Giáo án Tiếng anh 12 Unit 1: Life stories mới nhất



A. Objectives:

1. Language focus:- To introduce the overall topic of Unit 1: “Life Stories”, lexical items related to people’s life stories, homophones, revision of the past simple vs. the past continuous.

- To check students’ comprehension thorough True / False

- To provide Ss with a chance to express their opinion about their choice.

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 1

2. Skills: - To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 1.

- Reading: Reading for specific information in an article about Life stories.

- Speaking: Talking about a historical figures.

- Listening: Listening for specific information.

- Writing: Write a life stories.

3. Attitudes: - To help Ss get started for Unit 1 with the topic "Life stories"

- To provide Ss some motivation

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, papers and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Warm up(5 minutes)

Answer some lead-in questions.

1. Who is your favourite singer / footballer /…?

2. Why do you like him / her?

3. Look at the picture on page 6 and answer questions: Do you know who they are? What do you know about them?

Possible answers: 1. My favourite singer/ footballer is Sơn Tùng/ David Beckham.

2. I like Sơn Tùng most because he not only sings beautifully but he is also really handsome. I like David Beckham very much because he both plays football excellently and is manly.

3. I have no idea about the first photo. The second is Michael Jackson, a popular American singer and dancer. The third one is a good cook / chef. And the last one is two students. May be they are talking about the three people just mentioned.

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

Activity 1:Listen and read (15 minutes)

- Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation.

- Play the recording

- Ask Ss listen to the recording and read the conversation.

+ Steven Paul “Steve” Jobs (February 24, 1955 – October 5, 2011) was an American entrepreneur, marketer, and inventor, who was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.

+ Michael Joseph Jackson (August 29, 1958 – June 25, 2009) was an American singer, song writer, record producer, dancer, and actor.

+ Christine Ha (May 9, 1979) is an American chef, the first blind contestant of the TV show Master Chef and winner of its third season in 2012.

Activity 2:Read the conversation again. Decide whether the statements are T or F. (12 minutes)

- Ask Ss to work individually and finish the task

- Ask them to exchange their answers with a partner.

T (Quang says he hasn’t decided between Steve Jobs and Michael Jackson.)


F (Hung thinks Michael Jackson was a great dancer, but not an excellent singer and his singing voice became weak and thin in his later years.)

F (Quang says M. Jackson’s music inspired him to learn to play a musical instrument.)

T (Quang says Christine Ha won the US Master Chef trophy in 2012. Hung says Christine is a blind chef and a gifted writer, very talented and determined, and it was absolutely amazing to watch her use all the kitchen tools and prepare the dishes.)

T (Hung says Christine is a blind chef.)

Activity 3:Discuss with a partner.

If you were Quang, who would you choose to talk about, Steve Jobs or Michael Jackson? Why?

- T has Ss read the question and discuss their answers with a partner; elicits some answers and writes the best ones on the board.- Ss discuss in pairs and answer the questions.

Possible answers:

1. If I were Quang, I would choose to talk about Steve Jobs because he is amazingly talented - he was an entrepreneur, marketer, and inventor, who was the co-founder, chairman, and CEO of Apple Inc.

2. If I were Quang, I would choose to talk about Michael Jackson because he was a wonderful singer, a professional dancer, a great song writer, a leading record producer, and a popular actor.

Activity 4: Find the words in the conversation that have

the same sounds as the following.

- T explains briefly to Ss that many English words (or combinations of words) may have the same pronunciation, but different spellings and different meanings. They are called homophones.

1. too_____ 2. eye_____ 3. sea______4. one______ 5. no______

Feedback: 1. two 2. I 3. see 4. won 5. know

Activity 5: Read the conversation again and write the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets.

This activity focuses on revision of the past simple and the past continuous.

- T asks Ss to give the correct tenses of the verbs in brackets first, and then has Ss read the conversation to check their answers.Feedback: 1. became, wasn’t2. felt, was creating

T <--> Ss

Whole class


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss


and pair work

T <--> Ss

3. Consolidation (2 minutes)

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

T <--> Ss

4. Homework (1 minute)

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to life stories.- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus: - To provide learners some language items in Unit 1

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to people’s life stories

- For pronunciation, that is homophones in connected speech

- For grammar, the use of the past simple vs. the past continuous and use of articles

2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes: To encourage Ss to work harder,to provide Ss some motivation

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Homework(3 minutes)

Tell about the person you admire.

What’s his / her name? What does he / she do? What is he / she famous for? Does he / she inspire you to do anything? What is it?

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

A. Vocabulary: (8 minutes)

Activity 1: Write the words given next to their meanings.

- T asks Ss to match the words with their meanings

- Ss read the words and their definitions in the box and then do the matching.

- Ss give the Vietnamese meanings of these words and then practise pronouncing them.

- T checks answers as a class.

Feedback: 1. Figure: hình ảnh2. Talented: có tài

3. distinguished: lỗi lạc, xuất chúng 4. Achievement: thành tích

5. respectable: đáng kính trọng6. perseverance: tính kiên trì

6. generosity: lòng bao dung

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in 1.

- T asks Ss to pay attention to the grammar when using the words in 1. When using a noun, Ss need to consider its suitable form (singular or plural).

- T has Ss complete the sentences individually, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- Ss complete the sentences with the correctforms of the words in 1. Then compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Feedback: 1. distinguished 2. talented3. achievements

4. respectable 5. generosity

2. Pronunciation: Homophones (10 minutes)

Activity 1: Listen to pairs of sentences. Write the correct words in the gaps.

- T asks Ss to study the Do you know…? box and practise saying the pairs of homophones using the correct pronunciation; tells Ss that they are going to listen to the recording and write the words they hear in the blanks; asks Ss to read the two sentences a and b carefully, and decide on the part of speech of the missing words.

- T checks answers as a class.

- Ss study the Do you know…? Box; listen to the recording and write the words they hear in the blanks; Ss work in pairs, discuss the meaning of each word and choose the correct one for each sentence.


2. a. allowed

3. a. write

4. a. new

b. aloud

b. right

b. knew

5. a. here

6. a. been

b. hear

b. bean

Activity 2: Listen and repeat the sentences in 1.

- T plays the recording again and has Ss repeat each sentence chorally; asks Ss to read the sentences in pairs.

2. Grammar: The Past Simple vs. the Past Continuous

Activity 1: Underline the correct word (8 minutes)

- T has Ss review the use of the past simple and the past continuous; asks Ss to look at the Remember box and draws their attention to the examples and asks them guiding questions: In the first example, which verb indicates an action in progress? Which verb indicates a shorter action that interrupts it? What kind of action does the second example indicate? Why is the adverb “always” used?

- Ss listen to the tape again and repeat the sentences chorally.

- Ss read the sentences in pairs.


1. went, was having2. met, was traveling

3. was working, was, were4. shared, was always taking

5. called, was doing, did not hear6. was constantly asking, was

7. requested, was composing8. joined, was then leading

Definite articles and omission of articles

Activity 2: Complete THE gaps with the where necessary. If an article is not necessary, write a cross (O). (6 minutes)

- T asks Ss to study the Do you know…? box and draw their attention to the special cases (use of the and omission of articles).

- T asks Ss to complete the gaps with the or a cross (O) if an article is not necessary.

- T has Ss compare their answers with a partner.

- Ss look at the Remember box and pay attention to the examples.

- Ss read each sentence carefully and decide which action is in progress and which one is a shorter action that interrupts it.

- Ss complete the sentences.


1. the

2. the, the

3. O, O

4. O

5. the, O, the

6. the, O, O, the, the

7. O, the, O

8. the, O

Indefinite articles

Activity 3: Complete the gaps with A, AN or a cross (O) if an article is not necessary.

- T asks Ss to study Do you know…? box.

- Ss study the Do you know…? box.DO YOU KNOW…?

The definite article THE is generally used before a singular or plural noun when we talk about a specific thing or action.

Examples:The dog that bit me ran away.

They like the films directed Steven Spielberg.

- T asks Ss to complete the gaps with an indefinite article or a cross (O) if an article is not necessary and draw their attention to sentences 7 and 8, in which the nouns (ice cream, coffee) can be countable or uncountable.

- Ss read the sentences carefully and underline the nouns / noun phrases after the gaps.


1. a

2. O, a

3. a

4. O, a, O

5. O, a

6. a, O, a

7. O, an

8. a, O

Activity 3: Read the following story and complete each gap with an article. Write a cross (O) if an article is not necessary.

- T tells Ss that to do Activity 4, they need to consider whether to use a definite article, an indefinite article, or no article at all for each gap in the story; asks Ss to read the whole story first to understand the context before completing the gaps; has Ss compare their answers with a partner.

- T checks answers as a class.


1. a

2. O

3. a

4. a / the

5. the

6. O

7. the

8. the

9. a

10. the

11. a

12. a


Pair work

T <--> Ss


Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work


Ss <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss


T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

3. Consolidation (2 minutes)

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

Expected answers: I can use: Homophones in connected speech

The past simple vs. the past continuous and use of articles

T <--> Ss

4. Homework (1 minute)

- T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

- Complete Exercises in workbook.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to scan a text for specific information about two people’s life stories and carefully read it for more detailed information through completing the/ a table with correct information and answering questions.

- To teach Ss new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.

1. Language focus: To provide learners some vocabulary related to people’s life stories.

2. Skills: - To promote Ss to develop their reading skills

- Skim the text to get the general idea

- Scan the text to get some specific details

3. Attitudes:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:



1. Check up (8 minutes)

Choose the correct words from the box to fill in the blanks.

- T has 2 Ss do this on the poster hang on the board.

- Other Ss observe and give comments.











1. You should have a ______ now. You’ve been working non-stop for four hours.

2. Bryan’s got an ankle sprain, but I believe______ overcome his injury to win the gold medal.

3. Alex said his day was very busy, and he just wants some______ and quiet now.

4. Angela______ a stone into the river.

5. Blue______, the most popular clothing item in the world, were invented by Jacob Davis.

Feedback: 1. break2. he’ll3.peace 4. threw 5. jeans

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson (12 minutes) Giving back to the community

Activity 1:Discuss with a partner.

Who do you think the people in the pictures are? What do they need? What can you do to help them?

Use the words under the pictures to answer the questions.

Picture a: flood/ food/ shelterPicture b: shabby classroom/ study equipment

Picture c: cancer/ care/ comfort

Who and what they need

a. flood victims who need food and shelter

b. students studying in a shabby/ dilapidated classroom who need study equipment and a decent place to study

c. young cancer patients who need care and comfort

What to do: a. donating money, rice, old clothes

b. donating books, money

c. visiting them and giving gifts, organising different activities

Feedback: The answers vary.

Activity 2: Read two people's life stories and complete the table with facts about them. (12 minutes)

- T tells Ss that they are going to read the life stories of 2 people and complete the table with facts about them.

- T checks answers in pairs and then as a class.



Larry Stewart

Le Thanh Thuy










Health problem


bone cancer

Dedicated life to...

the needy

young cancer patients

Activity 3: Find the words or expressions in the text that have the following meanings. Write them in the correct spaces. (10 minutes)

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and asks them to read the definitions.

- Ss read the definitions and find the words or expressions.


the needy: người thiếu thốn ['ni:di]reveal: bộc lộ, tiết lộ [ri'vi:l]

anonymous [ə'nɒniməs] vô danhamputate ['ӕmpjuteit] cắt chi

memory: trí nhớ ['meməri]initiate [i'niʃieit] khởi xướng

Activity 4: Read the stories again. Answer the questions.

- T asks Ss to read the stories individually again and answer the questions by writing complete sentences or just taking short notes; has Ss work in pairs, taking turns to ask and answer the questions. - T checks answers as a class.

Feedback:1. Every Christmas, Larry handed out thousands of dollars to needy people in public places.

2. Because he gave money to people during the festive season of December while his identity was hidden.

3. People have been inspired to continue his mission of kindness and charitable work.

4. Thuy organised charity activities to relieve young cancer patients’ pain.

5. She was awarded the title “HCM Outstanding Young Citizen”.

6. The newspaper organises annual events to support her program. One of them is the Sunflower Festival, where children and their families get together and have fun. Gifts are given to the young patients, and the memory of Thuy is kept alive by retelling the story about love and sharing.

Activity 5: Discuss with a partner.

Have you ever taken part in the Sunflower Festival to support Thuy's Dream Programme?

- T has Ss work in pairs and discuss the questions. - If Ss have never heard of Thuy’s Dream Programme or the Sunflower Festival, T encourages them to search the Internet for information before they answer question b.

Possible answers:

No, I didn’t.

I’d like to do it in the future. I’d paint portraits/ make sunflowers /perform chicken dance to help. I would like to do these things in order to ease cancer patients’ sufferings.

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

3. Consolidation (2 minutes)

- Summarize the main points of the lesson

T <--> Ss

4. Homework (1 minute)

- Ask students to learn by heart the new words.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:

..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................UNIT 1. LIFE STORIES


A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to talk about some famous historical figures of Vietnam to be able to talk about a historical figure’s life story.

-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+Express their opinion about some famous historical figures.

+Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Check up

8 minutes

Look at the picture and say who he is.

Possible answer: He is Nguyen Trai, a famous historical figure of Vietnam.

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

8 minutes

13 minutes

13 minutes

A historical figure

Activity 1: Choose the correct sentences (a-e) to complete the conversation between two friends.

- T has Ss read the conversation quickly to get the main idea.

- Ss practise pronouncing new and difficult words.


Activity 2: Practise the conversation with a partner.

- T asks Ss to practise the conversation in pairs.

- Ss practise the conversation in pairs.

Activity 3: Choose one topic. Use the information below or your own ideas to make a similar conversation.

- T has Ss read the conversation again and complete the information about Nguyen Trai.

- Ss choose one topic and make a similar conversation.

Feedback: Conversation 2

John: Hi, Van. What are you doing? Why are you talking to the mirror?

Van: Well … I’m practising for the storytelling contest next week. I want to see my expression while I’m speaking.

John: I see. The topic is the life of a historical figure, isn’t it?

Van: That’s right. I’ve decided to talk about Le Quy Don.

John: Le Quy Don? Who is he?

Van: He was a distinguished philosopher, poet, and encyclopaedist ([en,saikləu'pi:dist] nhà bách khoa), he was responsible for a large number of encyclopaedic ([en,saikləu'pi:dik]), historical and philosophical ([,filə'sɔfikl]) works.

John: Wow! He is a real national hero. Do you know any stories about him? An interesting story will hold the attention of your audience and the examiners.

Van: Yes. This is an interesting story about him: When he was still a child, he created a poem, using words with double meanings to describe the characteristics of different types of snakes. The poem can also be interpreted as a lazy student’s self-accusation ([,ækju:'zei∫n]) and promise to study harder. He is respected for his sharp wit and wide knowledge.

John: Excellent. Can you read the poem to me?

Van: Yes, I’ll read it at the contest. Why don’t you come to the contest and listen to the poem?

John: OK, I will. I really want to know more about this famous man.


T <--> Ss

Group work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

Ss <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some questions:

What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss listen for specific information about a talk show on privacy and disclosure of people’s private lives.

- To provide learners some vocabulary related to the topic of life stories.

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Listen and do the tasks.

+ Develop the listening skills for specific details.

+ Talk about the topic of life stories

+ Identify specific information through multiple-choice task and question answering

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Check up

7 minutes

- Talk about a historical figure well-known in Viet Nam or around the world.

- 1 or 2 ss do as required in front of the class and other ss observe.- Other students observe and give comments.

- Feedback


T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

13 minutes

13 minutes

9 minutes

Learning from people’s lives

Task 1: Why are people often interested in the life of celebrities or famous people? Tick the possible reasons and add some more, if you can.

- T has Ss discuss the question with a partner; asks Ss to tick the reasons why people are interested in the life of celebrities or famous people.

- If necessary, T explains the meanings of some new words that Ss will hear (overwhelm, slander, take advantage of)

- Ss tick the possible reasons and add some more.

Feedback: Students’ answers

1. P2. P3. P4. P5. Ø6.Just for fun.

7. To show that they are well-informed.

Task 2: Listen to a talk show with host Cindy Brown and guest speaker Andy Lewis, a sociologist. Choose the best answer to complete each statement.

- T tells Ss to read through the statements and the answer options so that they have some ideas about what they have to listen for; helps Ss to identify the key words in each statement or option.

- Ss match the words with their definitions.

- Ss compare their answers.- T checks as a class.

Feedback: 1.B2.A3.C4.A

Task 3: Listen again. Answer the questions.

- T has Ss listen again for more specific details to answer the questions.

- T checks answers as a class

Feedback: 1. The audience should have life skills to protect themselves and to learn from other people’s lives.

2. We should ask ourselves two questions: “Why is this story told?” “What lesson can I learn from it?”

3. We can learn how to avoid making similar mistakes or how to adopt a new way of life so we can improve ourselves and become better human beings.

Task 4: Listen to the conversation again and choose the best answer A, B, or C.

- Ask Ss to listen again and do the task then compare the answer with their partner.

Key:1. C2. A3. B4. C5. B

Task 5: Do you agree with Andy that everyone’s life story like a book that can teach us something. Discuss with a partner.

What can we learn from a person’s life? Can we learn from his / her good or bad experiences or deeds?

Think about a famous person (for example Steve Jobs). What can we learn from his / her life?

- T asks Ss some guiding questions before they start the discussion. Some Ss present their answers before the class.


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

Group work



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to write about a life story.

- To teach Ss to develop ability to think in a logical way when rearranging sets of jumbled paragraphs to form a well-structured text.

-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Learn about the life stories.

+ Write about a life story.

+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Check up

5 minutes

Answer the questions:

1. Why shouldn’t we let other people take advantage of our stories?2. How can we learn from other people’s lives?

Key: 1. Because they may use our private lives for blackmail or slander … in order to harm our reputation or just for fun.

2. By reading reasons for a person’s failure or success may help us avoid similar failure or to adopt a new way of life so we can improve ourselves and become better human beings.


T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

12 minutes

8 minutes

13 minutes

4 minutes

Task 1: Read the story of a champion swimmer and complete the blanks. Use the words in the box.

- This activity aims to provide Ss with a sample story.

- T asks Ss to read the story and complete it.

- Ss read the story and complete the blanks.


4. overcome5. competed6. misfortune

Task 2: Put the following parts of the story in the correct order.

- T asks Ss to read through the list (a-g).

- Ss read through the list (a-g).

Possible answers: 1.e 2.a 3.d 4.c 5.g 6.b 7.f

Task 3: Use the given information to write another story of about 180-250 words.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the suggested ideas about Thu Ha.

- T collects some of Ss’ final drafts and gives comments.

- Ss discuss the suggested ideas about Thu Ha; write drafts individually, and exchange their writing.

- Ss make revisions, if necessary.

Suggested answer:Poverty is no shame

By Thu HaPublished: 06:00 GMT, 20 September

My parents died in a traffic accident when I was ten years old, so I grew up with my grandmother who was too old and weak to work. I had to leave school and did odd jobs to earn a living: selling lottery tickets, washing dishes and doing babysitting. When I was 15, my grandma encouraged me to attend evening classes, so I could improve my literacy and job prospects.

After lots of hardship and effort, I completed secondary school and passed a challenging exam to enter Medical University, which is the dream of many students. However, I could not pay the school fees and had to reject the offer. The door to a new life was closed before me. I was completely disappointed and saw only gloomy days ahead. Then something incredible happened: I was awarded a scholarship from the Thanh Nien newspaper for college students from poor families. This was really a turning point in my life because I could continue my university studies and hope for a better future.

Six years of hard work at the university and of trying to live on a very tight budget came to an end at last. Now I am working as a doctor at a hospital, but I will never forget those difficult days. I am planning to set up and run a charitable organisation to help poor students, as a way to acknowledge other people for supporting me.

I’ve told my own story hoping to encourage other people like me to overcome hard times. Don’t let poverty defeat you and destroy your hopes for a better future. This is my motto.

Task 4: Write your own story or the story of a person who has overcome hardship to become successful.

- This activity is optional.

- T has Ss do it in class if there is enough time, or lets them do it at home.

- T collects Ss’ drafts in the next lesson for further comments and grading.

Group work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss




2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- Write the text again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus:

- To provide learners some communication and cultural items

2. Skills:

- To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes:

- To encourage Ss to work harder.

- To provide Ss some motivation.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Understand and communicate about communication skills and cultural understanding

+ Talk about life stories.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Warm up

5 minutes

- Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill development

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

19 minutes

18 minutes

1. Communication: Family stories

Activity 1:Listen to An’s story. Complete the statements

- T tells Ss that they are going to listen to An’s story.

- T asks Ss to read the statements and underline the key words.

- T plays the recording once or twice for Ss to take notes.

- T has Ss work with a partner to compare their answers.

- T checks as a class.

- Ss listen, answer the questions and take notes.


1. people’s life stories 2. walking/well-known historical figures

3. unreal4. the countryside5. respect/ real

Activity 2: Discuss the questions in pairs.

- T has Ss read question 1 and asks them if they know what family stories mean

- T asks Ss to work in pairs and discuss the questions.

- Ss discuss the questions in pairs.

Suggested answers:Family stories should be told to children because this is the best way to teach children about the family’s history and traditions. Children will know more about their ancestors and feel strongly attached to their family. Moreover, when stories are told, everybody recalls memories of the past, which provides the best opportunity for family members to spend time together.

2. Culture:The creator of Sherlock Holmes

Activity 1: Read and decide whether the statements about it are true (T), false (F), or not given (NG). Tick the correct boxes.

- T has Ss read the text about Arthur Conan Doyle.

- T encourages Ss to compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks as a class.

- Ss read the text about Arthur Conan Doyle, and decide if the statements are true, false, or not given.

- Ss compare the answers in pairs.

Possible answers: 1. NG2. T (par. 2, lines 2…4)

3. F (par. 2, lines 5-6.) 4. T (par. 3, line 1)5. T (par. 4, lines 5-6.)

6. NG (A statue of Sherlock Holmes was built in London. => A statue of Doyle was built in Crowborough.)

Group work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

T <--> Ss


1 minute

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 1.

- To teach Ss some lexical items related to life stories.

- To give them a chance to do a small project in which they can develop speaking skills

- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:

+ Use the homophones in connected speech correctly.

+ Use some key words of the life stories.

+ Do the exercises on past simple and past continuous tense.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Warm up

5 minutes

Write the words having the given sounds.






- T has Ss work in groups to write (on posters) the words having the given sounds.

- Ss write (on posters) the words having the given sounds.

- T gives the feedback and leads to the new lesson.

Feedback: [breik] brake, break [sʌn] son, sun[bai] buy, by[diə] dear, deer[pi:s] peace, piece

Group work

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

7 minutes

10 minutes

10 minutes


Activity 1: Tick the word that does not have the same sound as the other two.

- T helps Ss review homophones (words or combinations of words that have different spellings and meanings, but the same pronunciation).

- T asks Ss to work with a partner to compare the answers.

- Ss say aloud the words in each group.

- Ss use a dictionary if they are unsure about the pronunciation.

- Ss read the sentences aloud.

Feedback: 1. brick 2. dare 3. wet 4. soon 5. greet6. bay

Activity 2: Listen and write the correct homophones to complete the sentences.

- T plays the recording and has Ss listen and complete.

- T asks Ss to repeat and has Ss spell the homophones.

- T has Ss practise saying aloud these sentences in pairs.

- Ss practise saying aloud these sentences in pairs.

Feedback: 1. wood, would2. bored, board, whether4. hole, whole


Activity 1: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words or phrase in the box.

- T asks Ss to read the instructions, do the activity individually.

- T checks answers as a class.

- Ss read the instructions, do the activity individually, and then compare their answers in pairs.

Feedback:1. historical figures 4. (a) reputation 2. respectable 5. dedication 3. achievement 6. (a) distinguished


Activity 1:Read the following story about Tran Quoc Toan. Put the verbs in brackets in the past simple or the past continuous.

- T has Ss read through the whole story about Tran Quoc Toan before deciding on the correct tense of each verb.

- T has Ss do the activity individually first, and then compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

- Ss read through the whole story about Tran Quoc Toan before deciding on the correct tense of each verb.

- Ss do the activity individually first, and then compare their answers in pairs.

Feedback:1. was2. began3. gathered4. was5. became6. was shouting 7. came8. gave9. ordered10.were discussing11. was still waiting12. got13. crushed14. began 15. managed16. were fighting17. was always dashing

Activity 2:These sentences are incorrect. Correct them,

adding articles where necessary.

- T asks Ss to underline the nouns or noun phrases.

- T has Ss do the activity individually first, and then compare.

- T checks answers as a class.

- Ss underline the nouns or noun phrases and decide if these words need an article or not.

Feedback:a (great time), the (USA) the (army), a (soldier), the (country) the (English) a (two-week holiday), the (Philippines) the (Louvre), a (boat trip), the (Seine), a (warm hat), a (new coat), a (pair of woolen gloves), the (bank), the (supermarket), the (theatre), the (way), the (rush hour), a (taxi)


Activity 1: Your group is going to take part in the PublicSpeaking Contest organised by your school on the topic:

A famous person you admire”.

-Ss work in groups of four.

- T allows Ss one week to collect information about a famous person, write his / her profile, and organize their presentations.

Each group member chooses a famous person, creates his / her profile, and gives a presentation about this person.

Feedback: Charlie Chaplin

1. Where and when was he/she born? 16 April 1889 in London

2. Where did he grow up? In London

3. What is he famous for? an English comic actor and film-maker

4. Something interesting facts about him:

- worked mainly in the US/ - appeared as a humorous character with a small moustache, a bowler hat, a walking stick, walked in a funny way with the backs of his feet together and his toes pointing out to the sides

5. Lessons to learn from his/her life story:

During his childhood he lived in poverty and hardship but he tried hard to achieve success.


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Group work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

T <--> Ss


1 minute

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:
