Part 1: Read the first sentence, and then complete the second setence with the same meaning. (1,0pt) 1. Doing regular exercise often helps improve your attitude to life. (DO) ® Many ________________________________________________________________________ on life. 2. I suppose she finally gave way to demands for an interview with the tabloid press. (CONSENTED) ® I dare ______________________________________________________________ by the tabloid press. 3. Due to his repentance of the sins, as it were, he will not be executed. (OWING) ® His immunity _____________________________________________________________ over the sins. 4. He needs to obtain the tuition exemption; otherwise he will be forced to leave. (GOES) ® Unless exempted __________________________________________________________________ ear. 5. Although the office received a flood of complaints, it managed to achieve positive outcomes. (BROUGHT) ® The office, deluged ____________________________________________________________ unturned. 6. They designed the stadium to make hooliganism impossible. (SUCH) ® The stadium ____________________________________________________________ out hooliganism. 7. The new manager needs more time to finish his incomplete work, so he assigns the team to recruit more staff before they take over KFC. (HELM) ® Pending _________________________________________________________________ on his backlogs. 8. We resorted to supporting for clearing the man’s name since the public so strongly protested against the judge’s statement. (CLAMOURED) ® We might _________________________________________________________ at the judge’s statement. 9. If he only continued to play the main role when the proposal was drafted. (INSTRUMENTAL) ® Long ____________________________________________________________________ of the proposal. 10. The novel may be outstanding, but I have read a better one of this genre as yet. (EXCEPTION) ® By ________________________________________________________________________ of this genre

2 câu trả lời

1. Many a time does regular exercise do wonders for your outlook on life.

2. I dare say she finally consented with being interviewed by the tabloid press.

3. His immunity from execution was somewhat owing to his remorse over the sins. 

4. Unless exempted from the tuition, out he goes on his ear.

5. The office, deluged as it was with complaints, brought off leaving to stone unturned. 

6. The stadium was designed in such a way as to stamp out hooliganism.

7. Pending the take over of KFC, the new manager at whose helm the team recruits more staff, needs to catch up on his backlogs. 

8. We might as well have clamoured to clear the man's name, so great was the public outcry at the judge's statement.

9. Long was instrumental in the drafting of the proposal

1. Many a time does regular exercise do wonders for your outlook on life.

2. I dare say she finally consented with being interviewed by the tabloid press.

3. His immunity from execution was somewhat owing to his remorse over the sins. 

4. Unless exempted from the tuition, out he goes on his ear.

5. The office, deluged as it was with complaints, brought off leaving to stone unturned. 

6. The stadium was designed in such a way as to stamp out hooliganism.

7. Pending the take over of KFC, the new manager at whose helm the team recruits more staff, needs to catch up on his backlogs. 

8. We might as well have clamoured to clear the man's name, so great was the PUBLIC OUTCRY at the judge's statement.

9. Long was instrumental in the drafting of the proposal.

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