Giáo án Tiếng anh lớp 12 Bài Review 4( Unit 9,10 ) mới nhất

REVIEW 4 (UNIT 9, 10)


1. Language focus        - To help students revise what they have learned in Unit 9,10

- To give them a chance to practice

2. Skills      - To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher  - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through Review 4


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (5 minutes) - Ask some Ss to go to the board do the tasks again

3. New lesson (35 minutes)



Language - Vocabulary

1. Use the correct form of the word in the box to complete the sentences. A word may be used more than once

Ask Ss to do the task then exchange the result with their partner

Language - Vocabulary

Do as appointed

1. careers                  2. apprenticeship

3. pursue                   4. professional

5. flexible                 6. options

2. Complete the following table. Then use the words in the table to complete the sentences

Ask Ss to do the task then exchange the result with their partner

* Do as appointed

1. full-time              2. self-learning

3. textbooks           4. life long

5. self-directed      6. workforce


3. Listen to part of the conversation below and mark stressed syllable

* Do as appointed

Ask Ss to do the task then exchange the result with their partner


4. Work with a partner. Practise asking questions and giving answer

Ask Ss to do the task then exchange the result with their partner


Do as appointed

1. to cut down on                  2. will think back on

3. to talk back to                   4. dropping out of

5. come up with                    6. keep up with

5. Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in the box

Ask Ss to do the task then exchange the result with their partner

Do as appointed

1. A person will not be able to adapt to changes in life and work unless he or she becomes a lifelong learner.

2. Lifelong learning has become so important in our lives that various courses and programs have been designed and developed to meet our needs.

3. Minh doesn’t read as many books as Kieu (does)

4. He acts as if he were/ was a career adviser.

5. If you don’t keep up with new technology, you’ll be left behind at work.

6. Tom studies harder than Jane (does)

6. Use your own ideas to complete the sentences below

Ask Ss to do the task then exchange the result with their partner

Do as appointed

1. … if you could help me to plan my career.

2. …, he couldn’t/ wouldn’t have done so many things in his life

3. …he will earn more money.

4. … she wouldn’t have achieved this level of success.

5. … he would make his lessons more interesting.

6. … he would now be able to work with new technologies.

4. Consolidation (3 mins)       - Revise what Ss have learnt in Unit 9,10

5. Homework: (1 min)  - Revise what Ss have learnt in Unit 9,10

E. Evaluation:


REVIEW 4 (UNIT 9, 10) (continued)


1. Language focus       

- To help students revise what they have learned in Unit 6, 7, 8

- To give them a chance to practice

2. Skills      - To develop their communication skills and cultural understanding

- To help Ss develop the skill of working in pairs and groups

3. Attitudes - To encourage Ss to work harder

- To provide Ss some motivation


1. Teacher  - Teaching aids: textbook, lesson plan

- Teaching method: Communicative language teaching

2. Students - Read through Review 1


1. Class organization (1 minute)

2. Check up (5 minutes)          - Ask some Ss to go to the board do the tasks again

3. New lesson (35 minutes)



SKILLS - Reading

Lifelong learning: Why?

1. Read the text about lifelong learning

2. Read the text again and answer the questions

Ask Ss to do the task then exchange the result with their partner

SKILLS - Reading Do as appointed

1. They need to learn new skills and keep improving them throughout their lives because of the astonishing speed of technological development.

2. LLL means the continuous accumulation of an individual’s knowledge and skills.

3. It includes learning that happens in formal and organized settings like schools and universities, and very often leads to certificates or degrees.

4. Non-formal learning is learning gained in planned activities, whereas informal learning is learning acquired from daily life activities.

5. Apart from knowledge, skills, and learning experiences, it builds up systems of values necessary for all individuals.

6. With their skills, abilities, and ideas knowledgeable individuals make communities more productive and creative, and contribute to their country’s development and prosperity.


Career planning steps

3. Work with a partner.

Ask Ss work in pairs to do the task


Do as appointed. Discuss the career planning steps below. Which one is the most important to you?


Lifelong learning: good or bad?

Ask Ss to do the task then compare the result with that of their partner


Do as appointed

1. T   2. T    3. T     4. F        5. NG     6. NG

4. Listen to a talk about lifelong learning. Decide whether the statements are TRUE, FALSE or NOT GIVEN


A letter of application

Ask Ss to do the task

6. Write a covering letter of around 180 words, applying for the job in 5.


Do as appointed

5. Read the job advertisement in the newspaper Viet Nam News and think about the qualities and experience you may need for the job.

4. Consolidation (3 mins)       - Revise what Ss have learnt in Unit 9, 10

5. Homework: (1 min)   - Revise what Ss have learnt in Unit 9,10

E. Evaluation:
