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it's Mai Bao Tram ,it's the girl I hate. You know, I hate it about character. It's a person who loves to show off. Her house has a car everyone knows.But she said her family was so poor that they only had a car. Sometimesvit makes a mistakes but never accepts the error. It only knows to blame others. So I really hate it.

I have a negative feeling for Ms.Hoa, my neighborhood. She has small eyes with an angry look. It seems like she never smiles. She shouts the children all day and always shuts the door angrily. Once I tried to talk with her, but she said I just was a kid and she didn't want to talk with a kid. She always refuses to donate to disabled children in our province, which means she is so mean. But the most thing I hate about her is her throwing her rubbish into the roads. 

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