Giáo án Tiếng anh 11 Unit 2: Relationships mới nhất

Period 10:


Part 1: Getting started

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- Getting to know the topic, some vocabulary related to relationships, and two grammar points: linking verbs and cleft sentences.

2. Skill

- Listening, reading

3. Attitude

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






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2. Previous lesson check:

- talk about the generation gap in your family

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


-Ask Ss to look at the picture and guess what the two people's relationship is and what they are talking or thinking about.

-Tell Ss that they are going to listen to a conversation between a student and her grandmother.

-Play the recording. Ss listen and read the conversation silently

-Ss read the statements about the conversation and decide whether they are true, false or not given.

-Have Ss work in pairs. Ask them to read the conversation again, and find the verbs that come before the words in the list. This activity helps Ss to discover the use of linking verbs with adjectives.

Activity 1:

Suggested answers

They are grandmother and granddaughter.

The grandmother is telling her granddaughter to focus on schoolwork, while the girl is thinking about romantic relationships.

Activity 2:

1.T (‘oh, one of my classmates’)

2.F (Mai tells her grandmother they're just friends and Nam is not her boyfriend.)

3.T (*... there's no real friendship between a boy and a girl.’)

4.T (Mai's grandmother went to a single-sex school.)


6.T (Mai tells her grandmother that all her classmates are very kind, caring and sympathetic.)

Activity 3:

1.get involved

2.feel bored

3.are very kind, caring and sympathetic

  sounds good

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points: Getting to know the topic, some vocabulary related to relationships, and two grammar points: linking verbs and cleft sentences

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 11:


Part 2: Language

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- Vocabulary related to relationships, Linking verbs and Cleft sentences, contracted forms of nouns/ pronouns

2. Skill

- Listening, reading, writing

3. Attitude

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __


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2. Previous lesson check:

- act out the dialogue

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


- Ask Ss to match the words or phrases with their meanings.

- Ask Ss to pay attention to the context in which the words or phrases in 1 can be used. When using a verb or a noun, Ss need to consider its suitable form (tense of verbs; singular or plural form of nouns).

- contracted forms in casual speech. Ask Ss to find the shortened forms of verbs and negative words (‘not’) and write their full forms in the space provided.

- Ask Ss to listen and underline the contractions or the full forms in the exchanges. Explain some of the rules for contracted forms. Check answers as a class.


a.Noun / pronoun, etc. + verbs

- The short form 's(=is/has) can be used after

nouns, pronouns, question words, here and there. The short forms'd (= had/would), 'll and 're are usually used after pronouns, some question words, short nouns, and there.

- Full forms are used at the end of a clause

(e.g. Yes, he is.) or when the speaker wants to emphasise some information, hence the primary stress on the full form (e.g. He HAS done it, not WILL do it.).

b.Verbs + not

-There are two possible contractions for negative expressions, e.g. She's not... /She isn't...

Negative contractions can be used at the end of a clause, e.g. No, they haven't

Play the recording for Ss to repeat chorally and individually

Explain to Ss that linking verbs are used to describe or identify the subjects of the verbs. An adjective or a noun can follow a linking verb, but the focus of the lesson is on the use of linking verbs with adjectives.

• First, have Ss choose a suitable verb for each sentence from the word box, and then ask them to use the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence.

Ask Ss to read the sentences carefully and identify the linking verbs.

• Explain to them that some verbs (appear, look, taste, smell, sound, and feel) can refer to an action (= action verbs) and be followed by an adverb.

Explain to Ss that cleft structures are used to
emphasise a particular part of a sentence.

It is... is used when the main verb is in the present tense, and It was... is used when the main verb is in the past tense.

• Ask Ss to put the underlined part (= the focus) in each sentence after It is/was...

Have Ss practise asking and answering the

questions in pairs. Tell them not to emphasise any of the words in the questions. Encourage them to stress the words in focus in the answers

I. Vocabulary:

Activity 1


1. have got a date2. break up

3. romantic relationship 4. argument

5. sympathetic6. lend an ear

7. be in a relationship8. be reconciled

Activity 2

1.lend an ear, broke up


3.romantic relationship a relationship, arguments

5.have got a date


II. Pronunciation

Activity 1

+ shouldn't - should not

+you're - you are

+we're - we are

+It's - It is

+there's - there is

+don't - do not

+he's - he is

+you'll - you will

+Didn't - Did not

+I'm-I am

Activity 2

1.will, I'll

3.He is, he's

4.we are, didn't

III. Grammar

Linking verbs

Activity 1

1. sounds2. grow/get

3. stay4. getting

5 seem6. look

Activity 2

1. unhappy2 warmly

3. suddenly4. excited

5. angry6. annoyed

7. awful8. quickly

Cleft sentences with It is / was ...that...

