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A Rewrite sentences using if (type 2 conditional) 1. I’m not rich, so I don’t live in a big house. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. We don’t visit you very often because you live so far away. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 3. Sandra can’t take a photo because she hasn’t got her camera. ........................................................................................... 4. She buys a lot of clothes, so she has no money. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 5. I have to work tomorrow evening, so I can’t meet you. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 6. It’s raining, so we can’t have lunch in the garden. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 7. I’m often tired in the morning because I go to bed late. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 8. We haven’t got a calculator, so we can’t work this out quicker. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 9. Nick can’t find the way because he hasn’t got a map. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 10. David has so many accidents because he’s so clumsy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 11. I don’t write to my friends because I’m so busy. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 12. Susan hasn’t got a watch, so she’s often late for work. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 13. He coughs a lot because he smokes forty cigarettes a day. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 14. They don’t have a garden. They don’t grow vegetables. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… 15. I don’t have a boat. I won’t sail around the world. ……………………………………………………………………………………………

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2. Kate (go) shopping if she (have) time in the afternoon. 3. She (spend) a year in the USA if it (be) easier to get a green card. 4. If her boyfriend (phone/ not) today, she (leave) him. 5. If you (go) by bike more often, you (be/ not) so flabby. 6. If he (have) more time, he (learn) karate. 7. He (not buy) so much clothes if he (not have) . 8. If I (play) the lottery yesterday, I (have) a chance to hit the jackpot. 9. If I (be) rich, my life (change) completely. 10. I (invite) all my friends if I (have) a house by the beach. II She has a headache after work every day. She works in a noise office. ( Rewrite, using “Conditional sentence type 2”) - ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 2. We can’t see the stars at night. There is too much light pollution. ( Combine the sentences, using “so”) …………………………………………………………………………………….. 3. Many animals become sick because they eat litter. ( Rewrite, using “because of”) - ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 4. The water temperature increases. Some aquatic creatures are unable to reproduce. (Rewrite, using “Conditional sentence type 1”) - ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 5. Farmers use much chemical fertilizer, so the soil is polluted.( Rewrite, using “Conditional sentence type 2”) ……………………………………………………………………………………..

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II)-Complete each sentences with the correct word from the box. drought flood hurricane landslide tornado 1. When there is a ___________, a lot of water covers an area where there usually isn’t water. 2. A ___________ refers to a long time without rain. 3. When there is a ______________, a lot of rocks and earth fall down a hill. 4. A____________ is a storm with a lot of wind that moves over water. 5. A____________ is a storm in which the air moves very quickly in a circle. III)-Fill in each of the numbered blank in the following passage, using the appropriate words or phrases given in the box. a because of blown causes normal dry suffer irrigated wells drops Drought is an condition that results when the average rainfall for a fertile area (1)____________ far below the normal amount for (2)___________ long period of time. In areas that are not (3)_________, the lack of rain (4)_________ farm crops to wither and die. Higher than (5)___________ temperatures usually accompany periods of droughts. The soil of a drought area becomes (6)__________ and crumbles. Often the rich topsoil is (7)____________ away by the hot, dry winds. Streams, ponds, and (8)_________ often dry up during a drought, and animals (9)____________ and may even die (10)_______________ the lack of water. IV)-Use the verbs in the box in the correct form to complete the sentences. bury evacuate rage take recover scatter provide suffer 1. The government _____________ health and other services to the affected regions. 2. Action were _____________ to limit the effects of the floods in Quang Ninh. 3. The Red Cross helped homeless families to ____________ from the disaster through the project. 4. The majority of concerned areas have ___________ from cholera epidemics after the floods and landslides in Central America. 5. Early September, mudslides caused by heavy rains _____________ an entire village of 480 inhabitants. 6. Thousands of villagers ____________ from flood-prone areas after the warnings from the weather bureau. 7. Tiny particles of dust, smoke, salt or pollution droplets that ___________ through the air to cause haze. 8. The fires ____________ for more than a week in the southern region of Chile, which has been hit by a severe drought.

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Làm hộ mk nhé . Đừng spam 2. Complete each of the following sentences using the cues given. You can use other words in addition to the cues to complete the sentences.(2point) Here is an example. 0. Ngoc/usually/play/badminton/Sunday. Answer: 0. Ngoc usually plays badminton on Sundays. 1. Viet Nam/multicultural/country/54/ethnic/groups. _______________________________________________________________ 2. Ede's/principal/food crop/rice. _______________________________________________________________ 3. gongs/significant/Ede's festivals/cultural activity. __________________________________________ 4. When/small/young Khmer/people/to pagodas/study/improve/knowledge. _______________________________________________________________ 5. Hmong's/history/remain/difficult/trace/because/tradition/oral ones. _______________________________________________________________ IV. LANGUAGE FOCUS(2point) 1. Put the words into the correct column, according to the sounds of the underlined parts. bring prefer improve breath Britain /br/ /pr/ 2. Fill the gaps with a, an or the. If it isn’t necessary to use any article, put a 0. 1. ______ Tay has ______ largest population among the ethnic minorities. 2. ______ Odu has______ population of just around several hundred people. 3. Stilt houses in ______ Central Highlands are built on ______ columns and beams. 4. ______ Khmer have ______ long tradition in wet rice cultivation. 5. ______ ethnic minorities in Viet Nam are living in ______ peace.

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Các bạn giỏi tiếng anh ơi làm hết hộ mk nhé . Đừng spam nhé nếu ko muốn biết zz II. READING 1. Read the passage and decide whether the sentences are true (T) or false (F). Circle T or F. (1Point) In the past few decades, the countryside has experienced lots of changes. Because of population growth, more products are needed. Therefore, more factories have been constructed, and young people have more choice of jobs apart from becoming farmers. When big cities have become more and more polluted, the fresher atmosphere in the countryside attracts more people. Rich people who live in the city for their work often buy a second home in the countryside to spend their weekend and holiday. As a result, the countryside is no longer a small community of rural people. In fact, in many parts of the countryside, there are urban people from nearby cities. Additionally, the introduction of the internet creates more opportunities for increasing rural people's knowledge. Many farmers have used machines for tasks that used to be done by hand, which helps them save labour. In the near future, it is expected that the countryside will gradually become more similar to big cities. 1. The passage is about changes in the countryside. T F 2. Young people in the countryside can only become farmers. T F 3. Some people working in the city stay in the countryside at the weekend. T F 4. People in the countryside don't use the internet. T F 5. In the near future, there will be no difference between country life and city life. T F 2. Read the passage. Circle A, B or C to answer each question.(1point) The Tay live mainly in the Northeastern part of Viet Nam. They live in large and crowded villages with hundreds of houses. They live in houses built on stilts. They are mainly farmers and they grow rice on terraced fields. They also raise cattles and poultry. Tay traditional dress is made from homegrown cotton. There is usually not much embroidery or other decorations. Women wear skirts or trousers, with short shirts inside and long one on the outside. They have many festivals and holidays in a year. The Lunar New Year and the mid-July festivals are the most lavishly organized. During festivals, people in many places play con throwing, badminton, tug-of-war, dragon dancing, or chess. The Tay eat mainly sticky rice. On festival occasions, they make many kinds of cakes, such as banh chung (sticky rice square cakes), banh day (sticky rice round cakes) or banh khao (cakes made of white rice flour). 1. Which of the following best describes the main idea of the passage? A. The Tay live in the Northeastern part of Viet Nam. B. The Tay make many kinds of cakes on festival occasions. C. The Tay have many festivals and holidays in a year. D. The life of the Tay in Viet Nam. 2. What do the Tay mainly eat? A. sticky rice B. sticky rice round cakes C. sticky rice square cakes D. cakes made of white rice flour 3. Which of the following is NOT true of the Tay? A. They live on stilt houses. B. They grow rice on terraced fields. C. They wear clothes with much embroidery. D. They eat sticky rice. 4. Which is true of the Tay’s life? A. They mainly work in agriculture. B. They work in industry. C. They have one very important festival a year. D. They buy cotton to make dress. 5. The word "lavishly" is closest in meaning to ______. A. seriously B. carefully C. luxuriously D. lengthily III. WRITING 1. Write a short paragraph (80-100 words) to express your opinion on the following idea: "Because the Viet is the most populated group, other ethnic minority groups should learn the Viet’s language."(4point) You may use your own ideas or some of the following ideas: - They really need a common language. - If all speak the Viet, they can communicate more easily. - They can exchange cultures easily. - They can improve knowledge via the Viet's language. ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________

