Giáo án Tiếng anh 12 Unit 2: Urbanisation mới nhất



A. Objectives:

1. Language focus:

- To help Ss to know the overall topic of Unit 2: “Urbanisation”, some vocabulary related to urbanisation and its features

- To check students’ comprehension thorough True / False

- To help learners get started with some language items in Unit 2

2. Skills:

- To help learners get started with 4 skills in Unit 2.

- Reading: Reading for specific information about urbanization and its causes.

- Speaking: Discussing key features of urbanisation and expressing opinions.

- Listening: Listening for the advantages and disadvantages of urbanization.

- Writing: Describing a line graph about the rate of urbanisation.

3. Attitudes:

- To help Ss get started for Unit 2 with the topic "Urbanisation"

- To provide Ss some motivation

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan, pieces of papers and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Warm up

5 minutes

- To think of as many words related to urbanisation as they can.

- Give the words by pronouncing them aloud or write them.

Possible answers: + city, urban, areas, problems,

+ advantages, disadvantages+ solutions, overpopulation, etc.

- T leads to the new lesson

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

7 minutes

10 minutes

8 minutes

12 minutes

Activity 1:Listen and read

- T shows Ss the pictures in the textbook and asks ss some questions.

- Ss look at the picture and do the guessing as required.

- T asks Ss to read the instructions and predict what the two friends will be talking about in their conversation.

Who are the boy and the girl?What are they talking about?

Suggested answers:They are Nam and Lan.

I think they are talking about urbanisation. They will probably be talking about how they will organize the information for their presentation about urbanisation.

- T plays the recording.

- Ss listen and read the conversation silently.

Activity 2:Answer the questions.

- Ask Ss to work individually and finish the task

- Ask them to exchange their answers with a partner.

- T has Ss read the questions and find the answers.

- Ss read the conversation again and answer the questions.

Feedback: 1. They are discussing the outline, structure and content of their presentation on urbanisation.

2. Next Friday.

3. It’ll be 15-minute presentation, followed by a five-minute Q&A session.

4. It will cover the definition of urbanisation, its causes, and its main advantages and dis-advantages. It will also refer to urbanisation in Viet Nam.

5. No, because that would make their presentation too long and overload listeners with lots of information.

6. Students’ answers

Activity 3:Match the words in box A with the words in box B to form the compound adjectives that are used in the conversation.

- Ss read the words in the boxes and do the matching.

- T has Ss give the Vietnamese meanings of these words.

Feedback: 1. five-minute (Lan 2)2. well-known (Lan 7)

3. thought-provoking (Nam 4)

Activity 4: Complete the sentences, using the correct forms of the verbs in the box. Then find them in the conversation.

- T asks Ss to read the conversation again and complete.

- Ss do as required

Feedback: 1. be2. focus3. talk4. talk5. include

- T explains the subjunctive structure to Ss.

Notes: It is recommended that

I suggest that

S + advised thatS + Inf

It’s important that

It’s really necessary that

Activity 5: Work in pairs. Ask and answer the following questions.

- T has Ss ask and answer the questions in pairs.

- Ss work in pairs first then they present their opinions freely.

- Talk about urbanisation in their hometowns or local areas.

Possible answers:

1. I live in an urban area. There are a lot of things that I like about it: we can enjoy good living condition and health care, various forms of entertainment, efficient transport, plenty of job opportunities.

2. If a lot of people have moved in or out of our area, there will be traffic jams. This will lead to traffic accidents because we don’t have enough good road systems. It also results in lack of security because we are shortage of policemen.

T <--> Ss

Whole class


T <--> Ss



Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask Ss to learn by heart the words or phrases related to the topic- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus:

- To provide learners some language items in Unit 2

- For vocabulary, that is words and phrases related to urbanization

- For pronunciation, that is diphthongs in connected speech

- For grammar, that is the form and use compound adjectives and the subjunctive.

2. Skills:

- To promote Ss to develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Homework

3 minutes

Ss ask and answer the questions. Others listen and give comments on their answers.

1. Do you live in an urban/ rural area? What you like about it?

2. Do you know if a lot of people have moved in or out of your area? What are the reasons?

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

5 minutes

7 minutes

12 minutes

15 minutes

A. Vocabulary:

Activity 1: Look at the conversation in Getting Started again. Match the words in the conversation with the appropriate definitions.

- T has Ss go through the words and the meanings provided.

- T encourages Ss to read through the conversation again.

- T asks Ss to match the words with the definitions individually, and then compare their answers in pairs or groups.

- T checks the answers as a class.

Feedback: 1. c(sự đô thị hóa)2. f (cung cấp quá nhiều)

3. a(sự công nghiệp hóa)4. e (thuộc nông nghiệp)

5. d(không chú ý nữa)6. b (nạn thất nghiệp)

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words in 1.

- Ss exploit the contextual clues that can help to figure out the answers. For example, the use of the adjectives increased and the verb form after the gap suggests a noun.

- Ss complete the sentences with the correct forms of the words.

Feedback: 1. urbanisation2. overload3. switched off

4. agricultural5. industrialisation6. unemployment

Compound adjectives

Activity 1: Match a word on the left with a word on the right to make a compound adjective.

- T has Ss work individually first.

- T encourages Ss to refer to the Do you know …?

- Ss do the matching as required.

- T checks answers as a class.

Feedback: 1. weather-beaten (dày dạn nắng gió) 2. well-paid (được trả lương cao) 3. long-lasting (lâu dài)4. year-round (quanh năm) 5. worldwide (khắp thế giới) 6. downmarket (phục vụ giới bình dân)

Activity 2: Complete the text below with the compound adjectives given in the box.

- To complete the text with appropriate compound adjectives.

- T has Ss work individually first.

- Asks Ss to work in pairs or groups, and compare their answers.

- Ss complete the text with the compound adjectives given.

- Ss work in pairs or groups, and compare their answers.

- T checks answers as a class.

Feedback:1. weather-beaten2. long-term 3. well-paid

4. fast-growing 5. up-to-date

2. Pronunciation: Diphthongs

Activity 1: Listen to the conversation and pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined parts.

- T has Ss listen to the conversation and pay attention to the pronunciation of the underlined parts.

- T has Ss refer to the Do you know …?

- T checks if Ss pronounce these diphthongs correctly.

- Ss listen to the conversation.

- Ss refer to the Do you know …?

Activity 2: Now listen to the conversation in 1 again.

- T has Ss write the diphthongs as headings of 8 columns.

- T lets Ss listen to the conversation in 1 again.

- T asks Ss to practise the conversation with a partner.

2. Grammar: The subjunctive in that-clauses aftercertain verbs and expressions

Activity 1: Complete the sentences, using the correct form of the verbs in brackets

- T encourages Ss to refer to the Do you know …? box to get more information about the subjunctive.

- T asks Ss to compare their answers in pairs.

- T checks answers as a class.

Feedback: 1. (should) get2. (should) be cleaned3. (should) work4. (should) be allowed5. (should) attend

6. (should) not look down on

Activity 2: Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. Use the appropriate forms.

- T asks Ss to complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.

- T asks Ss to check answers in pairs or groups.

- T checks answers as a class.

- Ss complete the sentences with the verbs in the box, using the appropriate forms.

Feedback:(should) study/ (should) be told/ (should) obey

(should) be returned/ (should) search / (should) be searching

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss



Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


Ss <--> Ss

T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss


T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

- Summarize the main points of the lesson.

Expected answers: I can use: Homophones in connected speech

The past simple vs. the past continuous and use of articles

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- T asks Ss to do exercises again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson. - Exercises in workbook.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to scan a text for specific information about urbanization and its causes.

- To teach Ss new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.

- To develop reading skill through deciding true-false and answering questions.

- To learn new vocabulary by finding words or expressions with the definitions given.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Check up

8 minutes

Find parts of speech of family words.

- Then T has Ss give their Vietnamese meanings.

- Ss find the words as required.


Part of speech

Vietnamese meaning



thuộc đô thị












ngoại ô




T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

12 minutes

17 minutes

5 minutes

Activity 1:You are going to read a text about urbanisation. Predict whether the statements are true (T) or false (F).

- T elicits Ss’ answers, encouraging all different predictions. T has Ss explain their predictions.

Activity 2: Read the text and check your predictions in 1.

- T has Ss scan the text & compare their predictions in 1, checks answers as a class and asks Ss to give the clues from the reading text which help them to work out the answers.

- Ss read an advice column and the questions.

- Ss choose the best summary of each reader’s problem.


1. T (Before the 1950s, urbanisation mainly occurred in more economically developed countries (MEDCs).)

2. F (Since 1950s, urbanisation has grown rapidly in LEDCs (Less Economically Developed Countries))

3. T (People migrate to urban areas on a massive scale due to lack of resources in rural areas.)

4. F (The standard of living in urban areas will be higher than in rural areas)

5. T (The urban population will continue to grow and it is expected that its proportion will increase to 70% by 2050.)

Activity 3: Find the words in the text having the followingmeanings. Write the words in the space provided.

- T has Ss study the meanings, and go back to the reading text.

- T checks answers as a class.

Feedback:1. expanding2. counter-urbanisation

3. doubled4. increase5. migrate

Activity 4: Read the text carefully. Answer questions.

- This activity helps Ss to practice reading for details and specific information.

- T asks Ss to look at the questions quickly and underline the key words.

- T checks answers as a class.

Feedback:1. It’s a process by which urban areas grow bigger as more and more people leave the countryside to live in towns and cities.

2. MEDCs stands for more economically developed countries. LEDCs stands for less economically developed Countries.

3. Before the 1950s, rapid urbanisation took place in Europe and North America because it was the period of industrialisation in these areas.

4. After 1950, urbanisation started to grow rapidly in LEDCs.

5. Some of the “push” factors of urbanisation are lack of resources in rural areas, bad weather conditions, and competition from large agricultural companies.

6. Because they have to suffer bad weather conditions and competition from large agricultural companies.

7. Some of the “pull” factors of urbanisation are the centralisation of resources such as money, services, wealth and opportunities as well as the higher living standards of these areas.

Activity 5: Discuss with a partner.

Has your area been affected by urbanisation? How?

- This follow-up activity enables Ss to personalise the topic.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to share their experiences; invites several pairs to share their experiences with the rest of the class; encourages other Ss to ask follow-up questions.

- Ss work in pairs to ask and answer their guiding questions.

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Summarize the main points of the lesson

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- Ask students to learn by heart the new words.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To teach Ss to talk about the features of life in big cities

- To teach Ss to practise sharing and giving responses to new information.

-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+Express their opinion about some features of life in big cities

+Perform their viewpoints to other people in real life.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Check up

8 minutes

Put the words/ phrases in correct columns.

Advantages or Disadvantages of living in big cities.



air pollutionbetter transport service

good educationhigh cost of living

higher standard of living jobless

job opportunities noisy

overcrowded slums

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

8 minutes

13 minutes

13 minutes

Life in big cities

Activity 1: Read a conversation between two friends about life in big cities. What features do they mention? Are they positive or negative?

- T lets Ss practice the conversation in pairs.

- Ss complete the table with the correct information.


Positive features

Negative features

+ There are more employmentopportunities

+ People have chances to get high-paying jobs.

+ People’s standard of living is higher.

+ Big cities are overcrowded and overpopulated.

+ Many people are jobless / unemployed.

+ Some people live in slums.

Activity 2: Look at these features of city life. Decide whether they are positive or negative. Can you think of other features?

- T lets Ss work in pairs to decide whether the given features are positive or negative. - T checks answers as a class.



job opportunities, efficient services


noisy, densely populated, traffic congestion, severe shortage of housing, air pollution


higher rate of crime (–), stressful (–), social and cultural integration (+), sports facilities (+), better schools (+)

Activity 3: Discuss the positive and negative features of city life and decide if you want to live in an urban or rural area. What are your reasons? Present your group’s decision to the whole class, using the ideas in 2 and the example below.

- T sets a time limit for the group’s preparation and practice; invites some groups to present their ideas to the rest of the class; encourages Ss to give feedback on things such as interesting content, original ideas, fluency of speech.

- Ss work in groups to do as required.

Possible answers: Another example for reference

All members of our group think that rural life is better than urban life. We all agree that the cost of living is much cheaper in rural areas. People are also more friendly and helpful. We can live in an environment with little or no pollution. In addition, the crime rate is fairly low compared to the city. The only problem is that people have little access to modern facilities and technology. It is important that the government invest more in rural areas so that people there can have the same opportunities as people in the cities.


T <--> Ss

Pair work

Ss <--> Ss

Group work

Ss <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Summarize what they have learnt by asking Ss some questions:

What have you learnt today? What can you do now?

T <--> Ss


1 minute

- Ask students to learn by heart the expressions.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To develop Ss’ skill of listening to a passage about the advantages and disadvantages of urbanisation.

- To help Ss understand general ideas and specific details to answer questions.

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Listen and do the tasks.

+ Develop the listening skills for specific details.

+ Identify specific information through multiple-choice task and question answering

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Check up

7 minutes

- T. has Ss discuss the pros and cons of urbanisation

=> Ss’ answers. (Suggested: + opportunities for better-paid jobs + access to schools, hospitals and other social services + higher standard of living. – more crime in big cities – unemployment may result in robbery, kidnapping, murder and other illegal activities – shortage of housing, decrease in agricultural and food production …)


T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

10 minutes

13 minutes

12 minutes

Task 1: Look at the following statistics about urbanisation and then answer the questions

- T asks Ss to look at the statistics and describe any trends that they notice.

- Ss answer the questions.

Suggested answers: The urbanisation rate has been increasing steadily over the past 30 years. / In 2030, nearly two thirds of the population will live in urban areas. Urban areas become very crowded. A lot of people in the cities are not able to find jobs. Some people have to live in slums with poor sanitation.

Task 2: Match the words with their meanings (group work)

- T asks Ss to look at the words and the meanings given.

- Check answers as a class

Key: 1.d2.e3.a4.c5.b

Task 3: Listen to a talk about urbanisation and choose the title for it.

- Ss look at the three options and make their own predictions for the title of the talk that they are going to listen to.

- Listen to the recording and choose one of the 3 options given.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups

- T. checks answers as a class

Key: B

Task 4: Listen again and choose the best option to complete the sentences.

- Ss read the sentences and predict the information needed in each gap.

- T. gives Ss sufficient time to listen to the recording so they can extract the information needed and select the correct choice.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups

- T. checks answers as a class

Key: 1. A2. B3. C4. C5. A

Task 5: Read the sentences in 4 again. Do you agree or disagree with them? Give examples to support your point of view.

- Ss discuss the questions in groups.

– T. encourages groups to reach an agreement on each question.

- T. asks some groups to present their discussions to the rest of the class.


T <--> Ss

Group work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Ss <--> Ss

Group work



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To develop Ss’ skill of writing a description of a line graph about trends in urbanisation.

- To provide Ss with the language and sentence structures used to describe trends.

-By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Learn about the life stories.

+ Describe a line graph about the rate of urbanisation.

+ Develop the writing skills in general. Build up vocabulary supported for writing.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Check up

5 minutes

Asks Ss to talk about the advantages and disadvantages of urbanization.

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

10 minutes

8 minutes

15 minutes

Task 1: Match the phrases in the box with the graphs (1-6)

T. asks Ss to match the phrases given in the box with the appropriate graphs.

Key: a.rise/ increase steadilyb. fall/ decrease sharply

c. stay the same/ remain stable/ level offd. fluctuate

e. rise / increase sharplyf. fall / decrease steadily

Task 2: Rewrite the sentences without changing their meaning

- T. asks Ss to study the examples given and rewrite.

- Ss rewrite the sentences and check their answers in pairs.

- T. checks answers as a class.

Key: 1. There has been a dramatic rise in the migration of young people to big cities.

2. Due to shortages of jobs, the population in rural areas has decreased in the last 10 years.

3. There was an increase of over 30% in the urbanisation rate in Indonesia from 1969 to 2009.

4. The rate of urbanisation in South Korea rose sharply during the period between 1969 and 1989.

5. There was a slight decrease in the urbanisation rate in this city during the economic crisis in 2008.

Task 3: The line graph below shows the urbanisation rate in South Korea and Indonesia. Write a description (of about 150 words) of the trends in the graph.

- T. asks Ss to write the first draft of their line graph description.

- Ss revise their drafts based on their partners’ comments.

- T collects Ss’ final pieces of writing for checking and marking.

Suggested answer: The line graph shows the rate of urbanisation in two countries, namely Indonesia and South Korea, from the mid-1960s to 2009.

In the mid-1960s, the rate of urbanisation in Indonesia was about 17%, followed by a slight increase of 3% in 1969. Then the rate remained stable at around 20% for a ten-year period from 1969 to 1979. In the next fifteen years, there was a steady rise in the rate of urbanisation in this country. From 1995 to 2009, Indonesia’s urbanisation rate increased sharply, reaching over 50%.

South Korea’s urbanisation rate was about 30% in 1969, roughly 10% higher than that of Indonesia. The rate went up sharply throughout the next thirty-year period to about 82% in 2005, and then levelled off towards 2009.

In conclusion, it is clear that while both countries experienced a growth in their urbanisation rate, in South Koreait almost doubled by the end of the period.

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Focus on the form of a biography

- Ask Ss to complete the writing at home and collect

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?What can you do now?

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- Write the text again at home.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

1. Language focus:

- To provide learners some communication and cultural items

2. Skills:

- To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes:

- To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation

- By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

+ Understand and communicate.

+ Talk about urbanisation in Bangkok.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, lesson plan and pieces of papers.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Warm up

5 minutes

Inform the class of the lesson objectives: Further skill development

T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

18 minutes

19 minutes

1. Communication: The urban world in 2050

Activity 1:Listen to a talk about predictions for life in cities in 2050 and choose the correct option in each of the following sentences.

- T tells Ss that they are going to listen to a talk.

- T asks Ss to read the statements and underline the key words.

- Ss listen, answer the questions and take notes.

Activity 2: Discussion

1. What is sustainable urbanisation?

2. Which of these processes can contribute to sustainable urbanisation?

a. Better urban planningb. Efficient infrastructure

c. Increased water, air and industrial pollution

d. Lack of exercisee. Equal access to educational resources

3. What do you think the government and local authorities should do to ensure sustainable urbanisation in Viet Nam?

- T asks Ss to practise asking and answering the questions.

- Ss work in groups.

- Take notes of their partners’ answers, their ideas if necessary.

Key:1. Sustainable urbanisation is an urbanisation process that ensures better urban planning, efficient infrastructure, equal access to educational resources and other facilities.

2. a, b, e3. Students’ answers

2. Culture:Urbanised Bangkok

Activity 1:Look at the two photos of Bangkok, Thailand. What aspects of city life do they show?

- T. asks Ss to look at the two pictures and encourage them to talk about the aspects of an urbanised Bangkok.

Suggested answers: It is a fast-growing city. The first picture shows modern Bangkok with its improved infrastructure and high-rise buildings. The second one shows the other side of urbanisation, such as the growth of slums and urban poverty.

Activity 2:Read the text about urbanisation in Bangkok. Answer the questions:

- T asks Ss to read the text individually to get an overall idea about its content, read the questions and underline the key words.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups

Key: 1. Bangkok plays an important role in Thailand. It has been a capital city for over 200 years. The growth of Bangkok is the world’s window on the growth of Thailand.

2. It has brought about economic, social and cultural benefits.

3. The drawbacks include the growth of slums, social issues such as drugs and crime, traffic congestion, and environmental pollution.

Activity 2:Discussion: If you had the opportunity, would you migrate to a city like Bangkok? Why/ Why not?

- Ss work in pairs or groups to express their opinions.

- T. encourages all Ss to answer the question.

- Ss present their opinions to the class

- T. gives appropriate feedback whenever needed.

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Group work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Pair work


Group work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?What can you do now?

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:




A. Aims and Objectives:

- To help Ss pronounce revise what they have learned in unit 2.

- To teach Ss some lexical items related to urbanisation.

- To give them a chance to do a small project to develop their speaking skills

- To help Ss review and recognize the diphthongs in connected speech.

- To help Ss consolidate the use of compound adjectives and revise the subjunctive

- To provide further opportunities for Ss to use the language, skills and information.

- By the end of the lesson Ss are able to:

+ Use the diphthongs in connected speech correctly.

+ Use some key words of urbanisation.

+ Do the exercises on compound adjectives and the subjunctive.

B. Preparations:

- Teacher: Handouts, textbook, pieces of papers, lesson plan and cassette.

- Students: Textbook

C. Methods:

- The whole lesson: Integrated, mainly communicative.

D. Procedures:




1. Homework

5 minutes

Find the words which have the following phonetic transcription.

1. / ɡrəʊθ /: ……………2. / reɪt /: ……………

3. / səˈrndɪŋ /: …………4. / kəmˈp(r) /: ………

5. / prəˈvd /: ………….6. / sɪˈvɪəli /: …………

- T gives Ss handouts and asks Ss to find out the words.

- Ss do the task individually and exchange the answers in pairs.

- T gives feedback.1. growth2. rate3. surrounding

4. compare5. provide6. severely


T <--> Ss

2. New lesson

7 minutes

10 minutes

7 minutes

3 minutes


Activity 1: Listen to the words containing diphthongs and put them in the correct box.

- Listen to isolated words containing diphthongs and put them in the correct box, compare their answers in pairs or groups

- T. checks answers as a class.

Key: /eɪ/: age, nation/aɪ/: style, mine/ɔɪ/: destroy, noise

/əʊ/: grow, hope/aʊ/: crowd, proud/ɪə/: here, near

/eə/: there, wear/ʊə/: poor, sure

Activity 2: Listen and mark the diphthongs. Then practise saying the sentences with a partner

- T. plays the recording and has Ss circle the diphthongs.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs

- T. checks answers as a class

Key: 1/ played, eight, years (/eɪ//eɪ//ɪə/)

2/ nine, hours, without, break, tired


3/ Despite, environmental, air, (/aɪ//aɪ//eə/)

4. noise, remains, dangerous(/ɔɪ//eɪ//eɪ/)


Activity 1: Underline the correct word in each sentence.

- T asks Ss to underline the correct word in each sentence.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups.

- T gives feedback.

Feedback:1. urbanisation2. industrial3. urban

4. risen5. off

Activity 2: Complete the sentences, using the compound adjectives in the box.

- T asks Ss to go through the compound adjectives in the box.

- Ss complete the sentences with these compound adjectives.

- Ss compare their answers in pairs or groups

- T gives feedback.

Feedback: 1/ off-peak2/ upmarket3/ thought-provoking

4/ never-ending5/ day-to-day


Activity 1:Complete the following sentences, using the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Ss work individually, and then compare their answers in pairs or groups.

T. gives feedback and further explanations if necessary.

Feedback: (should) organize/ (should) be divided/ (should) call/ (should) be given/ (should) support


Activity 1: Choose a city or a country, and find out how it has undergone urbanisation. Think about how to organise your information.

Ss work in groups of 4 to discuss the guiding questions and brainstorm their ideas

T. encourages groups to prepare an outline for their presentation. Ss practise their presentation in groups


T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss

Pair work

T <--> Ss


T <--> Ss

Group work

T <--> Ss



2 minutes

- Ask Ss to consolidate the main contents.

- Ask Ss: What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

T <--> Ss

4. Homework

1 minute

- T asks Ss to learn the structures and vocabulary.

- Prepare for the next lesson.

T <--> Ss

E. Evaluation:
