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Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question

Use An Electronic Dictionary To Improve Your Vocabulary

       A Franklin electronic dictionary is actually a helpful gadget to possess with you all of the time. Any device involving dictionaries is great to use for people who go out of their country on business trips. Tourists would also benefit very much from such a device.

      Moreover, students will also find this gadget helpful especially whenever they are studying an important foreign language in another country. There is also a great diversity of dictionaries that anybody can choose whichever works to them best.

     These dictionaries are also quite easy to use and incorporate various functions. Some of them are main functions, besides translating a foreign word, which would be to provide spelling check-ups, find the meaning and synonyms connected with any particular word as well as provide examples of how a word is used in a sentence. A typical Franklin electronic dictionary is more than that. By entering the meaning of a word of mouth, you would have the ability to pull up many words that you are researching for.

      There is a comprehensive database that comprises about 1,000,000 words and phrase replacements. It also comes with idiomatic expressions, professional medical, technical words or ones very popular for business. It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country accompanied by a different language.

       Franklin Electronic Marketers have been among the leading manufacturers regarding handheld electronic inventions. Its main office is situated in Burlington, New Jersey and has been around the business of creating these electronic tools since 1981.

       Some of the original devices that they produced included punctuation correctors, of the fact that first was all the Spelling Ace built in 1986. These devices were a great aid to students all over the globe.

       The company continues to service clients from everywhere. Although they are popular in the world, especially targeting the particular Hispanic market whose native language is Spanish; Franklin’s products are also quite well-known for Asia, particularly Japan. The company aims to address this growing importance of language tools as more people are aiming to learn about new languages.

The word “professionals” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to ______.

Trả lời bởi giáo viên

Đáp án đúng: b

Từ "chuyên gia" trong đoạn 4 là gần nhất trong ý nghĩa để ______.

A.những người giỏi ngôn ngữ

B.những người làm việc ở nước ngoài

C.những người thường sử dụng từ điển điện tử hiện đại

D.những người có trình độ học vấn và đào tạo cao

Thông tin : It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country accompanied by a different language.

=>The word “professionals” in paragraph 4 is closest in meaning to people who work in foreign countries

Tạm dịch: Điều đó cũng là lý tưởng cho các chuyên gia phải làm việc ở một đất nước sử dụng kèm một ngôn ngữ khác.

 Sử dụng một từ điển điện tử để cải thiện từ vựng của bạn

      Một từ điển điện tử Franklin thực sự là một tiện ích hữu ích để sở hữu với bạn tất cả các thời gian. Bất kỳ thiết bị nào liên quan đến từ điển đều tuyệt vời để sử dụng cho những người đi ra khỏi đất nước của họ trong các chuyến công tác. Khách du lịch cũng sẽ được hưởng lợi rất nhiều từ một thiết bị như vậy.

      Hơn nữa, sinh viên cũng sẽ thấy tiện ích này hữu ích đặc biệt là bất cứ khi nào họ đang học một ngoại ngữ quan trọng ở một quốc gia khác. Ngoài ra còn có nhiều từ điển đa dạng tuyệt vời mà bất kỳ ai cũng có thể chọn bất kỳ từ điển nào làm việc tốt nhất với họ.

      Những từ điển này cũng khá dễ sử dụng và kết hợp nhiều chức năng khác nhau. Một số trong số đó là các chức năng chính, ngoài việc dịch một từ nước ngoài, để cung cấp kiểm tra chính tả, tìm ý nghĩa và từ đồng nghĩa được kết nối với bất kỳ từ cụ thể nào cũng như cung cấp các ví dụ về cách sử dụng một từ trong một câu. Từ điển điện tử Franklin điển hình là nhiều hơn thế. Bằng cách nhập vào ý nghĩa của một từ miệng, bạn sẽ có khả năng kéo lên nhiều từ mà bạn đang nghiên cứu.  

      Có một cơ sở dữ liệu toàn diện bao gồm khoảng 1.000.000 từ và thay thế cụm từ. Nó cũng đi kèm với các biểu thức thành ngữ, chuyên nghiệp y tế, từ kỹ thuật hoặc những người rất phổ biến cho doanh nghiệp. Nó cũng là lý tưởng cho các chuyên gia phải làm việc trong một quốc gia kèm theo một ngôn ngữ khác nhau.

       Nhà tiếp thị điện tử Franklin là một trong những nhà sản xuất hàng đầu về phát minh điện tử cầm tay. Văn phòng chính của nó nằm ở Burlington, New Jersey và đã được xung quanh việc kinh doanh của việc tạo ra các công cụ điện tử từ năm 1981.

      Một số thiết bị ban đầu mà chúng sản xuất bao gồm các dấu hiệu chấm câu, thực tế là lần đầu tiên tất cả các lỗi chính tả được xây dựng vào năm 1986. Các thiết bị này là một sự trợ giúp tuyệt vời cho sinh viên trên toàn cầu.

       Công ty tiếp tục phục vụ khách hàng từ mọi nơi. Mặc dù chúng phổ biến trên thế giới, đặc biệt là nhắm mục tiêu đến thị trường Tây Ban Nha cụ thể có ngôn ngữ mẹ đẻ là tiếng Tây Ban Nha; Các sản phẩm của Franklin cũng khá nổi tiếng với châu Á, đặc biệt là Nhật Bản. Công ty đặt mục tiêu giải quyết tầm quan trọng ngày càng tăng của các công cụ ngôn ngữ khi càng có nhiều người đang tìm hiểu về các ngôn ngữ mới.

Hướng dẫn giải:

Thông tin : It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country accompanied by a different language.

Câu hỏi khác

Câu 1:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question

Use An Electronic Dictionary To Improve Your Vocabulary

       A Franklin electronic dictionary is actually a helpful gadget to possess with you all of the time. Any device involving dictionaries is great to use for people who go out of their country on business trips. Tourists would also benefit very much from such a device.

      Moreover, students will also find this gadget helpful especially whenever they are studying an important foreign language in another country. There is also a great diversity of dictionaries that anybody can choose whichever works to them best.

     These dictionaries are also quite easy to use and incorporate various functions. Some of them are main functions, besides translating a foreign word, which would be to provide spelling check-ups, find the meaning and synonyms connected with any particular word as well as provide examples of how a word is used in a sentence. A typical Franklin electronic dictionary is more than that. By entering the meaning of a word of mouth, you would have the ability to pull up many words that you are researching for.

      There is a comprehensive database that comprises about 1,000,000 words and phrase replacements. It also comes with idiomatic expressions, professional medical, technical words or ones very popular for business. It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country accompanied by a different language.

       Franklin Electronic Marketers have been among the leading manufacturers regarding handheld electronic inventions. Its main office is situated in Burlington, New Jersey and has been around the business of creating these electronic tools since 1981.

       Some of the original devices that they produced included punctuation correctors, of the fact that first was all the Spelling Ace built in 1986. These devices were a great aid to students all over the globe.

       The company continues to service clients from everywhere. Although they are popular in the world, especially targeting the particular Hispanic market whose native language is Spanish; Franklin’s products are also quite well-known for Asia, particularly Japan. The company aims to address this growing importance of language tools as more people are aiming to learn about new languages.

The Franklin electronic dictionary are very popular all over the world, especially in ______.

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Câu 3:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question

Use An Electronic Dictionary To Improve Your Vocabulary

       A Franklin electronic dictionary is actually a helpful gadget to possess with you all of the time. Any device involving dictionaries is great to use for people who go out of their country on business trips. Tourists would also benefit very much from such a device.

      Moreover, students will also find this gadget helpful especially whenever they are studying an important foreign language in another country. There is also a great diversity of dictionaries that anybody can choose whichever works to them best.

     These dictionaries are also quite easy to use and incorporate various functions. Some of them are main functions, besides translating a foreign word, which would be to provide spelling check-ups, find the meaning and synonyms connected with any particular word as well as provide examples of how a word is used in a sentence. A typical Franklin electronic dictionary is more than that. By entering the meaning of a word of mouth, you would have the ability to pull up many words that you are researching for.

      There is a comprehensive database that comprises about 1,000,000 words and phrase replacements. It also comes with idiomatic expressions, professional medical, technical words or ones very popular for business. It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country accompanied by a different language.

       Franklin Electronic Marketers have been among the leading manufacturers regarding handheld electronic inventions. Its main office is situated in Burlington, New Jersey and has been around the business of creating these electronic tools since 1981.

       Some of the original devices that they produced included punctuation correctors, of the fact that first was all the Spelling Ace built in 1986. These devices were a great aid to students all over the globe.

       The company continues to service clients from everywhere. Although they are popular in the world, especially targeting the particular Hispanic market whose native language is Spanish; Franklin’s products are also quite well-known for Asia, particularly Japan. The company aims to address this growing importance of language tools as more people are aiming to learn about new languages.

With the diversity of this type of dictionaries, we can choose ______.

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Câu 4:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question

Use An Electronic Dictionary To Improve Your Vocabulary

       A Franklin electronic dictionary is actually a helpful gadget to possess with you all of the time. Any device involving dictionaries is great to use for people who go out of their country on business trips. Tourists would also benefit very much from such a device.

      Moreover, students will also find this gadget helpful especially whenever they are studying an important foreign language in another country. There is also a great diversity of dictionaries that anybody can choose whichever works to them best.

     These dictionaries are also quite easy to use and incorporate various functions. Some of them are main functions, besides translating a foreign word, which would be to provide spelling check-ups, find the meaning and synonyms connected with any particular word as well as provide examples of how a word is used in a sentence. A typical Franklin electronic dictionary is more than that. By entering the meaning of a word of mouth, you would have the ability to pull up many words that you are researching for.

      There is a comprehensive database that comprises about 1,000,000 words and phrase replacements. It also comes with idiomatic expressions, professional medical, technical words or ones very popular for business. It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country accompanied by a different language.

       Franklin Electronic Marketers have been among the leading manufacturers regarding handheld electronic inventions. Its main office is situated in Burlington, New Jersey and has been around the business of creating these electronic tools since 1981.

       Some of the original devices that they produced included punctuation correctors, of the fact that first was all the Spelling Ace built in 1986. These devices were a great aid to students all over the globe.

       The company continues to service clients from everywhere. Although they are popular in the world, especially targeting the particular Hispanic market whose native language is Spanish; Franklin’s products are also quite well-known for Asia, particularly Japan. The company aims to address this growing importance of language tools as more people are aiming to learn about new languages.

The electronic dictionary has various functions because it can     ______.

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Câu 5:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question

Use An Electronic Dictionary To Improve Your Vocabulary

       A Franklin electronic dictionary is actually a helpful gadget to possess with you all of the time. Any device involving dictionaries is great to use for people who go out of their country on business trips. Tourists would also benefit very much from such a device.

      Moreover, students will also find this gadget helpful especially whenever they are studying an important foreign language in another country. There is also a great diversity of dictionaries that anybody can choose whichever works to them best.

     These dictionaries are also quite easy to use and incorporate various functions. Some of them are main functions, besides translating a foreign word, which would be to provide spelling check-ups, find the meaning and synonyms connected with any particular word as well as provide examples of how a word is used in a sentence. A typical Franklin electronic dictionary is more than that. By entering the meaning of a word of mouth, you would have the ability to pull up many words that you are researching for.

      There is a comprehensive database that comprises about 1,000,000 words and phrase replacements. It also comes with idiomatic expressions, professional medical, technical words or ones very popular for business. It is also ideal for professionals who have to work in a country accompanied by a different language.

       Franklin Electronic Marketers have been among the leading manufacturers regarding handheld electronic inventions. Its main office is situated in Burlington, New Jersey and has been around the business of creating these electronic tools since 1981.

       Some of the original devices that they produced included punctuation correctors, of the fact that first was all the Spelling Ace built in 1986. These devices were a great aid to students all over the globe.

       The company continues to service clients from everywhere. Although they are popular in the world, especially targeting the particular Hispanic market whose native language is Spanish; Franklin’s products are also quite well-known for Asia, particularly Japan. The company aims to address this growing importance of language tools as more people are aiming to learn about new languages.

The database of the dictionary includes all the following EXCEPT _______.

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Câu 6:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

A smart board is an interactive whiteboard. It can be connected to one or more laptops, PCs, tablets, or other electronic devices. Smart boards are extremely useful in a classroom because they can engage students, provide interactive opportunities that a traditional whiteboard, blackboard or flip chart can't, and can also develop students' computer skills along with their English skills.

Smart boards also have touch-screen technology so you do not actually need a computer to access the basic functionality. You can write on a smart board with special pens which are usually provided with the board, and anything written on the board can be saved for future reference, or printed out. It is great, for example, if you are doing a brainstorming session or a mind map with your classmates and you want to keep a record of it.

If you don't want to draw with the pens, you can use a keyboard and type onto a programme such as Word, and have it appear on the screen for everyone to see. This is great if you are doing an exercise with your class and you want everyone to be able to see the answers during the checking stage. You can also run PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard. These can sometimes be great for grammar or vocabulary presentations and the advantage of them is that students can make contributions.

If you have the Internet access, you can access websites and put them onto a white board. This is great in an English classroom if you have online quizzes or games you want to use. Students can actually come up to the board and select their answers. This involves them directly in the board work, which they usually love. You can also run video clips or sound files from the Internet, or some which are saved on your computer.

In short, a smart board can make the lessons more varied, and can give students a more active role in the lesson.

A smart board is more useful than a traditional board because _______.

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Câu 7:

Read the passage below and choose one correct answer for each question.

A smart board is an interactive whiteboard. It can be connected to one or more laptops, PCs, tablets, or other electronic devices. Smart boards are extremely useful in a classroom because they can engage students, provide interactive opportunities that a traditional whiteboard, blackboard or flip chart can't, and can also develop students' computer skills along with their English skills.

Smart boards also have touch-screen technology so you do not actually need a computer to access the basic functionality. You can write on a smart board with special pens which are usually provided with the board, and anything written on the board can be saved for future reference, or printed out. It is great, for example, if you are doing a brainstorming session or a mind map with your classmates and you want to keep a record of it.

If you don't want to draw with the pens, you can use a keyboard and type onto a programme such as Word, and have it appear on the screen for everyone to see. This is great if you are doing an exercise with your class and you want everyone to be able to see the answers during the checking stage. You can also run PowerPoint presentations on an interactive whiteboard. These can sometimes be great for grammar or vocabulary presentations and the advantage of them is that students can make contributions.

If you have the Internet access, you can access websites and put them onto a white board. This is great in an English classroom if you have online quizzes or games you want to use. Students can actually come up to the board and select their answers. This involves them directly in the board work, which they usually love. You can also run video clips or sound files from the Internet, or some which are saved on your computer.

In short, a smart board can make the lessons more varied, and can give students a more active role in the lesson.

Smart boards which have touch-screen technology is great because _______.

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