II. Complete each part sentence (a-j) with one of the endings (1-10) and make a compound word. a. I sent my friend a post ............ b. I fastened my seat ............ c. We stayed on a small camp ............ d. I always forget my guide ............ e. Don't forget to take your swim ............ f. If you lose your pass ............ g. We stayed in a quiet guest ............ h. The train time ............ a. I used to like going to the sea ............ i. Nowadays I'm afraid that hitch ............ 1. suit with you to the beach. 2. table turned out to be wrong. 3. belt, and waited for takeoff. 4. port, you must tell the police 5. hiking can be dangerous. 6. side when I was little. 7. card of the town where I stay 8. book when I visit old cities. 9. house down by the river. 10. site just outside the town.

2 câu trả lời

a+ 7

b+ 2

c+ 10

d+ 8

e+ 1

f+ 4

g+ 9

h+ 3

a+ 6

i+ 5

7a, 3b, 10c, 8d, 1e, 4f, 9g, 2h, 6a (i used to...), 5i

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