Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 7: Artificial intelligence mới nhất



A. Objectives:

1. Language focus: The overall topic of Unit 7: “Artificial intelligence”, some vocabulary.

- To check students’ comprehension thorough questions and answers

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 7

2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 7.

- Reading: Reading for general ideas and specific information.

- Speaking: Talking about social networking.

- Listening: Listening for specific information in a conversation.

- Writing: Describing a pie chart showing the use of online resources.

3. Attitudes - To help Ss get started for Unit 7 with the topic "Artificial intelligence"

- To provide Ss some motivation

B. Preparations: - Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Warm up

5 minutes

T asks students to read the heading A.I., look at the picture, and brainstorm what they know about the abbreviation. Write Ss’ ideas on the board and circle any words or phrases related to the topic or content of the conversation.

2. New lesson

17 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

Activity 1: Nam and Mai are talking about a film. Listen and read

- T. plays the recording, asks Ss to listen and read silently.

- Ss listen and read silently.

- T. tells Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation.

Activity 2:Answer the following questions

- T. asks Ss to read the questions, and underline any key words before they scan the conversation for the answers.

- Ss read the questions, underline any key words and scan the conversation for the answers.

Keys: The coastal cities are flooded due to the melting of polar ice caps.Because she had the only son whose life is threatened by a very dangerous disease.Because he wanted her to help him become a real boy.It was dangerous and incredible.

They become extinct. She thinks it’s interesting and she will watch it soon.Students’ answers.

Activity 3:Find a word or phrase in the dialogue that means the following.

- Read the phrases (1-7) for comprehension.

- Work individually before comparing their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: 1. science fiction 2. Threatening3. destroyed4. in vain

Activity 4:Discuss the underlined grammar points

- Work in pairs to read the two sentences carefully and discuss their structures.

Key:… they are going to get the robotic boy destroyed g causative passive

… she has someone take him to a faraway forest and leave him there g causative active



2 minutes

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to the topic- Prepare for the next lesson.

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus:

- To provide learners some language items in Unit 7

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to Artificial intelligence

- For pronunciation, that is the sentence stress in connected speech

- For grammar, that is the active and passive causatives.

2. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes:

- To encourage Ss to work harder, to provide Ss some motivation

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Homework

3 minutes

One student is called to the board and do as required.

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

5 minutes

7 minutes

12 minutes

15 minutes

A. Vocabulary:

Activity 1: Match the words and phrases with their meanings.

- Work individually, read each word or phrase and match it.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: 1.e2.c3.g4.b5.f6.a7.d

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in 1.

- Do as required, bearing in mind a verb or a noun.

- T asks Ss to complete the sentences individually. Alternatively, in a weaker class, T has Ss work on the sentences in pairs.

- Sts find the suitable words to fill in the gaps.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key:1. emotion2. capable

3. resurrected4. activate5. incredible

B. Pronunciation: Sentence stress

Activity 1. Listen and repeat, pay attention to the stressed words

- T asks Ss to listen and repeat, paying attention to the stressed words. After that, has them identify the word class of the stressed words. This will help them to understand that only the words mentioned in the Do you know…? box are stressed.

- Play the recording, listen and repeat all the sentences chorally.

- Ss recognise and practise the sentence stress.

- Ss repeat chorally and individually.

C. Grammar: The active and passive causatives

Activity 1: Rewrite sentences, using have + object + bare infinitive.

- T asks Ss to study the Do you know…?

- T tells Ss what they are going to change the sentences (1-6) into causative structures.

- T has Ss read and analyse the structure of the example.

- T asks Ss to work individually, and then has them compare.

Key: The A. I. expert had his assistant activate the newly made robot. The computer corporation had their workers eliminate malfunctioning products.

The robot manufacturer had his customers exchange their outdated robots for the next generation robots.

The company had someone clear out all the junk in the store.

The manager had the workers move the machine to a new station.

The owner of the palace had a construction company remodel his estate.

Activity 2: Rewrite the sentences in 1, using get + object + past participle.

- T asks Ss to read the example carefully.

- T allows enough time for Ss to do the activity individually.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: The A. I. expert got the newly made robot activated.

The computer corporation got mal-functioning products eliminated.

The robot manufacturer got the outdated robots exchanged for the next generation robots.

The company got all the junk in the store cleared out.

The manager got the machine moved to a new station.

The owner of the palace got his estate remodeled.


T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss



Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


Ss <--> Ss

T <--> Ss


Ss <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

Expected answers: I can use: Sentence stress

The active and passive causatives

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson. - Complete Exercises in workbook.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to scan a text for specific information.

- To teach Ss new vocabulary by completing true false task.

- To develop their reading skill through choosing the main idea for each paragraph.

- To learn new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Lead-in

8 minutes

Informs the class of the lesson objectives: skimming and scanning an article for general ideas and specific information, and learning additional vocabulary and information related to the artificial intelligence application.

2. New lesson

7 minutes

12 minutes

7 minutes

8 minutes

A. I application

Activity 1:Discuss what the pictures below show and where you might see these things.

- The aim of this activity is to activate Ss’ previous knowledge of A. I. applications.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs, look at the pictures.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: a. a voice recognition application which can be seen in smartphones, tablets and other electronic devices

b. a device using the GPS (Global Positioning System): a space-based navigation system that provides location information in all weather conditions, anywhere on or near the Earth, and can be seen in advanced means of transport

c. a medical robot which can be seen in technologically advanced hospitals

d. an automated bomb disposal robot which is used by the military

Activity 2: Read the following text about some A.I. applications. Circle the answers to the questions.

- Focus on comprehension and reading for specific information.

- Read the questions (1-6) and underline the key words.

- T has Ss scan the text carefully and find the answers to the questions.

- T has Ss compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: 1. B, D2. C, D3. B, C4. A5. A, D6. D

Activity 3: Form a verb from each noun in the table. Then make a sentence with each verb.

- To work individually to complete the table, has them use the dictionary, if necessary.

- T has them compare their answers in pairs, checks answers as a class.

- T shows enough time for Ss to make their sentences.

- T asks some Ss to read aloud their sentences





















Activity 4: Guess the robot.

- In groups, decide what type of robot you wish to act out.

- T explains the game to the class and demonstrates e.

- T sets a time limit for Ss to play the game.

The robot can only answer “yes” or “no”. The objective of the game is to guess the type of robot by asking no more than 10 questions, for example: Can you join together car parts? Can you play music? Can you cook? Can you detect explosive materials? Can you detect illnesses? Do you work in a factory / hospital / restaurant / in space?



2 minutes

- Summarize the main points of the lesson

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask students to learn by heart the new words.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to talk about the risks of artificial intelligence.

- To teach Ss to practise sharing and giving responses to new information.

-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+Express their opinion about the risks of artificial intelligence

+Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Warm up

4 minutes

T informs the class of the lesson objective: Talking about the risks of artificial intelligence based on the related news items.

2. New lesson

10 minutes

6 minutes

12 minutes

10 minutes

Talking about the risks of artificial intelligence

Activity 1: Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.

Picture a. Do you know the name of this person?

Picture b. What do you think this image illustrates?

Look at the pictures and say what they know about these images, has them brainstorm their ideas in pairs, write the most interesting ideas.

NOTES: - Picture a is Professor (Prof.) Stephen Hawking. One of his books A Brief History of Time was an international best seller. In 1963, Prof. Hawking contracted a life-threatening disease and was given two years to live, however he went on to become a brilliant researcher and a ground-breaking (making new discoveries; using new methods) cosmologist (nhà vũ trụ học), in spite of being wheelchair-bound and depending on a computerised voice system for communication. From 1979 to 2009 he held the post of Lucasian Professor at Cambridge*, the chair previously held by people such as Isaac Newton and Charles Babbage. Professor Hawking has over a dozen honorary degrees and was awarded the CBE* in 1982. He is a fellow of the Royal Society and a member of the United States’ National Academy of Sciences. Stephen Hawking is regarded as one of the most brilliant theoretical physicists since Albert Einstein.

Activity 2: Read and complete the following news item.

- T asks Ss to read the text and guess the words.

- T has Ss compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: efforts;threat; technology; communicate; consequences;

destruction; evolution

Activity 3: Complete the conversation using the information in 2 and practise it.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to read the news item.

- T sets a time limit for Ss to do the activity.

Key: Who interviewed him/ the threat of creating thinking machines and the development of full artificial intelligence

it can lead to the destruction of humanity

their slow biological evolution. Creating intelligence machines that could match or surpass humans could lead to the destruction of people

Activity 4: Read the second news item. Make a similar conversation. Practise it with a partner.

- To read the news item individually first, checks their comprehension and help with the pronunciation of any names.

- Complete the conversation with information from the news item, encourages them to write the completed answers.

- Compare their answers in pairs and agree on the best ones.

- T asks a few pairs to role play the conversation.

Nam: Did you read (1) …?Mai: No, I didn’t. Who has signed (2) …?

Nam: 1,000 people from (3) … .Mai: What does the letter call for?

Nam: It calls for (4) … .Mai: Why have they called for the ban?

Nam: Because (5) … .

Suggested answers:

about the open letter signed by many famous people

the letter

the worlds of technology, space travel, computing and mathematics

a ban on offensive autonomous weapons

they are afraid that autonomous killing machines could easily fall into the hands of the wrong people, and be used for destroying countries, and even the world.



2 minutes

- Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some questions:

What have you learnt today? What can you do now?


1 minute

- Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To develop Ss’ skill of listening to for specific information.

- To help Ss understand general ideas and specific details.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Listen and do the tasks.

+ Develop the listening skills for specific details.

+ Identify specific information through true false task and question answering

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Lead-in

5 minutes

Inform the class of the lesson objectives: listening for specific information in a conversation about Ray Kurzweil’s predictions about the future of A.I.

2. New lesson

10 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes

7 minutes

The future of A.I.

Task 1: Match word in column A with its meaning in column B.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to match the words and phrases with their meanings.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: 1.c2.d3.a4.f5.b6.e

Task 2: Listen to the conversation between Nam and Mai. Decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG) and tick the correct box.

- This activity focuses on listening for specific information.

- T asks Ss to read the sentences and underline the key words.

- T plays the recording twice: the first time all the way through, and the second time pausing at appropriate places for Ss to tick the correct boxes.

- T has Ss compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key:1. NG2. F3. F4. T5. T6. T7. T

Task 3: Listen again. Answer the following questions.

- T plays the recording without pausing, has Ss answer the questions individually and then compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Suggested answers: It is about artificial intelligence.

He is an author, computer scientist, inventor, and futurist.

He’s very talented.

They will think quicker than humans.

He called them nan-robots.

Because she thinks of the tasks of the scientists: careful developing A. I. programs while also detecting any malfunctions and preventing cyber-attacks.

Task 4: Work in groups to get more information about Ray Kurzweil’s ideas and report to the class.

This activity is a follow-up activity which enables Ss to do some research on Ray Kurzweil. If there is not enough time, assign the activity as homework and have Ss report their research findings in the next lesson.

Resource for ref.



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

4. Homework

1 minute

- Prepare for the next lesson.

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- Writing an essay about the advantages and disadvantages.

- To provide Ss with the language and sentence structures used to describe trends.

-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Writing an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of intelligent machines.

+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Check up

5 minutes

The lesson objective: Writing an essay about the advantages and disadvantages of intelligent machines.

2. New lesson

14 minutes

8 minutes

15 minutes

Advantages and disadvantages of intelligent machines

Task 1: Put the following phrases about intelligent robots in the appropriate columns.

- To provide advantages and disadvantages of intelligent machines.

- To read the sentences carefully and put them in columns.

Key: Advantages: 2, 3, 6Disadvantages: 1, 4, 5

Task 2: Read and combine the sentence halves.

- This activity provides more ideas for the writing task.

- T asks Ss to read and match the sentence halves individually.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key:1. d2. g3. e4. f5. c6. a7. b

Task 3: Write an essay of about 220-260 words to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of intelligent robots in industries and medicine.

- The aim of this activity is to develop Ss’ writing skills

- To study suggested plan, and write their drafts individually.

- T asks them to compare their writing in pairs and obtain peer feedback.

- T Collects some final drafts and give feedback.

Helpful ideas:

Introduction: robots are widely used in the food industry and medicine/ they have advantages and disadvantages

Body: advantages: fewer human workers, errors, and defects

disadvantages: power failure, malfunction, hackers

Conclusion: help humans improve their lives a threat to humans or not?

Suggested answer: A. I. robots are widely used in areas such as the food industry and medicine. Obviously, they bring advantages as well as disadvantages.

The advantages of intelligent robots are countless. Robotic machines are countless. Robotic machines can replace the human workforce in industrial assembly lines because they cannot only complete tasks faster than humans, but also make fewer errors. Furthermore, unlike humans, they take no breaks. In modern manufacturing plants, one out of every ten thousand workers is a robot. That is the reason why robots are so widely used in the automobile and electronics factories.

In hospitals, A. I. robots can operate on patients, and help doctors to discover damaged organs in patients. They also help experts to do research on any serious side effects caused by the interactions of different medications on patients that can lead to complications in treatment.

The disadvantages of A. I. are undeniable. Robots and other robotic machines are designed and programmed by humans. Therefore, they can be attacked by malware or viruses or disabled due to power failure. In such cases, the computer systems will crash and A. I. devices will become useless machines. Another disadvantage is that the computer operating systems could be taken control of by hackers, causing misuse of robotic devices. This could potentially be dangerous to human lives.

In conclusion, robots benefit humanity because the aim of their creation is replace people in stressful and dangerous jobs, and make their lives better. But relying on them completely is dangerous, because so much can go wrong with them. In the end, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

4. Homework

1 minute

- Write the text again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus

- Attitudes towards artificial intelligence in some developed countries.

2. Skills;

- To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes:

- To encourage Ss to work harder. To provide Ss some motivation

- By the end of the lesson,students will be able to: Understand and communicate about communication skills and cultural understanding

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Warm up

5 minutes

Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill development.

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

18 minutes

19 minutes

1. Communication: Artificial intelligence in science-fiction films

Activity 1:Listen to a conversation between Linh and Nam. Circle the correct letters to complete the sentences.

- The aim of this activity is to provide further listening practice of the topic of artificial intelligence in science-fiction films.

- To listen to a conversation between Linh and Nam about artificial intelligence in science-fiction films.

- T asks Ss to read the statements and guess. (Ref.

- T asks Ss to compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: .1B2.C3.C4.B5.B

Activity 2: Discuss and recommend an interesting film about A. I.

- This follow-up activity provides Ss with further speaking practice after the listening activity.

do some research or watch science-fiction (sci-fi) films about the rise of intelligent machines (Zing TV, YouTube,, etc.)

- T asks some pairs to present their recommendations to the class.

2. Culture: People’s attitudes towards intelligent machines

Activity 1:Read a text about people’s attitudes towards intelligent machines. Answer the questions that follow.

- Objective of the activity: enriching Ss’ knowledge by reading about the different attitudes of people in developed countries towards intelligent machines.

- Brainstorm what they know about popular domestic robots in use today, then asks them to give their opinions about these automated machines.

- T asks Ss to read the questions and underline the key words.

- T tells them to compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: To help robot designers and developers to visualise / envision the roadmap for their future development.

They focus on the domestic use of robots.

A lot of people think they are small domestic machines that can be controlled. A few want robots to be friends that can speak and communicate with them.

People don’t want robots to llok after children or animals.

Because they fear that malfunctioning robots could be harmful and dangerous, and humans might lose control over them.

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Group work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

T <--> Ss


1 minute

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 7.

- To teach Ss some lexical items related to artificial intelligence.

- To give them a chance to do a small project.

- To help Ss review and recognize the sentence stress in connected speech.

- To help Ss consolidate the use of passive causative.

- To provide further opportunities for Ss to use the language, skills.

- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:

+ Use the sentence stress in connected speech correctly.

+ Use some key words of the artificial intelligence.

+ Do the exercises on passive causative.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Warm-up

5 minutes

Informs the class the objectives: reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar. Reviews what sentence stress is and when the process happens.

2. New lesson

7 minutes

8 minutes

15 minutes

7 minutes


Activity 1: Listen and mark the stressed syllable

-Listen to the recoding and mark the stressed syllables and put the words in the correct box. Compare their answers in pairs.

- T. checks answers as a class.

- T plays the recording again and have Ss repeat the sentences

Key and audio script: In '1'8'8'4, 'G'M'T was a'dapted inter'nationally as a 'standard 'time 'zone.

The 'U'S'A is 'one of the 'largest and 'most 'powerful 'countries in the 'world.

The 'A. 'I. 'robots will 'help 'humans to de'velop a 'more 'powerful 'memory in the 'future.

'U'F'O is the 'acronym for Uni'dentified 'Flying 'Object.

I 'sent the 'package 'right 'away because I 'read the 'acronym 'A'S'A'P on its 'cover.

'Thanks to the 'G'P'S I could dis'cover 'where my 'missing 'car was.

'Let’s 'get to'gether 'next 'Sunday at '7 in the 'evening.

'F'M is a 'method of trans'mitting 'signals, e'specially in 'radio 'broadcasting.

I 'could 'not 'get 'money from the 'A'T'M be'cause it was 'broken.


Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct words / phrases in the box.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups.

- T gives feedback.

Key: 1. malfunction2. futurists3. life-threatening

4. exterminated5. operating6. reduce7. leading


Activity 1: Circle the correct answers.

- T asks Ss to read each sentence carefully.

- T has ss compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: 1. C2. C3. B4. D5. A6. D7. C

Activity 2: Complete the sentences, using the causatives.

have + somebody + bare infinitive

have + something + past participle

get + something + past participle

- Read the sentences and underline the agents and objects, explains that this will help them to use the appropriate structure.

- To work individually, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Key: I’ll have a friend cut it.I’ll have my hair cut.

I’ll get my hair cut.I’ll have a worker paint it.

I’ll have it painted.I’ll get it painted.

Why don’t you have the computer technician repair it?

Why don’t you have it repaired?Why don’t you get it repaired?

Yesterday I had my brother fix it.I had it fixed yesterday.

I got it fixed yesterday.I’ll have a repairman update.

I’ll have it updated.I’ll get it updated.

I’ll have the porter bring my suitcase.

I’ll have my suitcase brought by the porter.


Work in groups of four. Do some research on one of the following topics. Make a poster and give a presentation about your poster.

a kind of robot that is in use in the world today e.g. industrial, medical, military

a popular science-fiction film about artificial intelligence.



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?


1 minute

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

E. Evaluation:
