Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Unit 10: Lifelong learning mới nhất




1. Language focus: Sts will be able to:

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 10

- For vocabulary: words and phrases of the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills:

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Reading: general ideas and specific information about lifelong learning.

- Speaking: Give a presentation about how to keep learning throughout life.

- Listening: Listen for specific information about a successful lifelong learner.

- Writing: Write a description of a bar chart about barriers to lifelong learning.

- Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner.

3. Attitudes:

- To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through English Unit 10 - getting started at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. Warm up.

- Ask Ss to answer the questions.

- Tell them to look at the main contents of the lesson. Introduce those points.

Ask Ss to listen to the recording and read the conversation.

II. Getting started

- Set their task.

- Play the CDs.

- Ask them if they understand the whole dialogue well.

- Tell them to do ex 3 (58) in pairs in 2'.

- Supply Ss with some vocab in groups in 2'.

- Get their answers back.

- Ask them if there is a different answer and point out the key word.

- Correct their answer.

- Tell them to listen and repeat the words/ phrases given.

- Ask the pairs to do 2 in 6'.

- Get their answer afterwards.

- Get peer correction.

- Give them an oral feedback.

- Explain to Ss how to do the activity.

- Have Ss scan the conversation quickly and revise the models and meaning of the introduced grammar point.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Guide Ss to any answers they have missed.

- Ask Ss to discuss the meanings of the conditional clause in pairs.

- Give them an oral feedback.

I. Warm up.

Oral work

When will you finish your learning?

Why do you think so?

Why do you do that for so long?

II. Getting started

Options for school leavers

- Individual work

1. Angelo and her grandpa are talking about keeping learning throughout life. Listen and read.

*New words

- institute (n)- compulsory (a)

- session (n)- do/ take a course (a)

- keep sb adj

2. True, false, or not given sentences.

key: 1. F2. T3. F4. T5. NG

3. Find the words/ phrases in the conversation that mean the following.

- Work in pairs, ask and answer the questions

Key: 1. Compulsory education 2. lifelong learning

3. self-motivated4. Self-directed

5. Learning styles

4. Answer the questions

- Work in pairs

This activity helps Ss to think of the importance of lifelong learning.

Key: + develop skills, consolidate learnt skills

+ do daily tasks better+ teach someone to do more jobs

+ take care of the family

5. Work in pairs. Discuss the form and meaning of the grammar point in the following sentences.

+ Conditional clause type 3

+ for unreal past actions and their results

III. Consolidation (3 mins)

- Vocabulary related to lifelong learning.

- sentences with phrasal verbs and adverbial clauses

IV. Homework: (1 min)

- Vocabulary related to lifelong learning.

- Do the task again. Read Unit 10 - "Language" at home

E. Evaluation:





1. Language focus: Sts will be able to:

- For vocabulary: words and phrases to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills: - Reading: general ideas and specific information.

- Speaking: Give a presentation about how to keep learning throughout life.

- Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner.

3. Attitudes:

- To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students:- Read through English Unit 10 - language at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

- Ask Ss to work individually, read each word or phrase and match it with its meaning.

- Provide support by encouraging Ss to use the context and clues in the conversation.

- Get their answer back.

- Remind Ss that they may have to change the form of the words to fit the sentences.

- Ask Ss to study the sentences given and work out the form of the words needed to complete them.

- Encourage Ss to exploit the contextual clues that can help them to figure out the answers.

- Have Ss complete the sentences individually, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answer as a class.

- Play the recording and ask Ss to listen carefully to identify the difference between the stressed words (spoken loudly) and unstressed words (spoken more softly and quickly) in the conversation.

- Play the recording again and ask Ss to underline the words that are not stressed.

- Check answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to study the Do you know…? Box to learn some rules for the intonation.

- Play the recording and ask Ss to read along, imitating the correct intonation.

- Have Ss practice the conversation in pairs.

- Ask some pairs to role play the exchanges in front of the class, noticing intonation.

- Have Ss read through the phrasal verbs in A and the meanings provided in B.

- Ask Ss to match the phrasal verbs with definitions individually, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Ask Ss to read the information in the Do you know…? Box to get more information about the conditional clauses, then ask Ss to complete the sentences individually.

- Have them compare their answers in groups.

- Check answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to read the information in the do you know… box to learn more information about conditional clauses and how they are used.

- Ensure that Ss understand the rules of adverbial clauses before continuing

- Have Ss go through the sentences, then identify what type of conditional clauses they are.

- Ask Ss to work individually and then compare their answers in pairs.

- check the answers as a class.

- Remind Ss to use the words provided and make any necessary changes

- Ask Ss to work in groups.

- Call some representatives from groups to write down on the board.

- Check answers as a class.

- Tell some SS to recall the use of conditional clauses.


1. Vocabulary.

- Individual and then pair work

Ex 1. Match the characteristics of lifelong learning (1-5) with their example actions.

1. c2. d3. b4. e5. a

Ex 2. Complete the sentences with the words or phrases from 3 in GETTING STARTED.

1. sef-motivation2. lifelong learner; voluntarily

3. self-directed4. learning style

2. Pronunciation. Intonation of questions

- Oral work. Listen to Cds

Ex 1. + rising intonation: Yes/ No questions

+ falling intonation: Wh-questions

- Individual work

- Pair work

Ex 2. Now listen to the exchanges in 1 again. Practice it with a partner. Try to note intonation of questions.

- Work individually.

- Read the sentences.

3. Grammar.


- Pair work.

Ex 1. Use the appropriate verbs to write sentences. This activity helps Ss to work out the model and meaning of conditional type 3.

Key: 1. ...I would have had more close friends and supporters.

2. I would have been better at problem solving.

3. I would have gained more practical experience. 4. I would have improved my critical thinking skills

5. I would have become more successful at work.

Ex 2. Ben is now thinking about what he did not do in his previous job and his current situation. Write mixed conditionals, putting the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

- Individual and then pair work.

1. You don’t need to use all the verbs.

Key; 1. drop out of2. drops in on

3. cut down on4. get on with

5. go on with6. keep up with

7. think back on8. talked back to

Adverbial clauses of condition, comparison, manner, and result.

Ex 3. Underline the adverbial clause in each

- Oral work.

1. had shared, would have2. had gained, would be

3. had been able, would have

4. had learnt, would not need

5. had been, would be

Ex 4. Put the verbs in brackets in the correct form.

1. had learnt, would be

2. had known, would have had

3. had continued, would have found

4. had continued, would have kept

5. had done, might/ may have slowed


- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to leaving school and choosing a career.

- For pronunciation, recognize unstressed words and pronounce them correctly. Learn some key vocabulary items related to leaving school and choosing a career.

- For grammar, recognize and pronounce the unstressed words correctly and use adverbial clauses of condition, comparison, manner and result in sentences.

HOMEWORK: (1 min)

- Vocabulary related to lifelong learning

-unstressed words correctly and use conditional clauses.

-Use words and phrases about lifelong learning.

- Read Unit 10 - Reading at home

E. Evaluation:





1. Language focus: Sts will be able to:

- For vocabulary: words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills: - Reading: general ideas and specific information about lifelong learning.

- Further - Speaking: talk about how to keep learning throughout life.

3. Attitudes:

- To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students: - Read through English Unit 10 – skills - reading at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


- Inform the class of the lesson objectives: skimming and scanning a text for main ideas and specific information.

- Ask Sts to answer the questions given.

- Have Ss work in pairs and encourage Ss to find the main idea of a paragraph.

- Ask Ss to individually skim the text and then choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph.

- Have them compare their answers in pairs.

- Tell students to carefully read the meanings and then go back to the reading text to locate the words that match the given meanings.

- Have Ss work individually to write the correct words next to the definitions given.

- Go around offering to help.

- Check with whole class.

- Ask Ss to look at the questions quickly and underline key words, which can help them to locate the specific information in the text.

- Call on some Ss to read their answers aloud in front of the class.

- Finally, give correct answers and explain all the sentences carefully to make sure Ss understand the meaning of the sentences.

- Summarize the main points.

- Supply them with the new words.

- Ask sts to learn the new words in the text.

- Tell them to prepare for the next period.


- pair work

I. Before you read:

- Pair work

Ex 1. Work with a partner. Guess what the students in the pictures may do after they leave school.

Suggested answers:

Question 1: I think it is a must because it gradually/ step by step enrich their knowledge as well as skills to meet the current demand of their jobs and better their life with the support of our government.

Question 2: She or he can do it by learning in many ways: with their friends, teachers, surrounding people, and with any kind of source they can access.

II. While you read:

- Individual work and then pair work.

Ex 2. Read the text about lifelong learning and choose the appropriate heading for each paragraph.

Key: 1. c2. a3. b

- Pair work

Ex 3. Find the words and phrases in the reading text which are closest in meaning to the following. Write them in the space below.

1. pursuit2. confine3. e-learning platform

4. bricks and mortar5. ultimate

Ex 4. Read the text again and answer the questions.

Key: 1. Lifelong learning is not confined to the classroom environment.

2. Vonluntary learning, self-motivation, and a strong desire to learn make people become good lifelong learners.

3. lifelong learning has been facilitated by e-learning platforms with a variety of online courses.

4. lifelong learners should aim at learning for self improvement, rather than as a pathway to qualifications.

III. After you read:

- Group work

Ex 5. Discuss the following question with a partner.

Which is the most useful piece of advice for you in the text? Why do you think it is useful?

- Work with group-mates

- Self study

- Correct each other's errors.

- Develop communication or interacting skills

- Learn from facts/ failure

IV. Consolidation (3 mins)

- Vocabulary related to

- Reading skills: skimming, scanning, guessing the meaning of new words/phrases through context

V. Homework: (1 min)

- Vocabulary related to new ways to leaving school and choosing a career.

- Reading skills: skimming, scanning, guessing the meaning of new words/phrases through context

- Do the task again- Read Unit 9 - Speaking at home

E. Evaluation:





1. Language focus: Sts will be able to:

- For vocabulary: words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Speaking: Give a presentation about how to keep learning throughout life.

3. Attitudes - To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students: - Read through English Unit 10 - speaking at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. Pre-speaking

- Ask Ss to look at ex 1 and if they understand what to do.

- Ask students to do the ex.

- Ask Ss to read the conversation and the sentences (a-f).

- Ask Ss to complete the conversation with the appropriate sentences.

- Let Ss work individually, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answers as a class.

II. While speaking

- Have Ss fill the gaps with the expressions in the conversation, and then compare their answers in groups.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Member in each group brainstorm ideas and vocabulary and then rank them in the order of popularity and present them to the whole class.

- Get two or three representatives from different groups to go to the board and give their presentations.

- Ask the rest to listen to the representatives and take notes.

- Ask Ss to work in groups of three.

- Set a time limit for the group’s preparation and practice.

- Invite some groups to present their conversations to the class.

- Do not stop Ss to correct their mistakes.

- Encourage them to speak freely and just give comments on things such as Ss’ ambitions and dreams about future jobs.

I. Pre-speaking. How to keep learning throughout life

- Work in pairs

+ Choose something of interest

+ attend professional conferences, seminars, and training courses

+ apply knowledge in everyday life

+ make a plan

+ put thoughts into action

1. Ex 1. Fill in the gaps in the presentation with some ideas in 1, and then complete its outline.

- Pair work.

1. choose something you’ll really enjoy learning about

2. make a plan

3. put your thoughts into action

II. While speaking.

Ex 2. Choose two ideas discussed in 1 or brainstorm your ideas to prepare a presentation about how to keep learning throughout life in 2.

- Group work.


- Pair work - show their (dis)agreement expressions and point out their explanation.

* Vocabulary

III. After speaking

Ex 4. Work in groups of three. Use the expressions in 2 to make a similar conversation to talk about your own ambitions and dreams.

- Group work - Students' choice may vary.

- Oral work.

IV. Consolidation (1 min)

- Vocabulary related to new ways to leaving school and choosing a career

- Speaking skills: making presentations; presenting in front of the class.

V. Homework: (1 min)

- Vocabulary related to leaving school and choosing a career

- Speaking skills: - How to keep learning throughout life

- Do the tasks again.

- Read Unit 10 - Listening at home.

E. Evaluation:





1. Language focus: Sts will be able to:

- For vocabulary: words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Listening: Listen for specific information about a successful lifelong learner.

- Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner.

3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students:- Read through English Unit 10 - listening at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

I. Warm- up

Use the picture in the textbook to introduce the listening lesson.

II. Pre- listening

- Ask Ss to look at the words and the meanings given, and then match the words with the appropriate meanings.

III. While- listening

- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.

- Check answers as a class.

- Ask sts to look at the names of the three interviewees, and the list of careers, and then make their own predictions for the career each of them does.

- Have Ss listen to the recording and match the career with each interviewee

IV. After- listening.

- Have Ss compare their answers in pairs.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to look through all the statements and guess the answers based on their first listening.

- Have Ss listen to the recording again and decide if the statements are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG)

Wrapping – up:

- Ask Ss what they catch through the listening text.

I. Warm- up:

- Oral work

Match the word (1-5) with their meaning (a-e)

1. d2. a3. e4. b5. c

II. Pre- listening:

- Individual work

Guess the answr to questions.

Underline key words in sentences in ex 3.

III. While- listening.

- Individual and then pair work.

Ex2: Choose the best answer.

The aim of this activity is to introduce new vocabulary items which will help Ss to understand the listening exercise.

Key: 1. B2. D3. C4. B5. A

Ex 3. Listen again and decide if the following statements are true (T), or false (F).

This activity helps Ss to practice listening for specific information.

Key: 1. F2. F3. T4. F5. T

IV. After- listening.

- Group work.

Ex 5. Work in groups of three. Ask and answer about lifelong learner they know.

The aim of this follow-up activity is to provide opportunities for Ss to express their viewpoints in freer communication practice.

- Who she is/- how she learns/ - why she learns

V. Consolidation (3 mins)

- Vocabulary related to the topic of new ways to learn

- Talk about your gender equality in your local areas

- Listening skills

VI. Homework: (1 min)

- Vocabulary related to leaving school and choosing a career

- listening skills: - the positive and negative points of some careers.

- Do the tasks again.

- Read Unit 9 - writing at home.

E. Evaluation:





1. Language focus: Sts will be able to:

- For vocabulary; words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills:

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 10

- Writing: Write a description of a bar chart about barriers to lifelong learning.

3. Attitudes:

- To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher: - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through English Unit 10 - Writing at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

A. Warm -up

- Inform the class of the lesson objective: writing a job essay of description to describe barriers to lifelong learning.

B. Pre-writing.

- Ask Ss to read the chart.

- Fill in the gaps.

- Answer any other questions ss may ask about the suggestions.

- Ask Ss to read the advertisement and make a list of the personal qualities and experience they may need for the job.

- Help them with different types of transformation writing.

III. While you write.

- Get two Ss to write the essay on the paper.

- Have Ss write their drafts individually and then exchange their writing with a partner for peer feedback.

- Encourage Ss to make revisions.

- Collect some of the Ss’ final drafts and give written comments.

- Write Ss’ typical errors on the board and elicit self - correction and peer -correction.

D. After you write

- Give them oral feedback after all.

- For short text, ask Sts to revise their writing according to their peer’s suggestion.

A. Warm –up - Oral work

Ex 1. Complete the sentences describing the five barriers.

B Pre-writing.

- Oral work.

Ex 2: Read the job advertisement. Make a list of the qualities and experience you may need for the job.

The aim of this activity is to provide a job advertisement for Ss to analyse.

Suggested sentences

Lack of time was the second most important barrier.

Or Lack of time rank second in the chart of the barriers which inhibit lifelong learning.

1. showed/ picked2. the second rate

3. interviewed/ asked4. accounted for

5. A minority/ A very small number

C. While you write.

- Pair work.

Ex 3: Write a description in the form of an essay of around 150-180 wordsbasing on the suggestions.

The bar chart shows the results of a survey of approximately 500 employees about barriers to lifelong j[ learning. The survey found that there are five barriers that prevent people from participating in lifelong learning. However, these barriers are not equally important.

Lack of finances is rated by most of the survey participants as the most important factor. More than three quarters (77%) of those who responded to the survey reported that it was their main problem. The second important factor is the lack of time. This was identified as a barrier by 66% of the research participants (almost two-thirds)

Two more factors were picked by about one-fifth of the participants. These were the unawareness of the importance of lifelong learning (22%) and the irrelevance of the subjects available (20%). A small minority of participants reported a lack of interest in learning (10%).

In conclusion, the top two factors that prevent employees from participating in lifelong learning are lack of finances and lack of time. It is clear that priority must be given to them when encouraging employees to pursue further education

D. After you write

Feedback and correction

- Group work- Oral work

IV. Consolidation (3 mins)

- Vocabulary related to lifelong learning

- Writing skills: write a description.

V. Homework: (1 min)

- Writing skills: rewrite a description of lifelong learning

- Do the tasks again

- Read Unit 10 – communication and culture

E. Evaluation:





1. Language focusSts will be able to:

- For vocabulary; words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills- Reading; - Speaking; - Listening; - Writing.

- Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner.

3. Attitudes - To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through English Unit 10 – communication and culture at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities

Summer jobs

- Ask Ss to look at the four pictures and brainstorm some ideas about the lifelong learner

- Play the recording for Ss and ask them to fill in the gaps.

- Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their answers.

- Based on their first listening, ask Ss to look at the questions and answer them as best they can.

- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and tick and write notes in the space given.

- Have Ss compare their answers in groups.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask pairs of students to answer the questions.

- Tell the pairs to discuss how the answers.

- Ask Ss to do the ex.

- Have them read the passage first, then ask them if there are any new words they need.

- Have Ss read the questions and answer them in pairs.

- Ask Ss to compare their answers.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions.

- Invite some pairs or individuals to present their ideas in front of class.

- Encourage other Ss to give comments.

I. Communication: Oral work

1. Listen to Peter, Jane, and Mary talking about their summer jobs. What does each person do? Write his/her job under each picture.

This activity will help Ss to practice listening for specific information.

Key: 1. continuous self-motivation 2. Travelling and work

3. Writing words, glancing at them 4. reading in libraries

- Oral work

Ask and answer the given questions.

a. How many languages could uncle Ho speak?

b. How did he learn them?

c. How long did he learn them?

II. Culture.

Life-long learning in Australia and Singapore

- Do the task in pairs.

Ex 1. Read the text about a year out and answer the questions that follow.

This activity aims to provide Ss with more knowledge about the practice of taking a year out, also known as a gap year as practiced by young people in UK.


1. To increase individual income and employment security; to help businesses and organizations to be more competitive; to keep up with global development.

2. To get a good job and meet their employers’ demands.

3. To build the future and strengthen social security.

4. It enables Singaporeans to actively take responsibility for their learning throughout their lives by attending various courses.

- Work in pairs and do the task.

Ex 2. Discuss the questions with a partner.

- This follow up activity provides an opportunity for Ss to relate the text content to their situation in Vietnam

The Vietnamese government should organize national competitions./ disseminate general as well as specified knowledge among people.

4. Consolidation (3 mins)

- Talk about lifelong learning in Vietnam

5. Homework: (1 min)

- Talk about disadvantages of lifelong learning and Read Unit 10 - Looking back and Project at home

E. Evaluation:





1. Language focus

- For vocabulary; words and phrases related to the characteristics of lifelong learning.

- For pronunciation, get to know intonation of questions.

- For grammar, conditional clauses - type 3, mixed conditionals of type 2 and type 3.

2. Skills- Reading; - Speaking; - Listening; - Writing.

- Develop listening skills and talk about a lifelong learner.

3. Attitudes - To help Ss get started for Unit 10 with the topic lifelong learning.

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher- Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through English Unit 10 – Looking back and project at home


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (omitted)

3. New lesson (40 minutes)

Teacher’s activities

Students’ activities


- Play the recording and let Ss listen and recognize the intonation of the sentences. Then, put Ss in pairs to practice reading the sentences.

- Get their oral practice.

- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

- Give them a feedback.

- Have Ss complete the sentences with the correct words/phrases given in the box.

- Ask Ss to compare their answers in pairs

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to complete the sentences with the correct forms of the phrasal verbs given.

- Have Ss work individually and then compare their answers with their partners.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask them if anyone has a different answer.

- Give them a feedback.


- Ask Ss to make a complex sentence from each pair of sentences using the words provided.

- Have Ss to work in pairs and write down the sentences.

- Check the answers as a class.

- Ask Ss to do the survey.

- Let Ss to present the findings in front of the class.

- Get the peer correction.

- Give them a feedback.


- Oral work

a- Pronunciation

1. Listen and mark the intonation patterns on the questions.

- Do as assigned

+ rising tune+ falling tune+ rising and falling tune

2. Practice these conversation.

- Work in pairs

b- Vocabulary

- Work individually and then in pairs t do peer correction.

Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words/phrases in the box.

Key: 1. Self-motivation2. pursuit/ pursuit

3. self-directed4. life-long learner

5. improving6. flexible

7. professional8. voluntarily

c- Grammar.

Ex 1. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in the brackets.

Key:1. Life-long learning will be successful if the learner is self-motivated.

2. If that school provided better educational materials, the students would be more interested in life-long learning.

3. If the life-long learn programmes had started earlier this year, I could have arranged my schedule to attend some of them.

4. If he had not kept learning while working here, he would not be the director now.

5. If you do not develop leadership skills, you will have difficulties in working with your staff.

6. If I had followed your advice on professional training, I would have got a higher salary.

7. If he had completed the previous management course, he would be recruited to the team now.

8. If we had taken online course, we would have saved more time.


1. Work in groups. Interview classmates on lifelong learning using a questionaire.

2. Report the result to the class. Prepare to debate the negative points of the topic your group has chosen with other groups.

3. Comment on their friend's presentation.

+ ideas+ fluency/ pronunciation and stress

+ accuracy+ gesture+ miming+ preparation

+ co-operation

III. Consolidation (3 minutes)

- Unstressed words in the sentences

- phrasal verbs

- Vocabulary related to the topic: lifelong learning

IV. Homework (1 minute)

- Unstressed words in the sentences

- Vocabulary related to the topic: lifelong learning

E. Evaluation:
