Rewrite the sentence so that it means the same as the first one, using "if / unless" amd the conditional sentence - type 1 1, You will run out of money if you don't stop washing it -> Unless ________________________________ 2, James will not pass the test unless he studies harder -> If _________________________________ 3, Don't call me unless it is an emergency -> If __________________________________ 4, If Jane finishes her work before 6pm, she will dine out with her friends -> Unless _____________________________ 5, My brother won't go travelling this summer if he doesn't find a companion -> Unless _______________________________ 6, It is not easy to do this exercise unless you listen attentively to the teacher -> If _____________________________________ 7, If Jim doesn't submit his essay before Tuesday, he will be punished by his teacher -> If ____________________________________

2 câu trả lời

1, you stop washing money, you run out of it

2, James doesn't study harder, he will not pass the test

3, if it isn't an  emergency, you don't call me

4, jane finishes her work, she will not dine out with her friends

5, my brother finds a companion, he won't go travelling this summer 

6, you listen attentively to the teacher, you won't be hard to do exercise

7, Jim submits his essay before Tuesday, he won't be punished by his teacher 

                  1. unless you don't stop washing it, you will run out of money .                                                                2. If James don't study harder , he won't pass the test.                                                                               3. If it isn't an emergency , you  won't call me                                                                                            4. Unless Jane  finishes her work before 6 p.m , she won't dine out with her friends.                                                         5. Unless  my brother finds a companion , he won't go travelling                                                             6. If you don't listen attentively to the teacher, it won't easy to do this exercise                                                                                         7. If Jim submits his esay before Tuesday, he won't be punished by his teacher  / Unless Jim submits......; he will be punished................ 

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