B. Complete these conditional sentences with the correct tenses of the verbs (conditional I) 1. If you keep going in the rain, you (get) …………………. a bad cold 2. If you are asked by your parents, you (tell) ………………….them the truth? 3. The table (collapse) ……………….……….if you stand on it. 4. If you usually (read) ……………………….in bad light, you will ruin your eyes. 5. She will give him your regards if she (see) ……………………….him. 6. You will study better if you (study) …………………….better. 7. If you have a problem, I (share) ………………..……….it with you 8. If she (have) ………………..………. difficulty learning mathematics, her brother will help her. 9. You will have better health if you (eat) ………………..……….less fat and more vegetable. 10. If he (fail) ………………..……….the coming exam, his parents will be very sad

2 câu trả lời

1. Will get
2. Will tell
3. Will be collapsed
4. read
5. Sees
6. Study
7. will share
8. has
9. eat
10. fails

$chúc$ $cậu$ $học$ $tốt$ 

1 will get

2 will tell

3 will collapse

4 read

5 sees

6 study

7 will share

8 has

9 eat

10 fails

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