Giáo án Tiếng anh 11 bài Review 2 mới nhất

Date of preparation:

Date of signing:

Period 48+49:


I. Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:revise the language and skills they have learnt in units 4,5.

1. Knowledge

+ Vocabulary:Words / phrases related to topics “Caring for those in need”, and “Being part of ASEAN"

+ Pronunciation: Elision of weak vowels before |n|, |l|, |r|; Falling and rising intonation.

+ Grammar: The Past Simple, The Present Perfect, Gerunds and State verbs in the continuous forms.

2. Skills

-Listening, reading, speaking, writing

3. Attitude

- have responsible attitude towards their study and life.

II. Teaching method: Integrated, mainly communicative

III. Teaching aids

- CD & CD player, board, chalks, textbook and notebook.

IV. Procedure

1. Class organization:






….. __ / __ / __

…. / ….

2. Previous lesson check:

- during the new lesson.

3. New lesson:

T’s and Ss’Activities


- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner.

- Check answers as a class and write the correct sentences on the board.

T asks Ss to complete the following sentences with suitable words from the box

- Ask Ss to do this activity individually, then compare their answers with a partner.

- Play the recording again and check answers as a class. - Then have Ss practise reading the sentences aloud using appropriate intonation.

-Ask Ss to do this activity individually.

-Elicit the form and use of the present perfect tense and the past simple tense.

-Ask a student to do the activity on the board while the rest of the class works on it individually.

-Check Ss'answers, or ask them to explain their choice of tenses. If necessary, refer Ss to the Do you know.., ? box on page 40.

-Elicit the form and use of gerunds and infinitives.

-Ask Ss to do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner.

-Ask a student to write his / her sentences on the boord. Then check the answers with the whole class.

-Ask Ss to do this activity individually and then compare their answers with a partner.

-Have Ss write the correct sentences on the board, and give explanations for their choice of verb forms if necessary.


I. Vocabulary:

Task 1:Complete the sentences using the correct forms of the words in brackets

Do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner.

1. disabilities2. visual 3.donation

4. disrespectful 5. hearing

Task 2:Complete the following sentences with suitable words from the box

Ss do this task individually, then Ss can write their answers on the board and then check the answers with the whole class.

1. Association

2. member

3. stability

4. Charter

5. bloc

II. Pronunciation:

Task 3: Listen to the sentences spoken with falling intonation and read them aloud.

Practise reading the sentences aloud using appropriate intonation.

III. Grammar:

Task 4: Put the verb into the correct form, the present perfect, the simple past, or the past progressive.

A student writes the answers on the board while the rest of the class works on it individually.

1. has lived

2. got

3. developed

4. have reached

5. has been

Task 5: Complete these sentences using the correct forms of the verbs in the box.

Do this activity individually, and then compare their answers with a partner.

1. watching

2. to go

3. having

4. to post

5. hearing

Task 6. Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Write the correct sentences on the board, and give explanations for their choice of verb forms if necessary.

1. think

2. are you thinking

3. is tasting - tastes

4. are seeing

5. see

Have Ss do Activities 1 and 2 individually, and then compare their answers with a partner. Check answers as a class and provide any explanations if necessary.

Ask Ss to work in pairs, and read about the three universities in Singapore and discuss any unfamiliar words or phrases.

-Have Ss stay in the same pair or work with a different partner to answer the two questions.

-Encourage Ss to discuss their choices with their partners. Have Ss present their answers to the class.

- Play the conversation between Mr Long and his daughter Mai discussing the different cultures in the ASEAN countries.

- Ask Ss to listen and do the activity individually.

- Play the recording again for Ss to listen and check their answers. For weaker Ss, play the audio several times pausing after sentences and checking Ss'comprehension.

- Check answers as a class, and give any explanations if necessary.

- Ask Ss to use the facts given (or find additional information if necessary) to write an introduction to Thailand. Ss may write their drafts first in class, and swap with a partner for peer review.

- Ask Ss to make any revisions based on their partner's comments and complete their final versions at home.


I. Reading

Ss do Activities 1 and 2 individually, and then compare their answers with a partner.

Task 1. Read the text and match the words in A with their definitions in B.

1. a2. d3. b4. c

Task 2. Answer the questions.

1. Devices that help disabled people perform an activity.

2. They can communicate quickly by sending and receiving messages.

3. They can have documents read out loud electronically on their computer.

4. Children with visual impairment and their parents can read together /share reading.

5. It can improve the quality of life for people.

II. Speaking

Ss work in pairs, and read about the three universities in Singapore and discuss any unfamiliar words or phrases.

Tasks 3 and 4. Work in pairs. Read the information, answer the questions by discussing with a partner.

1.Which university do you want to go to?

2.Why do you want to study there?

III. Listening.

Task 5. Listen to the conversation between Mr Long and his daughter Mai. Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F).

Ss to listen and do the activity individually then check their answers with partners.

1. T

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

IV. Writing.

Task 6. Write an introduction to Thailand using the facts below. Add more information if necessary.

Ss can use the example to start their introductions. They can also refer to page 54 for the features of information text and the sample writing.


Thailand has a total area of 513,120 square kilometres.Its capital is Bangkok. Ithasa population of 67,149,778 (2014 estimate). The officiallanguageusedin Thailand is Thai.

4. Consolidation:

- Summarize the main points:

revise the language and skills they have learnt in units 4,5.

5. Homework:

- practice the tasks.

- prepare for the next lesson