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Bài này là bài chia động từ nhé Mong các bn giúp mk 1.water(boil)....................................at 100°C. 2.Nam usually (get)............................up at 6.00? 3.what you often(have)......................for lunch? 4.she'very clever.She(speak)...........4 languages. 5.Steve (smoke)....................tên cigarettes a đay. 6.An insect(have).................................six legs 7.She often (visit).......................you at weekend? 8.Mary(wash)...................her teeth twice a day. 9.You often(watch)...............film in the evening? 10.Mary(swim)...........................very well? 11.She(not/like)...........................watching TV. 12.She(get) ..........................at 6 o'clock, and(go)..........................to school at 7 o'clock 13.He(not/usually/drive).....................to work.He usually (walk)......................... 14.Kangaroo(see)......... everywhere in Australia. 15.My father(drink)...........coffee every morning 16.At Christmas, people often(decorate).............................a tree 17.It (not rain)........................in the dry season 18.Nam often (visit)................you on Sunday?-No.He(visit)........................me on Saturday 19.What time she(finish).............work everyday?-She(finish)...........................it at 16.00 20.My mother (take)................Jim to the dentist many times 21.my little sister (drink)..............milk everyday 22.Long(like)............................tennis?-No.He(like)......................badminton 23.The Earth(move)................around the Sun 24.The Sun(rise)....................in the East and(set)..................in the West 25.What you often(do)........ in your free time?

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Bài 3: Chuyển những câu chủ động sau đây thành câu bị động. 9. When will they sell their new products? _____________________________________________________________________ 12. No one will buy products with poor quality. _____________________________________________________________________ 13. They will not allow your dog to enter the museum. _____________________________________________________________________ 14. Have anyone heard of Jim and Jane’s luxury wedding? _____________________________________________________________________ 15. The boys are using the computer to look up information. _____________________________________________________________________ Bài 4: Chuyển những câu bị động dưới đây thành câu chủ động. 1. A gift was sent to me by my old students. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. You are not allow by the teacher to cheat in the exam. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. My table is being fixed by my father. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. How long has this fax machine been used by Mr. Green? _____________________________________________________________________ 5. The singer was not recognized by his fan when he was at the restaurant. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. He will be disqualified from the competition by the judges if he uses drugs. _____________________________________________________________________ 7. All the unnecessary lights will be turned off to save energy. _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Jane was prevented from staying up too late by her mother. _____________________________________________________________________ 9. Was this document typed by Mr. Brown? _____________________________________________________________________ 10. Many dead people were found by the recuers after the earthquake. _____________________________________________________________________ MỌI NGƯỜI GIÚP E VỚI Ạ . E SẼ ĐÁNH GIÁ 5 SAO VÀ CẢM ƠN MỌI NGƯỜI NGAY Ạ

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Bài 1: Khoanh tròn vào đáp án đúng. 1. Yesterday my brother (bought/was bought me) a new T-shirt. 2. Who (was broken/broke) the vase? 3. Yesterday I was having dinner when my door (was knocked/was knocking). 4. At the moment my car (is polishing/is being polished) by my brother. 5. This car (has been used/has used) by Mr. Smith for 5 years. 6. The early train to Manchester city (leaves/is left) at 6 am tomorrow. 7. No one (has heard/has been heard) about the accident last night. 8. If you work hard, you (will reward/will be rewarded). 9. (Have the police caught/Have the poloce been caught) the thieves yet? 10. Which dress (chose/was chosen) to wear by Jane last night? 11. At this time next month, I (will be visiting/will be visited) London with my family. 12. The children (are looking/are being looked) after by a babysister. 13. You (will be receive/ will receive) a lot of compliments if you win the contest. 14. Jim didn’t realize that his wallet (stole/was stolen) until he came home. 15. (Was you brought/Was you bringing) by your grandparents when you were small? Bài 2: Hoàn thành các câu sau với thể bị động của động từ trong ngoặc ở thì thích hợp. 1. I (usually take) ______________to the cinema by my parents every month. 2. _____________(Jim/inform) of the exact date of the conference? No, he wasn’t. 3. The concert (broadcast)_____________live tomorrow. 4. Yesterday, temparature (forecast) _____________to reach 400C. 5. At this time tomorrow, a birthday cake (make)________ for our best friend Jessy. 6. Who___________(rob) of all the properties last week? 7. All the members ___________(treat) equally in our organization. 8. Nothing (do)_________so far to prepare for the coming storm. 9. When I was small, I often (call) __________by my nickname. 10. Yesterday, Jim was playing with his dog when the doorbell (ring)_____________. 11. What______________(do) so far to lessen the impact of natural disasters? 12. At 8 o’clock yesterday, my brother (feed) __________by my mother while I (look) ____________after by my father. 13. This film (never show) _______________on television before. 14. If you submit your assignment late, you (punish)___________by your teacher. 15. I think more attempts (make) ____________in the future to protect people from natura catastrophes. 16. No feasible solutions to this problem (put)______________forward yet. 17. I don’t think that black café (prefer)_____________by many people. 18. Last week, everyone in my class (snow) _____________under. 19. _______________(these sheep raise) by the local people? 20. Every student (anticipate)______________to finish their essay before the deadline. MỌI NGƯỜI GIÚP E VỚI Ạ , E CẢM ƠN. E SẼ CẢM ƠN VÀ ĐÁNH GIÁ NĂM SOA CHO MỌI NGƯỜI NGAY Ạ

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Answer A B ______ 1. A thunderstorm A. It is created when the surface layer of the ground collapses. It varies in size and are found all over the world. It is an area of ground that has no natural external surface drainage. When it rains, all of the water stays inside it and typically drains into the subsurface. It can vary from a few feet to hundreds of acres and from less than 1 to more than 100 feet deep. ______ 2. A tornado B. The Earth has a crust under the oceans and the land that we live on. This crust made of massive areas of flat rock called tectonic plates, which float on the Earth’s mantle, the inside layer of the Earth. When the plates move slowly together, this movement forces energy through the crusts to the Earth’s surface. The energy causes the Earth to tremble and shake. ______ 3. A hurricane C. It is a very bright flash of electricity that happens in a thunderstorm. It is actually a spark that crosses the gap between two clouds or between a cloud and the Earth. It carries an enormous charge of electricity. Trees are burned, metal can be melted and people can be killed. ______ 4. An earthquake D. It is caused by earthquakes at sea. It forms when energy from an earthquake displace hundreds of cubic kilometers of water from the seabed. Large waves begin moving through the ocean from their epicenters. When it reaches shallow water near coastal areas, it increases in height. The sign comes before it strikes when the waterline suddenly retreats, exposing hundreds of meters of beach and seabed. ______ 5. A volcano E. It is a very violent windstorm. The air is concentrated and whirls up rapidly. It is grey in colour and looks like an elephant’s trunk swaying down from the clouds to touch the ground with its tip. ______ 6. A tsunami F. It is a hill or mountain formed when molten material or lave from the inside of the Earth is forced through the Earth’s crust by gases. It can produce vast clouds of very fine volcanic dust which looks like smoke. ______ 7. A sinkhole G. It is a storm where you hear thunder and see lightning. There is usually heavy rain. It is an electric storm. ______ 8. Lightning H. It is the most violent storm known on Earth. It is a tropical storm. It forms at sea and causes dangerous, stormy seas. It can reach the land and destroy buildings and trees. It can blow high waves

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VII. Choose the second sentence which has the similar meaning to the first one. 41. Mrs. Chi taught us English when we were pupils. A. Mrs. Chi used to teach us when we were pupils. B. Mrs. Chi used to teaching us when we were pupils. C. Mrs. Chi used teaching us when we were pupils. D. Mrs. Chi use to teach us when we were pupils. 42. The teacher speaks English better than we. A. We speak English badder than the teacher. B. We speak English worst than the teacher. C. We speak English worse as the teacher. D. We speak English worse than the teacher. 43. The board awarded the first prize to the reporter. A. The first prize is awarded to the reporter. B. The first prize are awarded to the reporter. C. The first prize was awarded to the reporter. D. The first prize were awarded to the reporter. 44. The lesson is very difficlut. We can’t understand it. A. The lesson is difficult enough for us to understand. B. The lesson is too difficult for we to understand. C. The lesson is too difficult for us to understand. D. The lesson is too difficult for us to understand it. 45. My father started to give up smoking last year A. My father has gave up smoking since last year. B. My father has given up smoking since last year. C. My father have given up smoking since last year. D. My father has given up smoking for last year. 46. Don’t walk on the grass or you will kill the new grass. A. If you walk on the grass, you’ll kill the new grass. B. If you walk on the grass, you won’t kill the new grass. C. If you don’t walk on the grass, you won’t kill the new grass. D. Both A and C are correct. 47. played/ over/ world/ football/ all/ is/ the. A. Football is played all over the world. B. Football is played over all the world. C. All football is played over the world. D. Football is all over the world played. 48. they/ the/ get/ told/ how/ me/ to/ airport/ to. A. They told me to get how to the airport. B. They told me how to get to the airport. C. They told me to the airport how to get. D. They told to me how to get the airport. 49. If/ he/ eat/ all that/ he/ be / ill. A. If he eat all that, he will be ill. B. If he eats all that, he will be ill. C. If he eats all that, he would be ill. D. If he ate all that, he will be ill. 50. although / he / like / chocolate, he /try / not / eat A. Although he like chocolate, he tries not to eat it. B. Although he likes chocolate, he tries not eating it. C. Although he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat them. D. Although he likes chocolate, he tries not to eat it.

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