Đặt 5 câu tiếng anh điều kiện loại một và 5 câu tiếng anh điều kiện loại hai, chủ đề về ô nhiễm môi trường

2 câu trả lời

5 câu điều kiện loại 1

1. If we continue to cut down forests, there will be no home for wildlife.

2. If we recycle wasted paper, we will cut down less trees.

3. If we plant more green trees, the air will be more fresh.

4. If we burn less fossil fuels, there will be less air pollution.

5. If we don't overuse fertilizers, our land will not be polluted.

5 câu điều kiện loại 2

1. If we didn't release untreated waste into the river, the environment wouldn't be seriouly polluted.

2. If we didn't deforest for land use, many species wouldn't disappear.

3. If we didn't release harmful fumes, there wouldn't be air pollution.

4. If we didn't littering, the land wouldn't be polluted.

5. If we used less personal vehicles, there wouldn't be too much direct discharge of smoke from them.


1. If we continue to cut down trees, there will be a lot of homeless people

2. If we reuse wasted paper, we will cu less trees.

3. If we grow more trees, the air will be fresh in the future.

4. If we burn less coil, there will be less air pollution.

5. If we don't overuse fertilizers, our land will not be polluted.(cho mượn)

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