Complete the blanks with the verbs in brackets. Use the conditional sentence - type 2 1, Many fish (not/ die) ________ if the factories (not/ dump) _________ so many chemicals into rivers and oceans 2, If people (buy) _________ more recycled paper, there (not/be) _________ so much waste 3, ( you/ take) _________ these bottles to the bottle blank if I (ask) ________ you to? 4, If people really (not/ care) ________ about the environment, they (not/ try) ________ to save it 5, If Paul (think) _______ more about the planet, he (not/ waste) ________ so much water 6, We (be) __________ less worried if oil spills (not/ have) __________ such destructive effects 7, If we (destroy) ___________ the ozone layer, nothing (save) __________ us from the UV rays 8, (your parents/ be) __________ proud if they (see) ________ you now?

2 câu trả lời

1, wouldn't die - didn't dump

2, bought - wouldn't be

3, Would you take - asked

4, didn't care - wouldn't try

5, thought - wouldn't waste

6, would be - didn't have

7, destroyed - could save

8, Would your parents be - saw

Cấu trúc câu điều kiện loại 2: If + S + V-ed (quá khứ đơn), S + would/ could/ might + V-infinitive

1.hadn't die-didn't dump

2.bought-won't be

3.Will you take-ask

4.didn't care-wouldn't try

5.thought-wouldn't waste

6.are-wouldn't have

7.destroy-will save

8.Will your parents be-see

        *CHÚC BẠN HỌC TỐT*

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