Viết đoạn văn bạm tiếng anh bàng vd cho sẵn -Write about the book you have read -name of the book -the content of the book -when you read it -why you like it Không chép mang

2 câu trả lời

           I have read a interesting book,that interesting book's name is "Rich Dad,Poor Dad.Teach children to enrich".It writes about somes real strories ,the lifes' rules,and how to make your sons or your daughters to rich.I read it in my uncle's car when we come back our hometown.I like it because it's very useful for someone read it.

So I would like to tell you about the book called On the runway, which is a vignette book, written by Tony Buoi Sang. It’s one that I can read time and time again. It was a gift from my aunt on my last birthday. Up till now, I can still remember clearly how fascinated I was when I read it. The book talks about the young Vietnamese. It is the same as the handbook for the young. Many funny and humorous stories that are related to the young generation are mentioned inside the book and behind those stories are some pieces of advice for the reader. Thanks to this book, I realized that determination and effort play essential roles in achieving my goals. Since then, I have always worked hard to overcome all obstacles and challenges in my life. On the runway will always be on my to-read list for a number of reasons. Firstly, I am into the book having a humorous writing style which helps me relax after the long day of work or study so I love the way the author tells about his experience, gives advice for the reader. Secondly, reading this book not only cheers me up whenever I get in trouble but also suggest some feasible solutions.

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