Giáo án Tiếng anh 11 Unit 3: Becoming Independent mới nhất

Period 19:


Part 1: Getting started

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- getting to know the topic of becoming independent, the vocabulary related to being independent, and the grammar points of the unit: to-infinitives after cetain nouns and adjectives.

2. Skill

-Listening, reading, speaking

3. Attitude

- be raised an awareness of being independent.

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






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2. Previous lesson check: No

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities



- shows Ss some pictures and ask Ss to answer the questions

Ss Look at the pictures and answer the questions.

T elicits answers from students, encourages different interpretations

Lead in: These people are doing the work without being paid for it. What do you call this kind of work?


In our lesson today, you will know about volunteer activities

- asks Ss to guess what the conversation might be about by reading the title “An independent person”

- T asks Ss some questions about the conversation: “What areMai and Lan talking about?”

-Ss can guess the content of the conversation

- play the recording.

- listen and read the conversation at the same time.

- ask Ss to underline vocabulary related orthe grammar points which appear in the dialogue.

- lets Ss read the questions first, then read the conversation again to answer the questions

Ss work in pairs to practice asking and answering the questions

- Ss report their answers

- check if they have any difficulty in understanding the conversation.

- refer the conversation to get clues for their answers

- check Ss’ answers and encourage Ss to give their opinions to answer the question6

- ask students to look through the task then work individually to finish the task

- work individually to finish the task

- ask them to work in pairs to compare and check their answers

- call some students to give the answers then give the correct answers

- tell Ss to take a quick look at the conversation to find the sentences with To-infinitive after certain adjectives and nouns, underline them and then write down

- Ss work in pairs

- Check their answers and give the feedback.

* Questions:

1. Whatwords come up to your mind when you think of an independent person?

2. Doesan independent person often ask for help when doing things?

3. Can she do things for herself?

1. Listen and read

-Topic: an independent person

- Vocabulary: reliable, determined, confident,…

- Grammar: To- V

2.Answer the questions:

* Expected answers:

1. Because Minh doesn’t rely on other people for help and isn’t influenced by other’ people’s opinions

2. Because he always completes his tasks on time, and never needs to be reminded about assignments and other schoolwork.

3. He tried hard and spent the whole night an a hard Maths problem when most student in the class had given up.

4. He always tries to find solutions to his problem and seldom needs help from others.

5. Responsible, reliable, self-reliant, decisive, determined, well-informed andconfident

6. Ss’ own answers

3. Match each word with their definitions

1. d

2. e

3. b

4. c

5. f

6. a

4. Find the sentences with To-infinitive after certain adjectives and nouns in the conversation and write down them in the spaces below

1. It’s good to have a friend you can rely on.

2. Evan our Maths teacher was very surprised to read his answer.

3. His parents must be really pleased to have such a son.

4. But he still has time to read, …

5. It’s interesting to talk to him.

6. I really admire his ability to make decisions so quickly.

7. You’re lucky to have a close friend like him.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points: getting to know the topic of becoming independent, the vocabulary related and the grammar point to-infinitive

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 20:


Part 2: Language

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- vocabulary related to the topic, suffixes to form adjectives

- linking between a consonant and a vowel

- To-infinitives after adjectives and nouns

2. Skill

-Listening, reading, writing

3. Attitude

- be raised an awareness of being independent.

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






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2. Previous lesson check:

- act out the dialogue.

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities



T asks Ss to look at the pictures and write down adjectives to describe them

-Ssgive the adjectives (if they can’t, T give some letters to help them find out Adj. easily)

- T leads into the new lesson.

T explains to Ss what they are supposed to do

Sscan use dictionaries to look upwords to complete the table

T can point out the use of suffixes such as– ity, -ce, -ness, -tion as a word formation strategy

Ss speak out

T writes the corresponding word form on the board

- T asks Ss to work individually first

- Sswork individually

- T lets Ss work in pairs or groups to compare their answers

- Ss work in pairs or groups to compare their answers

- T calls some representatives to speak out their answers and explain them if T asks

- T gives feedback

T shows thepictures and has Ss read aloud the sentence

Ss read aloud

T elicits

T introduces how to link between a consonant and a vowel

T plays the recording for Ss to listen

T plays the recording again with pauses for Ss to repeat each sentence

Ss listen and repeat the sentences

Ss study The Yellow stick note

T asks Ss to work in pairs and take turns reading the sentences in rows

- Ss practice the sentences a few times.

- T invites some Ss to read the words and corrects their pronunciation

- T reminds Ss of To-infinitives after nouns/ adjectives

- T asks Ss to pay attention to sentences with TO- INFINITVE in GETTING STARTED

- Sswrite down and discuss how to TO- infitive used in these sentences.

- T gives feedback.

- Ss make some examples of their own.

- T gives explanations and provides help when necessary.

- Ss rewrite the sentences

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to check their answers

- T gives feedback and highlights TO- infinitive

- T lets Ss do the exercise individually

- Ss work by themselves

- T observes and helps them if necessary.

- T asks Ss to take turns reading the sentences aloud and then write them on the board.

- Ss read and writethe sentences

- T gives comments.

- T ask Ss to look at examples and do the exercise individually

- Ss work by themselves

- T observes and helps them if necessary.

- T asks Ss to take turns reading the sentences aloud and then write them on the board.

- Ss read and writethe sentences

- T elicits Ss’ answers about rules

- Ss study the rules given in the yellow box and give examples

- T explains the rules if necessary

- T lets Ss do the exercise individually

- Ss work by themselves

- T observes and helps them if necessary.

- T asks Ss to take turns reading the sentences aloud and then write them on the board.

- Ss read and writethe sentences

I: Vocabulary

* Activity 1: Complete the table with words that have the same roots as the adj. in the first column.

































* Activity 2: Complete the sentences with some of words from 1

1. reliable

2. confidence

3. well-informed

4. responsible

5. self-reliance

6. decisively

7. independence

II: Pronunciation (linking between a consonant and a vowel)

Ảnh đính kèm

- Linking between a consonant and a vowel is a very important feature of English as it helps preserve rhythm and makes the spoken language sound natural.

* Activity 1: Listen and repeat the following sentences, paying attention to the linking between the words.

- Linking can occur when a word ends in a consonant and the following word starts with a vowel. The consonant sound is linked with the vowel sound.

III. Grammar:

* Activity 1: To-infinitives after nouns/ adjectives

1. Form:

S + linking V + N/ Adj. + TO- infinitive

2. Uses:

We can use the to- infinitive after certain adj. to give a reason for the adj.

Eg: I’m happy to meet you again.

* Note:

We can use the to- infinitive after with IT and certain adj. to make a comment or judgment.

It + linking V + Adj. + TO- infinitive

Eg: It is interesting to talk to him.

(IT is the formal subject while the infinitive phrase is the real subject of sentence.

Eg: Talking to him is interesting

1. It’s good to have a friend you can rely on.

(It + linking V + Adj. + TO- infinitive)

2. Even our Maths teacher was very surprised to read his answer.(S + linking V + Adj. + TO- infinitive)

3. But he still have time to read….( S + linking V + N + TO- infinitive)

* Activity 2: To-infinitives after adjectives

1. The little boy was afraid to jump into the pool.

      2. She is proud to be the leader of the group.

3. The students were excited to hear that they had won the competition.

       4. My mother was very surprised to hear that I would take part in the storytelling contest.

        5. I’m sorry to disturb you.

* Activity 3: To-infinitives after Noun

1. It’s unreasonable to expect that everybody will understand.

2. It’s impossible to guess what will happen .

3. It’s easy to learn some simple sentences in English such as How are you? or Thank you.

3. His decision to take part inthe contest surprised all of us.

4. It’s necessary to take a map with you when traveling in a foreign country.

5. It’s possible for you to finish the project on your own.

* Note: We can use the to- infinitive after certain abstract nouns to say what action they relate to.

NOUN+ TO- infinitive

Eg: Your dream to become a teacher will come true.

* Activity 4: To-infinitives after Noun

1. You are not ill so there’s no need to stay in bed.

2. My teacher has the ability to make complicated things easy to understand.

3. His decision to take part in the contest surprised all of us.

4. I couldn’t get permission to go to the party.

5. I didn’t know about their plan to go to Nha Trang for the summer holidays.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

- vocabulary related to the topic, suffixes to form adjectives

- linking between a consonant and a vowel

- To-infinitives after adjectives and nouns

5. Homework:

- complete the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson.

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 21:


Part 3: Reading

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- time-management skills

2. Skill

-Reading: scanning, skimming

3. Attitude

- be aware of the importance of time-management skills

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






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2. Previous lesson check: - activity 3,4.

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


Warm upChatting

- T plays a video about time-management andask Ss some questions to set the topic of reading?

- Ss give their answers

- T encourages Ss to give different viewpoints

-T introduces the title of the reading text

Have Ss work with a partner


- Ss read the text quickly and choose the statement they think it’s the main idea of the text

- T goes around the class to help Ss with some difficultif necessary

- T asks Ss compare with the others.

- T doesn’t give feedback

- T asks Ss to read through the passage, check if the statements are true, false or no given, referring to the text if necessary.

- T asks them to underline the key words in the statements and relevant words/ phrases in the text

- Ss readthe text and underline the key words in the statements and relevant words/ phrases in the text

- Ss work individually to do the task, then discuss their answers with their partners

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers and asks them to give clues from the reading text

- T gives feedback

- T asks Ss to do this exercise individually, then compare with a partner

+ask them to scan the text to find answers to the questions.

+ let them highlight the keys words both in the questions and in the text.

+let them take turns asking and answering in pairs.- Ss do this task, then discuss their answers with their partners

- T checks Ss’ answers and give further explanation if necessary

- T asks Ss to look back at the textto locate the highlighted words

- Ss try to guess the meaning of each of the highlighted words, based on the context

- Some representatives read aloud their answers

- T checks Ss’ answers


- T has Ss work in groups of 4 to note down the time-management skills mentioned in the text

- Ss express giving opinions that they know

- Ss take turns speaking

- T joins some group and reminds Ss to take turns speaking

- T asks some representatives from groups to perform in front of the whole class.

- Feedback by listening to each other.

* Activity 1:

* Activity 2: Read the text and select the statement that expresses its main idea.

* key: D

* Activity 3: Read the statements. Decide if they are true, false or not given

1. NG

     2. F (However, the ability to be an independent person does not develop naturally.)

     3. F (…. You need a number of life skill to stop relying on your parents and older siblings.)

     4. T

     5. T

* Activity 4: Read the text again. Answer the questions.

     1. With good time-management skills, you don’t feel very stressed when exam dates are approaching; you can act more independently and responsibly, get better grades at school and have more time for family and friends.

      2. Write the things you will have to do on a planner or an app on your mobile device, and put time limits on them.

      3. So you can check them later.

      4. Decide what is important to you and give it the most of your time or add it to the top of your list.

      5. Once routines are developed, they take less time to do.

      * Activity 5: Work in groups.

- Making plans

- Prioritizing activities.

- Developing routines

Ảnh đính kèm

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

§Reading for general information and specific ideas about time-management skills.

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 22:


Part 4: Speaking

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary

2. Skill


3. Attitude

- be educated to raise their awareness of becoming independent

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






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…. / ….


2. Previous lesson check:

- activity 4.

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


Warm –up:


- T shows Sts the pictures and asks Ss how to manage their time?

- Ss look at the pictures and give their own answers

- T asks Ss if these skills are useful

- Ss comment

Lead in: These people are doing the work without being paid for it. In our lesson today, you will talk about local community development.

- T asks Ss to work in pairs to look at the table and discuss and match the skills with the appropriate reasons

- Ss discuss and match

- T goes around and help Ss when and where necessary

- Ss compare their answers with the others in groups

- T calls on some Ss to give their answers by reading aloud these activities and the reasons why they are important

- T checks Ss answers

- T asks Ss to read the conversation.

- Ss read and use the words in the box to fill in the blanks individually first.

-T has Ss work in pairs to role-play the conversation.

- Ss work in pairs and role-play

- T asks Ss to look at Activity 1 and decide on the three most urgent / important skills for themto in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary.

Ssmake a similar conversation as the one in 2

- T asks Ss to practice using Useful phrases in speaking

- Ss support reasons based on their own experience.

- T joins some pairs and help Ss when and where necessary

- T asks some pairs to practice speaking their dialogues in front of the class.

- Feedback by listening to each other.

- T asks some pairs to present their conversation

- Some pairs perform their decisions in front of the whole class

- Other Ss in the class may raise questions to ask the presenter for further explanation

- T asks the class to vote for the pair with the most interesting ideas.

