Giáo án Unit 14 Tiếng anh 3 global success






Date of teaching:






Lesson 1 – Period 1



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) focusing on quantities of things in a room;
  • correctly say the words and use There’s / There are _____ in the room. to talk about quantities of things in a room;
  • enhance the correct use of There’s / There are _____ in the room. to talk about quantities of things in a room in a freer context.

Core competencies

decision making, teamwork, reliability, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity, communication, planning and organization

General competencies

Listening: listen and repeat

Oral communication: let’s talk

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups

Sociability: talk to each other


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Responsibility: appreciate kindness


  • Student’s book Page 24
  • Audio Tracks 32, 33
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 172, 173, 174
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 14)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say – Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the song in Unit 13, Lesson 1.

  • Ask pupils to sing the song.
  • Invite some of them to come to the board to role play, the rest of the pupils will sing.

Option 2: Chant and do activities (Unit 13, Lesson 3).

  • Ask pupils to chant and do the actions in Unit 13, Lesson 3 in groups.
  • Give points and encourage them.

Option 3: Game: What room is this?

  • A picture is hidden behind some coloured squares.
  • Pupils choose a square to open, then try to guess what the room behind is.
  • Teacher shows the whole picture then asks pupils to say out loud the name of the room.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Teamwork


Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) focusing on quantities of things in a room

b. Input:

– Context a: Mai: This is my bedroom. There’s a desk in the room.

– Context b: Mai: There are two chairs in the room.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts focusing on quantities of things in a room.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters in the pictures.

Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen.

Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the sentences There’s a desk in the room and There are two chairs in the room. Tell pupils that they are used to talking about quantities of things in a room.

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class

/ Individual work

Pair work

Individual work


Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly say the words and use There’s / There are _____ in the room. to talk about quantities of things in a room

b. Input:

– Picture cues: a. a desk b. a bed

c. two doors d. two windows

– Speech bubbles:

There’s _____ in the room.

There are _____ in the room.

Audio script:

a. a desk b. a bed c. two doors d. two windows

There’s a desk in the room.

There are two doors in the room.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly say the words and use There’s / There are _____ in the room. to talk about quantities of things in a room.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at Picture a and elicit the name of the thing in the room. Have the class listen to the recording and repeat the word a few times. Then let them work in pairs, pointing at the pictures and saying the words until they feel confident.

Step 2: Model by getting pupils to point at the sentence There’s _____ in the room. in the first bubble. Have them point at Picture a and elicit the missing words (e.g. a desk). Then get pupils to listen to the recording and repeat the sentence There’s a desk in the room. a few times until they feel confident. Go around and offer help or correct pupils’ pronunciation. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b.

Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with Picture c. Remind pupils that the structure There are _____ in the room. is used with more than one thing (e.g. Pictures c and d). Let pupils listen to the recording and repeat the sentence There are two doors in the room. a few times until they feel confident. Repeat the same procedure with Picture d.

Step 4: Give pupils time to work in pairs or groups, pointing at the pictures and saying the quantities of the things in the room. Go around and offer help.

Step 5: Invite a few pupils to point at the pictures and say the quantities of the things in the room in front of the class.

Game: What’s missing?

  • T divides the class into 2 teams: BOYS and GIRLS.
  • T shows 4 pictures on the board. Take out 1, then 2 pictures then ask pupils to find out what is/ are missing.
  • Members of each team try to say out loud the missing room as fast as possible.

Whole class

/ Pair work

Whole class

/ Individual work

Whole class

/ Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

Group work


Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To enhance the correct use of There’s / There are _____ in the room. to talk about quantities of things in a room in a freer context

b. Input:

– Picture cue: some things in a bedroom

– Speech bubbles:

There’s _____.

There are _____.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can enhance the correct use of There’s / There are _____ in the room. to talk about quantities of things in a room in a freer context.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the things in the bedroom and elicit their names. Draw pupils’ attention to the singular things (e.g. a bed, a desk) and multiple things (e.g. two chairs, two windows).

Step 2: Model by getting pupils to point at the gapped sentence There’s _____. in the first bubble. Then point at one thing in the bedroom (e.g. a bed), and say There’s a bed in the room / bedroom.

Step 3: Repeat the same procedure with the gapped sentence There are _____. in the second bubble and one plural thing (e.g. two chairs) and say There are two chairs in the room / bedroom.

Step 4: Give pupils time to practise in pairs or groups. One pupil points at and says the quantities of things in the room / bedroom and the others listen and make comments.

Step 5: Invite a few pupils to say the quantities of things in front of the class.

Extension: If time allows, encourage pupils to point at and say about the things in the classroom.

E.g. There is a board in the classroom.

Game: Look and say

  • Divide the class into 2-4 teams.
  • Show the pictures on the screen. Ask pupils to look at the arrows pointing to things in the room. Pupils have to say the corresponding sentences.
  • One pupil from each team comes to the front and says.

Whole class

/ Individual work

Whole class

/ Individual work

Individual work/ Whole class

Pair work/ Group work

Individual work

Group work

/ Individual work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Use, have pupils look at the words in the pictures of the lesson and repeat after the recordings.

Option 2:

Game: What can you see in the room?

  • Teacher shows pictures of rooms.
  • Teacher asks pupils some questions about the picture and has them answer, e.g:

+ What can you see in the picture?

+ How many…..?

Option 3: Preparation for the project:

Tell pupils about the project on page 29. Ask them to find a picture of any bedroom and tell the class about it. They need to prepare the sentences that they are presenting. In Lesson 2, period 4, remind pupils of what they need to prepare for the project.

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class


......., .................. 2022


Lesson 1 – Period 1

1. Words:

a desk a bed

two doors two windows

2. Model sentences:

There’s a desk/bed in the room.

There are two windows/chairs in the room.






Date of teaching:






Lesson 1 – Period 2



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils describe things in the bedroom and tick the correct pictures.
  • complete the four gapped sentence patterns with the help of picture cues.
  • revise the target vocabulary items through the Memory game.

Core competencies

decision making, teamwork, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, integrity, and initiative

General competencies

Listening: listen and respond by choosing correct answers (tick the correct one)

Oral communication: memory game – let’s play

Written communication: complete the sentences

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


Kindness: pupils wait for their turns to answer the questions

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Responsibility: appreciate kindness

Leadership: collaborate with teachers to enhance language skills


  • Student’s book Page 25
  • Audio Track 34
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 174, 175, 176
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 14)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Listen and tick – Look, complete and read – Let’s play – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Sing the Hello song.

  • Ask pupils to sing the song.
  • Let pupils do actions (waving, clapping, shaking hands…).

Option 2: Game: Pick a door!

  • T divides the class into 2 teams: BOYS and GIRLS.
  • Members of 2 teams take turns choosing 1 door and using the words (a bed, a desk, two windows, two doors) and structures (There’s a…./ There are two…) to make correct sentences.
  • Click the numbers on the door (1, 2, 3, 4) to choose.
  • Click the HOME icon to go back to THE DOORS.

Option 3: Invite a few pupils to stand up, look at the pictures in the book and say There is…/ There are……

Whole class

Group work

Individual work


Activity 1. Listen and tick. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils describe things in the bedroom and tick the correct pictures

b. Input:

Picture cues:

1a. a bed in the bedroom 1b. a desk in the bedroom

2a. two doors in the bedroom 2b. two windows in the bedroom

Audio script:

1. This is my bedroom. There is a bed in the room.

2. This is my bedroom. There are two windows in the room.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to and understand two communicative contexts in which pupils describe things in the bedroom and tick the correct pictures.

Key: 1. a 2. b

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures 1a and 1b. Ask them some questions such as What’s this? and Where is it? Then have them point at the bed in Picture 1a and say the word bed or the sentence There’s a bed in the room. Ask them to point at the desk in Picture 1b and say the word desk or the sentence There’s a desk in the room. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Play the recording of the first text for pupils to listen and tick the box next to the picture. Repeat the same procedure with Pictures 2a and 2b.

Step 3: Get pupils to swap the answers with a partner, then check answers as a class. Write the correct answers on the board.

Extension: If time allows, play the recording, sentence by sentence, for the class to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct pronunciation if necessary.

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class/ Pair work

Individual work/ Whole class


Activity 2. Look, complete and read. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To complete the four gapped sentence patterns with the help of picture cues

b. Input:

– Four picture cues

– Four gapped sentences to complete

c. Outcome:

Pupils can complete the four gapped sentence patterns with the help of picture cues.

Key: 1. bed 2. a desk 3. lamps 4. two windows

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the first picture. Ask them some questions such as What’s this? and Where is it? Draw pupils’ attention to the gap in the sentence and say what they should write. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Give pupils time to read the other gapped sentences and look at the pictures and fill in the gaps independently.

Step 3: Ask pupils to swap and check the answers. Correct the answers if necessary.

Step 4: Invite a few pupils to read the completed sentences aloud in front of the class.

Game: Slap the board

  • T divides the class into 2 teams: BOYS and GIRLS.
  • T shows a picture, 1 boy and 1 girl from each team come to the board, look at the sentence under the picture and choose the best words to make correct sentences (Pupils slap the words on the board).

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class

/ Individual work

Individual work

Group work


Activity 3. Let’s play. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To revise the target vocabulary items through the game Memory game

b. Input:

Six cards, each with a target vocabulary item (bed, desk, door, window, picture) or with a picture representing one of the target words.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can play Memory game to revise the target vocabulary items learnt in the lesson.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell pupils that they are going to look at the cards for 60 seconds, memorise the words, then remember as many of the words as possible. Explain how the game is played. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Put the cards on a desk or stick them on the board. Then cover them with a piece of cloth. Do not let pupils see what is beneath the piece of cloth.

Step 3: Divide the class into groups. Remove the cloth and show the cards for 60 seconds. Then cover them again. In their groups, pupils try to say as many of the words as they can remember.

Step 4: Have the groups say the names of the things aloud. For each correct word, give them a star or a point. The group with the most stars / points wins.

Whole class

/ Individual work

Group work

Group work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1: Movement activity: Sing and Move

  • Teacher asks the whole class to listen to a song, sing and move.
  • Pupils will sing and dance/move along the song. When the music stops, pupils have to stop and point at the pictures. (T stops the music at times when a room or object is mentioned)

Option 2:

Say goodbye to pupils and have them respond as they leave.

Whole class

Whole class


......., .................. 2022


Lesson 1 – Period 2

1. Listen and tick:

1. a 2. b

2. Look, complete and read:

1. bed 2. a desk 3. lamps 4. two windows






Date of teaching:






Lesson 2 – Period 3



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) to describe things in the room.
  • correctly say the words and use The _____ is _____. / The _____ are _____. to describe things in the room.
  • enhance the correct use of The _____ is _____. / The _____ are _____. to describe things in the room in a freer context.

Core competencies

problem-solving, decision making, teamwork, reliability, motivation, adaptability, and initiative

General competencies

Listening: look, listen and repeat

Critical thinking: listen, point and say

Oral communication: let’s talk

Sociability: talk to each other


Diligence: complete learning tasks

Responsibility: appreciate kindness


  • Student’s book Page 26
  • Audio Tracks 35, 36
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 176, 177
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 14)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Look, listen and repeat – Listen, point and say – Let’s talk – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Option 1: Game: Who says fast?

  • Teacher holds a flashcard and a sentence with a missing word.
  • Ask pupils to guess the answer as fast as possible.
  • Then have pupils do the same with the rest.
  • This can be played in groups to make it more interesting.

Option 3: Movement activity: Sing and dance along

  • Divide the class into 4 groups.
  • Put the flashcards of rooms in the house on the board.
  • T plays the song of Unit 13 and asks pupils to watch, sing and dance along. When the music stops, pupils have to stand still, then point and name the pictures on the board.

Whole class

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 1. Look, listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) to describe things in the room

b. Input:

– Context a: Mai: This is my bedroom. The door is big.

– Context b: Mai: And look! The windows are small.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can understand and correctly repeat the sentences in two communicative contexts (pictures) to describe things in the room.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at Pictures a and b and identify the characters in the pictures.

Step 2: Ask pupils to look at Picture a. Play the recording for them to listen.

Step 3: Play the recording again, sentence by sentence, for pupils to listen and repeat individually and in chorus. Correct their pronunciation where necessary. Repeat the same procedure with Picture b.

Step 4: Invite a few pairs to the front of the classroom to listen to and repeat the sentences in the recording.

Step 5: Draw pupils’ attention to the sentences The door is big. and The windows are small. to describe things in the room.

Whole class

Whole class

Whole class

/ Individual work

Whole class

/ Pair work

Individual work


Activity 2. Listen, point and say. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly say the words and use The _____ is _____. / The _____ are _____. to describe things in the room

b. Input:

– Picture cues: a. a big door b. a small door

c. two new chairs d. two old chairs

– Speech bubbles:

The _____ is _____.

The _____ are _____.

Audio script:

a. door / big b. door / small c. chairs / new d. chairs / old

The door is big.

The chairs are new.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly say the words and use The _____ is _____. / The _____ are _____. to describe things in the room.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and elicit the things in the room. Have pupils point at the words under the pictures, listen to the recording and repeat them.

Step 2: Model by pointing to the gapped sentence The _____ is _____. in the first bubble. Tell pupils that they should fill in the name of the thing in the picture (e.g. door) in the first gap and write an adjective under the picture (e.g. big) in the second gap. Then have them listen to the recording and repeat the sentence The door is big. a few times.

Step 3: Repeat Step 2 with Pictures b, c, d. Explain that for plural things (e.g. chairs) they have to use the gapped sentence The _____ are _____. in the second bubble.

Step 4: Give pupils a time limit to practise describing things in the bedroom in pairs or groups. Then invite a few pupils to point at the things in the pictures and describe them in front of the class.


  • Students choose a number.
  • T then asks pupils to make sentences with the words, phrases and pictures given.
  • Spin the wheel to get points.

Whole class

/ Individual work

Whole class

/ Individual work

Whole class

Pair work/ Individual work

Whole class


Activity 3. Let’s talk. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To enhance the correct use of The _____ is _____. / The _____ are _____. to describe things in the room in a freer context.

b. Input:

– Picture cue: A bedroom with a bed, a desk, a door, two chairs and two windows

– Speech bubbles:

The _____ is _____.

The _____ are _____.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can enhance the correct use of The _____ is _____. / The _____ are _____. to describe things in the room in a freer context.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the things in a bedroom and say their names. Then encourage them to describe the things in the bedroom.

Step 2: Have pupils complete the first gapped sentence (e.g. The bed is big.). Then have the class listen and repeat the sentence again.

Step 3: Give pupils time to practise individually first and then in pairs or groups. Remind them that The _____ is _____. is used with a singular thing and The _____ are _____. Is used with plural things. Check comprehension.

Step 4: Invite a few pupils to point at and describe the things in the picture in front of the class. Praise them if they perform well.

Extension: If time allows, have pupils point at and describe the things in the classroom (e.g. The windows are big.).

Whole class

/ Individual work

Whole class

/ Individual work

Individual work/ Pair work

Individual work

Individual work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1:

Using, have pupils look at the words in the picture and repeat after the recording.

Option 2: Game: Look and choose!

  • Teacher divides the class into 2 teams: BOYS and GIRLS.
  • 1 boy says 1 sentence using the words and structures in the lesson to describe 1 of 4 pictures (A, B, C, D) and 1 girl says out loud the picture the boy is talking about.
  • Then the girls team will read and the boys team will guess. Repeat until there are no questions left.

Whole class

Team work


......., .................. 2022


Lesson 2 – Period 3

1. Words:

big small

new old

2. Model sentences

- The door is big.

- The door is small.

- The chairs are new.

- The chairs are old.






Date of teaching:






Lesson 2 – Period 4



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which characters introduce and describe things in a bedroom and number the correct pictures.
  • complete four gapped sentences with the help of picture cues.
  • sing the song My bedroom with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

Core competencies

decision making, teamwork, motivation, problem-solving, integrity, communication, planning and organization

General competencies

Listening: listen and number

Self-control & independent learning: perform listening tasks

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning tasks

Responsibility: appreciate kindness


  • Student’s book Page 27
  • Audio Tracks 37, 38
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 178, 179
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 14)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Listen and number – Look, complete and read – Let’s sing – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Spend a few minutes revising the previous lesson by letting a few pupils describe things in the picture in Activity 3 or in the classroom.

Option 2: T may invite one or two groups of pupils to play the Memory game using the target vocabulary items such as big, small, old and new in front of the class.

Option 3: Game: Bricks down

  • Divide the class into 2 groups: Boys and Girls
  • Two pupils from each team will play rock, paper, scissors to determine who will go first.
  • Teacher clicks the bricks. This will reveal a part of the picture hidden behind. As the bricks disappear, pupils can try to guess the picture.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 4. Listen and number. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which characters introduce and describe things in a bedroom and number the correct pictures

b. Input:

Picture cues:

a. a big bed in a bedroom b. a small bed in a bedroom

c. two big chairs in a bedroom d. two small chairs in a bedroom

Audio script:

1. There’s a bed in my bedroom. It’s small.

2. There’s a bed in my bedroom. It’s big.

3. There are two chairs in my bedroom. They’re big.

4. There are two chairs in my bedroom. They’re small.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can listen to and understand four communicative contexts in which characters introduce and describe things in a bedroom and number the correct pictures.

Key: 1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the pictures and ask them some questions such as What is this? and What are these? You may explain that they can see a bed in Pictures a and b, but that the bed in Picture a is big and the bed in Picture b is small. Ask them to talk about the chairs in Pictures c and d. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Play the recording all the way through so that pupils can get familiar with the characters’ voices. Then play the recording for them to listen and number the pictures.

Step 3: Let them swap and check the answers before checking as a class. Correct the answers as necessary.

Step 4: If time allows, play the recording, sentence by sentence, for the class to listen and repeat in chorus. Correct pronunciation if necessary.

Extension: For a more able class, invite a few pupils to point at and describe the pictures (e.g. a. The bed is big.). The class praises them if they perform well.

Game: Listen and choose the correct answer.

  • Teacher shows 2 pictures, and plays the recording twice.
  • Teacher asks pupils to listen carefully, then choose the correct answer (A or B).
  • If time allows, ask pupils to say the correct sentence again. (ppt game)

Whole class

Whole class

/ Individual work

Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Whole class/ Individual work


Activity 5. Look, complete and read. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To complete four gapped sentences with the help of picture cues

b. Input:

– Four picture cues

– Four gapped sentences

c. Outcome:

Pupils can complete four gapped sentences with the help of picture cues.

Key: 1. bed 2. two lamps 3. big 4. small

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils read the first gapped sentence. Ask them: What is missing from sentence 1? (e.g. the thing in the bedroom). Then have them look at the picture. Ask: What’s this? (e.g. It’s a bed.). Ask pupils what word they should use to fill the gap (e.g. bed). Check comprehension.

Step 2: Give pupils a time limit to read the other gapped sentences, look at the pictures, and fill in the gaps independently. Go around the classroom and give further support to pupils who find it difficult to do the task.

Step 3: Ask pupils to swap and check their answers. Correct the answers.

Step 4: Invite a few pupils to read the completed texts aloud in front of the class.

Mini game: Sentence correction game

  • Divide the class into 4 groups.
  • Ask pupils to look at the pictures and read the sentences carefully. Give pupils 5 seconds to identify by pointing or circling the incorrect word. Then ask them to say the correct word.

Whole class

Whole class

/ Individual work

Pair work

Individual work

Group work


Activity 6. Let’s sing. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To sing the song My bedroom with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody

b. Input:

The lyrics and the recording of the song My bedroom.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can sing the song with the correct pronunciation, rhythm and melody.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils read the first verse of the lyrics. Then have them say its main idea. Draw their attention to the thing in the bedroom (e.g. bed) and how it is described (e.g. new). Check comprehension and give feedback.

Step 2: Have pupils listen to the whole verse, drawing their attention to the pronunciation, the rhythm and the melody. Then let pupils listen to the verse and practise singing it, line by line first while clapping their hands.

Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2 with the second verse. Draw pupils’ attention to the things in the bedroom (e.g. two windows) and how they are described (e.g. small).

Step 4: When pupils are familiar with the tune and melody, ask them to sing the whole song and clap their hands. You may get groups of pupils to sit face to face to practise singing and clapping their hands.

Step 5: Invite a few groups to the front of the class to sing the song. The class may sing along and clap hands to reinforce the activity.

Mini Game: Click the box!

  • Ask students to close their student’s books. Look at the picture and the lyrics on the screen.
  • Ask them to listen and write the missing words on their mini boards.

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class

Whole class

Group work

Whole class

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1: Write your song

Ask pupils to write their own song lyrics about things in the room, based on the melody of the song My bedroom in Activity 6.

Option 2: Let’s decorate your dream bedroom!

  • Ask pupils to work in pairs/ groups of four.
  • Pupils will draw things in his/her bedroom. Then introduce the picture to their friends.

Individual work

Group work/ Whole class


......., ................. 2022


Lesson 2 – Period 4

1. Listen and number:

1. b 2. a 3. c 4. d

2. Look, complete and read:

1. bed 2. two lamps 3. big 4. small






Date of teaching:






Lesson 3 – Period 5



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • correctly repeat the sounds of the letters oo in isolation, in the words room and door, and in the sentences There’s a bed in the room. and The doors are big. with the correct pronunciation and intonation.
  • identify the target words room and door while listening.
  • say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation.

Core competencies

decision making, teamwork, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, communication, planning and organization

General competencies

Listening: listen and repeat/ circle

Communication and collaboration: work in pairs or groups


Kindness: help partners to complete learning tasks

Diligence: complete learning task


  • Student’s book Page 28
  • Audio Tracks 39, 40, 41
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 179, 180, 181
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 14)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Listen and repeat – Listen and circle – Let’s chant – Fun corner and wrap-up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Invite some pupils to the front of the class to sing the song My bedroom. The class may sing along and do actions.

Option 2: Teacher may select one or two pupils to go to the front of the class and describe things in the classroom.

E.g: There are two doors in the classroom. They’re big.

Option 3: Lucky number.

  • Divide the class into 2-4 groups.
  • Pupils choose numbers from 1 to 6. Look at the pictures then read the sentences to choose the correct answers. If they answer correctly, their groups will get points.

Whole class

Individual work

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 1. Listen and repeat. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To correctly repeat the sounds of the letters oo in isolation, in the words room and door, and in the sentences There’s a bed in the room. and The doors are big. with the correct pronunciation and intonation

b. Input:

– The letters oo, the word room and the sentence There’s a bed in the room.

– The letters oo, the word door and the sentence The doors are big.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can correctly repeat the sounds of the letters oo in isolation, in the words room and door, and in the sentences There’s a bed in the room. and The doors are big. with the correct pronunciation and intonation.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils look at the letters oo, the word room and the sentence There’s a bed in the room. Play the recording for them to listen and repeat in chorus and individually until they feel confident. Invite a few pupils to listen to and repeat the sound, the word and the sentence in front of the class.

Step 2: Repeat Step 1 for the second line. Draw their attention to the difference in pronouncing the letters oo in the word room and the word door. Check comprehension. Go around the class and correct the pronunciation if necessary.

Step 3: Let pupils work in pairs or groups, pronouncing the sounds, saying the words and reading the sentences.

Step 4: Ask a few pupils to say two lines in front of the class. The class listens and makes comments.

Game: Spelling bee

  • Teacher asks pupils to listen carefully, then choose the correct letters to make a word.
  • Ask pupils to spell the word again.
  • Check pupils’ pronunciation if needed.

Whole class

/ Individual work

Whole class

/ Individual work

Pair work/ Group work

Individual work

Whole class


Activity 2. Listen and circle. 9 minutes

a. Goal:

To identify the target words room and door while listening

b. Input:

Two gapped sentences, each with three options

Audio script:

1. The door is there.

2. The room is big.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can identify the target words room and door while listening.

Key: 1. b 2. c

d. Procedure:

Step 1:Tell pupils the goal of the activity. Explain that they have to listen to the recording and circle the correct options. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Get pupils to read the sentences and guess which option can be chosen to fill in the gaps. Then ask them to read the sentences and the words aloud.

Step 3: Play the recording once or twice for pupils to listen and circle the correct options.

Step 4: Let pupils swap and check their answers in pairs or groups before checking as a class.

Extension: Invite a few pupils to read the completed sentences aloud in front of the class.

Practice: I’m a speed reader!

  • First, the teacher asks pupils to read each sentence at a slow speed.
  • Next, ask them to read a little bit faster.
  • Then, ask them to get ready and read it faster.
  • And finally, ask them to read as fast as possible!

Whole class

Whole class

/ Individual work

Individual work

Whole class

/ Pair work

Individual work

Whole class


Activity 3. Let’s chant. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To say the chant with the correct rhythm and pronunciation

b. Input:

The lyrics and the recording of the chant

c. Outcome:

Pupils can say the chant with the correct pronunciation and rhythm.

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Have pupils read the first verse of the chant and elicit its meaning. Draw pupils’ attention to the sounds of the letters oo and in the words door and bedroom. Check their comprehension.

Step 2: Play the recording for pupils to listen and repeat the first verse, line by line. Show them how to chant and clap hands.

Step 3: Play the recording of the first verse again, more than once if necessary, for pupils to do choral and individual repetition. Then invite one or two groups of pupils to listen and repeat the verse in front of the class. Praise them to encourage their performance.

Step 4: Repeat Steps 1, 2 and 3 for the second verse of the chant. Go around the class and correct pronunciation if necessary.

Step 5: Put the class into two groups to practise chanting and clapping hands. Each of the groups should sing one verse of the chant. Then invite a few groups to the front of the class to chant and clap hands. The rest of the class may clap along.

Whole class

Whole class

Group work/ Whole class

Group work/

Whole class

Group work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 2: Finish the sentences

  • Divide the class into 4 groups.
  • Teacher writes a sentence on a board like "There are...," followed by a blank space.
  • The first pupil in group 1 adds one word to the sentence, such as “ There are two…”.
  • Then each pupil in group 1 repeats all the sentences before including words of their own, such as “There are 2 windows…”.
  • Suggested sentence: There are 2 windows in my bedroom. They are new.
  • Repeat this process with other groups.

Option 3: Speaking

  • Teacher asks some pupils to stand in front of the class to listen and answer the questions about their rooms.
  • Encourage them to practise with friends.

Group work

Individual work/

Group work


......., .................. 2022


Lesson 3 – Period 5

1. Listen and repeat:

oo room There’s a bed in the room.

oo door The doors are big.

2. Listen and circle:

1. b 2. c






Date of teaching:






Lesson 3 – Period 6



By the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to:

  • read the text and complete the gapped sentences.
  • complete a gapped paragraph with the help of the picture cue.

Core competencies

Decision making, teamwork, motivation, adaptability, problem-solving, communication, planning and organization

General competencies

Listening: listen to the teacher and classmates in communicating

Critical thinking: complete a task in reading a text

Oral communication: presenting a project

Sociability: talk to each other


Self-confidence: ability to work as a team member and practiưe speaking in front of the class


  • Student’s book Page 29
  • Teacher’s guide Pages 181, 182
  • Website
  • Flashcards/pictures and posters (Unit 14)
  • Computer, projector…


Warm-up and review – Read and complete – Let’s write – Project – Fun corner and wrap up


Teacher’s activities

Pupils’ activities


Warm-up and review: 5 minutes

Greet the class.

Option 1: Invite one or two groups of pupils to the front of the class to sing the chant in lesson 3. The rest of the class may chant along and clap hands.

Option 2: Brainstorming

  • Divide the class into four groups.
  • Each group chooses one pupil to be the 'runner'. The runners go to the teacher's desk and read the category.

