Giáo án Unit 20 Tiếng anh 3 global success






Date of teaching:





Unit 20: At the zoo

Lesson 1 – Period 1



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo
  • correctly use What can you see? – I can see ______. to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo
  • enhance the correct use of What can you see? – I can see . to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo.

Core competencies

teamwork, motivation, problem-solving, integrity, communication

General competencies

Listening: look, listen and repeat

Critical thinking: listen, point and say

Oral communication: let’s talk


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Sociability: talk to each other, share their knowledge about animals at the zoo to others


  • Student’s book Page 64
  • Audio Tracks 94, 95
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 242
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 20)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say – Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing a “At the zoo” song

Option 2: Ask pupils if they have ever been to the zoo and what animals they saw. (Pupils can show their pictures at the zoo if they want). Then introduce the animal names and key expressions for the lesson.

Whole class

Individual work

Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo

b. Input:

– Context a: Bill calls and asks Mai: Where are you, Mai? Mai answers: I’m at the zoo.

– Context b: Bill continues asking Mai: What can you see? Mai answers: I can see a tiger.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can understand and correctly repeat What can you see? – I can see ______. to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at Context a. Ask them some questions such as Who are they? Where are they? What is Mai doing?. Explain the meaning of the question and the answer. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen. Then let pupils listen and do choral and individual repetition, sentence by sentence.

Step 3: Repeat Step 1 and 2 for Context b. Draw their attention to the question What can you see? and the answer I can see a tiger. Explain that they are used to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo. Check comprehension.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to listen to the recording, to point at the characters and say the language in front of the class.

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly use What can you see? – I can see ______. to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo

b. Input:

Picture cues:

a. a tiger b. a horse c. a monkey d. a peacock

– Speech bubbles: What can you see? – I can see ______.

Audio script:

a. a tiger b. a horse c. a monkey d. a peacock

A: What can you see?

B: I can see a tiger.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly use What can you see? – I can see ______. to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a, b, c and d and elicit the names of the animals. Have the class listen to the recording and repeat the words a few times in chorus and individually.

Step 2: Model by getting pupils to point at the question in the first bubble “What can you see?” to listen to the recording and repeat a few times. Then let them point at Picture a, elicit the pupils to say the missing words (e.g. a tiger). After that, get them to point at the answer in the second bubble, listen to the recording and repeat I can see a tiger. Go around and offer help or correct pupils’ pronunciation, where necessary.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 for Pictures b, c, d by letting one pupil ask the question and the other answer about what an animal he / she can see at the zoo. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to point at the pictures and ask and answer questions about animals in front of the class.

Mini game: Listen and choose

Teacher asks pupils to listen carefully, then choose the correct answer. Write it on their mini board.

1. Key: A

2. Key: B

3. Key: A

4. Key: D

5. Key: C

Whole class

Individual work

Individual work

Group work

Whole class/

Individual work

Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To enhance the correct use of What can you see? – I can see______ . to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo

b. Input:

– Picture cue: Some animals at the zoo: a tiger, a horse, a peacock, a monkey

– Speech bubbles: What can you see at the zoo? – _______.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can enhance the correct use of What can you see? – ______. to ask and answer questions about what animals someone can see at the zoo.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the picture and elicit them to say the names of the animals. Check comprehension. Encourage pupils to point at each animal and say what they can see (e.g. I can see a tiger.)

Step 2: Model by getting pupils to listen to and repeat the question in the first bubble What can you see? Then ask them to point at one animal (e.g. a peacock) and answer I can see a peacock. Correct the pronunciation if necessary.

Step 3: Give the pupils time to practise asking and answering the questions in pairs. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to practise asking and answering the questions in front of the class.

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Group work

Pairs work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Using, have pupils do the activities to consolidate the lesson.

Option 2:

Game: Simon says

- Teacher starts a sentence with “Simon says”. Pupils must follow the leader and do the action.

- If the sentence does not start with “Simon says’, pupils do nothing.

Simons says swim like a fish.

Simons says jump like a monkey.

Simon says run like a horse.

Touch your ears like a rabbit!

Did you touch your ears?

I didn’t say Simon says.

Simons says roar like a tiger.

Dance like a peacock.

Did you dance?

I didn’t say Simon says.

Option 3: Animal sounds

Ask pupils to listen to the sound carefully, then guess the animal’s name.

Teacher: What do you hear?

Pupils: It’s a ______

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class


......., ................. 2022

Unit 20: AT THE ZOO

Lesson 1 – Period 1

1. Words:

a. a tiger b. a horse c. a monkey d. a peacock

2. Model sentences:

What can you see at the zoo?

I can see ______.






Date of teaching:





Unit 20: At the zoo

Lesson 1 – Period 2



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer questions about what animals they can see at the zoo and number the correct pictures.
  • complete the four gapped exchanges with the help of the picture cues.
  • revise the target vocabulary items through the Miming game.

Core competencies

Decision making, teamwork, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity, and initiative.

General competencies

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening and writing tasks

Listening: listen and respond by writing correct numbers

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 65
  • Audio Tracks 96
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 244
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 20)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Listen and number – Look, complete and read - Let’s play – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by inviting a few pairs of pupils to the front of the class to ask and answer questions about what animals they can see at the zoo, using the picture in Activity 3, Lesson 1.

Option 2: Animal dance

- Ask pupils to watch videos and listen to the song.

- Then act out/dance/move (freestyle) like an animal to music.

Option 3:

Game: Choose the correct word.

- Ask pupils to look at the picture, then choose the correct name of the animals.

- Write the answer on their mini board.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work

Activity 1. Listen and number. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer questions about what animals they can see at the zoo and number the correct pictures

b. Input:

– Picture cues:

a. a horse b. a tiger c. peacock d. a monkey

Audio script:

1. A: What can you see?

B: I can see a monkey.

2. A: What can you see?

B: I can see a horse.

3. A: What can you see?

B: I can see a tiger.

4. A: What can you see?

B: I can see a peacock.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer questions about what animals they can see at the zoo.

Key: 1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at each picture in Activity 4 and ask them What can you see? and let them give the answers (e.g. Picture a: I can see a horse.). Check comprehension.

Step 2: Play the recording all the way through so that pupils can get familiar with the characters’ voices. Then play the recording (once or twice, if necessary) for them to listen to and number the pictures.

Step 3: Let them swap and check the answers before checking as a class. Correct the answers, if necessary.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording, sentence by sentence, for the class to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct pronunciation where necessary.

Extra activity: Listen and write.

Ask pupils to listen carefully and write the correct name of animals on their mini board/notebook. This can be played in groups.


1. monkey

2. horse

3. tiger

4. peacock

Whole class

Whole class

Pair work/ Whole class

Individual work

Whole class

Activity 2. Look, complete and read. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To complete the four gapped exchanges with the help of the picture cues.

b. Input:

Four picture cues and four incomplete exchanges to complete.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can complete and read aloud four exchanges correctly with the help of the picture cues.


1. peacock

2. a horse

3. see; a monkey

4. can you see; a tiger

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity. Have pupils read each exchange and guess the missing word(s) that can be used to fill in the gap(s). Then have them look at the picture and elicit the name of the animal in Pictures 1 and 2 and the verb or verb phrase in the question and the name of the animal in the answer in Pictures 3 and 4. You may model the gapped Exchange 1 as an example. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Give pupils time to read the gapped exchanges, look at the pictures, and fill in the gaps independently. Go around and give further support to those pupils who find it difficult to do the task.

Step 3: Ask pupils to swap and check their answers. Correct the answers where necessary. If there is enough time, ask pupils to write the answers on the board before having them write the answers in their notebooks.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs of pupils to read aloud the complete exchanges in front of the class. The class listens and praises their work.

Game: What can you see?

Divide the class into 2-4 groups. Each group has a small board, look at the picture then write what they can see there. There’s some letters for them to unscramble. The fastest pupils to finish will get points for their group.

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Pair work

Pair work

Group work

Activity 3. Let’s play. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To revise the target vocabulary items through the Miming game

b. Input:

Five cards, each with a target vocabulary item (e.g. horse, tiger, monkey, elephant, peacock).

c. Outcome:

Pupils can play the Miming game to revise the target vocabulary items learnt in the lesson.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell pupils that they are going to revise the target vocabulary items they have learnt in Lesson 1. Explain how the game is played. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Divide pupils into groups of five and give each group a set of cards.