Activity 3

1.It was her sad story that made me cry.

2.It is you who are to blame for the damage. / It's you that is to blame for the damage.

3.It's hiking in the forest that we really enjoy.

4.It's your parents that / who you should really speak to when you have problems.

5.It's his dishonesty that I dislike the most.

6.It's Jim that / who Lana is in a relationship with.

7.It was at the age of 20 that he became successful as a famous writer.

8.It was in a nice coffee shop that they had their first date.

Activity 4

2. No. It was a smartphone that he gave me for my birthday

3. No. It's in Tokyo that I'm going to spend the holiday with my family

4. No. It's a lawyer that I want to become

5. No. It's his brother that / who earns 10,000 dollars a month

6. No. No. It's my friend that / who can speak three languages fluently

7. It's Ha that / who is in love with Phong.

8. No. It's at 8 a.m. (tomorrow) that we have a meeting

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points: Vocabulary related to relationships, Linking verbs and Cleft sentences, contracted forms of nouns/ pronouns

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 12:


Part 3: Reading

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

-Understanding a text about teenage relationship problems in an advice column and where people could seek advice when they have problems.

2. Skill

-Reading (skimming, scanning)

3. Attitude

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






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2. Previous lesson check:

- activity 1,2 (p21)

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


- Ask Ss to look at the people in the three pictures, paying attention to their body language. Have Ss work in pairs and guess what is happening to these people or how they are feeling.

-Tell Ss that they are going to read an advice column in a newspaper including readers'questions and a counsellor's replies.

Ask Ss to read the questions and replies quickly and find the main ideas.

Have Ss choose the best summary of each reader's problem


The part of a newspaper or magazine in which a counsellor gives advice to the readers who have sent letters about their personal problems is usually called an agony column. In British English, the person who gives advice is called an agony aunt or agony uncle.

Have 5s read the five definitions in this part. Ask them to find the words or expressions in the text to match with these definitions.

Have Ss work in pairs and practise asking and answering questions

- ask Ss to read the text again and find the answers to the questions

- Have Ss work in pairs to exchange their answers

- ask Ss to give answers orally

- check with the whole class

Have Ss discuss with a partner. Ask them some guiding questions before they start their discussion

Activity 1:

Suggested answers

Picture a. The teacher is returning students'papers. The boy is depressed because of his poor grades.

Picture b. Their relationship is breaking up.

Picture c. They're having an argument

Activity 2:


b (Van Ha: My friend betrayed my trust.)

c (Quang Nam: I don't have friends

Activity 3: on good terms with someone

2.take the initiative

4.engage in (a conversation)

5.drop out (of school)

Activity 4

1.They are close friends.

2.Ha told Hoa about her depression and her intention to drop out of school.

3.Because Hoa promised to keep Ha’s story secret, but then she told their teacher about it.

4.No. She tries to explain why Hoa told the teacher about Ha's problem, and advises Ha to talk to Hoa again.

5.He thinks he is short and fat, and girls don't find him attractive.

6.Because Nam does not have a good relationship with the girls in his class.

7.The counsellor advises Nam to focus on his studies, become an excellent student and learn how to start a friendly conversation with his classmates.

Activity 5

If you were Ha or Nam, would you feel pleased with the counsellor's advice?

If you were the counsellor, what else would you tell them?

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

Ask Ss:What have you learnt today?

What can you do now?

Elicit answers: / can understand a text about teenage relationship problems in an advice column. I know where people could seek advice when they have problems.

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 13:


Part 4: Speaking

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

-More information related to relationships, personal problems.

2. Skill

-Speaking: talking about personal problems; asking for and giving advice

3. Attitude

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __


…. / ….


2. Previous lesson check:

- Activity 4

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


Ask Ss to read the conversation quickly to get the main idea.Then they read it again and match the sentences (a-f) with the gaps (1-5) in the conversation.

Have Ss identify the main ideas in the conversation. Ask them to answer the questions

Ask Ss to practise the conversation in pairs.

Have Ss work in pairs, choose one topic and make a similar conversation.

Ask them to use the expressions when talking about problems, asking for advice and giving advice:

Ask Ss to work in pairs or groups. Have them take turns talking about the problems that they have had at school or at home (e.g. conflicts or misunderstandings between them and their friends, siblings, parents, or teachers), and what they did to deal with the problems.