E.g. objects/things in your bedroom/living room.

  • The runners then go back to their groups and tell their group members the category. Their groups brainstorm words of that category and write them down.
  • The first group to finish shouts 'stop' and then calls out their answers. If their answers are correct, they score one point for each word in the category.
  • The group with the highest score at the end of the game wins.

Group work

Individual work/ Group work


Activity 4. Read and complete. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To read the text and complete the gapped sentences

b. Input:

A paragraph and four gapped sentences.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can read the text and complete the gapped sentences.

Key: 1. desk 2. chairs 3. big 4. small

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity. Tell pupils how to complete the task: They should read the text and find the information to fill the gaps in the sentences. Check comprehension and give feedback.

Step 2: Do Sentence 1 as an example. First, have pupils read the sentence, focusing on the gap. Ask them what word is missing (one thing in the bedroom). Then have them read the text and find the appropriate word (e.g. desk) to fill in the gap. Check comprehension.

Step 3: Set a time limit for pupils to do the activity independently. Go around and offer help if necessary.

Step 4: Let pupils swap and check their answers. Correct the answers if necessary.

Step 5: Select one or two pupils to read the completed sentences in front of the class. The class makes comments. You may ask one or two pupils to read the text aloud in front of the class and check pronunciation if needed.

Read and choose

  • Teacher asks pupils to read the text again.
  • Pupils look at the questions and write answers on their mini boards.

Whole class

Whole class/ Individual work

Individual work

Pair work

Whole class/ Individual work

Whole class


Activity 5. Let’s write. 8 minutes

a. Goal:

To complete a gapped paragraph with the help of the picture cue

b. Input:

– Picture cue

– The writing frame with five blanks to complete.

c. Outcome:

Pupils can complete the gapped paragraph using the picture cue correctly.

Suggested answer: small; bed / desk; small / old; chairs; old / new

d. Procedure:

Step 1: Tell the class the goal of this activity. Have pupils read the gapped paragraph and say what is missing. Let them look at the picture and find appropriate words to fill in the gaps. Check comprehension.

Step 2: Let pupils complete the first gap together as an example. Ask them to answer some questions such as What does the word It mean? (e.g. It means the bedroom), What is missing? (e.g. big or small). Then let them look at the picture and fill in the gap (e.g. small).

Step 3: Give pupils time to complete the paragraph. Go around and offer help if necessary.

Step 4: In pairs or groups, ask pupils to swap their completed paragraphs before checking answers as a class.

Extension: If there is enough time, invite one pupil to read the completed text.

Whole class

Individual work

Whole class

Group work

Individual work


Activity 6. Project. 9 minutes

a. Goal

To find a picture of a bedroom and tell the class about things in the room

b. Input

A picture of a bedroom (cut from newspapers or magazines) as homework.

c. Outcome

Pupils can find a picture of a bedroom and tell the class about things in the room.

d. Procedure

Step 1: Tell pupils to find a photo of a bedroom in a newspaper or a magazine as homework. They should bring their photos to class.

Step 2: Have them work in groups. Each member introduces the picture of the bedroom using the structures they have learnt in the unit.

Step 3: Invite one or two pupils to show their photos and describe them in front of the class.

Whole class

Group work

Individual work

Fun corner and wrap-up: 5 minutes

Option 1: Gallery walk

  • Teacher asks pupils to stick their bedroom pictures on the classroom wall.
  • Pupils walk around and look at their classmates' pictures.
  • Encourage them to ask their friends about his/her bedroom.

Option 3: Which is my bedroom?

  • Divide the class into 2 groups. Have pupils in 2 groups take turns choosing a number.
  • Ask one pupil to read a sentence. The groups will listen carefully and choose the correct picture.
  • Have points/candies/flowers as given rewards for excellent answers.

Whole class

Group work


......., .................. 2022


Lesson 3 – Period 6

1. Read and complete:

1. desk 2. chairs 3. big 4. small

2. Let’s write:

This is my bedroom. It is small. There is a desk/bed. It is small. There are two chairs. They are old.

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