Step 3: Have each player in group 1 in turn look at the card and mime / act out the animal on the card (e.g. peacock) without making any sounds or lip movements. The other player in the group asks What can you see? The players in group 2 answer (e.g. I can see a peacock.). If the second group has the correct answer, they get a point. If the answer does not match the action, switch the groups and let each player in group 2 mime the animal while the first group gives the answer. The game ends when all the cards are gone.

Whole class/ Individual work

Group work

Individual work/ Whole class

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Using, have pupils do the activities to consolidate the lesson.

Option 2: Animal dice

T can print the cards out and stick them into the dice.

- Divide the class into 8 groups.

- Each pupil in groups takes turns rolling the dice.

- Then he/she names the animal. Next he/she will read the sentence “I can see a...”. Lastly, he/she moves/makes a sound like that animal.

Option 3: Game Tic tac toe

- Divide the class into 2 groups. (Group 1 is X, Group 2 is O.)

Teacher uses flashcards to ask:

+ What can you see?

+ Pupils act out the animal on the card.

+ Make the sound of an animal.

- Pupils in each group have to listen to the question from the teacher, then answer/do correctly.

- The first player to get 3 of the marks in a row (up, down, across, or diagonally) is the winner.

Whole class

Group work

Group work


......., ................. 2022

Unit 20: AT THE ZOO

Lesson 1 – Period 2

1. Listen and number

1. d 2. a 3. b 4. c

1. monkey 2. horse 3. tiger 4. peacock

2. Look, complete and read

1. peacock

2. a horse

3. see; a monkey

4. can you see; a tiger

3. Homework: Workbook, page






Date of teaching:





Unit 20: At the zoo

Lesson 2 – Period 3


Language focus:

By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • understand and correctly repeat What is the _____ doing? It's _____. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing.
  • use What is the ______ doing? – It's ______. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing.
  • enhance the correct use of What’s the _____ doing? – It’s _____. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing.

Core competencies

communication, planning and organization, stress tolerance, and initiative

General competencies

Listening: look, listen and repeat

Critical thinking: listen, point and say

Oral communication: let’s talk


Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups

Self-confidence: ability to work as a team member and practice speaking in front of the class


  • Student’s book Page 66
  • Audio Tracks 97, 98
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 246
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 20)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say – Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Spend a few minutes revising Unit 20, Lesson 1 by asking the class to play the Miming game.

Option 2: You may invite a few pairs of pupils to point at the pictures in Activity 5 and act out the exchanges, using What can you see at the zoo? – I can see _____.

Option 3: Animal quiz game

- Divide the class into 4 groups.

- Teacher asks pupils to read the sentence about the animal's facts carefully. Then choose the correct name.

1. tiger

2. horse

3. monkey

4. elephant

5. parrot

6. peacock

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work

Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To understand and correctly repeat What is the _____ doing? It's _____. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing.

b. Input:

– Context a: Bill calls and asks Mai: What can you see? Mai answers: I can see an elephant.

– Context b: Bill continues asking Mai: What is the elephant doing? Mai answers: It's dancing.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can understand and correctly repeat What is the _____ doing? It's _____. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters in the pictures.

Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen.

Step 3: Play the recording again for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the question What’s the elephant doing? and the answer It’s dancing. Tell pupils that they are the question and the answer about what a zoo animal is doing.

Extension: For a more able class, let pupils read aloud the conversation in the two contexts after listening and repeating.

Extra activity: Listen and Slap (Flashcards)

- Divide the class into 2 groups: Boys and Girls.

- The teacher then ask pupil from each group to come up to the board with fly swatters.

- They then listen as the teacher calls out a word and race to slap the correct picture or word.


1. monkey 5. tiger

2. counting 6. elephant

3. parrot 7. climbing

4. dancing 8. swinging

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work

Whole class

Pair work

Individual work/Whole class

Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly use What is the _____ doing? – It's _____. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing.

b. Input:

Picture cues:

a. an elephant dancing b. a parrot counting

c. a monkey swinging d. a tiger climbing

– Speech bubbles: What is the _____ doing? – It's _____.

Audio script:

a. dancing b. counting c. swing d. climbing

A: What's the elephant doing?

B: It's dancing

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly use What is the ______ doing? – It's ______. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils point at the words under the pictures, listen to the recording and repeat a few times until they feel confident. Explain the meaning of the words. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Model by getting pupils to point at Picture a and elicit the name of the animal (e.g. elephant). Have them look at the question in the first bubble, listen to the recording and repeat it a few times. Then have them look at the gapped answer It's ___. and fill the gap with the ing form of the verb under the picture (e.g. dancing), listen to the recording and say the complete answer a few times.

Step 3: Give pupils a time limit to practise asking and answering the questions, using the ing form of the verbs under the pictures as cues. Go around and offer help where necessary.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs of pupils to point at the pictures, ask and answer questions about what an animal is doing at the zoo in front of the class.

Extra activity: Look and match

Ask pupils to look at the pictures, then match them with correct verbs. Write their answers in a notebook.

1. dancing

2. counting

3. swinging

4. climbing

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Individual work/Group work

Group work

Individual work/Group work

Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes

a. Goal

To enhance the correct use of What is the ___ doing? – ___. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing.

b. Input

– Picture cues: Some animals at the zoo: An elephant dancing; a monkey swinging; a tiger climbing (a tree); Two pupils are asking and answering questions about what a zoo animal is doing.

Speech bubbles: What is the _______doing? – ______.

c. Outcome

Pupils can correctly use What is the ___ doing? – It's ___. to ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing

d. Procedure

Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity. Get them to point at the monkey and ask What is the monkey doing? Then have them complete the exchange by saying: It's swinging. Ask one pair of pupils to role-play the exchange in front of the class. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Give the pupils time to practise asking and answering the questions in pairs or groups. Go around the classroom and offer help or correct the pronunciation where necessary.

Step 3: Invite a few pairs of pupils to point at each animal, asking and answering the question in front of the class.

Whole class

Group work

/Individual work

Pair work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Using, have pupils do the activities to consolidate the lesson.

Option 2: My favorite animal.

- Ask pupils to draw and color a picture about an animal they like best.

- Then ask some pupils (3-4 pupils) to show and talk about his/her drawing in front of the class.

Example: This is my drawing about monkey at the zoo / Monkey is my favorite animal/ I like monkey best. The monkey is swinging. It’s brown and beautiful. It likes eating banana.

Option 3:

Game: Who is faster?

- Divide class into 2 groups: A and B

- Teacher clicks each box to open them and reveal the letter inside.

- Pupils in each group will guess what the verb-ing is. Then run and write the answer on the board as fast as they can.

Whole class

Group work

Group work


......., ................. 2022

Unit 20: AT THE ZOO

Lesson 2 – Period 3

1. Look, listen and repeat.

What can you see? I can see an elephant.

What is the elephant doing? It's dancing.

2. Listen, point and say.

What is the ____ doing?

It’s ____






Date of teaching:





Unit 20: At the zoo

Lesson 2 – Period 4



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • listen to and demonstrate understanding of simple communicative contexts in relation to the topic “At the zoo”.
  • complete the four gapped exchanges with the help of the picture cues
  • sing the song At the zoo with the correct pronunciation, melody and intonation.

Core competencies

Decision making, teamwork, reliability, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity, communication, planning and organization

General competencies

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Written Communication: complete the sentence

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


Diligence: complete learning tasks

Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 67
  • Audio Tracks 99, 100
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 248
  • Website sachmem
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 20)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Listen and tick – Look, complete and read – Let’s sing – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by letting a few pairs of pupils ask and answer questions about what a zoo animal is doing in the picture in Activity 3.

Option 2: Pass the animal.

- Pupils pass the stuffed Animal (or a picture) around the class while the music is playing.

- When the music stops, the student with the animal/picture must answer the questions from the teacher.

Teacher: What can you see?

Pupil: I can see a ...

Teacher: What is the ... doing?

Pupil: The ... is ...

Teacher: Make a monkey dance!/ Let’s roar like a tiger/...

Option 3: Game: Guess me!

- Divide the class into 4 groups.

- Pupils try to identify different body parts of an animal (color/body/legs,...). Then guess which animal it is.

- Then the teacher shows the last picture, asks the winning group: What is the ... doing?

Whole class/ pair work

Whole class/

Individual work

Individual work/ Group work

Activity 1. Listen and tick. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer questions about what animals they can see at the zoo and each of them is doing and tick the correct pictures

b. Input:

Picture cues:

1a. a monkey swinging on a branch 1b. a monkey climbing a tree.

2a. an elephant dancing 2b. an elephant walking.

Audio script:

1. Bill: What can you see?

Mai: I can see a monkey.

Bill: What’s the monkey doing?

Mai: It’s climbing the tree.

2. Bill: What can you see?

Mai: I can see an elephant.

Bill: What’s the elephant doing?

Mai: It’s dancing.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils ask and answer questions about what an animal they can see at the zoo and what it is doing.

Key: 1. a 2. a

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the pair of picture cues 1. Ask them some questions such as What can you see? What is it doing? Draw pupils’ attention to the similarity (e.g. a monkey) and the difference between two pictures (e.g. the monkey is swinging in Picture a, the monkey is climbing the tree in Picture b). Check comprehension.

Step 2: Play the recording of the first text (once or twice if needed) for pupils to listen to and tick the correct pictures.

Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with Pictures 2a and 2b. Draw pupils' attention to the similarity and difference between two pictures. Check comprehension.

Step 4: Let pupils swap and check the answers before checking as a class.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording sentence by sentence for the class to listen to and repeat the dialogues in chorus. Correct pronunciation if necessary.

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work



Activity 2. Look, complete and read. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To complete the four gapped exchanges with the help of the picture cues

b. Input:

Four picture cues and four incomplete exchanges to complete

c. Outcome:

Pupils can complete the four gapped exchanges with the help of the picture cues.

Key: 1. counting 2. the tiger; climbing (the tree)

3. the monkey; swinging 4. the elephant; It's dancing

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Model by getting pupils to do the gapped exchange 1. Have them look at the picture. Ask them some questions such as What can you see? and What's it doing? Draw pupils’ attention to the gap in the answer and say what they should write (e.g. counting). Check comprehension.

Step 2: Give pupils a time limit to read the gapped exchanges 2, 3 and 4, look at the pictures and fill in the gaps independently.

Step 3: Ask pupils to swap and check the answers. Correct the answers if necessary.

Step 4: Invite four pairs of pupils to read aloud the complete exchanges in front of the class.

Game: What can you see?

- Ask 6 pupils to wear an animal hat in front of the class (they don’t know what the animal is).

- Then each pupil takes turns asking their friends: What can you see?

- The whole class can use both gestures or act out (without saying a word) for him/her to guess the name of the animal: It’s a....

- Next, they can ask: What is the ...doing?.

- The whole class will do an action (climb tree/ dance/ swing/ count): The ... is ...-ing.

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Pair work

Whole class

Activity 3. Let’s sing. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To sing the song At the zoo with the correct pronunciation, melody and intonation

b. Input:

The lyrics and the recording of the song At the zoo

c. Outcome:

Pupils can sing the song with the correct pronunciation, melody and intonation.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils read the first verse of the lyrics. Explain that the first question and answer focuses on what the pupils can see at the zoo. The second deals with what the monkey is doing. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Have pupils listen to the first verse, drawing their attention to the pronunciation, the rhythm and the melody of the song. Then let them listen to and practise singing it, line by line first, and clap hands or do actions until they sing confidently.

Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with the second verse. Go around and check pronunciation, the rhythm and the melody if needed.

Step 4: Ask pupils to sing the whole song, clapping hands or doing actions.

Step 5: Invite two groups to the front of the class to sing the song. The class may sing along and clap or do actions to reinforce the activity.

Extra activity: Teacher plays the song and sings the questions parts. Pupils will sing the answers. Later, divide the class into 2 teams and let them sing: one asks and the other answers.

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Individual work

Whole class

Group work

Whole class

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Using, have pupils do the activities to consolidate the lesson.