Activity 1

     1.b          2.e

     3. d         4. a

     5. f         6. c

Activity 2:

She was chosen to take part in the English Public Speaking Contest in Da Nang, but her parents don't allow her to go there.They are worried because she has never been away from home.

Van advises Chi to ask their teacher to persuade Chi's parents

Activity 3+4

What's the problem?

What should I do?

have an idea...

Activity 5:

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points: talking about personal problems; asking for and giving advice

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 14:


Part 5: Listening

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

-listening to a talk show for specific information about relationships.

2. Skill

-Listening, speaking

3. Attitude

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __


…. / ….


2. Previous lesson check:

- talk about the problems that you have had at school or at home (e.g. conflicts or misunderstandings between them and their friends, siblings, parents, or teachers), and what you did to deal with the problems.

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


Have Ss discuss the questions in Activity 1 with a partner. Ask Ss some other guiding questions: Do you usually tell your problems or secrets to your parents? Are they willing to lend an ear? If you have a boyfriend or girlfriend, will you tell your parents about it?

Activity 1:

Suggested answers

- Yes, because my parents are sympathetic. They can give me some advice.

- No, because my parents are very strict and unsympathetic.

Ask Ss to listen to a talk show for specific details and choose the best option to complete each statement. If Ss cannot find the answer, stop the recording after the sentence containing the information for the answer.

Ask Ss to compare their answers with a partner.

Activity 3 focuses on listening for more specific information. Ask Ss to read the questions before listening, and underline the key words in each question.


Q1: main topic

Q2: teenagers, prepare for becoming adults Q3: what, parents do, children experience break-ups Q4: parents, strongly oppose, romantic relationships

• Play the recording without pausing. Ask Ss to listen, write down the answers, and then discuss their answers in pairs.

Ask Ss some questions before they start the discussion.

What is the purpose of a romantic relationship? Do people start a relationship just for fun or for a possible marriage?

• Tell Ss that the answers to these questions will help them to decide on the "right'age for a romantic relationship.

Activity 2:





Activity 3:

1.The talk show is about how teenagers and their parents deal with problems.

2.They need to learn to form safe and healthy relationships with other people (friends, parents, teachers and romantic partners).

3.Parents should offer a shoulder for their children to cry on and listen to them.

4.No. Because their strong opposition will make their children stop talking about

Activity 4:

Suggested answer

A person should start a romantic relationship when he / she is at an age or stage in life when he / she is mature enough, and is ready for a possible marriage. For this reason, the ‘right’ age can be different from person to person.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points: develop listening skill (for specific information) and get more information about relationships.

5. Homework:

- summarize the listening text.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 15:


Part 6: Writing

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

-teenagers'relationship problems with parents or friends.

2. Skill


3. Attitude

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __


…. / ….


2. Previous lesson check:

- activity 4

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


- Lead in: Inform the class of the lesson objectives

Explain to Ss that people now tend to write about recent events or any topics of interest and post their stories on the Internet (through social networking sites or online forums).

• Ask Ss to read through the posting and complete it with the words in the box.

The focus of this activity is on the different parts of the story posted to the teen forum. Ask Ss to read through the list (a-g) and put the parts in the order they appear in the online posting in 1.

.Explain to Ss that there are three topics for them to choose from. These topics are about teenagers'relationship problems with parents or friends. Encourage Ss to add more details when they write the story.

Ask Ss to write their drafts individually, and then exchange their writing with a partner for peer

feedback. Encourage Ss to make revisions, if necessary.

Collect some of Ss’ final drafts and give comments.

This activity is optional. Have Ss do it in class if there is enough time or let them do it at home. Collect Ss'drafts in the next lesson for further comments and grading

Activity 1:







Activity 2:

g 2.

c 3.

f 4.

d 5.

e 6.

a 7.

Activity 3:

Activity 4:

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points: write about teenagers'relationship problems with parents or friends

5. Homework:

- revise the writing.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 16:


Part 7: Communication & Culture

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- understanding about online friendship: the advantages and disadvantages of having online friends, and about the different ways of dating around the world

2. Skill

-Listening, reading, speaking

3. Attitude

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __


…. / ….


2. Previous lesson check:

- check Ss’ online posting.

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


This activity provides further listening practice. Explain to Ss that when

people use the Internet, they have a lot of opportunities to make online

friends from around the world.

Have Ss read the questions and underline the key words before listening.

Play the recording once or twice depending on Ss'level.

Ask Ss to work with a partner to compare their answers. Check answers as

a class.

Have Ss work in groups and discuss the questions.

• Ask the representatives of some groups to report their groups'opinions to the rest of the class.

Have Ss read the text about dating in some countries and write the information below the pictures.

• Ask them to look at the pictures carefully to find out what the people in the pictures are doing.

Ask Ss to read the text again to decide whether the statements are true, false, or not given.

• Have Ss compare their answers with a partner.

Have Ss discuss the question in pairs. After their discussion, ask some pairs to report their opinions to the class.

I. Communication:

1. Activity 1:

1.Hung can have more knowledge of different cultures and lifestyles because his online friends come from different places around the world.

2.He can contact his friends whenever he wants, as long as they are online.

3.Because he doesn't have to spend money on dinners, parties or cinema tickets.

4.The most important benefit of having online friends is that he can end a relationship quickly.

5.Sometimes he doesn't know for sure who these friends really are, as they may not use their real names.

2. Activity 2:

II. Culture:

1. Activity 1:


In Picture a: A woman is typing on a computer. The roses indicate that she is probably on a dating site and someone has sent her a love message.

In Picture b: People are talking in pairs. They want to know more about their partners.

In Picture c: A group of young people are probably going camping or hiking.

Key dating/US

b.speed dating / Singapore dating / Europe and Australia

2. Activity 2:

1. T

2. F

3. T

4,5. NG

6. F

3. Activity 3:

Suggested answer

Group dating is very popular in Viet Nam, especially among young people. Speed dating is not popular as there are no companies that provide that kind of service. Online dating services can be found on the Internet, but they are not very popular as many people think online dating is not safe.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

+improve listening, speaking and reading skills.

+learn about the advantages and disadvantages of having online friends, and about the different ways of dating around the world

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 17:


Part 8: Looking back

I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to gain:

1. Knowledge

- reviewing pronunciation, vocabulary, and grammar

2. Skill

-Listening, writing

3. Attitude

- being aware of teenage relationship problems

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __


…. / ….


2. Previous lesson check:

- activity 2 (p26.)

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


Help Ss to review the pronunciation rules for contracted and full forms. Have 5s underline the words which could be contracted in the exchanges, and then work with a partner to compare their answers.

Play the recording. Have Ss listen and check their answers

The six words and phrases in the box are the ones most frequently used in the unit. Have Ss write them in the blanks, making changes to the verb forms, if necessary.

This activity aims to help Ss to make questions with linking verbs. This is the first step before Ss answer these questions, using adjectives after the linking verbs.

Have Ss write their answers in the gaps, using the given adjectives. Then ask Ss to practise in pairs. One student asks questions and the other gives answers.

Activity 3 focuses on cleft sentences. Draw Ss'attention to the verb tense of be (is/was) after It and the focus in the first part of each sentence. This will help them to choose the right answer.

Pronunciation:, will, have

3.would, cannot, is, will not, do not


2.lend an ear

3.romantic relationships face to face

5.broke up in a relationship


1. Activity 1:

1.How did Peter feel when his girlfriend broke up with him?

2.How will I look if I cut my hair short?

3.How did you feel when you lost the game?

4.How did Martin's voice sound in the live show on TV last night?

5.How does your soup taste?

6.How would you feel if you had no friends?

2. Activity 2:

Suggested answers

1.He felt depressed.

2.You'll look attractive.

3.1 felt disappointed.

1.His voice sounded awful.

2.It tastes great.

3.I'd feel lonely.

3. Activity 3:

1)f It was me that started arguing with Jim.

2)d It's travelling around the world that has helped me to learn about other cultures.

3)a It's on Friday that Sue usually visits her grandmother.

4)g It’s his attitude towards others that really upsets me.

5)b It's John that is always telling lies.

6)c It was my old friend that I got the news from.

7)e It was in Paris that I started my first romantic relationship.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

the contracted forms of verbs and negative words, linking verbs, cleft structures

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson



1For this project, Ss vote for the best story for a storytelling contest organised by the school,

First, ask Ss to think about the questions in the Student's Book and take notes. They can do this individually.

Then have them discuss their notes in groups, and get some feedback from the group members.

Next, have Ss work individually to write their stories. Ask them to think about the following ideas when they draft their stories:

*setting (where it happened)

*characters (who was involved; what their personalities were)

*structure or planning (introduction, incidents or events, conflicts, solutions)

*moral lesson of the story (Examples: Don't tell lies to your friends or parents; don't run away from problems; be ready to help people in need.)

Finally, ask Ss to practise telling their stories in groups.

2Each group chooses the best story which meets the two criteria (content and storyteller's performance).

The best storyteller of each group tells his / her story in front of the class.