Câu hỏi:
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Read the passage and choose the best answer

Music has been integral to our lives. Not all types of music have favourable effects, for example, if it is too loud or noisy or it distracts us from our work. However, in general, surprising benefits for health of music exposure have been discovered.

Overall, music has beneficial effects in pain relief. Listening to music can reduce sensation caused by chronic pain by up to 21% and depression by 25%. Music therapy, therefore, has been applied together with medication to reduce pain during childbirth and surgeries.

Research also shows that music also modifies heartbeat and blood pressure within a positive range. The heart beats faster as we listen to lively music and when the music slows, so do our heart and breath rate. In another study, old people suffering from high blood pressure reported significantly lower blood pressure as a result of listening to calm music after 30 minutes.

Apart from all those benefits, other effects are related to better sleep, strengthened memory and better general health. Most researchers conclude that our preference of music doesn’t play the main role, but the tempo and the theme of the music we are exposed to are the most important factors that affect the remedy results.

What is the best title for the passage?

Trả lời bởi giáo viên

Đáp án đúng: c

Tiêu đề tốt nhất cho đoạn văn là gì?

A. Âm nhạc ảnh hưởng đến não bộ của chúng ta như thế nào

B. Âm nhạc có thể giảm đau

C. Tác dụng hữu ích đối với sức khỏe thu được từ âm nhạc

D. Lợi ích về tình cảm và thể chất của âm nhạc

Thông tin: Music has been integral to our lives. Not all types of music have favourable effects, for example, if it is too loud or noisy or it distracts us from our work. However, in general, surprising benefits for health of music exposure have been discovered.

Tạm dịch: Âm nhạc đã không thể thiếu trong cuộc sống của chúng ta. Không phải tất cả các loại nhạc đều có tác dụng thuận lợi, ví dụ như quá lớn, ồn ào hoặc nó làm chúng ta mất tập trung vào công việc. Tuy nhiên, nhìn chung, người ta đã phát hiện ra những lợi ích đáng ngạc nhiên đối với sức khỏe của việc tiếp xúc với âm nhạc.

Hướng dẫn giải:

Thông tin: Music has been integral to our lives. Not all types of music have favourable effects, for example, if it is too loud or noisy or it distracts us from our work. However, in general, surprising benefits for health of music exposure have been discovered.

Câu hỏi khác

Câu 1:

Ca Tru was also called “Hat A Dao” or “Hat Noi”. Originally, attractive young female singers entertained men in a relaxed environment, sometimes serving drinks and snacks. Men might have visited a “Hat A Dao” in with friends to celebrate a successful business deal or the birth of a son.

Ca Tru flourished in the 15th century in northern Vietnam when it was popular with the royal palace and a favourite hobby of aristocrats and scholars.

Later, it was performed in communal houses, inns, and private homes, and gained its high popularity.

These performances were mostly for men. When men entered a Ca Tru inn, they purchased bamboo tally cards. In Chinese Vietnamese, “tru” means “card”, and “ca” means “song” in Vietnamese, so the name Ca Tru means tally card songs. The tallies were given to the singers in appreciation for the performance. After the performance each singer received payment in proportion to the number of cards received.

Ca Tru requires at least three performers. The singer is always a woman and plays the “phach”, an instrument made of wood or bamboo that is beaten with two wooden sticks. A musician accompanies the singer on the “dan day”, a long-necked lute with three silk strings and 10 frets. There is also a drummer or “trong chau”. The drummer shows his approval of the singer or the songs depending on how he hits the drum. If he likes a song, he might hit the side of the drum twice. The “dan day” player must follow the rhythm of the “phach”. His instrument, the “dan day”, is only used in Ca Tru and is now made almost exclusively for sale to tourists.

Ca Tru was first performed _______.

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Câu 2:

Ca Tru was also called “Hat A Dao” or “Hat Noi”. Originally, attractive young female singers entertained men in a relaxed environment, sometimes serving drinks and snacks. Men might have visited a “Hat A Dao” in with friends to celebrate a successful business deal or the birth of a son.

Ca Tru flourished in the 15th century in northern Vietnam when it was popular with the royal palace and a favourite hobby of aristocrats and scholars.

Later, it was performed in communal houses, inns, and private homes, and gained its high popularity.

These performances were mostly for men. When men entered a Ca Tru inn, they purchased bamboo tally cards. In Chinese Vietnamese, “tru” means “card”, and “ca” means “song” in Vietnamese, so the name Ca Tru means tally card songs. The tallies were given to the singers in appreciation for the performance. After the performance each singer received payment in proportion to the number of cards received.

Ca Tru requires at least three performers. The singer is always a woman and plays the “phach”, an instrument made of wood or bamboo that is beaten with two wooden sticks. A musician accompanies the singer on the “dan day”, a long-necked lute with three silk strings and 10 frets. There is also a drummer or “trong chau”. The drummer shows his approval of the singer or the songs depending on how he hits the drum. If he likes a song, he might hit the side of the drum twice. The “dan day” player must follow the rhythm of the “phach”. His instrument, the “dan day”, is only used in Ca Tru and is now made almost exclusively for sale to tourists.

Ca Tru developed and became very popular in the society when ______.

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Câu 3:

Ca Tru was also called “Hat A Dao” or “Hat Noi”. Originally, attractive young female singers entertained men in a relaxed environment, sometimes serving drinks and snacks. Men might have visited a “Hat A Dao” in with friends to celebrate a successful business deal or the birth of a son.

Ca Tru flourished in the 15th century in northern Vietnam when it was popular with the royal palace and a favourite hobby of aristocrats and scholars.

Later, it was performed in communal houses, inns, and private homes, and gained its high popularity.

These performances were mostly for men. When men entered a Ca Tru inn, they purchased bamboo tally cards. In Chinese Vietnamese, “tru” means “card”, and “ca” means “song” in Vietnamese, so the name Ca Tru means tally card songs. The tallies were given to the singers in appreciation for the performance. After the performance each singer received payment in proportion to the number of cards received.

Ca Tru requires at least three performers. The singer is always a woman and plays the “phach”, an instrument made of wood or bamboo that is beaten with two wooden sticks. A musician accompanies the singer on the “dan day”, a long-necked lute with three silk strings and 10 frets. There is also a drummer or “trong chau”. The drummer shows his approval of the singer or the songs depending on how he hits the drum. If he likes a song, he might hit the side of the drum twice. The “dan day” player must follow the rhythm of the “phach”. His instrument, the “dan day”, is only used in Ca Tru and is now made almost exclusively for sale to tourists.

The “tally card” in the meaning of Ca Tru helped _______.

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Câu 4:

Ca Tru was also called “Hat A Dao” or “Hat Noi”. Originally, attractive young female singers entertained men in a relaxed environment, sometimes serving drinks and snacks. Men might have visited a “Hat A Dao” in with friends to celebrate a successful business deal or the birth of a son.

Ca Tru flourished in the 15th century in northern Vietnam when it was popular with the royal palace and a favourite hobby of aristocrats and scholars.

Later, it was performed in communal houses, inns, and private homes, and gained its high popularity.

These performances were mostly for men. When men entered a Ca Tru inn, they purchased bamboo tally cards. In Chinese Vietnamese, “tru” means “card”, and “ca” means “song” in Vietnamese, so the name Ca Tru means tally card songs. The tallies were given to the singers in appreciation for the performance. After the performance each singer received payment in proportion to the number of cards received.

Ca Tru requires at least three performers. The singer is always a woman and plays the “phach”, an instrument made of wood or bamboo that is beaten with two wooden sticks. A musician accompanies the singer on the “dan day”, a long-necked lute with three silk strings and 10 frets. There is also a drummer or “trong chau”. The drummer shows his approval of the singer or the songs depending on how he hits the drum. If he likes a song, he might hit the side of the drum twice. The “dan day” player must follow the rhythm of the “phach”. His instrument, the “dan day”, is only used in Ca Tru and is now made almost exclusively for sale to tourists.

The singer plays the essential role because _______.

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Câu 5:

Ca Tru was also called “Hat A Dao” or “Hat Noi”. Originally, attractive young female singers entertained men in a relaxed environment, sometimes serving drinks and snacks. Men might have visited a “Hat A Dao” in with friends to celebrate a successful business deal or the birth of a son.

Ca Tru flourished in the 15th century in northern Vietnam when it was popular with the royal palace and a favourite hobby of aristocrats and scholars.

Later, it was performed in communal houses, inns, and private homes, and gained its high popularity.

These performances were mostly for men. When men entered a Ca Tru inn, they purchased bamboo tally cards. In Chinese Vietnamese, “tru” means “card”, and “ca” means “song” in Vietnamese, so the name Ca Tru means tally card songs. The tallies were given to the singers in appreciation for the performance. After the performance each singer received payment in proportion to the number of cards received.

Ca Tru requires at least three performers. The singer is always a woman and plays the “phach”, an instrument made of wood or bamboo that is beaten with two wooden sticks. A musician accompanies the singer on the “dan day”, a long-necked lute with three silk strings and 10 frets. There is also a drummer or “trong chau”. The drummer shows his approval of the singer or the songs depending on how he hits the drum. If he likes a song, he might hit the side of the drum twice. The “dan day” player must follow the rhythm of the “phach”. His instrument, the “dan day”, is only used in Ca Tru and is now made almost exclusively for sale to tourists.

All of the following are true about Ca Tru EXCEPT that _______.

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Câu 7:

Read the passage and choose the best answer

Music has been integral to our lives. Not all types of music have favourable effects, for example, if it is too loud or noisy or it distracts us from our work. However, in general, surprising benefits for health of music exposure have been discovered.

Overall, music has beneficial effects in pain relief. Listening to music can reduce sensation caused by chronic pain by up to 21% and depression by 25%. Music therapy, therefore, has been applied together with medication to reduce pain during childbirth and surgeries.

Research also shows that music also modifies heartbeat and blood pressure within a positive range. The heart beats faster as we listen to lively music and when the music slows, so do our heart and breath rate. In another study, old people suffering from high blood pressure reported significantly lower blood pressure as a result of listening to calm music after 30 minutes.

Apart from all those benefits, other effects are related to better sleep, strengthened memory and better general health. Most researchers conclude that our preference of music doesn’t play the main role, but the tempo and the theme of the music we are exposed to are the most important factors that affect the remedy results.

What is TRUE according to the passage?

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