Option 2: Animal in the basket

- Teacher prepares flashcards, four different colored balls and four baskets beforehand.

- Divide the class into 4 groups. Each pupil will look at the flashcard, and listen to the question from the teacher.


+ What is the ...doing? It’s ...

+ What can you see at the zoo?

+ What is your favorite animal at the zoo?

+ How many animals can you see?

+ Can you say 2/3/4/... names of animals?

- If he/she answers correctly then he/she can take a shot at the basket. If the pupil gets the ball in the basket then he/she wins 2 points. If the pupil hits the basket without going inside then he/she wins 1 point. The person who gets the most points for their group is the winner.

Option 3: Find the differences between two pictures.

- Ask pupils to work in groups of 4/6.

- Ask them to look at the pictures, talk to their classmates and find the differences between 2 pictures. Set time to work (2-3 minutes)

- Ask some pairs to share answers with the whole-class.

Whole class

Group work

Group work


......., ................. 2022

Unit 20: AT THE ZOO

Lesson 2 – Period 4

1. Listen and tick

1. a 2. a

2. Look, complete and read

1. counting

2. the tiger; climbing (the tree)

3. the monkey; swinging

4. the elephant; It's dancing.






Date of teaching:





Unit 20: At the zoo

Lesson 3 – Period 5



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • correctly repeat the sounds of the letter a in isolation, in the words parrot and dancing and in the sentences I can see a parrot. and The peacock is dancing.
  • identify the target words parrot and dancing while listening.
  • say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.

Core competencies

Problem-solving, decision making, teamwork, reliability, motivation, and adaptability

General competencies

Critical Thinking: listen and circle/ listen and repeat.

Oral Communication: let’s chant.


- Diligence: complete learning tasks

- Self-confidence: ability to work as a team member and practice speaking in front of the class


  • Student’s book Page 68
  • Audio Tracks 101, 102, 103
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 250
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 20)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Look and repeat – Listen and circle– Let’s chant – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teaching and learning activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Invite one or two groups of pupils to the front of the class and sing the song At the zoo. The class may sing along and do actions or clap.

Option 2: Ask pupils to find a few photos of animals they can see at home or at the zoo so that they can show to the class at Act 6, Lesson 3 and tell the class what animal they can see.

Option 3:

Game: Spell my name!

- Divide the class into 8 small groups. They will work and write their answers on the group's board.

- Teacher asks pupils to look at the picture, guess the animal. Then take letters from the box to make a meaningful word.


1. tiger

2. parrot

3. monkey

4. peacock

5. horse

6. elephant

Whole class/ Group work

Individual work

Group work

Activity 1. Listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly repeat the sounds of the letter a in isolation, in the words parrot and dancing; and in the sentences I can see a parrot and The peacock is dancing

b. Input:

The letter a, the word parrot, and the sentence I can see a parrot.

The letter a, the word dancing, and the sentence The peacock is dancing.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly pronounce the sounds of the letter a in isolation, in the words parrot and dancing, and in the sentences I can see a parrot. and The peacocks are dancing.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils point at the letter a, the word parrot and the sentence I can see a parrot. Play the recording for them to listen to and repeat in chorus and individually. Invite a few pupils to listen to and repeat the sound, the word and the sentence in front of the class.

Step 2: Repeat the same procedure with the second line. Go around the class and correct the pronunciation where necessary. Explain that the letter a is pronounced differently in isolation as well as in the words parrot and dancing.

Step 3: Let pupils work in pairs or groups, pronouncing the sounds, saying the words and reading the sentences until they feel confident.

Step 4: Ask a few pupils to say two lines in front of the class.

Game: Choose the correct egg!

Divide the class into 4 groups. Play the recording for the pupils to listen and read the words on the eggs. Ask pupils to write on the small boards then show it to the teacher. Those who write correctly will get points for the groups.

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Pair work/ group work

Individual work

Whole class/ group work

Activity 2. Listen and circle. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To identify the target words parrot and dancing while listening

b. Input:

Two gapped sentences with three answer options.

Audio script:

1. I can see a parrot. 2. The monkey is dancing.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to two sentences and circle the correct options

Key: 1. c 2. a

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell the pupils the goal of the activity. Explain that they have to listen to the recording and circle the correct options. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Get pupils to read the sentences and guess which option can be chosen to fill in the gaps. Then ask them to read the sentences and the words aloud.

Step 3: Play the recording, once or twice, for pupils to listen and circle the correct options.

Step 4: Let pupils swap and check the answers in pairs or groups before checking as a class.

Step 5: Invite a few pupils to read aloud the complete sentences in front of the class. Remind them to stress the target language.

Extra activity: Listen and choose

Let the pupils listen to the recording, then choose the correct answer (A or B).

1. A(tiger)

2. A (monkey)

3. B (horse)

4. A (The elephant is dancing)

5. A (The mokey is climbing the tree)

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class

Pair work

Individual work

Whole class

Activity 3. Let’s chant. 8 minutes

a. Goal

To say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation

b. Input

The lyrics and recording of the chant.

c. Outcome

Pupils can sing the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.

d. Procedure

Step 1: Have pupils read the first verse of the chant and elicit its meaning. Draw pupils’ attention to the sound of the letter a in the word parrot in the first, second and third lines. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen and repeat the first verse, line by line. Show them how to chant and clap.

Step 3: Play the recording of the whole verse again, more than once if necessary, for pupils to do choral and individual repetition. Then invite one or two groups of pupils to listen to and repeat the verse in front of the class.

Step 4: Repeat the same procedure with the second verse of the chant. Draw pupils’ attention to the sound of the letter a in the word dancing in the second and fourth lines.

Step 5: Put the class into two groups to practise chanting and clapping. Each of the groups should sing one verse of the chant. Invite a few groups to the front of the class to chant and clap. The rest of the class may clap along.

Whole class/ Individual work

Group work

Individual work

Individual work/ Whole class

Group work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Using, have pupils do the activities to consolidate the lesson.


Make popsicle stick animal puppets.

- Teacher prepares popsicle sticks and papers for the whole class.

- Pupils can draw and color the animals. Then cut them out.

- Finally, glue the animal's face to the popsicle stick.

Option 3:

Game: Let’s go home!

- Divide the class into 6 groups, in each group, choose one pupil to wear animal hats. Other pupils will stand in a circle. This circle is called “Home”.

- On each animal, put a point tag (from 10-60 points) on his/her back.

- While the music is playing, 6 pupils will run and find the way to go back “home”. When the music stops, pupils inside the circle can get points for their groups. But anybody outside will do the activity like his/her creature.

- Lastly, groups that don't have their animal in circle must read 2 sentences:

We can see a ...

The ... is .....

Whole class

Individual work/ Whole class

Group work


......., ................. 2022

Unit 20: AT THE ZOO

Lesson 3 – Period 5

1. Listen and repeat

a parrot I can see a parrot.

a dancing The peacock is dancing.

2. Listen and circle

1. I can see a parrot.

2. The monkey is dancing.






Date of teaching:





Unit 20: At the zoo

Lesson 3 – Period 6



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • use the target language in real context by reading and writing a gapped text about what pupils can see at the zoo.
  • use the target language items they have learnt in a real context by showing the class some photos of animals and saying what animals they can see at home or at the zoo.

Core competencies

Teamwork, reliability, motivation, and adaptability.

General competencies

Listening: listen to the teacher and classmates in communicating

Critical thinking: complete a task in reading a text

Oral communication: presenting a project

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


Self-confidence: ability to work as a team member and practice speaking in front of the class

Diligence: complete learning tasks


  • Student’s book Page 69
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 251
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 20)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Read and tick True or False – Let’s write - Project – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Greet the class then invite one or two pupils to the front of the class and sing the chant in Activity 3. The rest of the class may chant along and clap hands.

Option 2:

Game: Line True or False.

- Teacher puts a line of tape on the floor and writes one side "True" and the other "False".

- Hold up an object or flashcard and say out loud the word/sentence (name of animals, the actions of animals,...). If pupils think that you have said the correct word/ sentence they jump on to the True side, if not they jump on to the False side.

Option 3: Game Odd-One-Out.

- Divide the class into 2 groups.

- Write three words on the board. Pupils in each group must circle the odd-one-out (e.g. tiger - horse – cake/ dancing- do- counting/...).

Whole class

Individual work

Group work

Activity 1. Read and tick. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To read and understand the text

b. Input:

– A short text about animals at a zoo and what they are doing.

– Four sentences with True and False boxes.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can read and understand the text.

Key: 1. True 2. False 3. True 4. True

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity and how to complete the task. Tell pupils that the text is about a visit to a zoo and what some animals are doing. Check comprehension and give feedback.

Step 2: Do Sentence 1 as an example. First, have pupils read the sentence and identify where Linh and her mother are. Then have them read the text and find the appropriate information to tick in the True box or False box. Check comprehension.

Step 3: Set a time limit for pupils to do the activity independently. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

Step 4: Let pupils swap and check the answers. Correct the answers if necessary.

Extension: If time allows, select one or two pupils to read the text in front of the class. You may ask pupils to correct the false sentences with the information from the text.

Extra activity: Read and choose the correct word.

Ask pupils to read the text again. then choose the correct words on the box. Write them in their notebook/on the mini board.


1. zoo

2. swinging

3. climbing

4. elephant

5. peacock

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

Whole class

Activity 2. Let’s write . 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To use the target language in real context by completing a gapped text about themselves

b. Input:

A short gapped text

c. Outcome:

Pupils can complete the text with their own experiences.

Key: Pupils’ own answers

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity: Pupils read the gapped text and fill in the gaps with their own experience. Explain that the first gap should be animals, the second gap should be what the monkey is doing, the next gap can be an animal and the last gap can be what the pupils think about the animals at the zoo. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Give pupils time to complete the text independently. Go around the classroom and offer help where necessary.

Step 3: In pairs or groups, ask pupils to swap their complete text before checking as a class. Praise them when they do the task well.

Extension: If there is enough time, invite one or two pupils to read their complete text in front of the class.

Extra activity: My day at the zoo.

- Ask pupils to work in groups of 4.

- Pupils will listen and answer their friend ‘s questions about their day at the zoo (based on their own writing).

For example:

+ How many friends are there at the zoo with you?

+ How many animals are there at the zoo?

+ What animal is dancing?

+ What is the monkey doing?

+ Do you like animals at the zoo?

Whole class

Individual work

Group work

Individual work

Individual work/

Group work

Activity 3. Project. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To use the target language items they have learnt in a real context by showing the class some photos of animals and saying what animals they can see at home or at the zoo

b. Input:

Photos of animals at home or at the zoo that pupils have found as homework.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can use the target language in real context by showing some photos of animals at home or at the zoo and telling their partners what animals they can see at home or at the zoo.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell pupils about the goal of the activity. Explain that they are going to show some photos of animals (at home or at the zoo) which they have found as homework and tell the class about them.

Step 2: Have pupils work in groups. Each member shows his / her photos and introduces them, e.g. I can see a dog at home. I can see two monkeys at the zoo. Go around and praise pupils when they perform well.

Step 3: Invite one or two pupils to show their photos to the class and say what animals they can see at home or / and at the zoo.

Whole class/ Individual work

Group work

Individual work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Using, have pupils do the activities to consolidate the lesson.

Option 2: Art Gallery.

- Draw enough squares on the board for 6-8 pupils to be able to draw in. Have the pupils write their names above their squares.

- Teacher calls out a word and the pupils draw it (The monkey is climbing the tree/ The tiger is dancing/...).

- The whole class will give a score for each pupil (from 5-10 marks). The pupil with the highest score at the end is the winner.

Option 3:

Game: Welcome to the zoo!

- Divide the classroom into 6 corners. There is a zoo keeper and a picture of an animal at each corner.

- Pupils go around the classroom. Look at the picture, talk to their friends about that animal.


What can you see? I can see a ___

What is the ___ doing? The ___ is ____

Then put a tick to show that you have visited that corner.

Later, let pupils practice speaking by asking and answering in pairs.

Whole class

Individual work

Group work


......., ................. 2022

Unit 20: AT THE ZOO

Lesson 3 – Period 6

1. Read and tick

1. True

2. False

3. True

4. True

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