Giáo án Tiếng Anh 1 Unit 4 mới nhất


Period 7+8


- After the lesson, sts can remember and use words including ‘’D’’ letter. - By the end of the lesson, sts can know some sentences including ‘’ duck’’, ‘’dog’’ words.

- Develop sts’ speaking, writing, listening and reading skills.

B. Language input

- Vocabulary: duck, dog

- Sentences patterns: There’s a cat on the hat

There’s a hat on the cat

C. Resouces: Text book, lesson plan, pictures, CD, pictures.

D. Procedure

I. Warm up

- T has sts play the game “ Bingo” - Sts work individually to play the game.

II.New lesson

* New words

* Look, listen and repeat

- duck: con vịt

- dog: con chó

- Guide students to read and read the words aloud.

- Ask students to look at the board and listen carefully.

- Ask students to repeat the words.

- Call on all of students to read in pair.

- Correct the pronunciation mistake of students.

* Look and say

- Guide students to look at the picture in the text book and say aloud

- Give students a picture of “a duck” and “a dog” and guide them to say “duck, dog” in pair.

- Listen and correct the mistakes.

* Read and match

- T helps sts pronounce words then guides them match words with the right things.

- Sts read then do matching.

- T corrects.

- Ask students to say the words again.

*Let’s play

Do the crossword puzzle:

- Introduce the game

- Guide students to fill in the blank .




- Call some ss to present.

- T checks.

*Listen and read

Dance to town Dickey duck Dance to town. Up to down

Round the town.

- Read aloud and ask students to listen carefully

- Guide students to read each word and whole sentence.

- Give students pictures of “a duck” and “a dog” and guide them to practice in pair - Call some ss to read aloud . - Give feedback.

* Let’s talk

There’s a cat on the hat There’s a hat on the cat

- Guide students to talk a sentence.

- Ask ss to read it aloud.

- Call on 2 students to practice the sentence.

- Explain the meaning ofthe sentence.

* Complete the words

- Ask ss to look at the pictures and describe them.

- T gives out the pictures of ‘a duck’ and’ a dog’ then has sts complete the words.

1. duck

2. dog

- T has sts read aloud the words which they have completed.

- Call some ss to read again.

- T listens and corrects mistakes.

* Let’s chant

* Say and clap

I say “dog”. You say “dog”

I say “duck”. You say “….”

- Ask students to listen carefully.

- Guide students to read word by word and whole the sentences.

- Let students practice reading and ask them to clap the hands.

- Explain the meaning of the sentences.

III. Follow up

- Guide students to practice writing the words in the work book.


In this lesson ss have learnt to read and use the words and sentences including “d” letter.


- Prepare for the next lesson.