- The pairhaving the most votes will be awarded by the teacher

Ảnh đính kèm

* Activity 1: The table below presents the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary.

1. d

2. f

3. e

4. a

5. g

6. b

7. c

* Activity 2: Lan and Minh are talking about what they think are the most important skills they need in order to become independent. Use the words in the box to complete their conversation. Then practice it in pairs

1. loneliness.

2. decisions

3. Interpersonal communication

4. communicate

* Activity 3: Work in groups. Look again at the activities in 1. Discuss and decide on the three most urgent / important things to do in your local area and explain why. (page 42)

Useful phrases:

- Our top/ first priority is …../ The most urgent / important things to do is………

- The second priority is …/ The second urgent / important things to do is………

- We consider ……. To be a priority …..

- We think ……is a priority task …..

- ……………. take/have priority over….

 Ảnh đính kèm

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

§Talk about the skills teens need to develop in order to become independent and the reason why those skills are necessary

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 23:



By the end of the lesson, Ss will be able to:

-Identify and correct some common mistakes.

-Assess their knowledge.

-Enhance attitude towards self-study and self-evaluation.

II. METHOD: Integrated

III. TEACHING AIDS: marked test papers


1.Class organization:






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2.Previous lesson check:

- Activity 4

3.New lesson:

- return the test papers with mark to Ss

- ask Ss to check their test papers and correct each sentence.

- Note structures, expressions and grammar

- call for Ss’ marks


-Summarize the main points of the lesson: Main points tested.


- Prepare for the next lesson: Unit 3-Listening

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 24:


Part 5: Listening

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- listen to a radio show of three grade 11 students for specific information.

2. Skill

-Improve Listening skill

3. Attitude

- be educated to be aware of how some parents help their children to become independent.

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






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2. Previous lesson check:

- No.

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


T tells the requirements of the task.

T asks the Ss to work in pairs.

Ss answer the questions and explain why

T introduces the title of listening: How parents help you become independent

Listen to check prediction

- T plays the recording and let Ss do the exercise

- Ss listen to the tape one more time and match the statements with the speakers.

- T calls on Ss to check their answers.

- Ss give clues fortheir answers

Listen for detailed information

- T asks Ss to read the questions carefully to make sure that they understand what is asked in each questions.

- T has them underline the key words if necessary.

- T plays the recordings once or twice.

- Ss listen then compare the answer with their partners.

- T invites representative from pairs to present the answer to each question to the class.

- T gives feedback and corrects if necessary.

- T has Ss work in groups of 4 to tell your group members whether you were brought up in the same way as Long, Tuan or Ming.

If Ss meet some difficulties finding ideas, T should help them with guided pictures

- T asks some representatives from groups to practice speaking in front of the class.

* Activity 1: Look at the photo and answer the questions:

- What are the people in the photo doing?

- Do you think the boy needs his father’s help to learn to ride a bicycle independently?

* Activity 2:. Listen to an interview on Life Skills., the most popular radio show for teens and parents, and match the statements with the speakers.

1. Long: b, f

2. Tuan: a, d

3. Minh: c, e

* Activity 3:Listen again and answer the questions

1. They didn’t let him to do any household chores and drove him to school until he finished Grade 9.

2. To voice (speak out) his opinion.

3. They focus on teaching him about responsibility.

4. If he does his responsibilities well, they give him a reward.

5. To do chores and follow a set routine.

6. He can make his own choices about these items.

* Activity 4:Work in groups. Tell your group members whether you were brought up in the same way as Long, Tuan or Minh.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

§improve listening skill and remember how parents help you become independent

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 25:


Part 6: Writing

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- useful language used in writing a letter requesting information

- know that tone is very important in writing

2. Skill

-Writing, reading

3. Attitude

- awareness of being independent

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






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2. Previous lesson check:

- activity 4.

T’s and Ss’Activities


- T asks Ss to list some kinds of letter

- Ss list

- T elicits Ss’ answers and introduces the new lesson

- T has Ss look at the advertisement for life skills course in Teenage Magazine answer the questions.

- Ss read the advertisement and read aloud their answers

- T elicits vocabulary using explanations and examples.

- T lets Ss repeat the new words in chorus, individual.

- Check Ss’ vocabulary using the technique Letter template

- T asks Ss to read the letter and find out the right order letter

- Ss read and discuss with their partner

- T checks Ss’ answer and inform this is a sample letter

- T asks Ss to read the problems and identify their signs one by one

- Ssreadand find signal words by themselves

- T lets Ss compare with their groups

- Ss share and compare their answers with their friends

- T checks Ss’ answer by asking Ss to read their answer aloud and correct wrong answers if there are any

- T makes surethat Ss know why they write the letter

- T explains to Ss that now they should pretend that they have one of the problems, and need to take a course to overcome their problem

- Ssread the sample letter again and write a letter asking for further information about the course they need to take.

- T asks Ss to have peer correction.

- T chooses some writings to correct them in front of the class.

- T makes a list of Ss’ common mistakes in their writings

Ảnh đính kèm 

Activity 1:

* Expected answers:

1. Courses that teach the skills people need to become independent.

2. Those who want to be independent /live on their own successfully.

3. The skills to overcome the feeling of loneliness.

4. A discount on the tuition fee.

5. Write to Ms Angela Brown

* Activity 2: Denise is interested in the life skills courses. Below is her letter asking for further information, but the parts are jumped-up. Put them in the right order according to the template.

1. d2. a3. f

4. b5. e6. c

* Activity 3: Match each problem and identify its sign

1. c, d

2. a, e

3. b, f

* Activity 4: Imagine that you have one of the problems above. Write a letter similar to the one in 2 to Ms Brown for advice on a suitable course and get further information about:

- course duration

- lecturer/ trainer

- starting date

- certificate

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

§improve writing skills.

§Know how to write a letter enqiuring about a training course.

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson.

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 26:


Part 7: Communication and culture

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- discussion about a father’s words to his son to work out what it means to be independent

-some information about American vs Vietnamese ways of raising children.

2. Skill

-Listening, reading, speaking

3. Attitude

- remember what their parents have done to help them to become independent

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __


…. / ….


2. Previous lesson check:

- check Ss’ writing.

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities



T asks Ss some questions to set the scene

Ss answer

T elicits Ss’ answers and introduces the new lesson

T writes : What it means to be independent

Ss speak their minds

T helps Ss understand this saying

- T elicits vocabulary using explanations

Ss read “A father tells his son”

Group discussion

- Ss work ingroups discuss 3 questions

- T calls some groups to ask them to perform in front of the whole class

- Other Ss can raise questions for the performers

- T gives comment

- T asks Ss to look at the picturesand raise the question “ Are there any differences between thee ways American and Vietnamese parents raise their children?

- Ss answer T’s question

- T elicits Ss’ knowledge about American vs Vietnamese ways of raising children.

- T tellsSs to read two passages about how American and Vietnamese parents raise theirchildren and answer the questions

- Ss read the questions first to find out key words in these questions

- Ss readthe passages on their own, find information to answer questions

- T asks Ss to compare with their partner

- T checks Ss’ answers

* General questions:

Have you ever listened to your father’s words? If yes, what did you do?


* Activity 1: Discuss the extract and prepare a short talk expressing your group’s opinion about it.


- gotta: have got to

- gonna: going to

1. What kind of person does the father want his son to grow up to be?

2. What’ does the father mean by saying: you got a dream, you gotta protect it. And you want something, go get it? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

3. What’ your dream? How do you protect it and make sure it will come true one day?



* Activity 1: Read two passages about how American and Vietnamese parents raise theirchildren and answer the questions

1. To teach their children to live independent.

2. To protect their children and to provide them with a happy and wealthy childhood.

3. They make them do things such as washing, cleaning and cooking for themselves from the time they are very small.

4. No. Vietnamese parents seldom ask for their children’s opinions before making family choices.

5. They show respect for them and let them voice their opinions on family issues.

6. After they get married.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

§improve listening, speaking and reading skills.

§learn about the differences between the ways American and Vietnamese parents raise their children and help them to become independent.

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson.

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 27:


Part 8: Looking back

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- review of unit 3

2. Skill

-Listening, reading, writing

3. Attitude

- being aware of the need to become independent

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __


…. / ….


2. Previous lesson check:

- activity 2: talk about the differences between the ways American and Vietnamese parents raise their children and help them to become independent

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities



- T plays a piece of song and asks Ss to take notes the words that link the final consonants and initial vowels.

- The winner is the person who has the most words in class

- T gives presents for the winner

- T leads into the new lesson.

- T lets Ss practice reading sentences

- Ss say the words linking the final consonants and initial vowels.

- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and helps Ss say these sentences correctly

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen to the sentences and repeat

- Ss listen and do the exercise, then cross check with their friends

- T checks Ss’ answers

T asks Ss to read the paragraph below and link the final consonants and initial vowels.

- Ss read and link

- T checks Ss’ pronunciation and helps Ssread correctly

- T plays the recording for Ss to listen to the sentences and check their answers

- Ss do this activity individually. Then compare their answers with a partner.

- T calls on Ss to give answers.

- Ss go to the board and write their answers.

- Tasks Ss to explain their answers if necessary and gives feedback

- T lets Ss remember how to combine the sentences, using To- infinitive

- T asks Ss to combine the sentences

- Ss do this exercise individually. Then compare their answers with a partner.

- Tasks Ss to write their answers on the board

-T has other Ss comment

- T checks Ss’ answers on the board

T asks Ss to rewrite the sentences using the nouns in brackets and To- infinitives without changing the meaning of the sentences

- Ss do this exercise individually. Then compare their answers with a partner.

- Tasks Ss to write their answers on the board

-T has other Ss comment

- T checks Ss’ answers on the board and gives explanation if necessary

I've been alone with you
Inside my mind
And in my dreams I've kissed your lips
A thousand times
I sometimes see you
Pass outside my door
Is it me you're looking for?
I can see it in your eyes
I can see it in your smile
You're all I've ever wanted
And my arms are open wide
'cause you know just what to say
And you know just what to do
And I want to tell you so much
I love you

I. Pronunciation

* Activity 1:Listen and repeat these sentences

1. He’s a teacher of English in an urban school.

2. My brother is well-informed about local issues.

3. Most Americans use some forms of discipline for their children

* Activity 2:Read the paragraph below and link the final consonants and initial vowels.

Being independent is being able to take care of yourself, and not having to rely on anyone else. That is what many young people strive for. However, the ability to live independent does not develop naturally: you need a number of life skills to stop relying on your parents and older siblings.

II. Vocabulary

Choose the words from the box to complete the following sentences

1. confident

2. well-informed

3. determined

4. decision

5. decisiveness

6. responsibly

7. Reliability

8. independent

III. Grammar

* Activity 1: Combine the sentences, using To- infinitive

1. Denis was happy to receive a letter from his mother.

2. Ann was so lucky to pass the exam.

3. It’s impossible to learn a foreign language in one day

4. The students are very keen to take part in the Green Day activities.

5. It’s necessary for you to develop habits that will keep your body healthy and clean.

6. We are relieved to hear that Helen is feeling better now.

7. It’s difficult to guess what will happen.\

8. It’s important to learn how to cope with loneliness.

10. Dave was very surprised to receive a birthday gift from an old friend.

* Activity 2:Rewrite the sentences using the nouns in brackets and To- infinitives without changing the meaning of the sentences

1. Their goal to win the first prize seems unrealistic.

2. Nobody knew about his dream to become a doctor.

3. Her failure to obey the school rules upset her parents very much.

4. Tania’s ability to speak three foreign language is amazing.

5. Tom’s attempt to persuade his parents to allow him to join the club failed.

6. He made an effort to overcome any difficulties by himself.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

    +Review of unit 3: pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson



Rewrite sentences, using It’s + adj./ noun + to-infinitive


1. Guessingwhat will happen is difficult.

2. Knowingwhen a rat will get loose is hard.

3. Doingthis project in 24 hours is impossible.

4. Takinga break twice a day is important

5. Working onyour own project is possible.

6. Beinghere is exciting

7. Gettingcold in the laboratory is likely.

8. Putting onyour lab coat is a good idea.   

9. Havingyou here is a pleasure.

10. Workingin this lab is an honor.

1. It's difficult for me to guesswhat will happen.

2. It's hard to knowwhen a rat will get loose.

3. It's impossible for us to do this project in 24 hours

4. It's important to takea break twice a day.

5. It's possible for you to work onyour own project.

6. It's excitingfor us to be here.

7. It's likely for it to getcold in the laboratory.

It's a good ideato put onyour lab coat.

It's a pleasurefor us to haveyou here.

It's an honorfor us to workin this lab.