Bài 3: Chuyển những câu chủ động sau đây thành câu bị động. 9. When will they sell their new products? _____________________________________________________________________ 12. No one will buy products with poor quality. _____________________________________________________________________ 13. They will not allow your dog to enter the museum. _____________________________________________________________________ 14. Have anyone heard of Jim and Jane’s luxury wedding? _____________________________________________________________________ 15. The boys are using the computer to look up information. _____________________________________________________________________ Bài 4: Chuyển những câu bị động dưới đây thành câu chủ động. 1. A gift was sent to me by my old students. _____________________________________________________________________ 2. You are not allow by the teacher to cheat in the exam. _____________________________________________________________________ 3. My table is being fixed by my father. _____________________________________________________________________ 4. How long has this fax machine been used by Mr. Green? _____________________________________________________________________ 5. The singer was not recognized by his fan when he was at the restaurant. _____________________________________________________________________ 6. He will be disqualified from the competition by the judges if he uses drugs. _____________________________________________________________________ 7. All the unnecessary lights will be turned off to save energy. _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Jane was prevented from staying up too late by her mother. _____________________________________________________________________ 9. Was this document typed by Mr. Brown? _____________________________________________________________________ 10. Many dead people were found by the recuers after the earthquake. _____________________________________________________________________ MỌI NGƯỜI GIÚP E VỚI Ạ . E SẼ ĐÁNH GIÁ 5 SAO VÀ CẢM ƠN MỌI NGƯỜI NGAY Ạ

2 câu trả lời

9. When will their new products be sold?

10. At midnight, a wish list was being made by my brother and me

11. Dinner is being prepared by my mother at the moment

12. Products with poor quality will not be bought 

13. Your dog will not be allowed to enter the museum 

14. Have Jim and Jane’s luxury wedding been heard by anyone

15. The computer is being used to look up information by the boys


Bai 4

1. My old students sent me a gift.

2. The teacher doesn't allow you to cheat in the exam.

3. My father is fixing my table.

4. How long has Mr. Green used this fax machine?

5. The singer's fan didn't recognize him when he was at the restaurant.

6. The judges will disqualify him from the competition if he uses drugs.

7. We will turn off all the unnecessary lights to save energy.

8. Jane's mother prevented her from staying up too late.

9. Did Mr. Brown type this document?

10. The rescuers found many dead people after the earthquake.

Bài 3

9. When will their new products be sold?

12. Products with poor quality won't be bought.

13. Your dog won't be allowed to enter the museum.

14. Has Jim and Jane's luxury wedding been heard?

15. The computer are being used to look up information by the boys.

Bài 4

1. My old students sent me a gift.

2. The teacher doesn't allow you to cheat in the exam.

3. My father is fixing my table.

4. How long has Mr. Green used this fax machine?

5. The singer's fan didn't recognize him when he was ar the restaurant.

6. The judges will disqualified him from the competition if he uses drugs.

7. We will turn off all the unnecessary light to save energy.

8. Jane's mother prevented her from staying up too late.

9. Did Mr. Brown type this document?

10. The rescuers found my dead people after the earthquake.

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