1) used / would to do things that my parents (2) weren’t approving / didn’t approve of. They (3) were always complaining / had always been complaining about my actions. When they (4) lectured / had lectured me, I had (5) covered / would cover my ears and ignore them. Now, I’m experiencing the same thing with my own children! B. Today I (6) had had / had an awful day. I (7) arrived / was arriving at the office, (8) sat / was sitting down at my desk and suddenly (9) had discovered / discovered that I (10) had lost / lost a document on my computer because of a virus. I (11) worked / had been working on it for the past two days. As if that (12) wasn’t / wasn’t being enough, a colleague (13) would get / was getting on my nerves. While I (14) had been trying / was trying to remain calm, she (15) had laughed / was laughing at me.

2 câu trả lời

1. used

2. approving

3. were always complaining

4. lectured

5. would cover

6. had had

7. arrived

8. sat

9. discovered

10. lost

11. had been working

12. wasn't being enough

13. was getting

14. was trying

15. was laughing

A. As a teenager, I used to do things that my parents didn’t approve of. They had always been complaining about my actions. When they lectured, I had covered my ears and ignore them. Now, I’m experiencing the same thing with my own children!

B. Today I had an awful day. I arrived at the office,  sat down at my desk and suddenly had discovered that I  had lost a document on my computer because of a virus. I had been working on it for the past two days. As if that wasn’t enough, a colleague was getting on my nerves. While I was trying to remain calm, she was laughing at me.

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