Giáo án Tiếng Anh 1 Unit 5 mới nhất


Period 9+10

A. Objectives

-After the lesson, sts can remember and use words including ‘E’’ letter. - By the end of the lesson, sts can know some sentences including ‘hen’, ‘pen’ words.

-Develop sts’ speaking, writing, listening and reading skills

   B.Language input

-Vocabulary: hen, pen

-Sentence patterns:I have a pen/hen

   C.Resouces: Text book, lesson plan, pictures, CD, pictures.


I. Warm up

-T lets sts play the game “Jumbled words” - T divides the class into 2 teams to play.

-T calls representatives of two teams go to the board and to write the words - T corrects.

II.New lesson

* New words

*Look, listen and repeat

-hen: gà mái

-pen: bút

-Guide students to read and read the words aloud- Ask students to look at the board and listen carefully.

-Ask students to repeat the words.

-Call on all of students to read in pair.

-Correct the pronunciation mistake of students.

* Look and say

- Guide students to look at the picture in the text book and say aloud - Give students “a hen” and “a pen” and guide them to say “hen’, ‘pen” in pair. - Listen and correct the mistakes.

* Read and match

-T helps sts pronounce words then guides them match words with the right things.

-Sts read then do matching.

-T corrects.

-Ask students to say the words again.

*Let’s sing

Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

We wish you a Merry Christmas

And a Happy New Year

-Ask students to listen carefully.

-Guide students to read word by word and whole the sentences. - Play the recording for ss to listen.

-Guide students to sing word by word and whole the sentences.

-Explain the meaning of the sentences.

-Ask student to practice singing the song.

* Listen and read

-Read aloud and ask students to listen carefully.

-Guide students to read each word and whole sentence.

-Give students pictures of “a hen” and “a pen” and guide them to practice in pair I have a hen

It’s a red hen

-Call some pairs to read again. - Give feedback.

*Let’s talk

-Ask ss to look atthe pictures and complete the sentences first.

P1: I have a pen

P2: I have a hen

-Ask ss to read it in chorus, group,in pairs, individual.

-Call some ss to present their sentence aloud.

-Listen and correct mistakes.

* Complete the words

-Ask ss to look at the pictures and describe them.

-T gives out the words then has sts complete the words.



-T has sts read aloud the words which they have completed.

-Call some ss to read again.

-T listens and corrects mistakes.

* Let’s chant

-Have them read the chant and check their comprehension.

-Play the recording all the way through for pupils to listen and follow in their books.

-Then play it again for them to repeat line by line.

-Work in groups to practise.

-Invite two or three groups to say the chant and do actions.

III. Follow up

- Ask ss sing a song again.


In this lesson ss have learnt and use words including ‘E’’ letter and can know some sentences including ‘hen’, ‘pen’ words.

V. Homelink

-Prepare for the next lesson.