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IV. Choose the correct answer a, b, c, or d. 1. Pelé was born ___________ October 21st, 1940. a. in b. on c.at d. by 2. Cartoons are not just ___________ kids anymore -many adults love watching cartoons too. a. with b. about c. to d. for 3. Breda goes jogging every morning to keep ___________. a. exercise b. trained c. fit d. health 4. We have a test on Monday, ___________ I will have to study this weekend. a. and b. but c. so d. because 5. Our team couldn’t win the championship, ___________ they played very well. a. so b.despite c.because d. although 6. Have you ever ___________ aerobics? Aerobic exercise can help you to lose weight. a. played b.done c.gone d. got 7. ___________ is a marathon in miles? ~ About 26 miles. a. How often b.How many c.How long d. How wide 8. The Statue of Liberty is one of the most famous ___________ in the United States. a. towers b.landmarks c.capitals d. cities 9. They showed a ___________ on global warming called ‘Warming Warning’. a. documentary b.romance c.comedy d. cartoon 10. ‘Can you give me the remote control on the table?’ ‘___________ Don’t you like this programme?’ a. Never mind. b.You’re welcome. c. Certainly. d. Really? V. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense or form. 1. My father ___________________ (watch) News in 60 Seconds every evening. 2. ___________________ (you/ ever/ meet) a famous football player? 3. Ten years ago, people ___________________ (not spend) as much time on screens as they do today. 4. Mr Gray ___________________ (teach) French here since 2015. 5. We ___________________ (fly) to Washington tomorrow afternoon. 6. Gustave Eiffel ___________________ (design) Eiffel Tower in 1889. 7. Someone ___________________ (knock) at the door. Can you see who it is? 8. I ___________________ (not play) basketball because I’m not tall enough. VI. Supply the correct form of the words in brackets. 1. I’m afraid I don’t find basketball very _______________. (interest) 2. He gets a lot of _______________ from football. (enjoy) 3. Is Delhi the most _______________ city on Earth? (pollute) 4. Who is the most famous fashion _______________ in Vietnam? (design) 5. Tourists like to visit _______________ buildings in Hoi An. (history) 6. Pelé is _______________ regarded as the best football player of all time. (wide) VII. There is one mistake in each sentence. Find and correct it. 1. She have seen that film three times. 2. When did you came home yesterday? 3. My older brother can to play basketball, but I can’t. 4. Britain’s the most popular drink is tea. 5. I was not interested in that game show because it was bored. 6. Have you ever be to Paris? VIII. Match sentences. 1. What channel is Puppy Dog Pals on? a. My friend sent it to me from Prague. 2. I like cartoon very much! b. Just a racket and some balls. 3. What equipment do you need to play tennis? c. It’s comedy. 4. Have you ever been to Singapore? d. It’s Disney Junior. 5. What a lovely postcard! e. Congratulations! 6. What is your favourite TV programme? f. Who doesn’t? It’s my favorite programme. 7. We won the first prize in the singing contest. g. Yes, I’ve been there twice. IX. Read the following passage about Michael Jordan. Circle A, B or C to answer each question. Michael Jordan was born on February 17, 1963. He is considered one of the best basketball players ever. He led the Chicago Bulls to six National Basketball Association championships, and won the NBA's Most Valuable Player Award five times. Jordan started studying at the University of North Carolina (UNC) in 1981. He soon became an important member of the school's basketball team. In 1982, with Jordan scoring the final basket, the team defeated Georgetown University and became the champion. He was the College Player of the Year in 1983 and in 1984. In 1984, Jordan became a member of the U.S. Olympic basketball team. The team won the gold medal that year. 1. What team did Michael Jordan play for? A. Chicago Bulls B. National Basketball Association C. Georgetown University D.North Carolina 2. How many times did Michael Jordan win the title “College Player of the Year”? A. Six B. Five C. Two D.Three 3. When did Michael Jordan start playing for the University of North Carolina? A. 1963 B. 1981 C. 1984 D.1984 4. What does “the team” in paragraph 2 refer to? A. University of North Carolina B. Georgetown University C. College Player D.Members

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Câu 19: Trong Hình 1, ta có: A. Hình thang cân ABCD C. Hình thoi ABCD B. Hình chữ nhật ABCD D. Hình vuông ABCD Câu 20: Trong Hình 2 có số hình thang cân là: A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D.4 Phần 2: Tự luận (6,0 điểm) Bài 1:Thực hiện phép tính (2,25 điểm) a) 196 : 4 12.5 Bài 2: (1,25 điểm) b) 22 .5 + ( 49 – 172 ) c) 29. (15 – 34) – 15. (29 – 34) Một số sách nếu xếp thành từng bó 10 cuốn, 12 cuốn hoặc 15 cuốn thì vừa đủ. Tính số sách đó biết rằng số sách trong khoảng từ 100 đến 150. Câu 1 Số phần tử của tập hợp A = {2; 4; 6; 8; 10} là: A. 10 B. 4 C. 5 D. 2 Câu 2 Cho tập hợp M={1;2;3}. Trong các tập hợp sau tập hợp nào là tập hợp con của M M1={0;1} B. M2={0;2} C. M3={3;4} D. M4={1;3} Câu 3 Số nào trong các số sau đây chia hết cho 3? A. 26 B. 223 C. 108 D. 2019 Câu 4 Trong các số sau, số chia hết cho cả 3; 5 và 9 là: A. 2016 B. 2015 C. 1140 D. 1125 Câu 5 Tổng 156 + 18 + 3 chia hết cho: A. 8 B. 3 C. 5 D. 7. Câu 6 Trong các số: 2; 3; 6; 8 số nào là ước chung của 6 và 16 ? A. 3 B. 2 C. 6 D. 8. Câu 7 Cho a = 48; b =16 thì UCLN(a,b) bằng: A. 4 B. 48 C. 16 D. 8 Câu 8 BCNN (4;6;8) là A. 2 B. 12 C. 192 D. 24 Câu 9 Tập hợp nào chỉ gồm các số nguyên tố A. {3;5;7} B. {3;10;7} C. {13;15;17} D. {1;2;5;7} Câu 10 Cách viết nào sau đây được gọi là phân tích số 80 ra thừa số nguyên tố A. 80 = 42.5; B. 80 = 5.16; C. 80 = 24.5; D. 80 = 2.40. Câu 11 Sắp xếp các số nguyên sau: -9, 3, -1, -|-7|, 0 theo thứ tự giảm dần ta được: A. 3, 0, -1, -|-7|, -9 B. -9, -|-7|, 3, -1, 0 C. -|-7|, 3, 0, -1, -9 D. 3, 0, -9, -|-7|, -1 Câu 12 Cho M = {x ∈ Z | -3 ≤ x < 2}. Ta có: A. 0 ⊂ M B. -3 ∉ M C. {-2; -1; 0} ⊂ M D. {-1; 0; 1} ⊂ M Câu 13 Kết quả đúng của phép tính : (-28) + |-11| bằng: A. -39 B. -17 C. 39 D. 24 Câu 14 Trong tập hợp các số nguyên sau, tập hợp nào có các số nguyên được xếp theo thứ tự tăng dần A. {2; -17; 5; 1; -2; 0} B. {-2; -17; 0; 1; 2; 5} C. {0; 1; -2; 2; 5; -17} D. {-17; -2; 0; 1; 2; 5} Câu 15 Kết quả đúng của phép tính (-3) + (-6) là A. -3 B. +3 C. +9 D. -9

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